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Publication date: 19 February 2024

Claudio Bravo-Ortega, Carla Bustamante, Pablo Egana del Sol, Felipe Symmes and José Sexton

The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of sales, as a proxy for size, in moderating the impact of institutional incongruence between formal and informal institutions…



The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of sales, as a proxy for size, in moderating the impact of institutional incongruence between formal and informal institutions on the formalization of microenterprises in middle-income countries in Latin America.


The paper uses a probit regression model to examine business formalization as a binary outcome of formal and informal institutions. Data was collected through interviews and surveys across 52 municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile. The study used a stratified sampling approach and was conducted between November 2022 and January 2023.


The results offer three key insights into the formalization of microenterprises in middle-income countries. First, we show that formal institutions do not significantly influence formalization decisions among microentrepreneurs in middle-income countries, challenging the traditional belief that formal institutions alone significantly influence formalization in these contexts. Second, we show that informal institutions are significant predictors of informality, especially among smaller microenterprises. Third, we highlight that the smaller the business, the stronger the negative effect of informal institutions on formalization, and thus, the institutional incongruence between formal and informal institutions decreases for larger businesses.


This paper contributes to management literature by shedding light on the drivers of formalization in middle-income countries, a departure from most formalization studies wherein the focus is primarily on low-income economies. The findings suggest that policymakers in middle-income countries should focus on enabling microenterprise growth through sales, rather than targeting specific demographic groups or relying solely on formal institutional enforcement to promote formalization.


El objetivo de este estudio es investigar el papel de las ventas, utilizadas como un indicador de tamaño, en la mediación del impacto de la incongruencia institucional entre instituciones formales e informales en la formalización de microempresas en países de ingresos medios en América Latina.


Utilizamos un modelo de regresión Probit para examinar la formalización empresarial como un resultado binario de instituciones formales e informales. Los datos se recopilaron a través de 110 entrevistas y encuestas en 52 municipios de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile. El estudio empleó un enfoque de muestreo estratificado y se llevó a cabo entre noviembre de 2022 y enero de 2023.


Nuestros resultados ofrecen tres ideas clave sobre la formalización de microempresas en países de ingresos medios. Primero, demostramos que las instituciones formales no influyen significativamente en las decisiones de formalización entre las microempresas en países de ingresos medios; esto desafía la creencia tradicional de que las instituciones formales por sí solas influyen significativamente en la formalización en estos contextos. Segundo, nuestro estudio muestra que las instituciones informales son predictores significativos de la informalidad, especialmente entre las microempresas más pequeñas. Tercero, nuestro estudio destaca que el efecto negativo de las instituciones informales sobre la formalización es más fuerte para negocios de menor tamaño; por lo tanto, la incongruencia institucional entre instituciones formales e informales disminuye para negocios de mayor tamaño.


Este artículo contribuye a la literatura iluminando sobre los impulsores de la formalización en países de ingresos medios, a diferencia de la mayoría de los estudios de formalización en la región latinoamericana que se centran principalmente en países de bajos ingresos. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que los responsables de políticas en países de ingresos medios deberían centrarse en impulsar el crecimiento de las microempresas a través de las ventas, en lugar de enfocarse en grupos demográficos específicos o depender únicamente del cumplimiento institucional formal para promover la formalización.


O objetivo deste estudo é investigar o papel das vendas, usadas como um indicador de tamanho, na mediação do impacto da incongruência institucional entre instituições formais e informais na formalização de microempresas em países de renda média na América Latina.


Utilizamos um modelo de regressão Probit para examinar a formalização empresarial como um resultado binário de instituições formais e informais. Os dados foram coletados por meio de 110 entrevistas e pesquisas em 52 municípios da Região Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile. O estudo empregou uma abordagem de amostragem estratificada e foi realizado entre novembro de 2022 e janeiro de 2023.


Nossos resultados oferecem três ideias-chave sobre a formalização de microempresas em países de renda média. Primeiro, demonstramos que as instituições formais não influenciam significativamente as decisões de formalização entre as microempresas em países de renda média; isso desafia a crença tradicional de que as instituições formais, por si só, influenciam significativamente a formalização nesses contextos. Segundo, nosso estudo mostra que as instituições informais são preditores significativos da informalidade, especialmente entre as microempresas menores. Terceiro, nosso estudo destaca que o efeito negativo das instituições informais sobre a formalização é mais forte para negócios de menor porte; portanto, a incongruência institucional entre instituições formais e informais diminui para negócios de maior porte.


