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Publication date: 19 March 2024

Carolina Rivas, Juan José Tarí and Jorge Pereira-Moliner

This paper analyzes how quality management in Ecuador’s national parks is explained through the quality practices contained in Deming’s quality principles from the point of view…



This paper analyzes how quality management in Ecuador’s national parks is explained through the quality practices contained in Deming’s quality principles from the point of view of employees.


Quantitative research was conducted with the participation of 254 employees from all national parks in Ecuador who rated the quality management practices (leadership, talent management, work climate and training) in their respective parks.


The results show that leadership, talent management, work climate and training significantly explain the service quality in the national parks. This study contributes to the adaptation of Deming’s quality principles to national parks via individual and joint analysis of the relationship between leadership, talent management, work climate and training with service quality in order to highlight which practices are the most important to service quality.


The paper provides a comprehensive overview of the key factors that influence service quality in the National Parks of Ecuador. Its multidisciplinary approach and exhaustive research make this work an invaluable tool for understanding and improving the preservation of natural resources and the tourism experience in these protected areas.


Este trabajo analiza cómo la gestión de la calidad en los parques nacionales del Ecuador se explica a través de las prácticas de calidad recogidas en los principios de la calidad de Deming desde el punto de vista de los empleados.


Se realizó una investigación cuantitativa en la que participaron 254 empleados de todos los parques nacionales del Ecuador quienes valoraron las prácticas de gestión de la calidad (liderazgo, gestión de talento, clima laboral y formación) en sus respectivos parques.


Los resultados muestran que el liderazgo, la gestión del talento, el clima laboral y la formación explican significativamente la calidad de servicio en los parques nacionales. Este estudio contribuye en la adaptación de los principios de calidad de Deming a parques nacionales a través del análisis individual y conjunto de la relación entre liderazgo, gestión de talento, clima laboral y formación con la calidad del servicio para destacar qué prácticas son las más importantes para la calidad del servicio ofrecido.

Publication date: 7 December 2022

Peter Mason, Marcjanna Augustyn and Arthur Seakhoa-King

This paper aims to explain how improving tourism destination quality could contribute to addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at tourism destinations.



This paper aims to explain how improving tourism destination quality could contribute to addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at tourism destinations.


This paper synthesizes literature on sustainability, the SDGs and tourism destination quality and considers sustainability from the destination quality frame of reference. The approach starts with a critical analysis of principles of sustainability, as embodied in the 17 SDGs in terms of whether they are primarily concerned with “quantity” or “quality.” This is followed by examining potential links between destination quality and the SDGs using results of a recent empirical research on tourism destination quality (TDQ study).


This paper reveals that most of the SDGs are largely focused on quantity, while relatively few are concerned primarily with quality. Several TDQ dimensions, specifically “authentic,” “safe,” “well kept,” “affordable,” “novel,” “varied,” “relaxing,” “uncrowded,” “hospitable” and “informative,” and in addition, the holistic perspective of destination quality indicated in the TDQ study, are revealed as having strong links with the SDGs largely because of their concern with quality. This paper therefore proposes a positive relationship between enhancing destination quality and addressing the SDGs at tourism destinations.

Research limitations/implications

This paper calls for future empirical research to test the theoretical links between destination quality and SDGs established in this paper.

Practical implications

The use of the proposed framework for managing tourism destination quality and sustainability can help destination managers in enhancing destination quality and the attainment of the SDGs.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first paper that adapts the extant theory on sustainability (represented by the SDGs) by introducing a destination quality frame of reference. The links between tourism destination quality and the SDGs have not been previously investigated. This paper indicates strong relationships between destination quality and several SDGs and thus extends the existing theory on sustainability by introducing the quality improvement perspective.


