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Publication date: 6 August 2024

Shashank Gupta, Rachana Jaiswal and Shiv Kumar Gupta

This study aims to address the need for robust conceptual foundations in the digital nomadism discourse through a systematic literature review (SLR). It delves into digital…



This study aims to address the need for robust conceptual foundations in the digital nomadism discourse through a systematic literature review (SLR). It delves into digital nomadism within sustainable tourism, providing valuable insights to foster community development.


This study uses a rigorous eight-step process that combines an SLR and a system dynamics approach. In the SLR phase, the authors use the theory, context, characteristics and methodology framework to identify key variables for a dynamic model of sustainable tourism through digital nomadism, following detailed search and selection criteria based on PRISMA guidelines. The second phase uses causal loop diagrams (CLDs) from the literature review to visualize relationships and inform future research directions. The CLD model is validated through literature-based and stakeholder interaction processes, focusing on the social, economic and environmental dimensions, resulting in the development of a robust conceptual model.


This study identified 28 theories, including agency–structure theory, travel career ladder theory, stakeholder theory and grounded theory, among others. Semi-structured interviews were the primary research method. Major themes explored encompass community interactions, work lifestyles, cultural aspects, financial considerations, infrastructure and policy. The proposed conceptual model aims to scrutinize relationships across economic, environmental and social dimensions, providing a foundation for investigating and promoting sustainable tourism.

Research limitations/implications

Policy implications involve refining taxation policies to maintain tax bases, promoting collaborative economic models and enforcing environmental regulations. Additionally, integrating community planning infrastructure and implementing demographic strategies to manage potential population shifts are crucial. Policies supporting education, skill transfer, health and well-being initiatives contribute significantly to fostering sustainable tourism practices and enhancing community vitality.


To the best of authors’ knowledge, this study is the first in the digital nomadism space to propose a conceptual model for sustainable tourism adoption.


本研究通过系统的文献综述解决了数字游牧话语中对坚实概念基础的需求。它深入研究了可持续旅游业中的数字游牧主义, 为促进社区发展提供了宝贵的见解。


本研究采用严格的八步流程, 结合了系统文献综述(SLR)和系统动力学方法。在 SLR 阶段, 我们利用 TCCM 框架, 遵循基于 PRISMA 指南的详细搜索和选择标准, 通过数字游牧主义确定可持续旅游业动态模型的关键变量。第二阶段利用文献综述中的因果循环图(CLD)来可视化关系并为未来的研究方向提供信息。 CLD 模型通过基于文献和利益相关者互动过程进行验证, 重点关注社会、经济和环境维度, 从而开发出稳健的概念模型。


本研究确定了 28 种理论, 包括代理结构理论、旅游职业阶梯理论、利益相关者理论和扎根理论等。半结构化访谈是主要的研究方法。探讨的主要主题包括社区互动、工作生活方式、文化方面、财务考虑、基础设施和政策。提出的概念模型旨在审查经济、环境和社会维度之间的关系, 为调查和促进可持续旅游业提供基础。


政策影响包括完善税收政策以维持税基、促进协作经济模式以及执行环境法规。此外, 整合社区规划基础设施和实施人口战略以管理潜在的人口变化也至关重要。支持教育、技能转让、健康和福祉举措的政策对促进可持续旅游实践和增强社区活力做出了重大贡献。


据作者所知, 这项研究是数字游牧领域第一个提出可持续旅游业概念模型的研究。


Este estudio aborda la necesidad de fundamentos conceptuales sólidos en el discurso del nomadismo digital, mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Profundiza en el nomadismo digital dentro del turismo sostenible, proporcionando un conocimiento valioso para fomentar el desarrollo comunitario.


