Journal of Managerial Psychology: Volume 10 Issue 1


Table of contents

Executive stereotyping between cultures: the British vs. German manager

Cary L. Cooper, Bruce D. Kirkcaldy

German and British managers who were attending professionaltraining courses in management were required to rate managers from theother country as to how they perceived them. The…


Teamthink: beyond the groupthink syndrome in self‐managing work teams

Charles C. Manz, Christopher P. Neck

Self‐managing teams have been credited with many positive payoffs.These include increased quality, productivity, employee quality of worklife, and decreases in absenteeism and…


Managerial effectiveness in the NHS: a possible framework for considering the effectiveness of the clinical director

Stephen Willcocks

Examines managerial effectiveness in the NHS, in particular theeffectiveness of the clinical director. Based on a qualitative study ofan NHS Trust hospital case study, utilizes a…


Ethics: dealing with cancer patients/employees: a case study

L.M. Geddes

he role of employees in decision making within an organization hasdrawn increasing attention in the last decade as concern has focused onquality, e.g. quality circles, total…


Moving a business forward through team learning

Stephen D. McKenna

Investigates why team learning is important in driving a businessforward by outlining work with a top team in a manufacturing plant of atelecommunications company. Outlines the…

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  • Professor Carrie Bulger