Personnel Review
A Journal of People, Work, and Organisations
Issue(s) available: 308 – From Volume: 1 Issue: 1, to Volume: 54 Issue: 1

Volume 54
Issue 1 2025
Volume 53
Volume 52
Volume 51
Volume 50
Volume 49
Volume 48
Volume 47
Volume 46
Volume 44
Volume 40
Volume 39
Volume 38
Volume 35
Volume 34
Volume 24
Volume 23
Volume 22
Volume 21
HR competence in the public sector: antecedents and outcomes
Tai Anh Vu, Geoff Plimmer, Evan BermanThis study examines antecedents and impacts of HR competence and effective HR practices in organizations. People are an essential asset in organizations, but their potential is…
Humanized algorithms matter! From enabling social exchange factors to building affective trust mechanism for facilitating gig workers’ task performance
Jianyu Chen, Min ChenDigital platform work monitored by algorithms is increasingly supplementing or substituting standard employment. Though gig workers are faced with the vulnerable, fragile and…
Artificial intelligence (AI) in the world of work: bibliometric insights and mapping opportunities and challenges
Ashish Malik, Pamela Lirio, Pawan Budhwar, Mai Nguyen, Muhammad Ashraf FauziThis editorial review presents a bibliometric account of the convergence of the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and human resource management (HRM) and an overview of the…
The interactional effects of contextual and individual factors on work–home enrichment
Diep T. N. Nguyen, Huu-Ngoc Nguyen, Stephen T. T. Teo, Nhung Thi Hong Nguyen, Tran Ha Minh QuanIncorporating conservation of resources theory into the sustainable career framework, this study empirically examines how social support at work, harmonious passion and strengths…
To be adaptive or not? Investigating when and how illegitimate tasks promote versus inhibit employee adaptive performance
Bao Cheng, Mengye Chen, Yun DongIllegitimate tasks are pervasive in organizations, presenting a challenge for employees to mitigate their impact. However, despite their significance, there has been limited…
Dual effects of economic dependence on platform workers’ work experiences? The role of autonomy, commitment and online review systems
Sandra L. Fisher, Jeroen Meijerink, Martijn AretsThe current study examines the relationship between platform workers’ economic dependence on platform work and work satisfaction in the context of algorithmic management.
Limits of ethical leadership and the role of ethics-oriented HRM system in managing Machiavellians
Promila Agarwal, Arup VarmaThe current study investigates the significance of ethics-oriented HRM systems (EHRMS) and ethical leadership in addressing the unethical behavior of Machiavellians in…
How is it going to end? Negative workplace gossip about coworkers, compensatory ethics and gossipers helping behavior toward coworkers
Hongdan Zhao, Yunshuo MaDrawing upon compensatory ethics theory, this study explored the underlying mechanisms through which gossipers engaged in helping behavior as a form of compensation after…
Boundary conditions on the dark side of high-performance work systems: leader-member exchange as a job resource
Jiawei Yu, Roshayati Abdul Hamid, Lin DuEmployee emotional exhaustion is widely recognized as a hidden cost associated with high-performance work systems (HPWS). To delve deeper into the pathway from HPWS to emotional…
Does platform leadership foster subordinates’ innovative behavior? A multilevel moderated mediation analysis
Yihong Dong, Yingwu LiDrawing on social information processing theory, this study investigates how platform leadership influences employees’ innovative behavior. Specifically, we propose a theoretical…
Unveiling workplace dynamics: insights from voluntary disclosures on business outlook and CEO approval
Ned Kock, Mohamed Yacine Haddoud, Adah-Kole Onjewu, Shiyu YangThis inquiry extends the discourse on job satisfaction and employee referral. It aims to examine the moderating effects of perceived business outlook and CEO approval in the…
Examining the effect of leader self-deprecating humor on subordinate learning from failure
Songbo Liu, Xi WangThis study aims to explore the effect of leader self-deprecating humor on subordinate learning from failure by considering task reflexivity as an explanatory mechanism and…
Reasons for HR analytics adoption in public sector organisations: evidence from Swedish public administrations
Yanina EspegrenThis study explores the rationale behind the utilisation of human resource (HR) analytics in public sector organisations. The existing HR analytics literature exhibits limited…
Reconceptualizing HR change agency: introducing a framework and propositions for future research
Johanna Finnholm, Andreas Wallo, Karin Allard, Stefan TengbladThis paper critically examines the empirical literature on the human resource (HR) function during organizational change, identifying the competence required for HR practitioners…
Skilled migrant hiring and selection: organisations’ challenges in embracing diversity in recruitment
Thi Tuyet Tran, Nuttawuth Muenjohn, Alan MontagueThis paper used Zikic’s (2015) integrated framework for managing diversity to review the skilled migrant literature and explore reasons non-English-speaking background (NESB…
Beyond performance and potential in talent management: exploring the impact of mobility on talent designation
Daniel TyskboThe purpose of this paper is to contribute to a grounded understanding of how mobility impacts talent designation and with what consequences.
