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Publication date: 18 December 2019

Erose Sthapit, Giacomo Del Chiappa, Dafnis N. Coudounaris and Peter Bjork

This study aims to examine the relationships among the dimensions of consumption values (functional, social and emotional), co-creation, information overload, satisfaction and…




This study aims to examine the relationships among the dimensions of consumption values (functional, social and emotional), co-creation, information overload, satisfaction and continuance intention derived from the use of the Airbnb platform.


A Web-based survey was conducted among Italians, and a valid sample of 259 persons was obtained for data analysis.


The survey results indicated that only functional value and social value are strong predictors of satisfaction in the use of the Airbnb website for accommodation booking. Co-creation and absence of information overload also contribute to satisfaction with using the Airbnb website for accommodation booking, which in turn affects continuance intention.

Research limitations/implications

The findings of this study are highly destination-specific, given that the authors collected the data only from Italian residents. The sample was based on a snowball sampling technique; thus, the study findings could be misrepresented because of sampling selection bias. Moreover, the study was limited to the use of three dimensions of consumption values, co-creation, information overload and satisfaction to predict continuance intention. Furthermore, the present study adopted a Web-based survey questionnaire.

Practical implications

Managerial implications include recommendations for hosts to emphasise their prices when listing accommodations on the Airbnb website and to focus on active interaction with potential guests. Information on the website should also be organised to avoid information overload.


This study allows a deeper understanding of users’ continuance intention with regards to the Airbnb website by exploring the possible determinants.




研究对意大利人进行了网上调查, 得到了259份有效的抽样数据并进行分析。


调查结果显示, 只有功能价值和社会价值才能强烈预测Airbnb网站住宿预订的满意度。共同创造和信息不超载也有助于使用Airbnb网站进行住宿预订的满意度, 这又会影响网站的持续参与使用。


这项研究的结果受地域限制, 因为我们只收集了意大利居民的数据。该样本基于滚雪球采样技术, 因此, 由于抽样选择偏差, 研究结果可能被歪曲。该研究还仅限于使用消费价值、共同创造、信息超载和满意度三个维度来预测持续参与使用。此外, 网上调查问卷的发放也可能会影响问卷的质量。


本研究的管理意义包括建议房东在Airbnb网站上列出住宿时强调价格, 并专注于与潜在客人的积极互动。房东还应组织网站上的信息, 以避免信息超载。


这项研究通过探索可能的决定因素, 更深入地了解用户对Airbnb网站的持续参与使用。


Este estudio examina las relaciones entre las dimensiones de los valores de consumo (funcional, social y emocional), co-creación, sobrecarga de información, satisfacción e intención de continuidad, derivada del uso de la plataforma Airbnb.


Se realizó una encuesta “en línea”, entre italianos, y se obtuvo para el análisis de datos, una muestra válida de 259 personas.


Los resultados de la encuesta indicaron, que solo el valor funcional y el valor social, son fuertes predictores de la satisfacción en el uso del sitio web de Airbnb a la hora de hacer reservas de alojamiento. La creación conjunta y la ausencia de sobrecarga de información, también contribuyen a la satisfacción de usar el sitio web de Airbnb, para reservar alojamiento, lo que a su vez afecta la intención de continuidad.

Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación

Los resultados de este estudio son específicos para un destino, dado que la recolección de los los datos solo se efectúo sobre residentes italianos. La muestra final, se obtuvo con una técnica de muestreo de bolas de nieve; por lo tanto, los resultados del estudio podrían tergiversarse debido al sesgo de selección de muestreo. Además, el estudio se limitó al uso de tres dimensiones de valores de consumo, co-creación, sobrecarga de información y satisfacción para predecir la intención de continuidad. Además, el presente estudio adoptó un cuestionario de encuesta basado en la web.

Implicaciones prácticas

Las implicaciones gerenciales incluyen recomendaciones para que los anfitriones resalten sus precios, al enumerar alojamientos de Airbnb y centrarse en la interacción activa con posibles huéspedes. La información en el sitio web también debe organizarse para evitar la sobrecarga de información.


Este estudio permite una comprensión más profunda sobre la intención de continuidad de los usuarios con respecto al sitio web de Airbnb, al explorar los posibles determinantes que la afectan.

Open Access
Publication date: 15 August 2019

Silvia Sanz-Blas, Daniela Buzova and María José Miquel-Romero

Today’s society interest in mobile photography drives consumers’ and brands’ growing usage of Instagram. This paper aims to address the consequences of excessive use of Instagram…




Today’s society interest in mobile photography drives consumers’ and brands’ growing usage of Instagram. This paper aims to address the consequences of excessive use of Instagram on the negative feeling of losing information when not connected and the emotional fatigue resulting from an overcharge with new information. The mediating role of addiction between Instagram overuse and the two outcomes is also analyzed.


