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Publication date: 8 November 2022

Claudia Cozzio, Oksana Tokarchuk and Oswin Maurer

The purpose of this study is to investigate tourist in-destination consumption patterns in the context of bundled holiday packages in different resort categories to identify…




The purpose of this study is to investigate tourist in-destination consumption patterns in the context of bundled holiday packages in different resort categories to identify demand behavior that allows implementing profit-enhancing policies through attractive bundled offers for specific tourist segments.


This study relies on data gathered in a quasi-experiment to analyze differences in consumption patterns at resort bars over a two-year period (summer 2018 and 2019) before and after the introduction of an all-inclusive soft drinks package.


The findings inform on bundling strategies according to different degrees of price consciousness and resort category. In particular, guests in upscale resorts are more likely to under-consume items included in a pre-paid bundle and significantly engage in additional spending than economy resort guests.


The quasi-experiment provides the actual in-destination consumption patterns and offering managerial insights and tools to tailor the form and content of bundles according to resort category.


本研究的目的是调查游客目的地消费模式在不同度假村类别的捆绑度假套餐的背景调查及研究。本研究旨通过深入了解市场需求, 来针对特定游客细分市场提供对其具有吸引力的捆绑优惠, 目的是让完善定价决策, 从而达到更优化利润。


本研究依赖于通过准实验收集的数据, 该准实验侧重于分析度假村客人在两年期间(2018 年和 2019 年夏季)在推出全包无酒饮料套餐前后在度假村酒吧的消费模式的变化。


研究结果为如何根据度假村类别相关的不同价格意识程度来运用捆绑策略。到达目的地后, 高档度假村的客人更有可能对预购捆绑包中包含的物品消费不足, 并且与入住经济型度假村的游客相比, 大幅增加额外支出。


我们的准实验审查了几乎没有被研究学习过的客人在目的地的实际消费模式。本研究对有用的管理工具的认识有更进一步的贡献:捆绑包的内容重点应由经济度假村的从业人员精心设计; 而在高档度假村, 应该以混合捆绑作为捆绑策略的一种形式。


El objetivo de este estudio es investigar los patrones de consumo de los turistas en destino en el contexto de los paquetes vacacionales combinados en diferentes categorías de complejos turísticos. Esta investigación persigue la adquisición de un conocimiento profundo del comportamiento de la demanda que permita la aplicación de políticas de precios que aumenten los beneficios mediante la orientación de ofertas con paquetes atractivos a segmentos específicos de turistas.


El estudio actual se basa en los datos recogidos a través de un cuasi-experimento centrado en el análisis de las diferencias en los patrones de consumo de los huéspedes del resort en los bares del mismo durante un período de dos años (temporadas de verano 2018 y 2019), antes y después de la introducción de un paquete de refrescos con todo incluido.


Los resultados del estudio informan sobre cómo aprovechar las estrategias de agrupación según los diferentes grados de conciencia de los precios asociados a la categoría del complejo turístico considerado. Una vez que llegan al destino, los huéspedes de los complejos turísticos de categoría superior son más propensos a no consumir los artículos incluidos en un paquete precomprado y a realizar un gasto adicional significativo en comparación con los turistas alojados en complejos turísticos económicos.


Nuestro cuasi-experimento examina empíricamente las pautas de consumo reales de los huéspedes en el destino, que apenas han sido examinadas. Este estudio contribuye además al reconocimiento de herramientas de gestión útiles: los profesionales de los complejos turísticos económicos deberían diseñar cuidadosamente el enfoque del paquete en términos de su contenido, mientras que el paquete mixto como forma de estrategia de agrupación debería favorecerse en los complejos turísticos de alto nivel.

Publication date: 13 March 2020

Laron Delano Alleyne, Onoh-Obasi Okey and Winston Moore

One of the main factors that can impact the cost of holidays to a particular destination is the exchange rate; exchange rate fluctuations impact the overall price of the holiday…



One of the main factors that can impact the cost of holidays to a particular destination is the exchange rate; exchange rate fluctuations impact the overall price of the holiday and should be expected to effect tourism demand. This paper aims to scrutinize the volatility of the real effective exchange rate between the source market relative to the holiday destination and tourism demand volatility, where the influence of disaggregated data is noted.


