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Publication date: 2 October 2020

Janet Chang, Bendegul Okumus, Chih-Hung Wang and Chien-Yin Chiu

This study aims to investigate how the “cooking holiday” concept can be used by tourism authorities and practitioners and, to that end, proposes a hierarchical framework for…




This study aims to investigate how the “cooking holiday” concept can be used by tourism authorities and practitioners and, to that end, proposes a hierarchical framework for improving culinary tourism.


This study adopted the Delphi method to filter and verify the criteria, thereby constructing a hierarchical framework of cooking holidays in Taiwan. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was also applied to calculate the relative weight of each attribute and criterion, thus identifying their degrees of importance.


Four attributes (“local food,” “food trail,” “cooking experience” and “environment and atmosphere”) and 22 criteria were identified to comprise a cooking holiday experience framework. Research findings reveal “cooking experience” as the most crucial of the four attributes identified. Of the more numerous criteria, “ingredients with integrity,” “local features” and “diverse curriculum” were identified as the three most important.

Research limitations/implications

The hierarchical framework of cooking holiday experiences can be used by tourism authorities and practitioners to enhance experiential quality for tourists and promote culinary tourism in Taiwan. According to the research findings, cooking class participants can concentrate on the “cooking experience” while emphasizing “ingredients with integrity,” “local features” and “diverse curricula” in the context of cooking holidays.


This study offers valuable insights and suggests directions for future research on culinary tourism. This study also offers a framework for developing cooking holidays.


本文旨在探究可以如何运用「烹饪假期」之概念, 藉由阶层架构之提出, 藉以提升美食观光。


本文运用德尔菲法筛选与确认台湾烹饪假期阶层架构之指标与建构。并以层级分析法(AHP)估算每一属性与指针之相对权重, 藉以确认相对重要程度。


烹饪假期体验架构系由四个属性(「在地饮食」、「产制体验」、「烹饪体验」与「环境氛围」)与二十二个指标构成。研究发现显示「烹饪体验」在于四个属性之中最为重要。多项指标之中, 「安心食材」「在地特色」与「多元课程」系为最为重要之三个指标。


烹饪假期体验之阶层架构可为观光主管机关与业者运用, 藉以提升游客之体验质量与推广台湾之美食观光。依据研究发现, 烹饪教室参与者可以专注「烹饪体验」, 并且强调「安心食材」、「在地特色」与「多元课程」之要素, 藉以发展烹饪假期。


本文提供具有价值之洞见, 可供美食观光未来研究之参考。本文同时提供一个可以用以发展烹饪假期之架构。


Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar cómo se puede utilizar el concepto de “vacaciones de cocina” al proponer un marco jerárquico para mejorar el turismo culinario.


Este estudio adoptó el método Delphi para filtrar y verificar los criterios y construir el marco jerárquico de las vacaciones de cocina en Taiwán. El proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP) también se aplica para calcular el peso relativo de cada atributo y el criterio para identificar su grado de importancia.


Se identificaron cuatro atributos (“comida local”, “ruta culinaria”, “experiencia culinaria” y “entorno y ambiente”) y 22 criterios para comprender un marco de experiencia de vacaciones culinarias. Los resultados de la investigación revelan que la “experiencia culinaria” es el atributo más relevante de los cuatro identificados. De los criterios más numerosos, “ingredientes con integridad”, “características locales” y “currículum diverso” fueron identificados como los tres más importantes.


El marco jerárquico de la experiencia de las vacaciones de cocina se puede utilizar para que las autoridades y los profesionales del turismo mejoren la calidad de la experiencia de los turistas y promuevan el turismo culinario en Taiwán. Según los resultados de la investigación, los participantes de las clases de cocina pueden concentrarse en la “experiencia de cocina” y enfatizar los elementos de “ingredientes con integridad”, “características locales” y r“currículum diverso” para las vacaciones de cocina.


este estudio ofrece información valiosa, proporciona una referencia para futuras investigaciones sobre turismo culinario. Este estudio también ofrece un marco teórico, que se puede utilizar para desarrollar vacaciones de cocina.

Publication date: 3 January 2023

Huiying Zhang, Xi Yu Leung and Billy Bai

Aligned with cultural attraction theory, this study aims to propose a cultural attractiveness index (CAI) that helps tourism practitioners and scholars evaluate and track the…



Aligned with cultural attraction theory, this study aims to propose a cultural attractiveness index (CAI) that helps tourism practitioners and scholars evaluate and track the cultural attractiveness of urban destinations (cities) in the context of sustainable development.


