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Publication date: 25 June 2020

Yan-Kai Fu and Ya-Ju Wang

The main purpose of this study was to investigate how the experiential value of lodging tourists affected the relationship between authentic happiness and behavioural intention.




The main purpose of this study was to investigate how the experiential value of lodging tourists affected the relationship between authentic happiness and behavioural intention.


A purposive sampling technique was adopted for Taiwanese tourists with lodging experience during the 2017 Taipei International Travel Fair; and utilises confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modelling (SEM) to validate the suitability of questionnaire items, model fit, and the proposed hypotheses.


The results demonstrated that experiential value significantly and positively influenced authentic happiness. The mediating effect of authentic happiness through which experiential value enhances behavioural intention of lodging tourists was also found to exist.


This study provides a novel approach which presents experiential value as the antecedent variable, authentic happiness as the mediator, and behavioural intention as the dependent variable, in order to better understand tourists’ lodging decision-making processes and behaviours and this approach is considered an advancement within the literature.




本研究采用目的抽样, 选取2017年台北国际旅展中有住宿经验的台湾游客为问卷受测对象, 并使用验证性因素分析(CFA)及结构方程模型(SEM)来验证模型的适合度及所提出的研究假设。


研究结果显示体验价值显著正向影响真实快乐, 同时也发现真实快乐的中介效果显著存在, 透过真实快乐的中介, 体验价值可以增强住宿游客的行为意图。


本研究提供一种新颖的途径, 将体验价值做为前因变数、真实快乐视为中介变数、及行为意图做为依变数, 以利于清楚了解游客的住宿决策过程和行为, 同时该途径在文献上被视为是一种进步。


El objetivo principal de este estudio fue investigar cómo el valor experiencial de los turistas de alojamiento afectó la relación entre la felicidad auténtica y la intención de comportamiento.


Se adoptó una técnica de muestreo intencional para los turistas taiwaneses con experiencia de alojamiento durante la Feria Internacional de Viajes de Taipei 2017; utilizando el análisis factorial confirmatorio (CFA) y el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) para validar la idoneidad de los ítems del cuestionario, el ajuste del modelo y las hipótesis propuestas.


Los resultados demostraron que el valor experiencial influyó de manera significativa y positiva en la felicidad auténtica. También se descubrió que el efecto mediador de la felicidad auténtica a través del cual el valor experiencial mejora la intención conductual de los turistas de alojarse.


Este estudio proporciona un enfoque novedoso que presenta el valor experiencial como la variable antecedente, la felicidad auténtica como mediador y la intención de comportamiento como la variable dependiente, para comprender mejor los procesos y comportamientos de toma de decisiones de alojamiento de los turistas, y este enfoque se considera un avance dentro de la literatura.

Publication date: 27 November 2019

Lamya Abbas Darwish Abdulla Lari, Shilpa Iyanna and Fauzia Jabeen

The purpose of this paper is to identify dimensions of theme park quality from an Islamic perspective and develop a framework to examine the interrelationships between theme park…



The purpose of this paper is to identify dimensions of theme park quality from an Islamic perspective and develop a framework to examine the interrelationships between theme park service quality dimensions, visitor delight and visitor loyalty in theme parks in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).


The study is based on a detailed literature review and analysis of visitors’ comments on about their experience in theme parks in the UAE.


Theme park service quality can be assessed across 4 main dimensions (physical environment, interaction, consumables and access) and 13 sub-dimensions. A relationship is proposed between these dimensions and visitors’ delight, with visitor loyalty a consequence of visitor delight. Nationality is proposed to have a moderating effect on the delight–loyalty relationship.


This study attempts to propose a model for theme park service quality that reflects both traditional dimensions of service quality and dimensions related to Islamic attributes. It is one of very few attempts to investigate theme park visitors’ perception of service quality and its relation to delight and loyalty in the UAE. It is also, as far as the authors are aware, the first study to investigate the moderating effect of nationality on the delight–loyalty relationship.


本文的目的是从伊斯兰世界的视角识别主题公园质量的维度, 并建立一个可用以检验阿联酋主题公园服务质量维度、游客愉悦度和游客忠诚度之间的相互关系的框架。


这项研究基于详细的文献回顾, 以及对游客在TripAdvisor.com上分享的关于阿联酋主题公园体验的评论的分析。


主题公园服务质量可以从四个主要维度(物理环境、互动、消耗品和可进入性)和13个子维度进行评估。本文提出了这些维度与游客愉悦感之间的关系, 其中, 游客忠诚是游客愉悦感的结果。国籍对快乐-忠诚关系有一定的调节作用。