Data from 342 active Instagram users were used to test the proposed model, applying the partial least square equation modeling method (SmartPLS 3).


Addiction partially mediates the impact of overuse on emotional fatigue and instastress. Addiction to Instagram was mainly due to respondents’ lack of control over the time spent on it resulting in incapability to reduce its usage.

Social implications

Social networking site managers, educators, families and public institutions should promote an adequate use of Instagram, making users (especially the young) aware of the potential threats of its excessive usage. The control on the amount of time devoted to Instagram is a key factor for detaining overuse and addiction, as well as avoiding the negative outcomes analyzed in this research.


The findings contribute to the extant knowledge on the negative side of the digitization of the individual, as little is known about it to the best of the authors’ knowledge.


La presente investigación aborda las consecuencias del uso excesivo de Instagram relacionadas con el sentimiento negativo de pérdida de información, cuando no se está conectado, y la fatiga emocional derivada de la sobrecarga de información. El estudio también analiza el papel mediador de la adicción entre el uso excesivo de Instagram y ambas consecuencias.


Para testar el modelo propuesto se utilizó información de 342 usuarios activos de Instagram, aplicándose el método de ecuaciones estructurales por mínimos cuadrados parciales (SmartPLS 3).


La adicción media parcialmente el impacto que el uso excesivo de Instagram tiene sobre (i) la fatiga emocional y (ii) el Instastress. La adicción a Instagram se deriva principalmente de la falta de control del tiempo invertido en su uso, lo que da como resultado su incapacidad para reducir dicho uso.

Implicaciones sociales

Los responsables de los medios sociales, los educadores, las familias y las instituciones públicas deberían promover un uso adecuado de Instagram, haciendo que los usuarios (especialmente los más jóvenes) sean conscientes de las amenazas potenciales de su uso excesivo. El control sobre la cantidad de tiempo dedicado a Instagram es un factor clave para detener el uso excesivo y la adicción, así como para evitar los resultados negativos analizados en esta investigación.


Los resultados contribuyen a ampliar el conocimiento sobre el lado negativo de la digitalización del individuo, dada la escasa literatura al respecto.

Palabras claves

Adicción, Uso excesivo, Instastress, Fatiga emocional, Redes sociales, Instagram

Tipo de artículo

Artículo de investigación


Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, vol. 23 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2444-9709




There has been a great interest in the literature in understanding the incidence of information technology capabilities (ITC) on innovation performance (IP). Recently, it has been proven that this relationship is mediated by organizational factors requiring an additional effort in terms of information processing in a rational and analytical manner, including strategic market orientation and absorptive capacity; however, the role of emotions in this discussion has not been widely addressed. A scenario in which emotions are inhibited, in particular, emotional capability (EC), prevents the activation of other forms of cognition relating to intuition, experience and empathy. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the mediating effect of EC on the relationship between ITC and IP.


The authors analyzed the statistical significance of the indirect effects through structural equations.


The results show the existence of partial mediation of EC. Therefore, it is evidenced that less rational constructs, such as EC, serve as a bridge between ITC and IP, on account of the improvement in information processing, the level of information technology (IT) use and virtual communication.


This finding is quite significant because it forces innovation researchers and practitioners to reconsider the prevailing study perspective that explores only analytical mediators, which implies an additional effort in terms of rational processing of information. All this because there is a risk of accentuating the cognitive overload and increasing the levels of stress that lead employees to stop receiving and using information provided by IT services, which compromises the possibility of obtaining better results in innovation.


En la literatura ha habido un gran interés por analizar la incidencia de las capacidades de tecnologías de información (CTI) en el desempeño innovador (DI). Recientemente ha quedado claro que esta relación está mediada por factores organizacionales que implican un esfuerzo adicional en términos de procesamiento racional y analítico de información, entre ellos, la orientación estratégica al mercado y la capacidad de absorción. Sin embargo, el papel de las emociones en esta discusión no ha sido considerado. Un escenario en el que la capacidad emocional (CE) no está siendo considerada supone la no activación de otras formas de cognición relacionadas con la intuición, la experiencia y la empatía. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este artículo es analizar el efecto mediador de CE en la relación entre CTI y DI.


