Journal of Managerial Psychology
Issue(s) available: 274 – From Volume: 1 Issue: 1, to Volume: 40 Issue: 1

Volume 40
Issue 1 2025
Volume 39
Volume 38
Volume 37
Volume 36
Volume 35
Volume 34
Volume 32
Volume 31
Volume 30
Volume 29
Volume 28
Issue 7/8 2013 Facilitating Age Diversity In Organizations - Part I: Challenging Popular Misbeliefs About Older Workers
Issue 6 2013
Issue 5 2013
Issue 4 2013 Workplace aggression and bullying at the crossroads state of the art in theory and research. Part two moderators and outcomes
Issue 3 2013 Workplace aggression and bullying at the crossroads state of the art in theory and research
Issue 2 2013
Issue 1 2013
Volume 27
Volume 26
Volume 25
Volume 24
Volume 23
Volume 22
Volume 21
Volume 20
Volume 19
Volume 18
Volume 17
Volume 16
Volume 15
Volume 12
Volume 11
Volume 10
Technophobia and the manager’s intention to adopt generative AI: the impact of self-regulated learning and open organisational culture
Li Zhao, Qile He, Muhammad Mustafa Kamal, Nicholas O’ReganUsing the cognitive-affective-normative (CAN) model, this study highlights the role of self-regulated learning (SRL) and organisational culture and delves into the link between…
Authentic leadership and employee expediency: a moderated mediation framework
Zhining Wang, Yanying Yao, Shaohan CaiBased on self-verification theory, this study examines the impact of authentic leadership on employee expediency in China. Specifically, the authors investigate the mediating…
Breaking the cycle of injustice: how leaders act justly under the double threat of higher-level injustice and low justice rewards
Sixuan Chen, Bei Ye, Yani Zhang, Kong Zhou, Xuhua WeiThis research investigates when and why lower-level leaders counteract interactional injustice after experiencing injustice from their superiors.
Shelters from the storm: a daily investigation of customer sexual harassment and organizational resources as moderators
Yijue Liang, Sohee Kim, YoungAh Park, Sooyeol KimThis paper investigates gender disparities, daily repercussions, and organizational implications related to customer sexual harassment (CSH) of service workers.
Contextual cues matter: advancing personality research through the interactions of implicit and explicit personality with situations
Jaime L. Williams, Susan M. Stewart, H. Kristl DavisonThis paper confirms and expands upon the implicit and explicit personality model of Bing et al. (2007) by replicating earlier findings and conducting an exploratory test of the…
Navigating the unspoken: the impact of socio-institutional factors on Pakistani employees’ perceptions of implicit promises
Sara Chaudhry, Maryam Aldossari, Btissam AboubichrThe purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the under-studied construct of implicit promises within the broader field of psychological contracts by highlighting the impact…
Age diversity and team performance – the moderating roles of team LMX quality and differentiation
Michael Hahn, Thorsten SemrauThis study aims to extend our knowledge of how leadership shapes the consequences of team age diversity. Specifically, we adopt a relational perspective on leadership to examine…
The “lasso effect” – toward the development of a theory of motivational contagion
Christopher B. Neck, Christopher P. Neck, Michael G. Goldsby, Elizabeth A. GoldsbyDespite turning a recent eye toward work teams, motivation research has largely treated the group as a contextual influence affecting an individual’s motivation, leaving…
Muslim employees’ religious and intersectional identities as sources of discrimination: how deeper understanding can improve managerial practice
Debora Gottardello, Rosalía Cascón-Pereira, Deirdre AndersonThis study aims to explore how intersecting identities shape experiences of workplace discrimination faced by Muslim employees in Catalonia, Spain. We seek to understand the…
A meta-analysis of perceived job alternatives and employee turnover: addressing the availability versus quality distinction
Michael B. Harari, Alex L. Rubenstein, Kate M. McCombs, Susan DennettPerceived job alternatives (PJAs) play a central role in most theoretical models of employee turnover. However, the state of the empirical literature remains confused. The present…
Coworkers’ self-leadership and employees’ knowledge sharing: a moderated chain mediation model
Lianghua Zhang, Yongli Wang, Dong Guoqing, Hailing LuSelf-leadership’s positive interpersonal influence is rarely considered in empirical research despite its significance to organizational social dynamics. Thus, this study aims to…
Why do leaders reject employee voice: a job demands-resources and conservation of resources approach
Shuwei Zong, Yi Han, Fu Yang, Qin WangBased on the job demands-resources model (JD-R model) and conservation of resources (COR) approach, this study aims to examine how role overload and leader–leader exchange (LLX…
AI-powered leadership: a systematic literature review
Muhammad Faisal Aziz, J. Irudhaya Rajesh, Fazilat Jahan, Adela McMurrray, Nisar Ahmed, Roshni Narendran, Christian HarrisonIn this era of rapid technological advancement, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a crucial factor in reshaping organisational dynamics, notably in the realm of…
The effect of employee STARA awareness on job crafting: exploring the moderating role of positive stress mindset
Chen Yang, Ping JiangThe purpose of this paper is to explore how and when employee smart technology, artificial intelligence, robotics and algorithms (STARA) awareness affects job crafting through…
Coping with interest incongruence: the joint roles of proactive personality and job crafting
Qingxiong Weng, Lixin ChenDrawing on the conservation of resources (COR) theory, we propose a mediated moderation showing how proactive personality (PP) and job crafting toward interests (JC-interests…
Every coin has two sides: a self-determination perspective on the relationship between algorithmic management and gig workers’ job burnout