本文综述了关于可持续、可持续发展目标和旅游目的地质量的文章, 参考目的地质量框架来考虑可持续性。首先对嵌入17个可持续发展目标中的可持续性的准则进行了批判性分析, 即它们主要考虑的是“数量”还是“质量”。后利用一项最近关于旅游目的地质量(此后即称TDQ研究)的实证研究结果, 检验了目的地质量与可持续发展目标的潜在联系。




本文发现多数可持续发展目标很大程度上都关注数量, 同时较少目标着重关注质量。一些TDQ维度, 特别是“原真性”、“安全”、“保存完好”“可负担”、“新奇”、“多样性”“放松”、“不拥挤”、“好客”、“启发性”和其他一些TDQ研究中目的地质量的整体性视角, 都与可持续发展目标有着强相关性, 很可能是因为它们都与质量有关。因此本文提出提高目的地质量与实现旅游目的地可持续发展目标之间存在积极联系。






文章首次将目的地质量框架作为参考整合了关于可持续性的理论(以可持续发展目标为代表)。这种旅游目的地之间的质量和可持续发展目标的关联此前尚未有探究。本文表明了目的地质量和几个可持续发展目标间的强关联性, 并由此通过引入质量提升视角来扩展已有的关于可持续性的理论。


Este artículo sintetiza la literatura sobre la sostenibilidad, los ODS y la calidad de los destinos turísticos, y considera la sostenibilidad desde el marco de referencia de la calidad de los destinos. El enfoque comienza con un análisis crítico de los principios de sostenibilidad, tal y como se plasman en los 17 ODS, en cuanto a si se refieren principalmente a la “cantidad” o a lacalidad”. A continuación, se examinan los posibles vínculos entre la calidad de los destinos y los ODS, utilizando los resultados de una reciente investigación empírica sobre la calidad de los destinos turísticos (en adelante, el estudio TDQ).


Este trabajo conceptual explica cómo la mejora de la calidad de los destinos turísticos podría contribuir a abordar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas en los destinos turísticos.


El documento revela que la mayoría de los ODS se centran en la cantidad, mientras que relativamente pocos se ocupan principalmente de la calidad. Varias dimensiones del TDQ, en concreto, “Auténtico”, “Seguro”, “Bien cuidado”, “Asequible”, “Novedoso”, “Relajante”, “Poco concurrido”, “Hospitalario” e “Informativo”, y además la perspectiva holística de la calidad de los destinos indicada en el estudio del TDQ, se revelan con fuertes vínculos con los ODS, en gran parte debido a su preocupación por la calidad. En consecuencia, el trabajo propone una relación positiva entre la mejora de la calidad del destino y el cumplimiento de los ODS en los destinos turísticos.

Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación

El trabajo realiza una llamada a futuras investigaciones empíricas para comprobar los vínculos teóricos entre la calidad de los destinos y los ODS establecidos en este artículo.

Implicaciones prácticas

El uso del marco propuesto para la gestión de la calidad y la sostenibilidad de los destinos turísticos puede ayudar a los gestores de destinos a mejorar la calidad de estos y la consecución de los ODS.


Este es el primer artículo que adapta la teoría existente sobre la sostenibilidad (representada por los ODS) introduciendo un marco de referencia de la calidad de los destinos. Los vínculos entre la calidad de los destinos turísticos y los ODS no se han investigado anteriormente. Este trabajo indica que existen fuertes relaciones entre la calidad de los destinos y varios ODS y, por tanto, amplía la teoría existente sobre la sostenibilidad introduciendo la perspectiva de la mejora de la calidad.

Publication date: 5 November 2019

David Parra Camacho, Manuel Alonso Dos Santos and Daniel Duclos Bastias

The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the influence of enthusiasm, fair social distribution of costs and benefits and the quality of the information received…



The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the influence of enthusiasm, fair social distribution of costs and benefits and the quality of the information received through the media in the support for holding sporting events and in future intentions of the Football Copa America held in Chile.


Through partial least squares structural equation modelling, two samples from two host cities (Concepción=373; Viña del Mar=267) are analysed.


Enthusiasm, the perception of the fair distribution and the quality of the information positively influence the support for sporting events and the future intentions. In the same way, the quality of the information positively influences enthusiasm and fair social distribution. Significant changes were observed between the two cities in the relationships between the quality of the information and the variables of future intentions and enthusiasm and between this variable and those of support and the future intentions of the residents.