Este estudio emplea un riguroso proceso de ocho pasos que combina una revisión sistemática de la literatura (SLR) y un enfoque de dinámica de sistemas. En la fase SLR, utilizamos el marco Teoría-Contexto-Características-Metodología (TCCM) para identificar variables clave para un modelo dinámico de turismo sostenible a través del nomadismo digital, siguiendo criterios detallados de búsqueda y selección basados en las directrices del método de elementos de notificación preferidos para revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis (PRISMA). La segunda fase utiliza diagramas de bucles causales (CLD) a partir de la revisión de la literatura para visualizar las relaciones e informar sobre futuras direcciones de investigación. El modelo CLD se valida mediante procesos basados en la literatura y en la interacción con las partes interesadas, centrándose en las dimensiones social, económica y medioambiental, lo que da como resultado el desarrollo de un modelo conceptual sólido.


Este estudio identificó 28 teorías, entre ellas la teoría de la estructura de agencia, la teoría de la carrera profesional en los viajes, la teoría de las partes interesadas y la teoría fundamentada. Las entrevistas semiestructuradas fueron el método de investigación primordial. Los principales temas explorados abarcan las interacciones comunitarias, los estilos de vida laborales, los aspectos culturales, las consideraciones financieras, la infraestructura y la política. El modelo conceptual propuesto tiene como objetivo examinar las relaciones entre las dimensiones económica, medioambiental y social, proporcionando una base para investigar y promover el turismo sostenible.


Las implicaciones políticas conllevan el perfeccionamiento de las políticas fiscales para mantener las bases impositivas, el fomento de modelos económicos colaborativos y el cumplimiento de la normativa medioambiental. Además, es fundamental integrar la infraestructura de planificación comunitaria y aplicar estrategias demográficas para gestionar los posibles cambios en la población. Las políticas de apoyo a las iniciativas de educación, transferencia de habilidades, salud y bienestar contribuyen significativamente a fomentar prácticas de turismo sostenible y a mejorar la vitalidad de la comunidad.


Hasta donde el autor sabe, este estudio es el primero en el espacio del nomadismo digital que propone un modelo conceptual para la adopción del turismo sostenible.

Publication date: 13 August 2024

Julia Vasconcelos Furtado, Antonio Carrizo Moreira, Ricardo Gouveia Rodrigues and Jorge Humberto F. Mota

Research on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has been based on Western developed economies’ samples (or specific Eastern countries such as China and Saudi Arabia)…



Research on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has been based on Western developed economies’ samples (or specific Eastern countries such as China and Saudi Arabia), lacking attention to developing contexts (Latin America). Even though OCBs’ antecedents in the Global North context have been thoroughly explored, Corporate Social Responsibility’s (CSR) perceptions and organizational commitment’s (OC) roles are “under-studied” in such developing contexts. This study aims to respond to the call for research on the behavioral perspective on CSR in Latin America, challenging implicit assumptions of theories developed in Western developed countries, related to the employees’ CSR perceptions and OC and OCB research.


In a postpositivist approach, the authors tested whether CSR and OC directly affect OCB, exploring OCB’s five dimensions – altruism, courtesy, consciousness, civic virtue and sportsmanship, with a main hypothesis that CSR and OC directly affect OCBs. The sample comprises responses from 1,059 employees from public and private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Brazil – the largest economy in Latin America, yet a collectivistic society developing country, in which OCB phenomena is still underexplored or done to a lesser extent.


Whenever positively perceiving their organizations’ CSR activities, employees identify strongly with the organization, influencing positive job outcomes such as OC and OCBs. Findings indicate that despite not perfectly fitting non-North American contexts, the OCB five-dimension structure is positively related to employees’ CSR perception, confirming OC’s stronger role in the Brazilian context. Indeed, findings confirm OC’s influence over all OCB dimensions, re-stating it as a stronger predictor of behaviors like consciousness (compliance), civic virtue and sportsmanship.


This research accepted the challenge of bringing OC back to OCB research. Indeed, seminal work had implied OC as a robust and significant predictor of the OCB, yet in Western developed economies. The scarcity of research on the matter in developing collectivist economies such as Brazil, justifies this study’s novelty and appropriateness.