Este artigo contribui para a literatura iluminando os impulsionadores da formalização em países de renda média, ao contrário da maioria dos estudos de formalização na região latino-americana, que se concentram principalmente em países de baixa renda. Nossos achados sugerem que os responsáveis pelas políticas em países de renda média deveriam focar em impulsionar o crescimento das microempresas por meio das vendas, em vez de se concentrar em grupos demográficos específicos ou depender exclusivamente do cumprimento institucional formal para promover a formalização.

Publication date: 11 December 2023

Brenda Silupu and Sergio Reyes

In developing countries, women microentrepreneurs are characterized as being informal, creating a challenge for the sustainability of their businesses. The purpose of this study…



In developing countries, women microentrepreneurs are characterized as being informal, creating a challenge for the sustainability of their businesses. The purpose of this study is to analyze different businesses that adopt this form of operation arguing that formality is unnecessary because they are legitimate businesses (institutional reason). In addition, the role of gender in business management was incorporated, and the consistency of the results was validated in the context of COVID-19.


This study used data from the National Household Survey of Peru for the development of a compared analysis between the period 2018–2019 (pre-COVID-19), made up of a sample of 14,077 observations, and the period 2020–2021 (COVID-19), with 7,922 observations. The unit of analysis was the informal microenterprise with more than three years of operation, and the data was analyzed using a logistic model.


The probability of adopting informality for institutional reasons is more significant in the case of women in contrast to the men when it is a business belonging to the commerce sector and operating in a dwelling with basic services, while this probability decreases if the firm does not have a fixed location. These results are consistent in pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 periods.


The purpose of this research was to contribute to closing gaps in the generation of evidence that helps to understand the behavior of informal microentrepreneurs in developing countries, allowing a better approach to this problem for the design and implementation of suitable public policies. All this will contribute to the accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals.


En países en desarrollo, las mujeres microempresarias se caracterizan por ser informales generando un desafío para la sostenibilidad de sus negocios. La presente investigación analizó diferentes negocios que adoptan esta forma de operación con el argumento de que la formalidad no es necesaria porque son negocios legítimos (motivo institucional); además, se incorporó el rol del género en la gestión del negocio, y se validó la consistencia de los resultados en un contexto de COVID-19.


Se utilizaron datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares de Perú para el desarrollo de un análisis comparado entre el período 2018–2019 (pre-COVID-19), compuesto por una muestra de 14.077 observaciones, y el período 2020–2021 (COVID-19), con 7.922 observaciones. La unidad de análisis es la microempresa informal con más de tres años de operación y los datos son analizados mediante un modelo logístico.


Resulta mayor la probabilidad de adoptar la informalidad por motivos institucionales en el caso de las propietarias en contraste con los propietarios, cuando se trata de un negocio perteneciente al sector comercio y que funciona en una vivienda con servicios básicos, mientras que disminuye esta probabilidad si el negocio no posee un local fijo. Estos resultados son consistentes en tiempos de pre-COVID-19 y COVID-19.


La investigación tiene por fin contribuir al cierre de brechas en la generación de evidencia que ayude a comprender el comportamiento de las mujeres microempresarias informales en países en desarrollo, permitiendo una mayor aproximación a esta problemática para el diseño e implementación de políticas públicas adecuadas. Todo esto contribuirá con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.


Nos países em desenvolvimento, as mulheres microempreendedoras caracterizam-se por serem informais, criando um desafio para a sustentabilidade dos seus negócios. A presente investigação analisou diferentes negócios que adotam essa forma de operação com o argumento de que a formalidade não é necessária por serem negócios legítimos (razão institucional); além disso, foi incorporado o papel do gênero na gestão empresarial e se validou a consistência dos resultados num contexto de COVID-19.


Se utilizaram dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Domicílios do Peru para desenvolver uma análise comparativa entre o período 2018–2019 (pré-COVID-19), composto por uma amostra de 14.077 observações, e o período 2020–2021 (COVID-19), com 7.922 observações. A unidade de análise é a microempresa informal com mais de três anos de operação e os dados são analisados através de um modelo logístico.


Resulta maior a probabilidade de adoção da informalidade por motivos institucionais no caso das proprietárias em contraste com os proprietários, quando se trata de um negócio pertencente ao setor do comércio e que funciona numa casa com serviços básicos, enquanto esta probabilidade diminui se o negócio não tem local fixo. Estes resultados são consistentes em tempos pré-COVID-19 e COVID-19.