Research limitations/implications

The convenience sampling limits the extrapolation of the results.

Practical implications

An adequate management of the quality of the information, social justice and enthusiasm can contribute to forming a social representation of the event that determines the backing or the behaviour of the citizens.

Social implications

Examination of the negative perceptions that cause bad feeling amongst the population receives a mega-event.


The contribution of theoretical evidence about possible data can determine the social backing and the behaviour of the residents in welcoming a major sporting event.


Comparar y comprobar la influencia del entusiasmo, la distribución social justa de los beneficios y costes y la calidad de la información recibida a través de los medios de comunicación en el respaldo a la celebración de los eventos deportivos y en las intenciones futuras de los residentes de la Copa América de Fútbol (CAF) celebrada en Chile.


A través de PLS-SEM se analizan dos muestras de dos ciudades anfitrionas (Concepción=373; Viña del Mar=267).


El entusiasmo, la percepción sobre la distribución social justa y la calidad de la información influyen positivamente en el apoyo a los eventos deportivos y en las intenciones futuras. Asimismo, la calidad de información influye positivamente en el entusiasmo y la distribución social justa. Se observaron cambios significativos entre las dos ciudades en las relaciones entre la calidad de información y las variables de intenciones futuras y entusiasmo y entre esta variable y las de apoyo y las intenciones futuras de los residentes.

Limitaciones de la investigación/implicaciones

El muestreo de conveniencia limita la extrapolación de los resultados.

Implicaciones prácticas

Una adecuada gestión de la calidad de la información, la justicia social y el entusiasmo puede contribuir a formar una representación social del evento que determine el respaldo o el comportamiento de los ciudadanos.

Implicaciones sociales

Examinar las percepciones negativas que causan malestar entre la población que recibe un mega-evento.


Aporta evidencias teóricas sobre posibles datos que pueden determinar el respaldo social y el comportamiento de los residentes en la acogida de un gran evento deportivo.

Publication date: 20 October 2020

Juan José Tarí, José F. Molina-Azorín, Jorge Pereira-Moliner and María D. López-Gamero

This paper examines the relationships between: (1) motives for internalization of a quality system, (2) the internalization of a quality system and (3) customer results, employee…



This paper examines the relationships between: (1) motives for internalization of a quality system, (2) the internalization of a quality system and (3) customer results, employee results and social results in public organizations by means of replication research


First, the work applies a quantitative study to test hypotheses using structural equations based on the Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach. Then, a qualitative study is carried out to support the quantitative results obtained


Results show that internal and external motives affect internalization, and that the most important issues for internalization are commitment, communication, training, recognition and follow-up. In addition, continuous improvement is key in order to enhance customer results, employee results and social results


The contribution of this work is that it provides empirical support to prior research on internalization focused on manufacturing and service organizations, and extends these results to the case of public organizations


Este trabajo analiza la relación entre: a) los motivos para interiorizar un sistema de calidad, b) la interiorización de un sistema de calidad y c) los resultados de clientes, empleados y sociedad en organizaciones públicas, a través de un estudio que replica los análisis previos sobre interiorización realizados en organizaciones manufactureras y de servicios.


Interiorización de la calidad en organizaciones públicasPara conseguir este objetivo se realiza primero un estudio cuantitativo para comprobar las hipótesis a través de un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales desde el enfoque Partial Least Squares (PLS). Posteriormente se realiza otro estudio cualitativo para apoyar los resultados cuantitativos obtenidos.


Los resultados muestran que los motivos internos y externos influyen en la interiorización y que los aspectos más importantes para interiorizar un sistema de calidad son la implicación, la comunicación, la formación, el reconocimiento y el seguimiento interno. Además, la mejora continua es clave para mejorar los resultados de clientes, empleados y sociedad.


La contribución del trabajo es que proporciona apoyo empírico a los resultados de trabajos previos sobre interiorización centrados en organizaciones manufactureras y de servicios y extiende estos resultados al caso de organizaciones públicas.