La investigación sobre el organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) se ha basado en muestras de economías desarrolladas occidentales (o países orientales específicos como China y Arabia Saudita), sin prestar atención a los contextos en desarrollo (América Latina). Aunque se han explorado a fondo los antecedentes de las OCB en el contexto del Hemisferio Norte Global, las percepciones de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) y los roles del compromiso organizacional (CO) están “poco estudiados” en tales contextos en desarrollo. Respondemos al llamado a investigar la perspectiva conductual de la RSE en América Latina, desafiando los supuestos implícitos de las teorías desarrolladas en los países desarrollados occidentales, relacionadas con las percepciones de RSE de los empleados y las investigaciones sobre OC y OCB.


En un enfoque pos-positivista, probamos si la RSE y el OC afectan directamente al OCB, explorando las cinco dimensiones del OCB: altruismo, cortesía, conciencia, virtud cívica y espíritu deportivo, con la hipótesis principal de que la RSE y el OC afectan directamente a los OCB. La muestra comprende respuestas de 1.059 empleados de instituciones de educación superior (IES) públicas y privadas en Brasil, la economía más grande de América Latina, pero un país en desarrollo con una sociedad colectivista, en el que los fenómenos OCB aún están poco explorados o se realizan en menor medida.


Siempre que perciben positivamente las actividades de RSE de sus organizaciones, los empleados se identifican fuertemente con la organización, lo que influye en resultados laborales positivos, como OC y OCB. Los hallazgos indican que, a pesar de no encajar perfectamente en contextos fuera de América del Norte, la estructura de cinco dimensiones de OCB está positivamente relacionada con la percepción de RSE de los empleados, lo que confirma el papel más fuerte del OC en el contexto brasileño. De hecho, los hallazgos confirman la influencia del compromiso organizacional sobre todas las dimensiones del OCB, reformándolo como un predictor más fuerte de comportamientos como la conciencia (cumplimiento), la virtud cívica y el espíritu deportivo.


Esta investigación aceptó el desafío de devolver el OC a la investigación de OCB. De hecho, un trabajo fundamental había implicado que el OC era un predictor sólido y significativo del OCB, incluso en las economías desarrolladas occidentales. La escasez de investigaciones sobre el tema en economías colectivistas en desarrollo como Brasil, justifica la novedad y pertinencia de este estudio.


A investigação sobre o comportamento de organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) tem-se baseado em amostras de economias desenvolvidas ocidentais (ou de países orientais específicos, como a China e a Arábia Saudita), sem atenção aos contextos em desenvolvimento (América Latina). Embora os antecedentes dos OCBs no contexto do Hemifério Norte tenham sido exaustivamente explorados, as percepções da Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSE) e os papéis do organizational commitment (OC) são “subestudados” nesses contextos em desenvolvimento. Respondemos ao apelo por pesquisas sobre a perspectiva comportamental da RSE na América Latina, desafiando pressupostos implícitos de teorias desenvolvidas nos países ocidentais desenvolvidos, relacionadas às percepções de RSC dos funcionários e às pesquisas de OC e OCB.


Numa abordagem pós-positivista, testamos se a Responsabilidade Social Corporativa e o OC afectam directamente o OCB, explorando as cinco dimensões do OCB – altruísmo, cortesia, consciência, virtude cívica e espírito desportivo, com a hipótese principal de que a RSE e o OC afectam directamente os OCB. A amostra compreende respostas de 1.059 funcionários de Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) públicas e privadas do Brasil – a maior economia da América Latina, mas um país em desenvolvimento com sociedade coletivista, no qual o fenômeno do OCB ainda é subexplorado ou realizado em menor grau.


Sempre que percebem positivamente as atividades de RSE das suas organizações, os funcionários identificam-se fortemente com a organização, influenciando resultados positivos do trabalho, como OC e OCBs. Os resultados indicam que, apesar de não se ajustar perfeitamente aos contextos não norte-americanos, a estrutura de cinco dimensões do OCB está positivamente relacionada com a percepção de RSE dos funcionários, confirmando o papel mais forte do OC no contexto brasileiro. Na verdade, os resultados confirmam a influência do compromisso organizacional sobre todas as dimensões do OCB, reafirmando-o como um preditor mais forte de comportamentos como consciência (conformidade), virtude cívica e espírito desportivo.


