Personnel Review: Volume 23 Issue 7

A Journal of People, Work, and Organisations


Table of contents

The Employee Assistance Programme: Its Role in Organizational Coping and Excellence

John R. Berridge, Cary L. Cooper

Defines the employee assistance programme (EAP) and describes itspotential and impact on organizations. Provides details of how EAPsoperate at each step. Evaluates their use and…


EAPs and Stress Management: From Theory to Practice to Comprehensiveness

Philip Dewe

Recently a more cynical attitude to workplace stress reductionprogrammes has been emerging. If these programmes are accepted asbeneficial then what has gone wrong? Attempts to…


Designing Employee Welfare Provision

Ann Davis, Lucy Gibson

Describes a process through which organizations might seek to implementinterventions relating to employee wellbeing. Emphasizes the importanceof a comprehensive needs assessment…


Evaluating EAPs

J. Carolyn Highley, Cary L. Cooper

Until recently most evaluations of EAPs have been qualitative. In the USthere has been a move towards insisting on hard data, i.e. costā€benefitratios. The nature of EAPs makes…


EAPs and Their Future in the UK: History Repeating Itself?

Michael Reddy

The multiple roots of Employee Assistance Programmes belie the commonlyheld view which sees them simply as the descendant of OccupationalAlcohol Programmes. Their origins in…


Qualified Optimism: EAP Prospects for the 1990s

John R. Berridge, Cary L. Cooper

Explores three themes: quality in EAPs; the regulation of the EAPprofession; and integration between the EAP and the organization. Soundsa note of qualified optimism for the…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Eddy Ng
  • Professor Pauline Stanton