The study uses multivariate conditional volatility regressions to simulate the time-varying conditional variances of international visitor demand and exchange rates for the relatively mature Caribbean tourist destination of Barbados. Data on the country’s main source markets, the UK, the USA and Canada is used, where the decision to disaggregate the analysis by market allows the authors to contribute to policymaking, particularly the future of tourism marketing.


The volatility models used in the paper suggests that shocks to total arrivals, as well as the USA and UK markets tend to die out relatively quickly. Asymmetric effects were observed for total arrivals, mainly due to the combination of the different source markets and potential evidence of Butler’s (1980) concept of a tourist area’s cycle of growth. The results also highlight the significance of using disaggregated tourism demand models to simulate volatility, as aggregated models do not adequately capture source market specific shocks, due to the potential model misspecification. Exchange rate volatility is postulated to have resulted in the greater utilization of packaged tours in some markets, while the effects of the market’s online presence moderates the impact of exchange rate volatility on tourist arrivals. Markets should also explore the potential of attracting higher numbers of older tourist, as this group may have higher disposable incomes, thereby mitigating the influence of exchange rate volatility.

Research limitations/implications

Some of the explanatory variables were not available on a high enough frequency and proxies had to be used. However, the approach used was consistent with other papers in the literature.

Practical implications

The results from the paper suggest that the effects of exchange rate volatility in key source markets were offset by non-price factors in some markets and the existence of the exchange rate peg in others. In particular, the online presence of the destination was one of those non-price factors highlighted as being important.


In most theoretical models of tourism demand, disaggregation is not normally considered a significant aspect of the model. This paper contributes to the literature by investigating the impact real effective exchange rate volatility has on tourism demand at a disaggregated source country level. The approach highlights the importance of modeling tourism demand at a disaggregated level and provides important perspective from a mature small island destination.



该研究采用多元条件波动回归来拟合相对成熟的加勒比海旅游目的地巴巴多斯的国际游客需求和汇率的时变条件方差。本研究逐一分析了该国主要客源市场(英国, 美国和加拿大)的数据, 从而为政策制定, 尤其是对今后的旅游营销做出贡献。


汇率是影响到特定目的地度假成本的主要因素之一。汇率波动会影响整体的度假成本, 并会影响旅游需求。基于按客源地分类的数据, 本文详细研究了客源市场相对于度假目的地的实际有效汇率的波动性以及旅游需求的波动性。


本文使用的波动模型表明, 汇率冲击对入境总人数以及美国和英国市场影响短暂。冲击对总入境人数产生的不对称效应, 主要是由于不同的客源市场加总和巴特勒(1980)关于旅游区增长周期概念所致。本文结论还凸显了使用基于客源地数据的旅游需求模型来模拟波动性的重要性, 因为加总数据不能充分捕获具体客源地市场的冲击从而产生模型设定作物。汇率波动会引起某些市场中团体游客的增加, 而目的地的线上热度影响会调节汇率波动对游客人数的影响。市场还应探索吸引更多老年游客的潜力, 因为该群体的可支配收入可能更高, 从而减轻了汇率波动的影响。


由于一些解释变量的数据频率不够高, 本文不得不使用一些替代指标。所使用的方法与文献中的其他论文一致。


该论文的结果表明, 在某些客源地市场, 汇率波动的影响会被某非价格因素所抵消, 而在另一些主要客源地市场, 固定汇率的存在刚好规避了汇率波动产生的影响。目的地的线上热度是重要的非价格因素之一。


在大多数旅游需求理论模型中, 按客源地拆分的数据通常不被视为模型的重要方面。本文的理论贡献则是通过研究实际有效汇率波动对不同客源国的旅游需求的影响强调了旅游需求建模中使用基于客源地数据的重要性, 并以一个成熟的小岛目的地为角度进行了阐述。



Uno de los principales factores que pueden afectar al costo de las vacaciones a un destino en particular es el tipo de cambio; Las fluctuaciones del tipo de cambio afectan a el precio general de las vacaciones y es normal que afecten a la demanda turística. Este documento analiza la volatilidad del tipo de cambio efectivo real entre el mercado de origen en relación con el destino de vacaciones y la volatilidad de la demanda turística, donde se observa la influencia de los datos desagregados.