Esta pesquisa aceitou o desafio de trazer o OC de volta à pesquisa de OCB. Na verdade, o trabalho seminal tinha implicado o OC como um preditor robusto e significativo do OCB, ainda nas economias desenvolvidas ocidentais. A escassez de pesquisas sobre o assunto nas economias coletivistas em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil, justifica a novidade e a adequação deste estudo.

Publication date: 2 September 2024

Tarlan Ahmadov, Susanne Durst, Lilian Albornoz Mendoza and Khusbu Rahman

This study aims to explore the interplay between regulatory, normative and cultural-cognitive factors in the context of sustainability-driven organisational change in Mexican…



This study aims to explore the interplay between regulatory, normative and cultural-cognitive factors in the context of sustainability-driven organisational change in Mexican small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).


Using qualitative research methods, data were collected through interviews with key stakeholders from eight SMEs in Mexico. Thematic analysis was conducted to explore how regulatory, normative and cultural-cognitive forces influence sustainability initiatives within these organisations.


The findings reveal a dynamic relationship between regulatory frameworks and broader societal norms, with SMEs strategically aligning with evolving expectations to drive sustainability. Influenced by consumer preferences, normative forces play a pivotal role in shaping internal and external organisational norms. Cultural-cognitive forces, including organisational values and leadership practices, further reinforce this interplay, highlighting the importance of organisational culture in driving sustainable practices.

Research limitations/implications

This study contributes to understanding institutional dynamics driving sustainability initiatives among SMEs, particularly in the Mexican context. Explaining the complex interactions among regulatory, normative and cultural-cognitive forces offers a holistic framework for comprehending the complexities of sustainability-driven organisational change.

Practical implications

The findings provide practical insights for SMEs seeking to navigate sustainability initiatives. Emphasising the proactive role of regulatory compliance, fostering a culture of sustainability and leveraging collaborative opportunities within industries are recommended strategies for driving meaningful organisational change towards sustainability.


This study’s value lies in its development of a conceptual framework illustrating the complex interactions among regulatory, normative and cultural-cognitive forces driving sustainability-driven organisational change in Mexican SMEs. Elucidating these dynamics provides a nuanced understanding of how these forces intertwine, offering valuable insights for navigating sustainability initiatives for SMEs in Mexico.


Este estudio explora la interacción entre factores regulatorios, normativos y cultural-cognitivos en el contexto del cambio organizacional impulsado por la sostenibilidad en las pequeñas y medianas empresas mexicanas.


Utilizando métodos de investigación cualitativa, se recopilaron datos a través de entrevistas con partes interesadas clave de ocho PYMES en México. Se llevó a cabo un análisis temático para explorar cómo las fuerzas regulatorias, normativas y cultural-cognitivas influyen en las iniciativas de sostenibilidad dentro de estas organizaciones.


Los resultados revelan una relación dinámica entre los marcos regulatorios y las normas sociales más amplias, con las PYMES alineándose estratégicamente con las expectativas cambiantes para impulsar la sostenibilidad. Influenciadas por las preferencias de los consumidores, las fuerzas normativas desempeñan un papel fundamental en la formación de normas organizacionales internas y externas. Las fuerzas cultural-cognitivas, incluidas los valores organizacionales y las prácticas de liderazgo, refuerzan aún más esta interacción, destacando la importancia de la cultura organizacional en el impulso de prácticas sostenibles.

Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación

Este estudio contribuye a la comprensión de las dinámicas institucionales que impulsan las iniciativas de sostenibilidad entre las PYMES, particularmente en el contexto mexicano. Explicar las complejas interacciones entre fuerzas regulatorias, normativas y cultural-cognitivas ofrece un marco holístico para comprender las complejidades del cambio organizacional impulsado por la sostenibilidad.