Book part
Publication date: 12 January 2021

Sonia M. Ospina, Nuria Cunill-Grau and Claudia Maldonado

This chapter describes an institutional choice that most Latin American countries have taken in the past 25 years: the creation of national Public Performance Monitoring and…


This chapter describes an institutional choice that most Latin American countries have taken in the past 25 years: the creation of national Public Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (PPME) systems. We summarize research assessing their institutionalization, identify their shortcomings, and discuss trends demonstrating a potential – not yet realized – to fulfill their vocation as instruments of political and democratic accountability. Despite remarkable progress in their institutionalization, the evidence suggests that the systems fall short in producing strong results-oriented democratic accountability. Key factors hindering this aspiration include the systems' low credibility, problems associated to their diversification, low institutional coherence, and lack of effective coordination mechanisms to improve information legibility, its quality, its usefulness, and thus its use by both public managers and citizens. We suggest that PPME systems depend on environmental conditions beyond government structures and processes and argue that citizen-oriented mechanisms and entry points for social participation around the systems are required to fulfill their accountability function.


The Emerald Handbook of Public Administration in Latin America
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83982-677-1

Open Access
Publication date: 25 April 2018

Victor Iglesias, Francisco Javier De la Ballina and Laura Caso

This paper aims to analyze the antecedents of two variables concerning the presence of quality certifications in hotel chains: the (ex ante) decision to become a member of the…




This paper aims to analyze the antecedents of two variables concerning the presence of quality certifications in hotel chains: the (ex ante) decision to become a member of the quality system and the (ex post) trend to increase or decrease the number of certified properties. Six hypotheses are posed and tested.


The empirical investigation is carried out on the Spanish Q for Quality in Tourism using a database including 295 hotel chains and 2,727 hotels.


The results evidence the presence of differences in the behavior of hotel chains relative to certification depending on their size, market segment, customer origin and the geographical concentration of their establishments.


This research deepens in how the hotel chain characteristics affect the effectiveness of a quality certification. The consideration of two stages in investment decisions allows the authors to identify differences in the ex ante and ex post decision processes. As a result, one factor (geographical concentration) has been detected as being underrated by managers in the first stage.


Este artículo analiza los antecedentes de dos variables relacionadas con las certificaciones de calidad en cadenas hoteleras: La (ex-ante) decisión de formar parte de un sistema de calidad, y la (ex-post) tendencia a incrementar o reducir el número de establecimientos certificados. Seis hipótesis han sido propuestas y contrastadas.


La investigación empírica ha sido desarrollada en el marco de la marca Q de calidad para el turismo en España usando una base de datos que incluye 295 cadenas hoteleras y 2,727 hoteles.


Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la presencia de diferencias en el comportamiento de las cadenas hoteleras en materia de certificación dependiendo de su tamaño, segmento de mercado atendido, origen de la clientela y del grado de concentración geográfica de sus establecimientos.


El artículo profundiza en cómo las carfacterísticas de la cadena hotelera afectan a la eficacia de la certificación de calidad. Tener en consideración la existencia de dos etapas en las decisones de inversión nos permite identificar diferencias entre los procesos de decisión ex-ante y ex-post. Como resultado, hemos observado que un factor (la concentración geográfica) está siendo infravalorado por parte de os directivos en sus decisiones en la primera etapa.

Publication date: 21 February 2019

Jesús Miguel Rodríguez-Mantilla, Francisco José Fernández-Cruz and Mª José Fernández-Díaz

The purpose of this paper is to analyse and compare the impact of implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Standards perceived by Management Teams and Teachers in schools in four…



The purpose of this paper is to analyse and compare the impact of implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Standards perceived by Management Teams and Teachers in schools in four autonomous communities in Spain.


To assess this impact, the authors used an evaluation instrument made up of 93 items assessing seven major dimensions, whose reliability has been excellent for the full scale (Cronbach’s α = 0.987) and dimensions (α > 0.93). The authors conducted descriptive and differential analyses (ANOVA and t-test for independent samples) of the assessments by professional position (managers and teachers) and other variables (size and type of school, years of implantation, etc.). A factorial analysis of variance was conducted to analyse the interaction effect between these variables in each of the evaluated dimensions.