El estudio emplea regresiones de volatilidad condicional multivariadas para simular las variaciones condicionales variables en el tiempo de la demanda de visitantes internacionales y los tipos de cambio para el destino turístico caribeño relativamente maduro de Barbados. Se emplean datos sobre los principales mercados de origen del país, el Reino Unido, los Estados Unidos de América y Canadá, donde la decisión de desagrerar el análisis por mercado permite a los autores contribuir a la formulación de políticas, en particular al futuro del marketing turístico.


Los modelos de volatilidad utilizados en el documento sugieren que los shocks en las llegadas totales, así como en los mercados de los Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido, tienden a desaparecer con relativa rapidez. Se observaron efectos asimétricos para las llegadas totales, principalmente debido a la combinación de los diferentes mercados de origen y la evidencia potencial del concepto de Butler (1980) del ciclo de crecimiento de un área turística. Los resultados también resaltan la importancia de utilizar modelos desagregados de demanda turística para simular la volatilidad, ya que los modelos agregados no capturan adecuadamente los shocks específicos del mercado de origen, debido a la posible especificación errónea del modelo. Se postula que la volatilidad del tipo de cambio influye en una mayor utilización de los paquetes turísticos en algunos mercados, mientras que los efectos de la presencia del mercado en linea (online) moderan el impacto de la volatilidad del tipo de cambio en las llegadas de turistas. Los mercados también deberían explorar el potencial de atraer un mayor número de turistas mayores, ya que este grupo puede tener mayores ingresos disponibles, mitigando así la influencia de la volatilidad del tipo de cambio.

Limitaciones / implicaciones de la investigación

Algunas de las variables explicativas no estaban disponibles en una frecuencia alta y se tuvieron que utilizar proxies. Sin embargo, el enfoque utilizado fue consistente con otros artículos en la literatura.

Implicaciones practices

Los resultados del documento sugieren que los efectos de la volatilidad del tipo de cambio en los mercados de origen clave fueron compensados por factores no relacionados con los precios en algunos mercados y la existencia de la vinculación del tipo de cambio en otros. En particular, la presencia en línea (online) del destino fue uno de esos factores no relacionados con el precio destacados como importantes.


En la mayoría de los modelos teóricos de la demanda turística, la desagregación normalmente no se considera un aspecto significativo del modelo. Este documento contribuye a la literatura al investigar el impacto que la volatilidad efectiva del tipo de cambio real tiene sobre la demanda turística a nivel de país de origen desagregado. El enfoque resalta la importancia de modelar la demanda turística a un nivel desagregado y proporciona una perspectiva importante desde un destino insular pequeño y maduro.

Publication date: 9 November 2022

Tim Fichter and Concepción Román

This paper aims to examine rural tourism preferences as an alternative niche market to mass tourism destinations. The analysis discusses the differences in perceptions and…



This paper aims to examine rural tourism preferences as an alternative niche market to mass tourism destinations. The analysis discusses the differences in perceptions and willingness to pay (WTP) for various packages of rural tourism activities in Gran Canaria Island among residents and non-residents.


The analysis is based on a convenience sample of potential young customers who are familiar with outdoor recreational activities in nature. This study considers a discrete choice experiment that includes the type of accommodation as well as four types of rural tourism activities: active, passive, cultural and aquatic. The degree of preference for the considered attributes is obtained from the estimation of different discrete choice models.


Results reveal that the inclusion of the investigated attributes in holiday packages increases tourists’ utility, which motivates the promotion of rural tourism for young residents and non-residents. The most significant differences in perceptions of attributes between residents and non-residents were found in the activities of diving/snorkelling and stargazing, as well as the type of accommodation and package price.

Practical implications

This study will contribute to a better understanding of an alternative tourism market which will help key stakeholders in the tourism sector to better serve this important segment of the industry and to encourage more sustainable tourism in the future.


