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Publication date: 27 October 2020

Francoise Contreras, Ghulam Abid, Mark Govers and Natasha Saman Elahi

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of colleague and supervisor support on work engagement, examining the mediating role of possibilities for professional…



The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of colleague and supervisor support on work engagement, examining the mediating role of possibilities for professional development in a healthcare setting.


A cross-sectional survey design was used. A sample of 253 Colombian nurses from a private hospital completed a series of questionnaires.


According to the results, support from both colleagues and supervisors influences the work engagement of healthcare personnel. This research provides evidence about how to encourage work engagement in nursing staff through an adequate environment characterized by support and opportunities for career advancement.

Research limitations/implications

In this study, a cross-sectional design was used; therefore, the generalization is limited, and it is not possible to infer causality.


Providing certain conditions can promote not only work engagement with its desirable effects, but it may also mitigate the burden of a complex environment such as healthcare.


El propósito de este estudio es examinar los efectos del apoyo del colegas y supervisores sobre el compromiso laboral, examinando el rol mediador de las posibilidades de desarrollo profesional en un contexto de salud.


Se utilizó un diseño transversal. Una muestra de 253 enfermeras colombianas de un hospital privado completaron una serie de cuestionarios.


De acuerdo con los resultados, el apoyo tanto de los compañeros como de los supervisores influye en el compromiso laboral del personal de enfermería Esta investigación proporciona evidencia sobre cómo fomentar la participación laboral en el personal de enfermería a través de un entorno adecuado caracterizado por el apoyo y las oportunidades para el desarrollo profesional.


proporcionar ciertas condiciones puede promover no solo el compromiso laboral con sus efectos deseables, sino que también puede mitigar la carga laboral de un entorno complejo como lo es el de atención en salud.


En este estudio se utilizó un diseño transversal, por lo que la generalización es limitada y no es posible inferir causalidad.

Publication date: 23 August 2013

Ana María Lucia‐Casademunt, J. Antonio Ariza‐Montes and Alfonso Carlos Morales‐Gutiérrez†

Employee well‐being (WB) is a strategic reference of prime importance due to its impact on human capital, employee health and quality in working life, factors that are key to…




Employee well‐being (WB) is a strategic reference of prime importance due to its impact on human capital, employee health and quality in working life, factors that are key to achieving successful organisations. The purpose of the current study is to assess the WB of female managers in the European workplace. The research analyses three dimensions (job satisfaction, comfort and enthusiasm) and the effect of job‐related factors on each one of these.


The Mental Health and Vitamin models (Warr, 1987) were taken as the starting‐point of the research. An alternative econometric method – an artificial neural network known as extreme learning machine was applied to a sample of 99 female managers collected from the 5th European Working Conditions Survey‐2010


The results obtained confirm that this methodology is valid to efficiently classify European female managers into those who feel satisfied with their jobs, calm and relaxed, and cheerful and in good spirits, and those who do not. Furthermore, the resulting model identifies the strongest factors important in determining the varied dimensions of occupational WB achieved.


Even today, despite the important contribution women managers make to the management of organisations, they have to face many challenges and overcome serious barriers in achieving and staying in positions of leaderships when compared to their male counterparts.


El bienestar laboral constituye un referente estratégico de primer orden por su impacto sobre el capital humano – salud y calidad de vida laboral de los empleados –, en aras de alcanzar organizaciones exitosas. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar el bienestar laboral a partir de sus tres dimensiones (satisfacción, confort y entusiasmo) de las mujeres que ocupan puestos de dirección en Europa y el efecto de ciertos factores laborales.


Se adopta como punto de partida los modelos teóricos de salud mental y vitamínico (Warr, 1987), aplicando un método econométrico novedoso – redes neuronales artificiales –, a una muestra de 99 mujeres directivas extraída de la V Encuesta Europea de Condiciones de Trabajo (2010).


Los resultados obtenidos confirman la validez de esta novedosa metodología para clasificar eficazmente a las mujeres directivas que presentan un elevado grado de bienestar laboral. Por otra parte, con el modelo resultante se identifican los factores más determinantes para el logro de cada una de las dimensiones que constituyen el bienestar laboral.