El valor de este estudio radica en el desarrollo de un marco conceptual que ilustra las complejas interacciones entre fuerzas regulatorias, normativas y cultural-cognitivas que impulsan el cambio organizacional impulsado por la sostenibilidad en las PYMES mexicanas. Elucidar estas dinámicas proporciona una comprensión matizada de cómo estas fuerzas se entrelazan, ofreciendo valiosas ideas para navegar iniciativas de sostenibilidad para las PYMES en México.

Implicaciones prácticas

Los hallazgos proporcionan ideas prácticas para las PYMES que buscan navegar las iniciativas de sostenibilidad. Se recomiendan estrategias como enfatizar el papel proactivo del cumplimiento regulatorio, fomentar una cultura de sostenibilidad y aprovechar las oportunidades de colaboración dentro de las industrias para impulsar un cambio organizacional significativo hacia la sostenibilidad.


Este estudo explora a interação entre fatores regulatórios, normativos e cultural-cognitivos no contexto da mudança organizacional impulsionada pela sustentabilidade em pequenas e médias empresas mexicanas.


Utilizando métodos de pesquisa qualitativa, os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas com partes interessadas de oito PMEs no México. Foi realizada uma análise temática para explorar como as forças regulatórias, normativas e cultural-cognitivas influenciam as iniciativas de sustentabilidade dentro dessas organizações.


Os resultados revelam uma relação dinâmica entre as estruturas regulatórias e as normas sociais mais amplas, com as PMEs alinhando-se estrategicamente às expectativas em evolução para impulsionar a sustentabilidade. Influenciadas pelas preferências dos consumidores, as forças normativas desempenham um papel crucial na formação de normas organizacionais internas e externas. As forças cultural-cognitivas, incluindo valores organizacionais e práticas de liderança, reforçam ainda mais essa interação, destacando a importância da cultura organizacional na promoção de práticas sustentáveis.

Limitações/implicações da pesquisa

Este estudo contribui para a compreensão das dinâmicas institucionais que impulsionam iniciativas de sustentabilidade entre as PMEs, particularmente no contexto mexicano. Explicar as complexas interações entre forças regulatórias, normativas e cultural-cognitivas oferece uma estrutura holística para compreender as complexidades da mudança organizacional impulsionada pela sustentabilidade.

Implicações práticas

Os resultados fornecem insights práticos para PMEs que buscam navegar em iniciativas de sustentabilidade. Recomenda-se enfatizar o papel proativo do cumprimento regulatório, fomentar uma cultura de sustentabilidade e aproveitar as oportunidades de colaboração dentro das indústrias como estratégias para impulsionar uma mudança organizacional significativa em direção à sustentabilidade.


O valor deste estudo reside no desenvolvimento de um quadro conceitual que ilustra as complexas interações entre forças regulatórias, normativas e cultural-cognitivas que impulsionam a mudança organizacional impulsionada pela sustentabilidade nas PMEs mexicanas. Elucidar essas dinâmicas fornece uma compreensão diferenciada de como essas forças se entrelaçam, oferecendo insights valiosos para PMEs no México.

Open Access
Publication date: 29 August 2024

Irene Torres, Samantha Kloft, Muskan Kumar, Amita Santosh, Mariana Pinto-Alvarez and Daniel F. López-Cevallos

This study compared approaches to school closures in four Latin American countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru), describing the impact on the health and educational…



This study compared approaches to school closures in four Latin American countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru), describing the impact on the health and educational wellbeing of school-age children and youth, and evaluating their approaches in regard to continuing education through the pandemic.


We collected 75 publicly available documents including scientific and gray literature (government documents and news releases), that referred to school closures and their impact on children’s health and wellbeing. We did thematic analyses using open, axial, and selective coding and applied the latest Health Promoting Schools standards and indicators to the findings.


Results showed that countries followed epidemiological reasons for prioritizing school closures while adopting some policies that abide by Health Promoting School principles. While they emphasized the need to reopen schools so that instruction could continue, school closures were among the longest in the world. The most significant impacts on wellbeing identified in the four countries were related to food security and mental health.