To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first study evaluating the WTP for rural tourism packages as a more sustainable alternative in mass tourism destinations and taking into account resident vs non-resident perceptions.




该分析基于熟悉户外休闲活动的潜在年轻客户的便利样本。该研究考虑了一个离散选择实验, 包括住宿类型以及四种类型的乡村旅游活动:积极、消极、文化和水上活动。所考虑属性的偏好程度是从不同离散选择模型的估计中获得的。


结果表明, 度假套餐中包含调查的属性增加了游客的效用, 从而促进了年轻居民和非居民的乡村旅游。在潜水/浮潜和观星活动, 以及住宿类型和套餐价格方面, 居民和非居民对属性的认知差异最显着。


据作者所知, 这是第一项评估农村旅游套餐的支付意愿作为大众旅游目的地更可持续的替代方案的研究, 并考虑了居民与非居民的看法。


该研究将有助于更好地了解替代旅游市场, 这将有助于旅游业的主要利益相关者更好地服务于该行业的这一重要部分, 并鼓励未来更可持续的旅游业。


Este trabajo examina las preferencias del turismo rural como nicho de mercado alternativo a los destinos turísticos de masas. El análisis discute las diferencias en las percepciones y la disposición a pagar por varios paquetes de actividades de turismo rural en la isla de Gran Canaria entre residentes y no residentes.


El análisis se basa en una muestra de conveniencia de potenciales clientes jóvenes que están familiarizados con las actividades recreativas al aire libre en la naturaleza. El estudio considera un experimento de elección discreta que incluye el tipo de alojamiento, así como cuatro tipos de actividades de turismo rural: activo, pasivo, cultural y acuático. El grado de preferencia por los atributos considerados se obtiene a partir de la estimación de diferentes modelos de elección discreta.


Los resultados revelan que la inclusión de los atributos investigados en los paquetes vacacionales aumenta la utilidad de los turistas, lo que motiva la promoción del turismo rural para jóvenes residentes y no residentes. Las diferencias más significativas en las percepciones de los atributos entre residentes y no residentes se encontraron en las actividades de buceo/snorkel y observación de estrellas, así como en el tipo de alojamiento y el precio del paquete.


Hasta donde los autores saben, este es el primer estudio que evalúa la disposición a pagar por paquetes de turismo rural como una alternativa más sostenible en destinos de turismo masivo y que tiene en cuenta las percepciones de los residentes frente a los no residentes.

Implicaciones prácticas 

El estudio contribuirá a una mejor comprensión de un mercado turístico alternativo que ayudará a los principales agentes del sector turístico a atender mejor este importante segmento de la industria y a fomentar un turismo más sostenible en el futuro.

Publication date: 16 June 2023

Cecilie Andersen, Marit Gundersen Engeset and Ellen Katrine Nyhus

This paper aims to explore how different levels of involvement in the prevacation phase affect vacationers’ subsequent satisfaction, word of mouth (WOM) recommendations and loyal…



This paper aims to explore how different levels of involvement in the prevacation phase affect vacationers’ subsequent satisfaction, word of mouth (WOM) recommendations and loyal behavior with regard to the planning/booking process.


Data from a field study (N = 5,158) in a travel planning context are used to investigate the differences in WOM recommendations and loyalty between self-packagers (higher involvement) and package buyers (lower involvement).


Tourists who are less involved in the prevacation phase are more likely to recommend the planning/booking process, while more involved tourists are more likely to repeat the same planning/booking process than package buyers.

Practical implications

The findings have implications for tourist agencies, tour operators, tourism suppliers and tourism marketers in terms of customer retention and WOM communication. These findings also have theoretical implications for the WOM and loyalty literature.


This paper reveals how involvement in travel planning may affect satisfaction, WOM recommendation and loyalty behavior. These relationships have not been investigated before.




使用在旅游规划背景下的一项实地研究(N = 5158)数据来研究自我安排行程者与套餐购买者之间的WOM推荐和忠诚度的差异。


较之自我安排行程者, 套餐购买者更有可能推荐规划/预订过程, 而自我安排行程者比套餐购买者更有可能重复相同的规划过程。






Este artículo explora si la elección de la planificación de vacaciones y la modalidad de reserva (independiente vs compra de paquetes) afecta la satisfacción posterior de los turistas, las recomendaciones boca a boca (WOM) y la fidelización relacionada con el proceso de planificación y reserva.