本研究试图构建一个主题公园服务品质的模型, 该模型既反映传统服务品质的维度, 又反映与伊斯兰属性相关的维度。在调查主题公园游客对服务质量的感知, 及其与阿联酋人的愉悦感和忠诚度的关系方面, 本文也是学术界为数不多的尝试之一。据我们所知, 本文也是第一个探讨国籍对快乐-忠诚关系的调节作用的研究。


主题公园, 服务质量, 快乐, 忠诚度, 伊斯兰特征, 内容分析, 猫途鹰评论, 国籍, 阿拉伯联合酋长(阿联酋)





El objeto de este artículo es identificar las dimensiones en la calidad de los parques temáticos desde una perspectiva islámica y desarrollar un marco, para examinar las interrelaciones entre las dimensiones de la calidad del servicio de los parques temáticos, el disfrute de los visitantes y la lealtad de los mismos, en los parques temáticos de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.


El estudio se basa en una detallada revisión bibliográfica y un análisis de los comentarios de los visitantes en, sobre su experiencia en parques temáticos en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.


La calidad del servicio en los parques temáticos, se puede evaluar en cuatro dimensiones principales (entorno físico, interacción, consumibles y acceso) y 13 dimensiones secundarias. Se propone una relación entre estas dimensiones y el disfrute de los visitantes, con la lealtad del visitante como consecuencia del disfrute. Se propone que la nacionalidad tenga un efecto moderador en la relación disfrute-lealtad.


Este estudio intenta proponer un modelo para la calidad del servicio en parques temáticos, que refleje tanto las dimensiones tradicionales de la calidad del servicio, como las dimensiones relacionadas con los atributos islámicos. Es uno de los pocos trabajos que intenta investigar la percepción de los visitantes de los parques temáticos, sobre la calidad del servicio y su relación con el disfrute y lealtad en los EAU. También es, por lo que sabemos, el primer estudio que investiga el efecto moderador de la nacionalidad en la relación disfrute-lealtad.

Palabras clave

Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU), Análisis de contenido, Lealtad, TripAdvisor, Nacionalidad, Delicia, Atributos islámicos, parque temático, calidad de servicio

Tipo de papel

Papel conceptual

Open Access
Publication date: 7 December 2021

María Sicilia, M. Carmen Caro-Jiménez and Estela Fernández-Sabiote

While research evidences how customers’ emotions can influence their consumer experience, understanding of how employees’ displayed emotions affect the customer service experience…




While research evidences how customers’ emotions can influence their consumer experience, understanding of how employees’ displayed emotions affect the customer service experience is more limited. Drawing on affect transfer theory, the authors test for the mediating role of attitude towards the employee, which is proposed to mediate the effect of employees’ displayed emotion on customers’ satisfaction with recovery. As service recovery entails a critical service experience in which emotions can easily rise, this paper aims to highlight the pivotal role of employee-displayed emotions during service recovery.


A scenario-based experiment in the context of an airline service failure recovery (3 × 2 between-subjects design) manipulates frontline employees’ emotions (anger vs happiness vs no specific emotion) and the quality of the solution (bad vs good).


Employees’ displayed emotions directly affect attitude towards the employee and indirectly affect service recovery satisfaction. Moreover, attitude towards the employee is affected more by the employee’s displayed emotion when the solution offered is bad compared to good.

Practical implications

Employees’ emotions displayed during service recovery can enhance or damage service recovery strategies. Employees should control for negative emotions in the case of service failure, especially when unable to provide a good solution.


Emotions displayed by employees can influence the customer’s service recovery evaluations. There is an interesting interaction between the quality of the solution and employees’ displayed emotions. Additionally, the mantra of “service with a smile” may not be valid in the case of service recovery: rather, employees should avoid displaying negative emotions.


A pesar de que la literatura ha demostrado la importancia que tienen las emociones en los consumidores, se sabe poco acerca de cómo influyen las emociones de los empleados. Basándonos en la teoría de la transferencia de afecto, testamos el papel mediador de la actitud hacia el empleado. Ésta se propone como mediadora del efecto que tiene la emoción mostrada por el empleado en la satisfacción del cliente. Este trabajo resalta el papel fundamental de las emociones mostradas por el empleado durante la recuperación del servicio.


Experimento (3x2 entre sujetos) basado en el fallo de una aerolínea. Se manipulan las emociones del empleado (enfado vs alegría vs ninguna emoción específica) y la calidad de la solución (mala vs buena).


Las emociones mostradas por los empleados afectan directamente a la actitud hacia el empleado e indirectamente a la satisfacción con la recuperación del servicio. La actitud se ve más afectada por la emoción mostrada por el empleado cuando la solución ofrecida es mala.

Implicaciones prácticas

Las emociones mostradas por los empleados pueden contribuir o dañar las estrategias de recuperación del servicio. Los empleados deben controlar las emociones negativas, especialmente cuando no pueden ofrecer una buena solución.


