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Publication date: 13 August 2024

Julia Vasconcelos Furtado, Antonio Carrizo Moreira, Ricardo Gouveia Rodrigues and Jorge Humberto F. Mota

Research on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has been based on Western developed economies’ samples (or specific Eastern countries such as China and Saudi Arabia)…



Research on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has been based on Western developed economies’ samples (or specific Eastern countries such as China and Saudi Arabia), lacking attention to developing contexts (Latin America). Even though OCBs’ antecedents in the Global North context have been thoroughly explored, Corporate Social Responsibility’s (CSR) perceptions and organizational commitment’s (OC) roles are “under-studied” in such developing contexts. This study aims to respond to the call for research on the behavioral perspective on CSR in Latin America, challenging implicit assumptions of theories developed in Western developed countries, related to the employees’ CSR perceptions and OC and OCB research.


In a postpositivist approach, the authors tested whether CSR and OC directly affect OCB, exploring OCB’s five dimensions – altruism, courtesy, consciousness, civic virtue and sportsmanship, with a main hypothesis that CSR and OC directly affect OCBs. The sample comprises responses from 1,059 employees from public and private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Brazil – the largest economy in Latin America, yet a collectivistic society developing country, in which OCB phenomena is still underexplored or done to a lesser extent.


Whenever positively perceiving their organizations’ CSR activities, employees identify strongly with the organization, influencing positive job outcomes such as OC and OCBs. Findings indicate that despite not perfectly fitting non-North American contexts, the OCB five-dimension structure is positively related to employees’ CSR perception, confirming OC’s stronger role in the Brazilian context. Indeed, findings confirm OC’s influence over all OCB dimensions, re-stating it as a stronger predictor of behaviors like consciousness (compliance), civic virtue and sportsmanship.


This research accepted the challenge of bringing OC back to OCB research. Indeed, seminal work had implied OC as a robust and significant predictor of the OCB, yet in Western developed economies. The scarcity of research on the matter in developing collectivist economies such as Brazil, justifies this study’s novelty and appropriateness.


La investigación sobre el organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) se ha basado en muestras de economías desarrolladas occidentales (o países orientales específicos como China y Arabia Saudita), sin prestar atención a los contextos en desarrollo (América Latina). Aunque se han explorado a fondo los antecedentes de las OCB en el contexto del Hemisferio Norte Global, las percepciones de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) y los roles del compromiso organizacional (CO) están “poco estudiados” en tales contextos en desarrollo. Respondemos al llamado a investigar la perspectiva conductual de la RSE en América Latina, desafiando los supuestos implícitos de las teorías desarrolladas en los países desarrollados occidentales, relacionadas con las percepciones de RSE de los empleados y las investigaciones sobre OC y OCB.


En un enfoque pos-positivista, probamos si la RSE y el OC afectan directamente al OCB, explorando las cinco dimensiones del OCB: altruismo, cortesía, conciencia, virtud cívica y espíritu deportivo, con la hipótesis principal de que la RSE y el OC afectan directamente a los OCB. La muestra comprende respuestas de 1.059 empleados de instituciones de educación superior (IES) públicas y privadas en Brasil, la economía más grande de América Latina, pero un país en desarrollo con una sociedad colectivista, en el que los fenómenos OCB aún están poco explorados o se realizan en menor medida.


Siempre que perciben positivamente las actividades de RSE de sus organizaciones, los empleados se identifican fuertemente con la organización, lo que influye en resultados laborales positivos, como OC y OCB. Los hallazgos indican que, a pesar de no encajar perfectamente en contextos fuera de América del Norte, la estructura de cinco dimensiones de OCB está positivamente relacionada con la percepción de RSE de los empleados, lo que confirma el papel más fuerte del OC en el contexto brasileño. De hecho, los hallazgos confirman la influencia del compromiso organizacional sobre todas las dimensiones del OCB, reformándolo como un predictor más fuerte de comportamientos como la conciencia (cumplimiento), la virtud cívica y el espíritu deportivo.


Esta investigación aceptó el desafío de devolver el OC a la investigación de OCB. De hecho, un trabajo fundamental había implicado que el OC era un predictor sólido y significativo del OCB, incluso en las economías desarrolladas occidentales. La escasez de investigaciones sobre el tema en economías colectivistas en desarrollo como Brasil, justifica la novedad y pertinencia de este estudio.