Applying the Delphi method, a panel of experts was recruited to conduct three rounds of review to generate dimensions and determine indicators and corresponding weights. This study then verified CAI with statistical data from three sample cities (London, New York and Beijing).


A 12-item three-dimensional index structure (cultural places, cultural activities and cultural atmosphere) was created as CAI. This study also applied the CAI to compare three sample cities. The comparison identified possible aspects to be improved in developing cultural attractiveness, confirming CAI’s usefulness in fostering sustainable development.


The new CAI offers an effective tool for ascertaining a sustainable city’s cultural attractiveness while extending the cultural attraction theory and filling the existing gaps in the literature through a benchmark instrument. The CAI also provides an effective tool for destination managers and tourism practitioners for their sustainable initiatives in cities.


本研究旨在于建立文化吸引力指数(CAI), 帮助旅游从业者和学者在可持续发展的背景下评估和跟踪旅游城市的文化吸引力。


本研究采用德尔菲专家咨询法, 聘请了一个专家小组对指标体系进行了三轮审查, 以建立评价维度、确定指标和相应的权重。最后, 该研究用三个样本城市(伦敦、纽约和北京)的统计数据验证了CAI。


本文创建了一个由3个维度12项指标组成的评价指数体系CAI(文化场所, 文化活动和文化氛围)。三个样本城市的相关统计数据也验证了CAI评价体系在促进城市可持续发展方面的科学性, 也通过跨城市比较找到各自可进一步提升文化吸引力的维度。


新的CAI为衡量可持续城市的文化吸引力提供了评价体系, 填补了现有文献的空白。该CAI还为目的地管理者和旅游从业者提供了一个有效的基准工具, 以促进可持续城市发展目标的实现。


alineado con la teoría de la atracción cultural, el estudio propone un índice de atractivo cultural (CAI) que ayuda a los profesionales y académicos del turismo a evaluar y rastrear el atractivo cultural de los destinos urbanos (ciudades) en el contexto del desarrollo sostenible.


Aplicando el método Delphi, se reclutó un panel de expertos para realizar tres rondas de revisión para generar dimensiones y determinar indicadores y pesos correspondientes. Luego, el estudio verificó el CAI con datos estadísticos de tres ciudades de muestra (Londres, Nueva York y Beijing).


Se creó como CAI una estructura de índice tridimensional de 12 ítems (lugares culturales, actividades culturales y atmósfera cultural). El estudio también aplicó el CAI para comparar tres ciudades de muestra. La comparación identificó posibles aspectos a mejorar en el desarrollo del atractivo cultural, lo que confirma la utilidad de CAI para fomentar el desarrollo sostenible en las ciudades de la muestra.


El nuevo CAI ofrece una herramienta eficaz para determinar el atractivo cultural de una ciudad sostenible al mismo tiempo que llena los vacíos existentes en la literatura a través de un instrumento de referencia. El CAI también proporciona una herramienta eficaz para los administradores de destinos y profesionales del turismo para sus iniciativas sostenibles en las ciudades.

Publication date: 21 February 2020

Omid M. Ghoochani, Mansour Ghanian, Bahman Khosravipour and John C. Crotts

Destinations wishing to exploit their natural resources, such as wetlands, for tourism development are wise to reach consensus among their community’s stakeholders on the policies…



Destinations wishing to exploit their natural resources, such as wetlands, for tourism development are wise to reach consensus among their community’s stakeholders on the policies and practices needed to sustainably manage tourism development and activities in their fragile natural environments. Drawing from an old adage that you cannot manage what you do not measure, one of the most important challenges facing policymakers and destination managers is the measurement of tourism to determine if it is meeting its desired objectives. This paper aims to focus on producing a system for monitoring the performance of tourism development on sustainable tourism practices.


The proposed system is based upon a qualitative study using the Delphi method involving stakeholders from different areas of expertise in rural economic development and natural resource management.


After three rounds in the Delphi stage, the participants reached consensus on the following set of 69 indicators: Environmental (8 sub-components and 19 indicators), Socio-cultural (7 sub-components and 24 indicators) and Economic (8 sub-components and 26 indicators) for sustainable tourism development performance in the wetland areas.