Se analizó la significancia estadística de los efectos indirectos mediante ecuaciones estructurales


Los resultados muestran la existencia de una mediación parcial de CE. Por lo tanto, queda evidenciado que constructos menos racionales como la capacidad emocional sirven como un puente entre CTI y el DI, por cuenta de la mejora en el procesamiento de la información, el nivel de uso de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación virtual.


Este hallazgo es bastante interesante dado que obliga a los investigadores y profesionales dedicados a la innovación a reconsiderar la perspectiva de estudio hegemónica que explora únicamente mediadores analíticos, lo cual implica un esfuerzo adicional en términos de procesamiento racional de la información. De este modo, se maximiza el riesgo de acentuar la sobrecarga cognitiva e incrementar los niveles de estrés que llevan a los empleados a dejar de recibir y utilizar la información proveniente de los servicios de TI, lo que compromete la posibilidad de obtener mejores resultados en innovación.

Palabras claves

Transformación digital, Procesamiento de información, Pensamiento intuitivo y analítico, Innovación digital, Inteligencia emocional, COVID-19

Tipo de papel

Trabajo de investigación


Tem havido um grande interesse, na literatura, em compreender a incidência das capacidades das tecnologias da informação (CTI) no desempenho da inovação (DI). Recentemente, ficou comprovado que esta relação é mediada por fatores organizacionais que demandam um esforço adicional em termos de processamento da informação de uma forma racional e analítica, incluindo a orientação estratégica do mercado e a capacidade de absorção. Contudo, o papel das emoções nesta discussão não tem sido amplamente abordado. Um cenário em que as emoções são inibidas, em particular, a capacidade emocional (CE), impede a ativação de outras formas de cognição relacionadas com a intuição, a experiência e a empatia. Portanto, o objetivo do documento é analisar o efeito mediador da capacidade emocional na relação entre a CTI e a DI.


Analisámos o significado estatístico dos efeitos indiretos através de equações estruturais.


Os resultados mostram a existência de uma mediação parcial da CE. Portanto, é evidenciado que construções menos racionais como a CE servem de ponte entre o CTI e a DI, devido à melhoria do processamento da informação, do nível de utilização das TI e da comunicação virtual.


Esta descoberta é bastante significativa porque obriga os investigadores e profissionais da inovação a reconsiderarem a perspectiva de estudo predominante que explora apenas os mediadores analíticos, o que implica um esforço adicional em termos de processamento racional da informação. Tudo isto porque existe o risco de acentuar a sobrecarga cognitiva e aumentar os níveis de estresse que levam os funcionários a deixarem de receber e utilizar a informação fornecida pelos serviços de TI, o que compromete a possibilidade de obter melhores resultados na inovação.


Transformação digital, Processamento da informação, Pensamento intuitivo e analítico, Inovação digital, Inteligência emocional, COVID-19

Tipo de manuscrito

Artigo de pesquisa


Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, vol. 19 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1536-5433


Publication date: 23 August 2013

Ana María Lucia‐Casademunt, J. Antonio Ariza‐Montes and Alfonso Carlos Morales‐Gutiérrez†

Employee well‐being (WB) is a strategic reference of prime importance due to its impact on human capital, employee health and quality in working life, factors that are key to…




Employee well‐being (WB) is a strategic reference of prime importance due to its impact on human capital, employee health and quality in working life, factors that are key to achieving successful organisations. The purpose of the current study is to assess the WB of female managers in the European workplace. The research analyses three dimensions (job satisfaction, comfort and enthusiasm) and the effect of job‐related factors on each one of these.


The Mental Health and Vitamin models (Warr, 1987) were taken as the starting‐point of the research. An alternative econometric method – an artificial neural network known as extreme learning machine was applied to a sample of 99 female managers collected from the 5th European Working Conditions Survey‐2010


The results obtained confirm that this methodology is valid to efficiently classify European female managers into those who feel satisfied with their jobs, calm and relaxed, and cheerful and in good spirits, and those who do not. Furthermore, the resulting model identifies the strongest factors important in determining the varied dimensions of occupational WB achieved.


Even today, despite the important contribution women managers make to the management of organisations, they have to face many challenges and overcome serious barriers in achieving and staying in positions of leaderships when compared to their male counterparts.


El bienestar laboral constituye un referente estratégico de primer orden por su impacto sobre el capital humano – salud y calidad de vida laboral de los empleados –, en aras de alcanzar organizaciones exitosas. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar el bienestar laboral a partir de sus tres dimensiones (satisfacción, confort y entusiasmo) de las mujeres que ocupan puestos de dirección en Europa y el efecto de ciertos factores laborales.