A investigação sobre o comportamento de organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) tem-se baseado em amostras de economias desenvolvidas ocidentais (ou de países orientais específicos, como a China e a Arábia Saudita), sem atenção aos contextos em desenvolvimento (América Latina). Embora os antecedentes dos OCBs no contexto do Hemifério Norte tenham sido exaustivamente explorados, as percepções da Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSE) e os papéis do organizational commitment (OC) são “subestudados” nesses contextos em desenvolvimento. Respondemos ao apelo por pesquisas sobre a perspectiva comportamental da RSE na América Latina, desafiando pressupostos implícitos de teorias desenvolvidas nos países ocidentais desenvolvidos, relacionadas às percepções de RSC dos funcionários e às pesquisas de OC e OCB.


Numa abordagem pós-positivista, testamos se a Responsabilidade Social Corporativa e o OC afectam directamente o OCB, explorando as cinco dimensões do OCB – altruísmo, cortesia, consciência, virtude cívica e espírito desportivo, com a hipótese principal de que a RSE e o OC afectam directamente os OCB. A amostra compreende respostas de 1.059 funcionários de Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) públicas e privadas do Brasil – a maior economia da América Latina, mas um país em desenvolvimento com sociedade coletivista, no qual o fenômeno do OCB ainda é subexplorado ou realizado em menor grau.


Sempre que percebem positivamente as atividades de RSE das suas organizações, os funcionários identificam-se fortemente com a organização, influenciando resultados positivos do trabalho, como OC e OCBs. Os resultados indicam que, apesar de não se ajustar perfeitamente aos contextos não norte-americanos, a estrutura de cinco dimensões do OCB está positivamente relacionada com a percepção de RSE dos funcionários, confirmando o papel mais forte do OC no contexto brasileiro. Na verdade, os resultados confirmam a influência do compromisso organizacional sobre todas as dimensões do OCB, reafirmando-o como um preditor mais forte de comportamentos como consciência (conformidade), virtude cívica e espírito desportivo.


Esta pesquisa aceitou o desafio de trazer o OC de volta à pesquisa de OCB. Na verdade, o trabalho seminal tinha implicado o OC como um preditor robusto e significativo do OCB, ainda nas economias desenvolvidas ocidentais. A escassez de pesquisas sobre o assunto nas economias coletivistas em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil, justifica a novidade e a adequação deste estudo.

Publication date: 28 June 2024

Esteban López-Zapata, Yésica Torres-Vargas and Marco Aurelio Ortiz-Puentes

This research analyzes the impact of transformational leadership on task performance in sales team members, considering the mediating role of leader–member exchange (LMX)…



This research analyzes the impact of transformational leadership on task performance in sales team members, considering the mediating role of leader–member exchange (LMX), perceived organizational support and work engagement.


A structural equations model was analyzed utilizing the partial least squares (PLS-SEM) method based on data collected from a survey of 142 members and 19 leaders of sales teams in Colombian companies.


The present study establishes that social exchange variables, including perceived organizational support and LMX, mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and task performance. Nevertheless, work engagement does not demonstrate a statistically significant mediating effect.


The outcomes of this study contribute significant insights into how transformational leadership, directly and indirectly, affects task performance in an emerging economy. It specifically addresses the cultural context of Colombia, marked by a high distance to power and a perceived low aversion to uncertainty – contrary to a desired higher uncertainty avoidance.


Esta investigación analiza el impacto del liderazgo transformacional en el desempeño de tareas de los miembros de equipos de ventas, considerando el rol mediador de factores como el intercambio líder-miembro (LMX), el apoyo organizacional percibido y el engagement laboral.


A partir de una encuesta realizada a 142 miembros y 19 líderes de equipos de ventas en empresas colombianas, se analizó un Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales utilizando la metodología de Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales (PLS-SEM).


Se identifica el rol mediador de variables de intercambio social como el LMX y el apoyo organizacional percibido en la relación existente entre el liderazgo transformacional y el desempeño de tareas; sin embargo, no se encuentra un efecto mediador significativo del engagement laboral.


Los resultados de este estudio aportan importantes perspectivas sobre cómo el liderazgo transformacional afecta, directa e indirectamente, el desempeño en las tareas en una economía emergente. Aborda específicamente el contexto cultural de Colombia, caracterizado por una alta distancia al poder y una baja aversión a la incertidumbre percibida, en contraste con una mayor aversión a la incertidumbre deseada.