The provided scale in this manuscript will allow the planners/managers to assess the sustainable tourism development in their area in an easy and reliable way.


旅游目的地希望开发自然资源(如湿地)来促进旅游业发展, 对这样的目的地而言, 与社区利益相关者在关于当地脆弱的自然环境中开展可持续旅游活动所需的政策措施的议题上达成共识, 是明智的。如老话所讲, 你不能管理你不衡量的东西。决策者和目的地管理者面临的最重要的挑战之一, 就是衡量旅游业发展是否达到了预期目标。本文旨在建立一个可持续旅游实践中的旅游发展绩效监测系统。

该系统是基于定性研究提出的, 采用德尔菲法, 涉及农村经济发展和自然资源管理不同领域的利益相关者。

在德尔菲阶段进行了3轮征询后, 参与者就以下湿地地区STDP的69项指标达成了共识:环境指标(8个分项和19个指标)、社会文化指标(7个分项和24个指标)和经济指标(8个分项和26个指标)。

此量表从整体的视角让规划者/管理者得以以简单可靠的方式评估旅游发展的可持续性, 同时基于其灵活性和基于实地收集数据的性质, 可以适应湿地地区任何旅游开发的特征,在发达国家和发展中国家都是如此。

关键词 湿地, 可持续旅游, 指标,绩效

Desempeño del desarrollo del turismo sostenible en los humedales: propuesta de un índice compuesto

Objetivo (limitado a 100 palabras)

Parece sensato que los destinos que deseen explotar sus recursos naturales, como los humedales, para el desarrollo del turismo, lleguen a un consenso entre los grupos de interés de su comunidad sobre las políticas y prácticas necesarias para gestionar de manera sostenible el desarrollo y las actividades turísticas en sus frágiles entornos naturales. Partiendo del viejo refrán de que no se puede gestionar lo que no se mide, uno de los retos más importantes a los que se enfrentan los responsables políticos y los gestores de destinos turísticos es la medición del turismo para determinar si cumple con los objetivos deseados. Este trabajo se centró en el desarrollo de un sistema de control del desempeño del desarrollo turístico en prácticas de turismo sostenible.

Diseño/metodología/enfoque (limitado a 100 palabras)

El sistema propuesto se basa en un estudio cualitativo que utiliza el método Delphi en el que participan grupos de interés de diferentes ámbitos de especialización en el desarrollo económico rural y la gestión de los recursos naturales.

Resultados (limitado a 100 palabras)

Después de tres rondas en la etapa Delphi, los participantes llegaron a un consenso sobre el siguiente conjunto de 69 indicadores: ambientales (8 subcomponentes y 19 indicadores), socioculturales (7 subcomponentes y 24 indicadores) y económicos (8 subcomponentes y 26 indicadores) para la STDP en los humedales.

Originalidad/interés (limitado a 100 palabras)

La escala propuesta implica una visión holística que permitirá a los planificadores y administradores evaluar su sostenibilidad de manera fácil y fiable. Además, basándose en su flexibilidad y su carácter de recogida de datos sobre el terreno, puede adaptarse a las características de cualquier desarrollo turístico de los humedales, tanto en los países desarrollados como en los países en vías de desarrollo de forma simultánea.

Palabras clave

Humedales, Turismo sostenible, Indicador, Desempeño.

Tipo de papel

Trabajo de investigación


Tourism Review, vol. 75 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1660-5373


Publication date: 5 September 2019

Jhon Wilder Zartha Sossa, William Halal and Raul Hernandez Zarta

The purpose of this study is to review the literature on the Delphi method, its characteristics and current applications through an analysis of recent most-cited scientific…




The purpose of this study is to review the literature on the Delphi method, its characteristics and current applications through an analysis of recent most-cited scientific papers, with an emphasis on three axes, namely, the number of rounds used, stakeholder participation relevance or only academic experts’ participation and the possibility of using indicators or techniques different from those related to descriptive statistics.


In total, 57 papers were initially reviewed, 10 of them with a high citation rate. Then, an analysis was made of papers in Scopus for the period 2015-2018 published in the Technological Forecasting and Social Change Journal and in the Futures and Foresight Journal, which had the characteristic of displaying quartile Q1 or Q2 in Scimago in addition to being in Scopus.


Among the main results, the authors observe the tendency to use fewer rounds, a higher prevalence of stakeholder participation and not only academic experts but also the use of new types of modified Delphi such as real-time spatial Delphi, Delphi group, market Delphi, real-world Delphi and policy Delphi.