Las mujeres directivas, quienes a pesar de lo mucho que tienen que aportar en la gestión de las organizaciones, aún hoy encuentran que su acceso y permanencia en los puestos de dirección está colmado de desafíos y barreras difíciles de superar en comparación con sus homólogos masculinos.

Publication date: 5 March 2018

Lidia Heller and Patricia Gabaldon

Through an analysis of 15 Latin American countries, the purpose of this paper is to explore the importance of several institutional variables (economic, regulatory, and cultural)…




Through an analysis of 15 Latin American countries, the purpose of this paper is to explore the importance of several institutional variables (economic, regulatory, and cultural), which affect women’s careers towards being members of boards of directors in the region.


Based on primary and secondary information, the authors carry out multivariate analyses to understand the institutional reasons affecting the reduced presence of women on boards of directors in the region.


Their findings reveal differences within the region, the importance of protecting women’s professional careers in the labour market, and the effect of cultural dimensions, such as masculinity and power distance.

Research limitations and implications

The analysis provides an updated cross-section of the institutional and cultural conditions of the 15 countries, considering the limitations to developing data in the region.

Practical implications

Latin America has witnessed important changes in the dynamics of the labour market over recent decades: women’s participation in the labour force is on the increase, and corporate strategy is evolving towards the incorporation of practices and initiatives to manage the diversity of their talents. However, the presence of women in leadership positions is a pending subject. This study, in part, reveals the institutional origin of gender inequality on boards of directors in the region. The analysis provides essential tools for public policy and for companies to help promote female leadership in the region.


Recent debate and research on the scarce participation of women on corporative boards of directors have revealed a growing interest in analysing the causes of such issues despite the progress recorded in terms of gender equity in most societies. Studies on the topic in Latin America are scarce and the aim of this paper is to help to fill part of this gap.


El presente trabajo explora en quince países de América Latina la importancia de distintas variables institucionales (económicas regulatorias y culturales) que afectan a las carreras de las mujeres hacia los consejos de administración en la región.


A partir de información primaria y secundaria, los autores desarrollan diversos análisis multivariantes para entender las razones institucionales que afectan tras la reducida presencia de mujeres en los consejos de la región.


Los resultados de los análisis realizados muestran las diferencias dentro de la región así como la importancia de de analizar las carreras profesionales de las mujeres en el mercado de trabajo y el efecto de las dimensiones culturales como la masculinidad y la distancia al poder.


El análisis muestra un corte transversal de la realidad institutional y cultural de los 15 países lo más actual posible, teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones en el desarrollo de datos en la región.

Implicaciones prácticas

En América Latina, se han producido cambios importantes en la dinámica del mercado laboral en las últimas décadas: las tasas de participación de mujeres en la fuerza de trabajo están en aumento y las estrategias empresariales van evolucionando hacia la incorporación de prácticas e iniciativas que tienden a gestionar la diversidad de sus talentos. Sin embargo la presencia de mujeres en puestos de liderazgo empresarial es una asignatura pendiente. El presente trabajo muestra en parte el origen institucional de las desigualdades de género en los consejos de administración en la región. Este análisis provee de herramientas esenciales para la política púlica y las empresas en la búsqueda de la promoción del liderazgo femenino en la región.


Recientes debates e investigaciones sobre la escasa incorporación de mujeres en los consejos directivos en las corporaciones, han evidenciado el creciente interés por analizar las causas de estas cuestiones a pesar de los avances registrados en términos de equidad de género en la mayoría de las sociedades. Sin embargo, hay una escasez de estudios en esta área en América Latina. El presente artículo busca llenar en parte ese hueco.

Book part
Publication date: 12 January 2021

José-Luis Méndez

Departing from a so-called “modern civil service” as an ideal type, this chapter evaluates the status of public personnel management in Latin America. Such an ideal model is…


Departing from a so-called “modern civil service” as an ideal type, this chapter evaluates the status of public personnel management in Latin America. Such an ideal model is considered a mix between the organizational principles of the traditional civil service and those of the new public management perspective. First, the chapter presents the different phases that public management practices have undergone in some developed countries. Secondly, following several studies and data provided by the IADB, the level of development of several civil service systems in Latin America is analyzed and several of their construction–destruction–reconstruction patterns are presented. Lastly, the cases that most approach a modern civil service are discussed and some recommendations offered to reformers in this region.