Se utilizaron datos de un estudio de campo (N = 5158) en un contexto de planificación de viajes para investigar las diferencias en las recomendaciones WOM y la fidelización entre viajeros independientes (mayor participación) y compradores de paquetes (menor participación).


Es más probable que los compradores de paquetes recomienden el proceso de planificación/reserva que los viajeros independientes, mientras que estos últimos tienen más probabilidades de repetir el mismo proceso de planificación que los compradores de paquetes.


El documento proporciona información sobre la manera como la participación en la planificación de viajes puede afectar la satisfacción, recomendaciones WOM y fidelización. Estas correlaciones no han sido investigadas anteriormente.


Estos hallazgos tienen implicaciones para las agencias, operadores, proveedores y comercializadores turísticos en términos de retención de clientes y comunicación WOM con el cliente. Los hallazgos también tienen implicaciones teóricas para el WOM y la literatura sobre fidelización.

Publication date: 5 June 2023

Tat-Huei Cham, Garry Wei-Han Tan, Eugene Cheng-Xi Aw, Keng-Boon Ooi, Teck-Weng Jee and Chuen-Khee Pek

Since its inception, virtual reality (VR) technologies have been widely applied in the tourism industry, given their competitive advantages in offering users a novel experience…




Since its inception, virtual reality (VR) technologies have been widely applied in the tourism industry, given their competitive advantages in offering users a novel experience that makes an artificial environment or scene feel like the real world. As a result, VR has been reported as a highly sought-after technology, as it can offer a new way to engage tourists and enhance their travel experience. However, the adoption of VR by senior tourists (who are one of the potential groups of tourists) is still relatively low in the tourism context. Against this backdrop, this study aims to respond to the deficiency in the literature by examining the impact of barriers that contribute to senior tourists’ resistance and scepticism towards VR in tourism.


Using a cross-sectional approach, the data for this study was collected from 600 eligible senior tourists through survey questionnaires. To obtain valid and reliable responses, a purposive sampling technique with screening criteria was undertaken in this study. Upon data cleaning, the data analysis was performed on 546 samples using statistical software packages such as SPSS and the AMOS covariance-based structural equation modelling technique.


Grounded on the innovation resistance theory, the outcome of this study put forward the significance of technical and psychological barriers in explaining senior tourists’ resistance and scepticism towards the use of VR in tourism. In particular, perceived risk, perceived incompatibility, technology anxiety, inertia and a lack of human interaction were found to be associated with senior tourists’ scepticism and resistance towards VR usage in tourism. However, perceived complexity was not found to have a significant relationship with resistance. Moreover, both scepticism and resistance were reported to influence non-adoption intentions on VR.


This study is one of the few studies that examined the less explored territory of the tourism literature concerning the non-adoption of contemporary innovation (i.e. VR technology) for virtual tourism purposes. Moreover, this study also focuses on the perspective of senior tourists, which represents a promising market segment in the tourism sector. This study successfully contributed to the existing literature by offering empirical insights and highlighting the barriers that lead to users’ scepticism and resistance towards using VR for tourism, which could directly influence their non-adoption intention and the success of virtual tourism.


自问世以来, 虚拟现实 (VR) 技术已在旅游业中得到广泛应用因为它在为用户提供新颖体验方面具有竞争优势, 使人工环境或场景感觉像真实世界。由于VR可以提供一种新的方式来吸引游客并提升他们的旅行体验, 它被视为一项备受追捧的科技。然而, 在旅游背景下, 老年游客(潜在游客群体之一)对 VR 的采用率仍然较低。在此背景下, 本研究旨在通过探究导致老年游客对VR旅游应用产生抵制和怀疑的原因来回应文献中的不足。


基于横断面方法, 本研究通过调查问卷从600名符合条件的老年游客中收集了数据。为了获得有效和可靠的答复, 本研究采用了具有筛选标准的目的抽样技术。数据清理后, 本研究使用SPSS等统计软件包和基于AMOS协方差的结构方程建模技术对546个样本进行了数据分析。