Among the conclusions, the possibility of using other indicators or complementary techniques to the descriptive statistics is highlighted such as number of justifications or comments between rounds, coefficients to quantify the competence or degree of expertise of the participants, measures of the perception of the expert on the usefulness of the presented feedback, graphs of the number of arguments according to the number of questions, the Wilcoxon Ranked Pairs Test, the k means, Kolmogorov–Simonov test and the Mann–Whitney U-test.


foresight, vol. 21 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1463-6689


Publication date: 27 July 2012

Vanessa Campos‐Climent, Andreea Apetrei and Rafael Chaves‐Ávila

Agricultural cooperatives have been able to become a strong and consolidated organizational form, although the new challenges of globalization and trade liberalization require…




Agricultural cooperatives have been able to become a strong and consolidated organizational form, although the new challenges of globalization and trade liberalization require changes in the strategic approach. The requirements of the distribution companies, consumers and government about the concentration of demand, traceability, food safety and respect for the environment had led to a thorough reorganization of agricultural food systems. So it is necessary to undertake a strategic review of horticultural cooperatives in order to conduct a strategic assessment and hence identify the strategic actions to be followed in the coming years. This paper seeks to address these issues.


An empirical study has been carried out during the first half of 2011 consisting in the application of the Delphi method and sending a questionnaire to experts whose purpose was to gain a view of the strategic situation of horticultural cooperatives in Spain. The Delphi method is a projection technique of the qualitative and subjective type which is appropriate for studies where there is little information on the subject to be analysed, and also for exploratory studies, as it is the case study of examining the role of agricultural cooperatives in coming out of the crisis of Mediterranean agriculture.


The performed Delphi analysis revealed that Mediterranean agriculture suffers from a severe crisis for which the solutions are hard to find, although the existence of the agricultural cooperatives and certain specific forms of performance and financing can partly improve the described situation. The application of the SWOT analysis based on the opinions of the experts provided sufficient detailed insights of the actual situation of the cooperatives. Thus, from the Delphi SWOT applied to Mediterranean agriculture and agricultural cooperatives, the authors can make some important assessments which are included in their paper.


It is a forward‐looking analysis that tries to give measures to the sector, but measures that come from the sector, in order to face the Mediterranean agriculture crisis.


Management Decision, vol. 50 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0025-1747


Book part
Publication date: 24 November 2021

Josefina L. Murillo-Luna, Esperanza García-Uceda and Jesús Asín-Lafuente

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify and understand the obstacles hindering social entrepreneurship as a business model. Methodology/Approach: We performed an…


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify and understand the obstacles hindering social entrepreneurship as a business model. Methodology/Approach: We performed an exploratory analysis structured in three stages. First, we used the Delphi method to identify the main difficulties with the collaboration of 20 social entrepreneurship experts. We then analyzed how these experts and a group of 21 social entrepreneurs rated the importance of the difficulties that had been identified. Finally, we performed a comparative analysis of both groups' ratings and found significant differences between their perceptions. Findings: Experts and social entrepreneurs agree on identifying financial difficulties as the main obstacles. They all highlight the lack of financial resources and difficulties in the sustainability and independence of the venture in the long term. However, while the experts recognize that human resources' lack of skills is another important obstacle, the social entrepreneurs give more importance to external factors, such as resistance to social change or lack of knowledge and understanding of the social entrepreneurship concept. Practical Implications: The decision to seek the collaboration of two different groups is enriching, as the results show that their perceptions of the barriers facing social entrepreneurship do not always coincide. Originality/Value of Chapter: It is a chapter focused exclusively on deepening the knowledge of the obstacles to social entrepreneurship, which tries not only to identify them but also to offer the vision of experts in social entrepreneurship as well as of social entrepreneurs themselves.

Publication date: 11 October 2022

Eric Kodzo Adzivor, Fidelis Emuze and Dillip Kumar Das

The purpose of this article is to determine safety culture indicators that can improve the health and safety performance of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) contractors in…



The purpose of this article is to determine safety culture indicators that can improve the health and safety performance of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) contractors in Ghana.


A three-round Delphi method was used. The first round consisted of 31 experts out of which 18 of them rated their agreements with a set of 87 potential safety culture indicators using a 10-point Likert scale of importance (1 = important and 10 = very important) and the 16 experts who completed the final round were given the opportunity to suggest other indicators. The 87 indicators were categorised into 14 core health and safety elements. Indicators that attained a group median value of 5–10 for 50% or more expert ratings were accepted.