The most significant results show a high impact on the dimension management, medium on communication, learning process and external relations and low impact on climate, support and recognition and satisfaction. Likewise, the authors found that members of the Management Teams valued the impact that ISO 9001:2008 Standards have had on all dimensions at a higher level, except for external relations, where no significant differences between Teachers and Management Team members were found.

Practical implications

The study makes it possible to conclude that in general terms, the members of the Management Team of the schools perceive a higher impact of the implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Standards than teacher do in the different dimensions evaluated.


The specialised literature shows the lack of studies related to the impact that the implementation of quality management systems has on organisations. Specifically, this study provides conclusions to the scientific and professional community with objective evidence of the impact ISO 9001:2008 implementation has had on schools, through an indirect system of perceptions of the education community of the changes, which according to them had taken place as a result of implementation. Thus, this study contributes to the development of a new body of knowledge by evaluating this impact.


International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 11 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1756-669X


Publication date: 1 June 2005

F. Balbaster Benavent, S. Cruz Ros and M. Moreno‐Luzon

Continuous improvement is a primary principle in total quality management. It is applied to all aspects of the organisation including products, processes, and even the management…




Continuous improvement is a primary principle in total quality management. It is applied to all aspects of the organisation including products, processes, and even the management of the firm. In this context, quality management self‐assessment is a useful tool for fostering the continuous improvement of the whole company, comparing its activities and results with an excellence model. However, little is known about the variables and relationships underlying self‐assessment application. This paper tries to shed light on this topic.


The methodology is an exploratory case study. Three Spanish organisations with a broad experience in self‐assessment application are analysed.


A model of self‐assessment application – containing variables and relationships among variables is proposed. Thus, the establishment of a holistic or systemic self‐assessment model where all the variables linked to self‐assessment employment are analytically and explicitly interrelated becomes the fundamental contribution of the research presented here.

Research limitations/implications

This framework may constitute a starting point for subsequent academic research in this area.

Practical implications

The framework may also constitute a practical guide for managers interested in the use of self‐assessment technique.


Provides information on self‐assessment in a continuous improvement context.


International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, vol. 22 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0265-671X


Open Access
Publication date: 2 April 2021

Tanja Mihalic and Kir Kuščer

This paper aims to present a model to survey if effective destination management can manage (unsustainable) overtourism from the perspective of residents’ quality of life (QOL).




This paper aims to present a model to survey if effective destination management can manage (unsustainable) overtourism from the perspective of residents’ quality of life (QOL).


A constructivist approach, based on factors taken from conceptual overtourism model (Mihalic, 2020), was used to propose an overtourism QOL management model. Relationships among the factors were analysed with a path analyses model with two second-order latent factors. The model was tested in a real setting, the city of Ljubljana.


The proposed theoretical model is comprised of five factors: positive tourism impacts, negative tourism impacts, irritation with overtourism, residents’ QOL and destination management. Empirical tests confirmed the model. Positive tourism impacts positively affected residents’ QOL via destination management. Negative tourism impacts created overtourism-based resident irritation and negatively impacted their QOL.

Research limitations/implications

The model was limited to one group of sustainable tourism stakeholders: residents of a destination. The sustainability performance of tourism was only assessed based on residents’ QOL.

Practical implications

The proposed model adds to the conceptual knowledge of tourism and may be useful for (sustainable) destination managers to monitor the existence and causes of overtourism and may help to focus efforts to manage the causes of overtourism irritation and improve residents’ QOL.


Overtourism is a concern for residents of tourism destinations who become irritated by unsustainable tourism impacts on community resources and their QOL. The suggested model is the first to address destination management’s ability to manage unsustainable overtourism.


