Journal of Health Organization and Management

Issue(s) available: 147 – From Volume: 17 Issue: 1, to Volume: 38 Issue: 9


Cover of Journal of Health Organization and Management
Volume 38
Volume 37
Volume 36
Volume 35
  • Issue 9 2021 Open Access Issue
  • Issue 8 2021
  • Issue 7 2021 Implementation Science to Practice in Healthcare Organization and Management
  • Issue 6 2021 11th HSRAANZ conference addressing Health services inequities
  • Issue 5 2021
  • Issue 4 2021
  • Issue 3 2021 Policy challenges and innovative analyses of payment for performance in health care
  • Issue 2 2021 Boundary organising in health care
  • Issue 1 2021
Volume 34
Volume 33
  • Issue 7/8 2019 Governance and coordination in health care: organic processes and structural capacity
  • Issue 6 2019
  • Issue 5 2019
  • Issue 4 2019
  • Issue 3 2019
  • Issue 2 2019
  • Issue 1 2019 Selected research from the 10th Health Services Research Association “Shifting Priorities: balancing acute and primary care services”
Volume 32
Volume 31
Volume 30
  • Issue 8 2016
  • Issue 7 2016
  • Issue 6 2016
  • Issue 5 2016 Improving equitable access to health care through increasing patient and public involvement in prioritisation decisions
  • Issue 4 2016
  • Issue 3 2016
  • Issue 2 2016 9th International Organisational Behaviour in Healthcare Conference
  • Issue 1 2016
Volume 29
Volume 28
Volume 27
Volume 26
Volume 25
Volume 24
Volume 23
  • Issue 6 2009 Culture and climate in health organisations
  • Issue 5 2009
  • Issue 4 2009
  • Issue 3 2009 Managerial regimes meet the healthcare state contingencies and dynamics in the governance of healthcare
  • Issue 2 2009
  • Issue 1 2009
Volume 22
  • Issue 6 2008
  • Issue 5 2008
  • Issue 4 2008 Redrawing boundaries within healthcare Scandinavian experience
  • Issue 3 2008
  • Issue 2 2008
  • Issue 1 2008 Incentives in health systems developing theory, investigating practice
Volume 21
Volume 20
Volume 19
Volume 18
Volume 17



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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