基于创新阻力理论, 本研究结果提出了技术和心理障碍在解释老年游客对VR旅游应用抵制和怀疑的重要性。具体而言, 感知风险、感知不相容性、技术焦虑、惰性和缺乏人际互动被发现与老年游客对VR旅游应用抵制和怀疑有关。然而, 本研究并未发现感知复杂性与VR旅游应用抵制有显着关系。此外, 怀疑和抵制都会影响 VR 的不采用意图。


此研究是为数不多探索了旅游文献中关于未将当代创新(即VR技术)用于旅游目的研究。此外, 这项研究侧重于老年游客(作为旅游业中一个有前景的细分市场)的视角。本研究成功地为现有文献做出了贡献, 提供了实证见解, 并强调了导致用户怀疑和抵制将VR用于旅游的障碍。这些障碍可以直接影响用户的不采用意图和虚拟旅游的成功。


Desde sus inicios, las tecnologías de realidad virtual (RV) se han aplicado ampliamente en el sector turístico, dadas sus ventajas competitivas al ofrecer a los usuarios una experiencia novedosa que hace que un entorno o escena artificial parezca el mundo real. Como resultado, la RV se ha considerado una tecnología muy solicitada, ya que puede ofrecer una nueva forma de involucrar a los turistas y mejorar su experiencia de viaje. Sin embargo, la adopción de la RV por parte de los turistas senior (que son uno de los grupos potenciales de turistas) aún es relativamente baja en el contexto del turismo. El presente estudio se propuso responder a este déficit en la literatura examinando el impacto de las barreras que contribuyen a la resistencia y el escepticismo de los turistas mayores hacia la RV en el turismo.


Utilizando un enfoque transversal, los datos para este estudio se recopilaron de 600 turistas de la tercera edad elegibles a través de una encuesta mediante cuestionario. Para obtener respuestas válidas y fiables, se llevó a cabo una técnica de muestreo intencional con criterios de selección. Una vez depurados los datos y eliminados los sujetos no válidos, se procedió a su análisis en una muestra de 546 individuos utilizando paquetes de software estadístico como SPSS y la técnica de modelado de ecuaciones estructurales basada en la covarianza AMOS.


En el marco de la teoría de la resistencia a la innovación, los resultados del estudio ponen de manifiesto la importancia de las barreras técnicas y psicológicas para explicar la resistencia y el escepticismo de los turistas de la tercera edad hacia el uso de la RV en el turismo. En concreto, el riesgo percibido, la incompatibilidad percibida, la ansiedad tecnológica, la inercia y la falta de interacción humana se asociaron con el escepticismo y la resistencia de los turistas mayores hacia el uso de la RV en el turismo. Sin embargo, no se encontró ninguna relación significativa entre la complejidad percibida y la resistencia. Además, tanto el escepticismo como la resistencia influyen en las intenciones de no adoptar la RV.


Este estudio es uno de los pocos que examinan el territorio menos explorado de la literatura turística en relación con la no adopción de la innovación contemporánea (es decir, la tecnología de RV) para fines de turismo virtual. Además, esta investigación también se centra en la perspectiva de los turistas senior, que representan un segmento de mercado prometedor en el sector turístico. El presente estudio contribuye con éxito a la literatura existente al ofrecer una perspectiva empírica y poner de relieve las barreras u obstáculos que provocan el escepticismo y la resistencia de los usuarios hacia el uso de la RV con fines turísticos, lo que podría influir directamente en su intención de no adopción y en el éxito del turismo virtual.

Publication date: 3 July 2007

Sara Campo and María J. Yagüe

This paper seeks to incorporate the study of the effect of price promotions into the traditional scheme of perceived price.




This paper seeks to incorporate the study of the effect of price promotions into the traditional scheme of perceived price.


The model is validated with an empirical analysis and applied to the study of the purchase behavior of a tour package.