本文采用建构主义的方法, 基于概念性的过度旅游模型(Mihalic, 2020年)中的因素, 提出了过度旅游中居民生活质量(QOL)管理模型。这些因子之间的关系是通过对包含两个二阶潜在因子的模型的路径分析得到的。该模型在卢布尔雅那市的真实情况中进行了测试。


本文提出了这样一个模型, 从居民的生活质量(QOL)角度出发, 调查有效的目的地管理是否可以管理(不可持续的)过度旅游。


理论模型由五部分组成:正面的旅游影响, 负面的旅游影响, 过度旅游带来的恼怒, 居民的生活质量和目的地管理。实证检验证实了该模型。积极的旅游业通过目的地管理对居民的生活质量产生了积极影响。负面的旅游影响造成了基于过度旅游的居民恼怒情绪, 并对其生活质量产生了负面影响。




社会和实际意义: 提出的模型增加了旅游的概念性知识, 并且可能有助于(可持续)目的地管理者监督过度旅游的存在和原因, 并且集中精力管理过度旅游引起的居民恼怒情绪, 并改善居民的生活质量。


对于旅游目的地的居民来说, 过度旅游是一个令人担忧的问题, 他们因不可持续的旅游业对社区资源及其生活质量的影响而感到不快。本模型是第一个解决目的地管理机构管理不可持续的过度旅游的能力的模型。


Para proponer un modelo de gestión del sobreturismo QOL, se utilizó un enfoque constructivista, basado en factores tomados del modelo conceptual de sobreturismo (Mihalic, 2020). Las relaciones entre los factores se analizaron con un modelo de análisis de rutas con dos factores latentes de segundo orden. El modelo se probó en un escenario real, la ciudad de Ljubljana.


En este documento se presenta un modelo para estudiar si una gestión eficaz del destino puede gestionar el exceso de turismo (insostenible) desde la perspectiva de la calidad de vida de los residentes (QOL).


El modelo teórico propuesto comprende cinco factores: impactos positivos del turismo, impactos negativos del turismo, irritación por el exceso de turismo, calidad de vida de los residentes y gestión del destino. Las pruebas empíricas confirmaron el modelo. Los impactos positivos del turismo afectaron positivamente la calidad de vida de los residentes a través de la gestión del destino. Los impactos negativos del turismo crearon una irritación de los residentes basada en el exceso de turismo y tuvieron un impacto negativo en su calidad de vida.

Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación

El modelo se limitaba a un grupo de interesados en el turismo sostenible: los residentes de un destino. El desempeño de la sostenibilidad del turismo sólo se evaluó en base a la calidad de vida de los residentes.

Implicaciones prácticas

Implicaciones sociales y prácticas: El modelo propuesto contribuye al conocimiento conceptual del turismo y puede ser útil para que los gestores de destinos (sostenibles) vigilen la existencia y las causas del exceso de turismo y pueda ayudar a centrar los esfuerzos en la gestión de las causas de la irritación del exceso de turismo y mejorar la calidad de vida de los residentes.


El exceso de turismo es una preocupación para los residentes de los destinos turísticos que se irritan por los impactos insostenibles del turismo en los recursos de la comunidad y su QOL. El modelo sugerido es el primero que aborda la capacidad de la gestión del destino para gestionar el sobreturismo insostenible.

Publication date: 13 February 2019

Rozélia Laurett and Luis Mendes

The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) excellence model has been widely used by higher education institutions (HEIs). However, knowledge about the state of the art…




The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) excellence model has been widely used by higher education institutions (HEIs). However, knowledge about the state of the art concerning its application in the context of HEIs is still reduced. The purpose of this paper is to provide groundwork able to boost coordinated research efforts toward the development of the knowledge body in the field.


This research is based on a systematic literature review (SLR) of 25 papers identified in the ISI Web of Knowledge and SCOPUS databases, and considered relevant for analysis.


The paper provides a broad overview of the main issues explored so far in literature: potential benefits, potential barriers and critical success factors. By highlighting the main shortcomings of current research and the corresponding opportunities for additional research directions, the authors hope to boost further research efforts in the field.


To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first SLR in the field.


International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, vol. 36 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0265-671X


1 – 10 of 369