A pesquisa tem como objetivo contribuir no fechamento de brechas na geração de evidências que ajude a compreender o comportamento dos microempreendedores informais nos países em desenvolvimento, permitindo uma melhor abordagem desta problemática para o desenho e implementação de políticas públicas adequadas. Tudo isto contribuirá para o cumprimento dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável.


Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, vol. 22 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1536-5433


Book part
Publication date: 23 April 2024

Edwin Hernan Ramirez Asis

Microenterprises (MEs) are vital to the growth and prosperity of economies around the world. All levels of society, from universities to national governments, have collaborated to…


Microenterprises (MEs) are vital to the growth and prosperity of economies around the world. All levels of society, from universities to national governments, have collaborated to improve the chances of survival and future growth of these businesses. The threat to life is serious, and unless concerted action is taken, the situation will spiral out of control. Policymakers and business leaders must work together to address the sustainability crisis. The study, therefore, set out to determine how various entrepreneurial skills (such as creativity, collaboration, networking, and risk-taking) affect the long-term viability of MEs. The overall objective of the study was to determine the importance of innovative problem-solving, collaboration, networking, and willingness to take calculated risks of microentrepreneurs for the long-term success of their businesses. A total of 274 microentrepreneurs in rural areas of the Ancash region of Peru were surveyed in the grocery, hardware, clothing, and food service sectors. The survival of the MEs was tested on four dimensions: innovation, leadership, networking, and risk-taking. According to the results, MEs managers can increase their longevity by cultivating creative skills, strengthening leadership as a key to business sustainability and survival, maximizing the use of networks to gain a market advantage and expand their customer base, and employing calculated risk-taking.


Technological Innovations for Business, Education and Sustainability
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83753-106-6


Book part
Publication date: 23 April 2024

Hernan Ramirez-Asis, Jorge Castillo-Picon, Jenny Villacorta Miranda, José Rodríguez Herrera and Walter Medrano Acuña

Financial inclusion in Peru has been addressed through coverage, quality of financial services, movement of transactions, and service points. The purpose of this chapter is to…


Financial inclusion in Peru has been addressed through coverage, quality of financial services, movement of transactions, and service points. The purpose of this chapter is to evaluate for the department of Ancash, Peru, the link between financial inclusion and its socioeconomic factors. Socioeconomic variables and financial inclusion of the Ancash department of the National Household Survey are taken as indicators, later contrasted through the logit model, with the financial inclusion variable being the explained variable.

There is evidence of positive and negative relationships between financial inclusion and socioeconomic variables; these are important components for planning financial inclusion. Raising the levels of formal employment, the educational level and considering the area of residence would be a strategy to generate a dynamic of inclusion in the department of Ancash.


Technological Innovations for Business, Education and Sustainability
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83753-106-6


Publication date: 4 December 2023

Jhon James Mora and Andres David Espada Castro

This article analyzes the determinants of credit constraints and their effects on the productivity of micro-firms in Colombia.



This article analyzes the determinants of credit constraints and their effects on the productivity of micro-firms in Colombia.


An Endogenous Switching Regression Model (ESRM) is estimated to analyze credit constraint impact on economic performance.


The results show that owner characteristics such as age and gender decrease the likelihood of being constrained. Firms' characteristics, such as legal status, the formality of the employees, commercial property and savings, are important for reducing credit constraints.


This article discusses how formal credit restrictions harm the economic performance of Colombia's micro-firms. The results show that the productivity of the micro firms in Colombia could increase, on average, by U$ 825 USD when all types of restrictions are eliminated.


Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 51 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0144-3585


Open Access
Publication date: 2 July 2024

Hassir Lastre Sierra, Antonio Ruiz Molina and Diana Barrón Villaverde

This paper investigates the effectiveness of the Ambidextrous Scorecard (ASC) in facilitating the integration of organizational ambidexterity in four-star Puebla City hotels for…



This paper investigates the effectiveness of the Ambidextrous Scorecard (ASC) in facilitating the integration of organizational ambidexterity in four-star Puebla City hotels for managing exploitation and exploration activities. It proposes an integrated approach to ambidexterity and introduces the ASC as a tool explicitly targeting hotels’ challenges and opportunities.


The study analyzes survey data from 41 hotels (85.42% response rate). Our methodology involves a literature review, the Delphi technique for questionnaire validation, and data collection through Google Forms. Statistical tests confirm the reliability and validity of the approach for assessing the effective integration of exploitation and exploration activities.