The Emerald Handbook of Public Administration in Latin America
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83982-677-1


Book part
Publication date: 23 August 2022

María Constanza Errázuriz, Lucía Natale and Juan Antonio Núñez Cortés

Certainly, most academic-disciplinary literacy initiatives in the Ibero-American context have arisen with the purpose of achieving social justice, especially in a territory that…


Certainly, most academic-disciplinary literacy initiatives in the Ibero-American context have arisen with the purpose of achieving social justice, especially in a territory that has suffered from inequity and whose deepening has increased with the current health emergency situation. However, despite well-intentioned initiatives, these programs, in general, have followed Anglo-Saxon models far removed from Ibero-American needs and reality. Therefore, in their implementation, they have dichotomies that ultimately weaken their sustainability over time and their results in their level of real inclusion, some of these – considering the approaches of Tierney (2018) and others – are: assimilation/accommodation, elitism/inclusion, institutional reform/educational innovation, research/action, remediation/re-mediation, standardization/contextualization, performance/learning, submission/emancipation, monologism/dialogism and homogeneity/diversity. In this way, based on a qualitative and reflective analysis on the experiences of three academic literacy programs in three universities in Argentina, Chile, and Spain, we will make these tensions explicit, and we will reveal practices that are truly contextualized to the communities where they are inserted, such as their eclectic, collaborative, dialogic, and remediated nature, which allows them to be constantly codesigned by the participation of students, professors, and tutors and whose research is promoted through action. In this sense, these countries can be related by sharing the language, a recent tradition of academic literacy and high school dropout rates. Finally, knowing both the strengths and the contradictions they still hold will contribute to continuing the process of contextualizing to the communities and, thus, establishing them as emancipatory pedagogies from the South to the South.

Content available
Book part
Publication date: 23 August 2022



Global Meaning Making
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80117-933-1

Publication date: 2 May 2023

Tânia Ferraro, Leonor Pais, Nuno Rebelo Dos Santos and Vicente Martinez-Tur

The growing attention to business ethics, integrity and respect for human rights at work has become increasingly relevant. Decent work is an important concept representing the…



The growing attention to business ethics, integrity and respect for human rights at work has become increasingly relevant. Decent work is an important concept representing the promotion of human rights at work and business, the fulfilling and productive work maintained with social dialogue. This study aims to present the adaptation and validation of the Spanish version of the Decent Work Questionnaire (DWQ), allowing the decent work assessment in Spanish. Initially developed and validated for Portuguese-speaking countries, the DWQ’s Italian version was also recently adapted and validated.


The 31-item scale was applied to a sample of 1,528 Spanish high-skilled workers. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed. Convergent and discriminant validity was tested, examining the links of the DWQ to Work Engagement and Burnout measures.


CFA confirmed the original higher-order model with seven factors, a very good model fit and good internal consistency reliability (α = 0.94). Statistical analyzes also supported its convergent and discriminant validity.


The results confirmed the DWQ’s Spanish version as a reliable and valid multidimensional measurement tool and strengthened it as a good cross-cultural measure of decent work.


La creciente atención a la ética empresarial, la integridad y el respeto de los derechos humanos en el trabajo ha sido un tema cada vez más relevante. El trabajo decente es un concepto importante que representa la promoción de los derechos humanos en el trabajo y en las empresas, como un trabajo gratificante y productivo mantenido a través del diálogo social. El presente estudio presenta la adaptación y validación de la versión en español del Cuestionario de Trabajo Decente (CTD), que permite evaluar el trabajo decente en español. Inicialmente desarrollado y validado para los países de habla portuguesa, la versión italiana del CTD también se adaptó y validó recientemente.


La escala de 31 ítems se aplicó a una muestra de 1528 trabajadores españoles altamente cualificados. Se realizó un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio. La validez convergente y discriminante se probó examinando los vínculos del CTD con las medidas de Work Engagement y Burnout.


El Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio confirmó el modelo original de orden superior con 7 factores, con un muy buen ajuste del modelo y buena consistencia de confiabilidad interna (α = 0.94). También se apoyó su validez convergente y discriminante.