Las emociones mostradas por los empleados influyen en la recuperación del servicio. Existe interacción entre la calidad de la solución y la emoción del empleado. Además, la consigna de “atender al cliente con una sonrisa” puede no ser válida en este contexto, siendo más relevante que los empleados no muestren emociones negativas.


虽然研究证明了顾客的情绪如何影响他们的消费体验, 但对员工所表现出的情绪如何影响顾客服务体验的理解却比较有限。借鉴情感转移理论, 我们测试了对员工态度的中介作用, 提出了员工表现出的情绪对客户对服务补救满意度影响的中介作用。由于服务补救涉及情绪容易上升的关键服务体验, 本文强调了员工表现出的情绪在服务补救过程中的关键作用。


在航空公司服务故障补救的背景下, 一个基于场景的实验(3x2主体间设计)操纵了一线员工的情绪(愤怒vs快乐vs无特定情绪)和解决方案的质量(差vs好)。


员工表现出来的情绪直接影响顾客对员工的态度, 间接影响对服务补救的满意度。此外, 当所提供的解决方案质量是差的, 而不是好的, 顾客对员工的态度受员工所表现的情绪的影响更大。


员工在服务补救过程中表现出来的情绪可以增强或破坏服务补救策略。在服务失败的情况下, 员工应该控制消极的情绪, 特别是在无法提供一个好的解决方案时。


员工表现出来的情绪会影响顾客的服务补救的评价。解决方案的质量和员工表现的情绪之间存在着有趣的互动。此外, “微笑服务 “的口号在服务补救的情况下可能是无效的:相反, 员工应该避免表现出负面情绪。

Publication date: 11 April 2023

Gefen Zhou and Wenkuan Chen

Value cocreation has become an important way to enhance the brand equity of a tourism destination. Different from common tourism contexts, agritourism has strong participatory and…



Value cocreation has become an important way to enhance the brand equity of a tourism destination. Different from common tourism contexts, agritourism has strong participatory and productive characteristics and is regarded as a critical platform of value cocreation. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the relationship between agritourism experience value cocreation and brand equity of rural tourism destinations from the perspective of tourists.


A questionnaire survey was conducted, and 602 valid questionnaires were collected by a random sample in 2021. Structural equation modeling was used to empirically analyze the data.


The results revealed that tourists’ participation, interaction and citizenship behaviors play a critical role in brand equity of rural tourism destinations. Meanwhile, tourists’ interaction and citizenship behaviors influenced brand equity of rural tourism destinations, via hedonic enjoyment and eudaimonia experience, and perceived experience value. Tourists’ participation behavior influenced brand equity of rural tourism destinations via hedonic enjoyment experience and perceived experience value.


This study focusing on agritourism as a critical platform of value cocreation explores the impact of agritourism experience value cocreation on brand equity of rural tourism destinations from the perspective of tourists. It enriches the existing literature on the relationship between value cocreation and brand equity of tourism destination, expands the research on value cocreation and happiness experience and also provides management basis for promoting brand equity of rural tourism destinations.


价值共创已成为提升旅游目的地品牌资产的重要途径。与一般的旅游情境不同, 农业旅游具有强烈的参与性和生产性特征, 被视为价值共创的重要平台。因此, 本文基于游 客视角探讨了农业旅游体验价值共创与乡村旅游目的地品牌资产之间的内在关系。


本文于2021 年实施问卷调查, 随机抽取602 份有效问卷。结构方程模 型用于实证分析数据。


游客参与、互动和公民行为对乡村旅游目的地品牌资产具有关键作用。同时, 游客互动和公民行为通过享乐型和实现型体验以及感知体验价值影响乡村旅游目的地品牌 资产。游客参与行为通过享乐型体验和感知体验价值影响乡村旅游目的地品牌资产。


本研究将农业旅游作为价值共创的重要平台, 基于游客视角探讨了农业旅游 体验价值共创对乡村旅游目的地品牌资产的影响, 丰富了价值共创与旅游目的地品牌资产 关系的文献, 拓展了价值共创与快乐体验的研究, 为促进乡村旅游目的地品牌资产提供了 管理依据。


La cocreación se ha convertido en una forma importante de mejorar el valor de marca de un destino turístico. A diferencia de los entornos turísticos comunes, el agroturismo tiene fuertes características participativas y productivas, y se considera una plataforma indispensable de cocreación de valor. Este artículo explora la relación entre la cocreación de valor de la experiencia de agroturismo y el valor de marca de los destinos de turismo rural desde la perspectiva de los turistas.


Se realizó una encuesta y se recogieron 602 cuestionarios válidos mediante un muestreo aleatorioa en 2021. Se utilizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para analizar empíricamente los datos.