Research limitations/implications

This study focused on a particular set of documents, and it may not capture the full spectrum of relevant information in different contexts or regions.

Practical implications

By comparing school closures approaches among four Latin American countries, this study highlights the importance of context-specific interventions. In a post-pandemic era, lessons learned from these experiences should help foster more resilient and inclusive educational systems and explore the paths forward for following the new Health Promoting Schools framework in the region.


Cross-country qualitative analyses on this topic are rare. This study adds to the knowledge base by eliciting lessons for future health education research and policy efforts.


Health Education, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0965-4283


Publication date: 10 September 2024

Priscila Cembranel, Luiza Gewehr, Leila Dal Moro, Paulo Guilherme Fuchs, Robert Samuel Birch and José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Andrade Guerra

This study aims to investigate the contribution of higher education institutions (HEIs) to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and propose strategies to cultivate a culture…



This study aims to investigate the contribution of higher education institutions (HEIs) to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and propose strategies to cultivate a culture centred on the SDGs in HEIs.


The methodology used encompassed an integrative literature review, combining bibliographic analysis on how HEIs incorporate the SDGs into their practices, adopting a qualitative approach for the analysis and categorization of the results.


The multifaceted contributions of HEIs in promoting the SDGs stand out, through their roles in teaching, research, management and integration and communication between university and society.

Research limitations/implications

While influencing policies at various levels, HEIs encounter challenges in the effective integration of SDGs into their strategies. This underscores the need for contextualized governance, understanding students’ perspectives on sustainability and active external collaboration in policy formulation.

Practical implications

There is an urgent need to integrate SDGs into academic programmes, emphasizing the importance of redesigning curricula, actively involving teachers, researchers and students, establishing partnerships and promoting research applied to SDGs.

Social implications

The social relevance of the study lies in the emphasis on an SDG-centred culture, involving teaching, research, outreach, community engagement and governance practices.


The study’s uniqueness lies in identifying persistent challenges during the transition to an SDG-centred culture, necessitating multisectoral collaboration and educational programmes that integrate sustainability principles into the strategy of HEIs.


International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1467-6370


Publication date: 6 August 2024

Victoria Valdebenito, Isabel Benjumeda, Valentina Hadler and Sofía Guzmán

Although our understanding of mental health and well-being is continually evolving, certain populations such as individuals deprived of liberty remain understudied and…



Although our understanding of mental health and well-being is continually evolving, certain populations such as individuals deprived of liberty remain understudied and stigmatized. Despite ongoing research in various countries, mental health exploration in Chile lags behind nations like the USA. Recognizing this gap, this study aims to address this disparity by analyzing subjective well-being and mental health levels within a Chilean prison setting in the postpandemic context.


Design was nonexperimental, cross-sectional, descriptive and relational using quantitative techniques. Data was collected using Ryff and brief DASS-21 scales into three different sections of the studied prison. In total, 97 people participated. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis.


Levels of subjective well-being range from mild to low, with best scores in environmental mastery and worst in autonomy. Women obtained best scores on purpose in life and positive relations with others. Mental health levels measured in terms of anxiety, depression and stress showed worst levels in males. A positive correlation was observed between mental health and substance use and between mental health and violence.

Research limitations/implications

Answers depend on the victim's report, which is biased by its interpretation, along with fearing consequences from the answers and distrust in authorities. This can lead to altered (unrealistic) values in relation to substance use, violence suffered and levels of subjective well-being, among others. Another limitation is the number of participants of this study, along with the fact that it was carried out in only one penitentiary center in Chile.

Practical implications

A challenge and a practical implication of this study is the need to do more work to promote mental health and well-being. Specifically, within this limited context where survey can send bias responses, a challenge is to work and promote mental health from a gender a perspective.

Social implications

Results presented here also highlight the relevance of studying in depth prisoners’ mental health, considering gender differences across well-being and mental health variables. Moreover, it shows the importance and urgence to advance in respecting human rights, as democratic and diverse societies, and in terms of ethical aspects linked to research of this type in vulnerable populations like prisoners.