Free to have imbalance? Freelancers’ work–life balance and the moderating role of three key work facets
Christer André FlatøyThe purpose of this paper is to enrich the HRM literature on freelancers’ work–life balance. To do so, we investigate the difference in freelance and employed journalists’…
Algorithmic human resource management: toward a functional affordance perspective
Qinyan Gong, Di Fan, Timothy BartramOrganizations are increasingly deploying algorithmic human resource management (HRM) for decision-making. Despite algorithms beginning to permeate HRM practices, our understanding…
Human resource management practices in corporate restructuring: a review and agenda for future research
Patia J. McGrathAlthough corporate restructuring has the potential to provide performance benefits to firms, it can also bring upheaval and challenges to the restructuring firms’ employees…
Exploring the careers of women with disabilities: a systematic review and implications for human resource management
Xi Wen Chan, Kate HutchingsAlthough many organisations and governments internationally acknowledge that a diverse workforce is essential for improved decision-making, employee well-being and organisational…
Impact of organisational facilitators and perceived HR effectiveness on acceptance of AI-augmented HRM: an integrated TAM and TPB perspective
Verma Prikshat, Sanjeev Kumar, Parth Patel, Arup VarmaDrawing on the integrative perspective of the technology acceptance model (TAM) and theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and extending it further by examining the role of…
Mentoring global talent: an integrative review
Hui Zhang, Luciara NardonThe international mentoring literature predominantly features traditional company-assigned expatriates as protégés overlooking other types of global talent, such as immigrants…
A temporal evolution of human resource management and technology research: a retrospective bibliometric analysis
Srumita Narzary, Upam Pushpak Makhecha, Pawan Budhwar, Ashish Malik, Satish KumarResearch on human resource management (HRM) and technology has gained momentum recently. This review aims to create a bibliographic profile of the field of HRM and technology…
Understanding turnover of generation Y early-career workers: the influence of values and field of study
Rita Rueff-Lopes, Ferran Velasco, Josep Sayeras, Ana Junça-SilvaGeneration Y early-career workers have the highest turnover rates ever seen. To better understand this phenomenon, this study combines the P-O values fit with the Cohort…
A systematic literature review on artificial intelligence in recruiting and selection: a matter of ethics
Martina Mori, Sara Sassetti, Vincenzo Cavaliere, Mariacristina BontiStarting from the relevance of ethics to the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of employee recruitment and selection (R&S), in this article, we aim to…
Artificial intelligence-based virtual assistant and employee engagement: an empirical investigation
Debolina Dutta, Sushanta Kumar MishraScholars have highlighted personal interactions between employees and their leaders in an increasingly distributed and hybrid work environment as an essential mechanism that…
Addressing the gap in information security: an HR-centric and AI-driven framework for mitigating insider threats
Mohan Thite, Ramanathan IyerDespite ongoing reports of insider-driven leakage of confidential data, both academic scholars and practitioners tend to focus on external threats and favour information…
Disrupting human resource management with people analytics: a study of applications, value, enablers and barriers in Italy
Stefano Di Lauro, Aizhan Tursunbayeva, Gilda Antonelli, Luigi MoscheraThis research aims to explore whether or how organizations adopt people analytics (PA), its value and potential socio-technical factors that can enable or hinder PA projects by…
Have HR strategic partners left the building? The (new) role of HR professionals from a social-symbolic perspective
Roberta Cuel, Aurelio Ravarini, Barbara Imperatori, Gilda Antonelli, Teresina TorreThis manuscript explores the evolving roles of HR professionals amidst global megatrends and organizational transitions, focusing on the Italian context, which has experienced…
AI and the metaverse in the workplace: DEI opportunities and challenges
Marco Marabelli, Pamela LirioThe metaverse, through artificial intelligence (AI) systems and capabilities, allows considerable data analysis in the workplace, largely exceeding traditional people analytics…
Job design in blue- and white-collar jobs: the influence of transformational leadership on job crafting and i-deals
Danina Mainka, Annika Pestotnik, Sarah AltmannWhereas job crafting and idiosyncratic deals (i-deals) have primarily been studied in white-collar jobs, there is a lack of research on job design in less skilled and highly…
Good, bad and ugly experiences of non-binary gender inclusion at the workplace to frame employee value proposition
Mita Mehta, Jyoti M. KappalThe present study aims to gauge the experience of gender non-binary (NB) employees in the context of employee value propositions (EVP) in Indian enterprises and make suggestions…
How does AI-enabled HR analytics influence employee resilience: job crafting as a mediator and HRM system strength as a moderator
Qijie Xiao, Jiaqi Yan, Greg J. BamberBased on the JD-R model and process-focused HRM perspective, this research paper aims to investigate the processes underlying the relationship between AI-enabled HR analytics and…
Not your average candidate: overqualified job applicants in the eyes of hiring practitioners
Mohsen Rafiei, Hans Van DijkEarly research on overqualification suggested that overqualification is primarily associated with negative attitudes and behavior. As a consequence, hiring practitioners were…
The art of staying in touch – exploring daily feedback interactions between a leader and a subordinate in remote work
Linda Johanna Jansson, Hilpi KangasThis study aims to widen the understanding of how remote work shapes the feedback environment by examining the perceptions of leaders and subordinates of daily, dyadic feedback…
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1971Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Eddy Ng
- Professor Pauline Stanton