The results point out that price promotions directly and indirectly affect the formation process of perceived price. Thus, some differences are observed in the intensity of the above‐mentioned relationship according to the tendency of the consumer to seek advantageous prices. The results obtained might therefore be of great help to service managers in scheduling their promotional activities.


A theoretical model that captures the effect of promotions in the consumer's price perception is configured.


International Journal of Service Industry Management, vol. 18 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0956-4233


Publication date: 21 September 2010

Wineaster Anderson

This paper aims to examine the determinants of the expenditure for the all‐inclusive (AI) package tourists.




This paper aims to examine the determinants of the expenditure for the all‐inclusive (AI) package tourists.


Using a visitor exit‐survey, a total of 843 all‐inclusive tourists visiting the Balearic Islands were involved. Then, a least square regression model was estimated, with the two dependent variables (logarithm of average daily expenditure in the country of origin and logarithm of average daily expenditure in the destination) while sharing the same explanatory variables (visitor and travelling attributes) to determine the variables which are more associated with the respective expenditure category.


It was found that the presence of the AI holiday experience at the destination as well as visitor and traveling attributes, were the important contributing determinants of expenditure either at home or destination economies. Noticeably, the tourist who could have visited the Balearics even in the absence of the AI holidays has spent more money compared to the tourist who could not have visited the destination. This implies that the kind of the customers the AI tourism tries to attract have the least economic contribution.

Practical implications

Expenditure patterns are always important element for tour organizers and marketers when planning, designing and delivering their products. With the intention of maximizing the tourism benefits the destination management could focus on the variables which have positive impact on the expenditure with the aim of capturing the consumer surplus which is central element of the economy. The study gives the insights.


While the determinants of tourism expenditure have been widely studied in tourism literature little is still known on the same determinants for the specific tourism segments like the all‐inclusive tourism. It is niches or segments that make up the total tourism market; unfortunately most researches focus on the total market while ignoring its niches. This study is an effort to focus on individual tourism niches.


Tourism Review, vol. 65 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1660-5373


Publication date: 19 June 2009

Wineaster Anderson, Catalina Juaneda and Francisco Sastre

This paper aims to identify the motivations for choosing all‐inclusive package tours when traveling, and to specify the visitor and travel attributes associated with those…




This paper aims to identify the motivations for choosing all‐inclusive package tours when traveling, and to specify the visitor and travel attributes associated with those motivations.


A specific visitor‐exit‐survey involving all‐inclusive tourists visiting the Balearic Islands (n=843) was conducted during the summer of 2006 at the Airport of Palma de Mallorca. Then, through discrete choice models‐binary logit, relationships between the identified motivations and specified attributes were analyzed by looking for the attributes that are more associated with each motive.


The study results show that tourists traveling through all‐inclusive tours attach more importance to the motivations related to convenience and relaxation, economies of resources as well as safety and security in their vacationing processes; with specific tourist and trip attributes influencing the probability for confirmation.

Practical implications

Understanding the motivation of different tourist profiles visiting the destinations is useful in managing the tourism industry for satisfying specific tourist segments without jeopardizing the interests of the host community. A full understanding of all‐inclusive motivation would help travel organizers and marketers to plan, design and deliver products and services that cater for the specific needs of the all‐inclusive market, with the aim of capturing the financial benefits which are the central element of the economy.


There is still little knowledge in the literature about all‐inclusive package tourism. Specifically, the knowledge of tourist motivation with reference to the tour mode choice within the tourism landscape is still diluted, and therefore the motive behind one traveling through certain tour modes like all‐inclusives continues to miss the ground works. Nor have the factors that influence evaluation of the motivations related to the decision of this type of trip have been much studied, which renders this field of study one of the underdeveloped areas in the tourism social sciences. The paper attempts to contribute where there is this lack of knowledge.