Book part
Publication date: 23 April 2024

Martha Esther Guerra Muñoz, Rober Trinidad Romero Ramirez and Freddy David Zuluaga Guerrra

This chapter provides a literature review on the topic of emotional intelligence (EI) in the workplace. Quantitative methods were used, with surveys sent to a predetermined sample…


This chapter provides a literature review on the topic of emotional intelligence (EI) in the workplace. Quantitative methods were used, with surveys sent to a predetermined sample and processed with the SPSS statistical package. The overall aim of the study was to investigate the effect of EI based on self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and relationship management on work engagement in a public university. One hundred eight professors at the public university. The data for this study were collected by means of a questionnaire. In total, there are 23 questions on a Likert scale. Cronbach's alpha showed that the reliability of the instrument was higher than 0.763. In light of the data, it has been shown that there is correlation between self-awareness, self-management, relationship management, empathy with both work engagement and job satisfaction. Furthermore, the results show that EI is significantly related to both university loyalty and job happiness. Only a conditional link was created between professors' achievements and the success of the public university.


Technological Innovations for Business, Education and Sustainability
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83753-106-6


Publication date: 26 March 2024

Nathalie Campos Valverde, Juan Carlos Leiva and Ronald Mora

This study aims to address the effects of self-esteem and affective commitment on firm performance and whether these effects vary according to the gender and age of active…



This study aims to address the effects of self-esteem and affective commitment on firm performance and whether these effects vary according to the gender and age of active entrepreneurial students.


This study uses a subsample from the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS) of entrepreneur students running their own businesses to perform a structural equation model (SEM) analysis to test the relationship between self-esteem (SE), affective commitment (AC) and firm performance (FP) moderated by the gender and age of entrepreneur students.


The results confirm that higher levels of entrepreneur SE are related to a higher assessment of AC and FP. A major effect of SE on AC was also observed among male respondents. Age was not related to an increase in AC. The effect of SE on AC and FP was lower among older students.


This study makes valuable contributions to the fields of entrepreneurship, psychology, gender and organizational behavior. This study presents empirical support for the theoretical framework using SEM, presenting initial insights into the mechanisms that shape AC in entrepreneurial students and its implications for FP.


Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia del género, la edad y la autoestima (SE) de los emprendedores en el compromiso afectivo (AC) de los estudiantes universitarios con sus emprendimientos y cómo se relacionan con el desempeño subjetivo de la empresa (FP).


Utilizamos los datos de la encuesta GUESSS de 2018 para realizar un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) para determinar los efectos directos del género, la edad y la SE en el AC, sus efectos directos e indirectos en el FP y los efectos directos y papel mediador del AC hacia el FP, para estudiantes emprendedores.


Los resultados confirman que niveles más altos de SE están relacionados con niveles más altos de AC de los emprendedores a sus emprendimientos y una mayor evaluación de FP. Además, los hombres reportan niveles más altos de AC y FP que sus contrapartes femeninas, al tiempo que el género tiene un efecto importante en la relación del SE en el AC. La edad no está relacionada con el aumento del AC, pero el efecto de la SE sobre el AC disminuye con el incremento de la edad, y los valores de FP también se reducen para los estudiantes mayores en comparación con los estudiantes más jóvenes. Los niveles más altos de AC están relacionados con valores más altos de FP, y existe un efecto de mediación de AC para el género y SE sobre FP.


este estudio proporciona valiosas contribuciones a los campos del emprendimiento, la psicología, el género y el comportamiento organizacional. Primero, presentamos un marco teórico que integra postulados de emprendimiento FP, AC, SE, edad y género. Luego, probamos empíricamente nuestro marco teórico utilizando SEM y presentamos resultados iniciales sobre los mecanismos que dan forma al AC en estudiantes emprendedores y sus implicaciones para el FP.


Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a influência do gênero, da idade e da autoestima (SE) dos empreendedores no comprometimento afetivo (AC) dos universitários com seus empreendimentos e como eles se relacionam com o desempenho subjetivo da empresa (FP).


Utilizamos dados da pesquisa GUESSS de 2018 para realizar uma modelagem de equações estruturais (SEM) para determinar os efeitos diretos de gênero, idade e SE na AC, seus efeitos diretos e indiretos no FP e os efeitos diretos e papel mediador do AC na FP, para estudantes empreendedores.


Os resultados confirmam que níveis mais elevados de SE estão relacionados com níveis mais elevados de AC dos empreendedores para os seus empreendimentos e uma maior avaliação do FP. Além disso, os homens relatam níveis mais elevados de AC e FP do que as mulheres, embora tenham um efeito importante da SE na AC. A idade não está relacionada com o aumento da AC, mas o efeito do SE na AC diminui com o aumento da idade, e os valores de FP também diminuem para os alunos mais velhos em comparação com os alunos mais jovens. Níveis mais elevados de AC estão relacionados a valores mais elevados de FP, e há efeito mediador da AC para gênero e SE sobre FP.