Nuestros resultados confirmaron la versión en español del CTD como una herramienta de medición multidimensional confiable y válida. También reforzaron la idea de que este instrumento es una buena medida intercultural del trabajo decente.


A crescente atenção à ética empresarial, integridade e respeito aos direitos humanos no trabalho tem sido um tema cada vez mais relevante. O trabalho digno é um conceito importante que representa a promoção dos direitos humanos no trabalho e nas empresas, assim como o trabalho realizante e produtivo mantido com o diálogo social. O presente estudo apresenta a adaptação e validação da versão em espanhol do Questionário de Trabalho Digno (QTD), permitindo a avaliação do trabalho digno em espanhol. Inicialmente desenvolvido e validado para países de língua portuguesa, a versão italiana do QTD também foi recentemente adaptada e validada.


A escala de 31 itens foi aplicada a uma amostra de 1528 trabalhadores espanhóis altamente qualificados. A análise factorial confirmatória (AFC) foi realizada. A validade convergente e discriminante foi testada, examinando as ligações do QTD às medidas de Engajamento no Trabalho e Burnout.


AFC confirmou o modelo original de ordem superior com 7 fatores, com um ajuste de modelo muito bom e boa consistência interna de confiabilidade (α = 0,94). Também testamos sua validade convergente e discriminante. Ambas foram suportadas.


Nossos resultados confirmaram a versão em espanhol do QTD como uma ferramenta de medição multidimensional confiável e válida. Também reforçaram a ideia deste instrumento ser uma boa medida transcultural do trabalho digno.

Publication date: 28 July 2020

María-Luisa Alvite-Díez and Leticia Barrionuevo

The purpose of this paper is to study the relevance of heritage collections and the convergence of methodologies and standards traditionally linked to Library and Information…



The purpose of this paper is to study the relevance of heritage collections and the convergence of methodologies and standards traditionally linked to Library and Information Science (LIS) in the development of digital humanities (DH) research in Spain.


This paper is based on a systematic review of scientific publications that are representative of DH in Spain and were published between 2013 and 2018. The analysis considered doctoral theses, journal articles and conference papers.


The results highlight the synergies between documentary heritage, LIS and DH. However, it appears that there is a scarcity of scientific literature to support the confluence of LIS and DH and a limited formal connection between heritage institutions and the areas of academia that reuse and enrich these source collections.

Research limitations/implications

The review of representative scholarly DH publications was mainly based on the metadata that describe the content of articles, thesis and conference papers. This work relies on the thematic indexing (descriptors and keywords) of the analysed documents but their level of quality and consistency is very diverse.


The topic of the study has not been explored before and this work could contribute to the international debate on the interrelation and complementarity between LIS and DH. In addition, this paper shows the contribution that standards and documentary methodologies make to projects in which technology is applied to humanities disciplines. The authors propose that there is an urgent need to strengthen the “scientific relationships” between heritage institutions, as well as enhancing links between the academic field of DH and LIS in order to improve teaching and research strategies in conjunction.


Journal of Documentation, vol. 77 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0022-0418


Publication date: 3 January 2017

Noemi Peña Trapero and Ángel I. Pérez Gómez

The purpose of this paper is to show the relationship between lesson study (LS) and the reconstruction of teacher dispositions (practical knowledge).



The purpose of this paper is to show the relationship between lesson study (LS) and the reconstruction of teacher dispositions (practical knowledge).


This work consists of an exhaustive qualitative study, analysis and interpretation of the practical knowledge of an infant school teacher before and after her participation in a training process based on LS.


This work offers a response to this resistance to change and to progress in education. It demonstrates the potentiality of LS for the transformation of schools in the twenty-first century and the construction of a reflected, shared, emerging pedagogical capital for teachers.


The analysis focusses on practical knowledge (knowledge-in-action, (Schön, 1998); implicit theories (Pozo, 2006; Marrero, 2009); phronesis (Kinsella and Pitman, 2012); tacit knowledge (Contreras and Pérez de Lara, 2010)) because in accordance with the latest theories deriving from cognitive neuroscience, most of the resources the authors use in their action come from unconscious mechanisms. Hence, the procedures and mechanisms of qualitative research have been used to carry out in-depth analysis through prolonged daily observation of practice under a series of previously established dimensions (knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and emotions).


International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, vol. 6 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2046-8253


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