Juan Peng, Minyuan Wei, Teng Iat Loi, Jiaojiao LiThis research focuses on how algorithmic management, as a primary method of platform governance, affects job burnout among gig workers. Drawing on self-determination theory, our…
Linking creativity with unethical behaviors: investigating when and why creativity predicts unethical pro-organizational behavior
Ying Zhang, Jian Zhang, Xing Bu, Na ZhangThe aim of this study is to examine when and why employee creative behavior leads to unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB). Drawing on research on moral licensing, we argue…
How do challenge and hindrance stressors differentially influence work-to-family enrichment? The roles of self-esteem and marital power
Alice J.M. Tan, Raymond LoiThe paper aims to extend the work–home resources model by identifying self-esteem as the mechanism and marital power as the moderator on the relationship between…
How does negative workplace gossip influence receivers’ interaction avoidance and willingness to cooperate? The role of attributed self-serving motives
Qianlin Zhu, Ken Cheng, Nanqi ZouAlthough negative workplace gossip is ubiquitous, we know little about how it influences the sender–receiver relationship. Drawing on attribution theory and the warmth–competence…
Linking leader boundary spanning to task performance and its boundary conditions: a conservation of resources perspective
Seckyoung Loretta Kim, Sunghyuck Mah, Seoin Yoon, Seokhwa YunDrawing on conservation of resources (COR) theory, this research aims to advance the current understanding of leader boundary spanning by examining its effect on task performance…
Dilemmatic commitments following psychological contract breach and its contrasting implications for voluntary turnover and organizational citizenship behaviour
Neil Conway, Michael E. ClintonWe introduce the notion of dilemmatic commitments to psychological contract theory and research – where breach lowers affective commitment while raising continuance commitment …
Beyond a buzzword: the agile mindset as a new research construct in organizational psychology
Tabea Augner, Carsten C. SchermulyPrevious research on agility has focused on investigating agile practices as external structures (e.g. Scrum, Kanban) that make people do agile. A new line of research is…
The influence of personality on emotional and behavioral responses to psychological contract breach
Rachel M. Saef, Tine Köhler, Andrew JebbUsing Hirschman's Exit–Voice–Loyalty–Neglect (EVLN) framework, this study examines the dual-moderating role of the big five personality traits in shaping workers' behavioral…
Casually cynical or trapped? Exploring gig workers’ reactions to psychological contract violation
Tina Saksida, Michael Maffie, Katarina Katja Mihelič, Barbara Culiberg, Ajda MerkužDrawing on psychological contract (PC) theory and platform labor research, the purpose of our study was to explore gig workers’ reactions to perceived PC violation. Our study was…
Substitution and complementarity between human and artificial intelligence: a dynamic capabilities view
Christopher Agyapong Siaw, Waqas AliThis paper draws on the dynamic capabilities (DC) view to develop a conceptual framework that explicates the mechanisms through which human intelligence (HI) and artificial…
Artificial intelligence in the workplace – challenges, opportunities and HRM framework: a critical review and research agenda for change
John Mendy, Apoorva Jain, Asha ThomasThis paper specifically aims to examine how (via which activities, methods and capabilities) organizations’ management deploy Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems to address…
Third parties’ reactions to the illegitimate tasks of coworkers
Lijun Wu, Maolin Ye, Doudou Liu, Yushuai ChenPrevious studies have mainly focused on the negative impact of illegitimate tasks on recipients but ignored its impact on observers. Drawing on deservingness theory, this research…
The compensatory protective effects of organizational and supervisor support for nurses’ morale in sickness presenteeism: a three-way moderated mediation model
Hsin-Pei Wu, Luo LuThe present study explored sickness presenteeism as a linchpin connecting prolonged working hours to elevated turnover intention among hospital nurses (mediation). In addition, we…
On the consequences of AI bias: when moral values supersede algorithm bias
Kwadwo Asante, David Sarpong, Derrick BoakyeThis study responded to calls to investigate the behavioural and social antecedents that produce a highly positive response to AI bias in a constrained region, which is…
Is family motivation family-friendly? How and when family motivation leads to work interference with family
Feng Gao, Yuqing Sun, Zhicheng Li, Manyi WangIntegrating self-determination theory with work-family boundary theory, this study delves into the mechanism (i.e. workplace anxiety) and boundary (i.e. intrinsic motivation) by…
Flexible paths to innovation: mitigating commuting’s impact on creative deviance
Xiaoqin Liu, Zhibin Lin, Xiaohui Li, Cuiying LiangThis study aims to investigate how long commutes negatively affect employees’ creative deviance at work, exploring the mediating role that impaired work–life balance plays in…
Humanizing GenAI at work: bridging the gap between technological innovation and employee engagement
Alba Manresa, Ammar Sammour, Marta Mas-Machuca, Weifeng Chen, David BotchieThis paper seeks to explore the influence of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) on employee performance in the workplace, viewed from a managerial perspective. It…
Emphasizing family as a source of social support: implications for work-family conflict and job satisfaction among hispanic professionals
Ryan P. Jacobson, Kathryn J.L. Jacobson, Robert G. DelCampoAlthough Hispanics represent a large and growing proportion of the US workforce, little is known regarding the possible effects of their somewhat unique cultural values, beliefs…
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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Carrie Bulger