Se adopta como punto de partida los modelos teóricos de salud mental y vitamínico (Warr, 1987), aplicando un método econométrico novedoso – redes neuronales artificiales –, a una muestra de 99 mujeres directivas extraída de la V Encuesta Europea de Condiciones de Trabajo (2010).


Los resultados obtenidos confirman la validez de esta novedosa metodología para clasificar eficazmente a las mujeres directivas que presentan un elevado grado de bienestar laboral. Por otra parte, con el modelo resultante se identifican los factores más determinantes para el logro de cada una de las dimensiones que constituyen el bienestar laboral.


Las mujeres directivas, quienes a pesar de lo mucho que tienen que aportar en la gestión de las organizaciones, aún hoy encuentran que su acceso y permanencia en los puestos de dirección está colmado de desafíos y barreras difíciles de superar en comparación con sus homólogos masculinos.

Open Access
Publication date: 6 November 2017

Federico R. León, Oswaldo Morales, Juan D. Ramos, Álvaro Goyenechea, Paul A. Rojas, José Meza and Andrés Burga-León

Call centers generate stress and absenteeism in staff and the literature suggests that people-oriented leadership is the right way of supervision for such a situation. This study…




Call centers generate stress and absenteeism in staff and the literature suggests that people-oriented leadership is the right way of supervision for such a situation. This study compared its effects versus those of other types of leadership.


Absentee data of 379 representatives of customer services of a Peruvian call center were analyzed and the representatives answered a questionnaire about the Framework of Values in Competition and its four types of leadership. Day and night work shifts were compared.


It was observed that absenteeism declines with people-oriented leadership, although only during the day shift, and the addition of leadership oriented to change, results and control devalues models.


Future studies should cover the performance of the worker. The findings suggest a need to re-focus the theoretical focus on environmental contingencies that affect leadership effectiveness.


Leadership theorists will ask themselves in what circumstances the multiple leadership is effective. Call center managers will appreciate the organizational value of people-oriented leadership at the first level of supervision.


Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, vol. 22 no. 43
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2077-1886


Publication date: 7 March 2023

Yenny Vicky Paredes-Arturo, Andrea Florez-Madroñero and Daniel Camilo Aguirre-Acevedo

This paper aims to analyze how psychosocial support influences caring activities toward indigenous older adults.



This paper aims to analyze how psychosocial support influences caring activities toward indigenous older adults.


A descriptive study with the participation of 229 informal indigenous caregivers. The study considered both sociodemographic and medical variables. It used the mini-mental test to determine the cognitive level in the elderly. It applied the Yesavage and Zarit scales to establish depressive symptomatology and caregiver burden. Finally, the study used the MOS psychosocial support and Apgar screening questionnaires to assess the psychosocial dimension and the patient’s family functional state, respectively.


The study observed a low caregiver burden effect using the MOS questionnaire. This may be explained due to variability in the Zarit Scale Score product of other variables like years of care (−0.17 and −0.28), depressive symptoms (0.16 and 0.18), cognitive level (mini-mental) (−0.13 and −0.14) and comorbidity (0.26 and −0.27). The study obtained an incidence between (−0.02 and −0.12) when including all assessed dimensions into the model. The instrumental dimension in the social support questionnaire obtained the highest score.


Protective factors prevail in the group of indigenous caregivers allowing this activity to not trigger overload. Yet, variables such as the female gender, some comorbidities and the presence of depressive symptoms could be potential variables for dysfunction in this occupational role.


Working with Older People, vol. 28 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1366-3666


Open Access
Publication date: 20 February 2024

Vicente Peñarroja

Previous research has focused on the outcomes of telework, investigating the advantages and disadvantages of teleworking for employees. However, these investigations do not…




Previous research has focused on the outcomes of telework, investigating the advantages and disadvantages of teleworking for employees. However, these investigations do not examine whether there are differences between teleworkers when evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of teleworking. The aim of this study is to identify of distinct classes of teleworkers based on the advantages and disadvantages that teleworking has for them.


This study used secondary survey data collected by the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE). A sample of 842 people was used for this study. To identify the distinct classes of teleworkers, their perceived advantages and disadvantages of teleworking were analyzed using latent class analysis.


Three different classes of teleworkers were distinguished. Furthermore, sociodemographic covariates were incorporated into the latent class model, revealing that the composition of the classes varied in terms of education level, household income, and the amount of time spent on teleworking per week. This study also examined the influence of these emergent classes on employees’ experience of teleworking.


This study contributes to previous research investigating if telework is advantageous or disadvantageous for teleworkers, acknowledging that teleworkers are not identical and may respond differently to teleworking.


International Journal of Manpower, vol. 45 no. 10
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-7720




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