At the end of the third round, a consensus was reached on the indicators when they attracted median scores of 5–10 for at least 50% or more of the health and safety experts rated the indicators between 5 and 10. Out of a total of 87 indicators at the start of the Delphi process, the consensus was reached on 70 that were retained.

Research limitations/implications

The health and safety experts were not given the opportunity to add new indicators to the structured questionnaire until the third round.


This is the first study, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, to have a consensus by health and safety experts on leading indicator metrics of positive culture of construction safety in Ghana for improved SME construction company’s health and safety performance in Ghana. If these indicators are adopted and used effectively in Ghana, they would ensure positive culture of construction safety and subsequently help to protect construction workers.


Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , vol. 28 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1366-4387


Publication date: 16 August 2022

Gustavo Tietz Cazeri, Luis Antonio Santa-Eulalia, Andre Ricardo Fioravanti, Milena Pavan Serafim, Izabela Simon Rampasso and Rosley Anholon

The objectives of this study are twofold: identify the main challenges in performing training on Industry 4.0 concepts to managers operating in the manufacturing sector who are…




The objectives of this study are twofold: identify the main challenges in performing training on Industry 4.0 concepts to managers operating in the manufacturing sector who are not familiar with them but aspire for an Industry 4.0 broad view and validate training practices that can be adopted to reduce managerial knowledge differences.


A Delphi method was carried out in two rounds to identify the Industry 4.0 training challenges and a Fuzzy Delphi method was applied in one round to validate the training practices. Both methods used the same set of participants composed of experts in training for Industry 4.0. Results were discussed considering literature statements.


In total, 11 challenges in Industry 4.0 training were identified and grouped into: challenges associated with the necessary knowledge, challenges of breaking paradigm, challenges associated with training characteristics and challenges associated with expected results. In total, 11 training practices were directly validated, including actions to be adopted before, during, and after the training process.


The findings are relevant for professionals, academics, or consultants as the findings enable better training planning and execution. No similar papers were found in scientific databases, reinforcing this present study's originality and contribution.


Kybernetes, vol. 52 no. 12
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0368-492X


Open Access
Publication date: 9 September 2022

Lina María Castro Benavides, Johnny Alexander Tamayo Arias, Daniel Burgos and Alke Martens

This study aims to validate the content of an instrument which identifies the organizational, sociocultural and technological characteristics that foster digital transformation…




This study aims to validate the content of an instrument which identifies the organizational, sociocultural and technological characteristics that foster digital transformation (DT) in higher education institutions (HEIs) through the Delphi method.


The methodology is quantitative, non-experimental, and descriptive in scope. First, expert judges were selected; Second, Aiken's V coefficients were obtained. Nine experts were considered for the validation.


This study’s findings show that the instrument has content validity and there was strong consensus among the judges. The instrument consists of 29 questions; 13 items adjusted and 2 merged.


A novel instrument for measuring the DT at HEIs was designed and has content validity, evidenced by Aiken's V coefficients of 0.91 with a 0.05 significance, and consensus among judges evidenced by consensus coefficient of 0.81.


Applied Computing and Informatics, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2634-1964


Publication date: 5 June 2009

Montserrat Costa‐Font, Teresa Serra, Maria Gil and Anna Gras

The viticulture sector represents a conspicuous part of the Catalan agricultural and agro food sector. While wine production in Catalonia has been increasing markedly over the…



The viticulture sector represents a conspicuous part of the Catalan agricultural and agro food sector. While wine production in Catalonia has been increasing markedly over the first half of the 2000s, prices that grape producers receive have steadily declined threatening their standard of living. This has raised social and political concerns and calls for a better understanding of its causes. This paper aims to comprehend the sources of such price crisis.


A Delphi survey is conducted during 2005 among a panel of 27 wine sector experts.


The results find that experts agree in considering wine surplus and imperfect price transmission as the main causes determining low farm‐gate prices in the Catalan wine sector.


The analysis aims at characterizing the food marketing chain for wine products in Catalonia by quantifying the trade flows occuring within this chain. This paper is the first attempt in Catalonia and Spain to quantify and characterize such flows.


International Journal of Wine Business Research, vol. 21 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1751-1062


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