The paper highlights how the ASC promotes an integrated approach to managing both activities. By incorporating exploitation activities (cost reduction, strategic alliances), and facilitating exploration activities (process innovation, new market attraction), the ASC empowers hotels to streamline operations, develop novel offerings, and achieve enhanced operational efficiency and innovation.

Research limitations/implications

We acknowledge limitations due to its specific focus on the hotel industry in Puebla City, suggesting that the results may not be universally applicable. We recommended that further investigation be conducted into the application of the Ambidextrous Scorecard (ASC) across different sectors and regions to enhance understanding of organizational ambidexterity. Exploring the impact of integrating exploitation and exploration activities across corporate areas could offer valuable insights for implementing the ASC in diverse business settings.

Practical implications

The paper indicates that hotels can achieve ambidexterity by integrating exploitation and exploration activities using the Balanced Scorecard. This approach enhances competitiveness, allowing hotels to anticipate and respond to market trends quickly. It highlights the significance of considering ambidexterity across all organizational areas to ensure sustained adaptability and performance in dynamic environments.


This paper introduces the concept of integrated ambidexterity and the ASC as a novel tool for managing the balance between innovation and efficiency. The ASC transcends the hotel industry, potentially benefiting various service sectors by facilitating a more integrated approach to organizational performance.


American Journal of Business, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1935-5181


Publication date: 30 August 2023

Jorge Armando López-Lemus, María Teresa De la Garza Carranza, Monica Lucia Reyes-Berlanga and Jose Guadalupe Lopez-Lemus

This study aims to identify the influence exerted by the performance of human resources (HR) through effectiveness and efficiency in the success of business projects in Mexico.



This study aims to identify the influence exerted by the performance of human resources (HR) through effectiveness and efficiency in the success of business projects in Mexico.


The methodological design was quantitative, explanatory, observational and transversal, where a sample of 502 was used. A structural equation model (SEM) was developed using the statistical software AMOS v25 to test the hypothesis. SPSS v25 was used for data analysis. Regarding the goodness and fit indices of the SEM, χ2 = 388.83/df = 143; χ2/df = 2.71; p < 0.001; GFI = 0.92; AGFI = 0.91; CFI = 0.96; TLI = 0.95; NFI = 0.94; IFI = 0.96; RMSEA = 0.05; RMR = 0.04; SRMR = 0.03, which turned out to be acceptable.


Through the results obtained through the SEM, it is shown that there is a positive and significant relationship between the performance of HR through their effectiveness (r = 0.65, p < 0.01) and efficiency (r = 0.64, p < 0.01) with respect to the success of the business projects. Likewise, the effectiveness of HR has a positive and significant influence on the efficiency (ß2 = 0.46; p < 0.001) and the success of business projects (ß3 = 0.89; p < 0.001) in Mexico. In the same way, efficiency positively and significantly influences the success of enterprises (ß4 = 0.35; p < 0.001) in Mexico.

Research limitations/implications

In this research, only the performance of the HR was assessed through efficiency and effectiveness as one of the variables that intervene in the development of the business project, and that is one of the main factors of analysis to achieve the success of the enterprise. In this sense, the results are limited to the extent that the findings can be generalized to business projects that are developed in different entities such as universities, incubators and other instances that promote the development of business projects and thereby guarantee success. In this sense, it is considered to carry out more research regarding these variables and others that can study the phenomenon and generate new scientific research.

Practical implications

HR performance is considered as one of the main factors that allow the success of business projects. However, some practical limitations are determined by the vision, strategies, as well as the orientation that entities such as universities, and incubators, among other organizations, determine to develop the business project and thus guarantee its success. Other practical implications lie in the leadership that the entrepreneur exercises in his/her work team and collaborators to generate synergy between them considering culture and identity, as well as the commitment to the business project.


The findings are relevant and of great value because they support entrepreneurship models, giving an alternative focus in the study to achieve success, specifically in the state of Guanajuato, which represents one of the main states that have with a greater number of ventures focused on the automotive, food, leather and footwear cluster, among other SMEs that promote business projects and is one of the main states of the Mexican Republic that contributes to the economic development of the region as well as the nation. Likewise, the study is relevant because there is currently not enough research focused on the variables analyzed on the success of business projects in the Mexican context.


International Journal of Organizational Analysis, vol. 32 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1934-8835


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