Los resultados revelaron que la participación e interacción de los turistas y los comportamientos de la ciudadanía juegan un papel crítico en el valor de marca de destinos de turismo rural. La interacción de los turistas y los comportamientos de la ciudadanía impactaron el valor de marca de destinos de turismo rural a través del disfrute hedónico, la experiencia eudaimonia y el valor percibido de la experiencia. El comportamiento de participación de los turistas influyó en el valor de marca de los destinos de turismo rural a través de la experiencia hedónica de disfrute y el valor percibido de la experiencia.


Este estudio, centrado en el agroturismo como plataforma importante para la cocreación de valor, explora el impacto de la cocreación de valor de la experiencia de agroturismo en el valor de marca de destinos de turismo rural desde la perspectiva de los turistas. Enriquece la literatura existente sobre la relación entre la cocreación de valor y el valor de marca de los destinos turisticos, expande la investigación sobre la cocreación de valor y la experiencia de felicidad, y ofrece también bases de gestión para promover el valor de marca de destinos de turismo rural.

Publication date: 20 November 2017

Xiangbin Yan, Yumei Li and Weiguo Fan

Getting high-quality data by removing the noisy data from the user-generated content (UGC) is the first step toward data mining and effective decision-making based on ubiquitous…



Getting high-quality data by removing the noisy data from the user-generated content (UGC) is the first step toward data mining and effective decision-making based on ubiquitous and unstructured social media data. This paper aims to design a framework for revoking noisy data from UGC.


In this paper, the authors consider a classification-based framework to remove the noise from the unstructured UGC in social media community. They treat the noise as the concerned topic non-relevant messages and apply a text classification-based approach to remove the noise. They introduce a domain lexicon to help identify the concerned topic from noise and compare the performance of several classification algorithms combined with different feature selection methods.


Experimental results based on a Chinese stock forum show that 84.9 per cent of all the noise data from the UGC could be removed with little valuable information loss. The support vector machines classifier combined with information gain feature extraction model is the best choice for this system. With longer messages getting better classification performance, it has been found that the length of messages affects the system performance.


The proposed method could be used for preprocessing in text mining and new knowledge discovery from the big data.


Information Discovery and Delivery, vol. 45 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2398-6247


Publication date: 22 May 2020

Yuanxin Ouyang, Hongbo Zhang, Wenge Rong, Xiang Li and Zhang Xiong

The purpose of this paper is to propose an attention alignment method for opinion mining of massive open online course (MOOC) comments. Opinion mining is essential for MOOC…



The purpose of this paper is to propose an attention alignment method for opinion mining of massive open online course (MOOC) comments. Opinion mining is essential for MOOC applications. In this study, the authors analyze some of bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT’s) attention heads and explore how to use these attention heads to extract opinions from MOOC comments.


The approach proposed is based on an attention alignment mechanism with the following three stages: first, extracting original opinions from MOOC comments with dependency parsing. Second, constructing frequent sets and using the frequent sets to prune the opinions. Third, pruning the opinions and discovering new opinions with the attention alignment mechanism.


The experiments on the MOOC comments data sets suggest that the opinion mining approach based on an attention alignment mechanism can obtain a better F1 score. Moreover, the attention alignment mechanism can discover some of the opinions filtered incorrectly by the frequent sets, which means the attention alignment mechanism can overcome the shortcomings of dependency analysis and frequent sets.


To take full advantage of pretrained language models, the authors propose an attention alignment method for opinion mining and combine this method with dependency analysis and frequent sets to improve the effectiveness. Furthermore, the authors conduct extensive experiments on different combinations of methods. The results show that the attention alignment method can effectively overcome the shortcomings of dependency analysis and frequent sets.


Information Discovery and Delivery, vol. 50 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2398-6247


Publication date: 30 May 2019

Meng Wang and Miguel Baptista Nunes

This study aims to present a meta-analysis of the use of serious educational games in museums. The analysis is based on a critical literature review that maps educational roles of…



This study aims to present a meta-analysis of the use of serious educational games in museums. The analysis is based on a critical literature review that maps educational roles of museums against serious educational games used in support of those roles. The meta-analysis focuses on the specific context of informal learning in museums.


The research design presented in this study is based on a meta-analysis research design that consists of a critical literature review, a multi-matrix representation of findings of the literature review and a conceptual visualization of the multidisciplinary area of the usage of serious games in support of educational roles in museums.


Clear and detailed categorizations of educational roles and serious games types for informal learning are presented. These are followed by matching these educational roles with published reports of the use of serious games within museums. The study concludes with observations and a conceptual map of the design of serious games for museums.


This study presents the first meta-analysis of research in this emergent multidisciplinary field. It will help serious game designers, museum educators and educational practitioners to make decisions regarding the choice of game type, customization and content design to support informal learning in the specific context of museum educational activities.


Interactive Technology and Smart Education, vol. 16 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-5659


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