Este estudo fornece contribuições valiosas para as áreas de empreendedorismo, psicologia, gênero e comportamento organizacional. Primeiro, apresentamos um quadro teórico que integra postulados de empreendedorismo em FP, AC, SE, idade e género. Em seguida, testamos empiricamente o nosso enquadramento teórico utilizando SEM e apresentamos resultados iniciais sobre os mecanismos que moldam o AC em estudantes empreendedores e as suas implicações para o FP.


Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1536-5433


Publication date: 6 June 2024

Monserrat Perez-Burgoin, Yolanda Baez-Lopez, Jorge Limon-Romero, Diego Tlapa and Jorge Luis García-Alcaraz

The objective of this article is to identify the relationships between the enablers in the implementation of Green Lean Six Sigma (GLSS) in the Mexican manufacturing industry…



The objective of this article is to identify the relationships between the enablers in the implementation of Green Lean Six Sigma (GLSS) in the Mexican manufacturing industry (MMI).


To create the survey instrument, the authors did an extensive literature research, which they then applied in the MMI to find the relationships between enablers and their impact on the positive effects of implementing GLSS projects. Using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA), the data were empirically and statistically corroborated. Furthermore, the authors validated the hypotheses that support the research using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach in SPSS Amos.


The findings reveal that leadership has a positive impact on social and economic benefits (EcB), as well as an indirect impact on the environmental benefits (EB) of GLSS projects, with organizational involvement (OI) and performance measurement (PM) functioning as mediators.

Practical implications

This study represents an empirical reference for practitioners and researchers pursuing high-quality, low-cost, environmentally and socially sustainable products or processes through the implementation of GLSS projects in the manufacturing industry.


This study provides a statistically validated model using the SEM technique to represent the relationships between GLSS enablers in the MMI.


Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-038X


Publication date: 17 July 2024

Ana Serafim, Cláudia Miranda Veloso, Jesús Rivera-Navarro, Bruno Sousa and Marco Valeri

The aim of this paper is the validation of a scale that has Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Internal Marketing (IM) as determinants of organizational success.



The aim of this paper is the validation of a scale that has Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Internal Marketing (IM) as determinants of organizational success.


The survey (questionnaire) allows assessing the contribution of motivation and job satisfaction to organizational success and was disseminated on social networks and directly in some national institutions.


The results of this research suggest that the 58 items of the scale can be grouped into eight main dimensions and can be confidently applied to professionals from organizations and companies operating in Portugal.


Furthermore, this study can be considered as an innovative, effective and useful tool for entrepreneurs, managers and organizations, as it can help diagnose the perceptions of their employees and promote a healthy and appealing environment, moving towards an excellent organizational performance, greater profitability and corporate sustainability.


Journal of Organizational Change Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0953-4814


Publication date: 21 May 2024

Jose Leao and Marcele Fontana

This study aims to develop a talent selection model for learning organizations capable of connecting two groups, candidates in a talent hiring process and managers of the hiring…



This study aims to develop a talent selection model for learning organizations capable of connecting two groups, candidates in a talent hiring process and managers of the hiring company, in a reliable process, promoting organizational learning and increasing employee satisfaction.


This paper integrates egalitarian principles, an artificial intelligence mechanism founded on stable matching algorithms, and evaluating critical soft skills to enhance recruitment practices within learning organizations. The authors conduct a numerical real-world application in Python to showcase the model’s effectiveness. Five candidates were evaluated for five job positions. Moreover, 26 soft skills were analyzed by the five company leaders, relating them to the requirements of each job position and by all candidates, as a self-assessment process.


The model promoted egalitarian talent management because it motivates the candidates to choose the preferred position in a company, and the employers hire the best candidate. It is satisfactory for all participants in a company’s hiring process if the parties intend to be fair and egalitarian. The benefits of the process can be considered isolated (parties’ satisfaction) or a part of a company’s effort to stimulate an egalitarian culture in organizational values.

Practical implications

The information generated by the model is used to refine its selection process and improve its understanding of the job requirements and candidate profiles of the company. The model supports this idea, using the concepts of indifference, stability, egalitarianism and the soft skills required and identified to be more effective and learn about themselves.

Social implications

This paper discusses an egalitarian point of view in the recruitment process. It is satisfactory for all participants in a company’s hiring process if the parties intend to be fair and egalitarian. The process’s benefits can be considered part of a company’s effort to stimulate an egalitarian culture in organizational values.


This paper brings an excellent future perspective and points to the company’s development of talent retention. The model simultaneously solves the evolution of talent management processes through new technologies and soft skills emerging in the postpandemic scenario.


The Learning Organization, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0969-6474


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