Tourism Review, vol. 64 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1660-5373


Open Access
Publication date: 25 September 2019

Alberto Carlo Cajavilca and Marta Tostes

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role and contribution of San Martin and Chazuta subnational governments in promoting development and internationalization of the cocoa…




The purpose of this paper is to examine the role and contribution of San Martin and Chazuta subnational governments in promoting development and internationalization of the cocoa and chocolate value chain from the stakeholders’ perceptions. This work was based on a qualitative approach in which information triangulation method, information processing with evaluation rubric and WebQDA software were used. The results showed that stakeholders of both value chains perceive that the subnational government’s actions taken to develop and internationalize these value chains are poorly valued and insufficient. Likewise, six internationalization barriers were identified in which two are perceived as the main limitations: low productivity levels and access to innovations and technology. These results contribute to enrich the decision-making process of political authorities and public officials from the San Martin subnational governments. Moreover, they provide information, according to the Peruvian national requirements, on the perceptions needed to rethink and improve the governmental services available, especially productive activities in the rainforest area (Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros, 2015; Wiener Fresco, 2010). This can improve or create new extension services to increase the quality of the Chazuta’s cocoa and chocolate products and to facilitate their entry into more demanding and profitable markets (Shapira, y otros, 2015).


This paper has been developed by using a qualitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive scope. The objective was to examine a study case of how subnational governments contribute in the promotion of development and internationalization of agro-industrial value chains as alternatives to illicit crops (Hernandez, Fernandez, & Baptista, 2010). The Chazuta case was selected because it is representative of the region in terms of coca eradication and is located between two regions of high biodiversity – Cordillera Escalera Regional Conservation Area and Cordillera Azul National Park.


One of the issues hindering the ability of the Chazuta cocoa and chocolate producers is based on their perception that the subnational governments’ efforts are focused on meeting already-established goals and little emphasis is placed on solving productive problems. On the other hand, at an articulation level, the most relevant efforts have been connecting the cocoa and chocolate customers to Chazuta producers through events. In spite of this, such events are not considered a permanent activity and the producers do not perceive that these mechanisms enable them to maintain these long-term trade relationships. This can be explained by the fact that Chazuta cocoa and chocolate organizations recognize that they still have incipient productive capacities to meet the foreign market’s demand. Furthermore, associations, cooperatives and SMEs are not able to maintain constant levels of production quality, except the family-based business. Knowledge and techniques provided by subnational governments and private organizations are not fully used or implemented by the associations’ members. This low level of knowledge application can be explained by cultural factors and also because the producers receive multiple and sometimes contradictory information from various providers of technology extension services. This leads to inadequate use or non-implementation of productivity improvements, thus generating a virtuous circle in which production and quality of the goods remain at low levels, which hinders their entry into demanding and profitable markets.

Research limitations/implications

This paper has been developed with a qualitative approach considering an exploratory and descriptive scope. Chazuta case was selected because it is representative of the region in terms of eradication achievements and it is located between two regions of high biodiversity. A rubric is an evaluation method of individuals or organizations performance, taking into consideration the evaluator’s pre-established criteria to determine if the objectives and goals are being met. Based on these criteria, evidence and performance information is collected. Following, performance is graded based on the researcher’s predetermined criteria and finally a merit-based judgment is made on the performance.

Practical implications

The results contribute to enrich decision making of political authorities and public officials from San Martin subnational governments. They provide information, according to Peruvian national requirements, on the perceptions needed to rethink and improve provided government services, especially in rainforest area productive activities. This adds up to improvement or creation of new extension services to increase the quality of Chazuta’s cocoa and chocolate products, and to facilitate their entry into more demanding and profitable markets.

Social implications

The situation of San Martín region and Chazuta district is contextualized and emphasis is given to socioeconomic conditions and the value of cocoa as an alternative crop to coca. From 1980 to early 2000, Peru lived a period of generalized violence due to narcoterrorism, which had large-scale outreach in southern highland and rainforest areas. To deal with this situation, subnational governments in collaboration with international cooperation decided to consolidate agro-industrial value chains in order to generate legal income for rural populations. For this purpose, alternative crop policies were implemented and San Martin region achieved the best results.


This fieldwork was carried out as part of the undergraduate thesis but after fieldwork, with the use of online software tool WebQDA, codes were created to systematize and quantify the collected information in the content manager. The codes were created taking into account assessment and evaluation variables. Each value represented a code referred to a performance level as perceived by Chazuta cocoa and chocolate value chains stakeholders.


Revista de Gestão, vol. 26 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2177-8736


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