This study contributes to the understanding on the intricated interplay between subjective well-being, mental health and various factors within prison environments, offering valuable insights for targeted interventions and policy considerations.


International Journal of Prison Health, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2977-0254


Publication date: 27 August 2024

Triana Arias Abelaira, Lázaro Rodríguez-Ariza, María Pache Durán and Maria do Rosário Texeira Fernandes Justino

Corporate digital responsibility is a challenge for companies as it recognizes that the use of technology can have a significant impact on society. In addition, a whole philosophy…



Corporate digital responsibility is a challenge for companies as it recognizes that the use of technology can have a significant impact on society. In addition, a whole philosophy of nonfinancial disclosure has recently been developing and has become a priority for organizations seeking to be transparent and accountable. While some companies have already adopted this approach, practices related to information transparency in corporate digital responsibility are still in their early stages, creating a need to improve reporting and promote greater understanding in this evolving field. Based on a study analyzing the disclosure of information on digitization and taking into account that the board of directors is the body in charge of companies’ disclosure policy, the study aims to identify the factors that favor this disclosure.


As established by Ponce et al. (2022), IBEX-35 companies are Public Interest Companies subject to European and international regulations and are required to provide information on economic efficiency indicators and nonfinancial indicators. In relation to the proposed objectives, the aim is to analyze the possible factors that condition the degree of dissemination of information on digitization. To this end, a multiple linear regression of the dissemination index has been proposed following the works of Gil et al. (2018), Rodríguez-Ariza et al. (2014) and Briano-Turrent & Rodríguez-Ariza (2013). The estimation will be performed using the SPSS software (version 27).


The results show that the number of independent directors has a positive influence on the level of information disclosed by companies online. Conversely – and in line with previous studies – board size does not have a significant impact on the level of information transparency.

Research limitations/implications

This study has a few limitations that adversely impact the generalizability of the results. First, the subjective problem inherent in the rating and evaluation of information collected in the annual reports of sample companies cannot be excluded. Second, the consideration that each element that constitutes the IDT has the same weight, there being no weighting criteria. Finally, the study population is limited to 35 listed companies, not considering medium and small companies. Nevertheless, despite these limitations, the results are sufficiently interesting to justify and extend the research to a larger number of companies and, of course, to other stock market indices. Another interesting future line of research would be to include more independent variables to analyze what other factors determine the degree of digital transparency of companies.

Practical implications

The study may be useful for organizations to take into account when identifying the corporate governance characteristics that will improve the disclosure of information on digitalization, which is still incipient and voluntary. Similar considerations could be made with respect to the competent authorities in regulating the disclosure of information by companies, insofar as they should promote policies that, in general, favor corporate transparency.


This study contributes to the literature in three main ways: 1) although there is a large body of research that has explored the impact of corporate governance dimensions on the level of nonfinancial transparency, the present study pioneers the approach to digitalization disclosure in Spanish listed companies; 2) it provides evidence that it is highly advisable to have a majority of independent directors to achieve a higher degree of digital disclosure; and 3) the results of this research show the current state of digital transparency on the websites of most of the listed companies in Spain, which could serve as a benchmark for those responsible for issuing corporate governance policies and guidelines.


Social Responsibility Journal, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1747-1117


Publication date: 16 September 2024

Patricia Maccagno, Verónica Andrea Goñi, Candela Abril Panuccio, Marcela Alejandra Alvarez, Yesica Daniela Diaz and Camila Galvaliz

The purpose of this study is to explore the incorporation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) at the National University of Moreno (Universidad Nacional de Moreno, UNM, in…



The purpose of this study is to explore the incorporation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) at the National University of Moreno (Universidad Nacional de Moreno, UNM, in Spanish), focusing on teaching and research activities, encountering difficulties from primary and secondary information sources, to integrate the SDGs, and contribute with actions for their incorporation into teaching and learning processes and research, in a newly established university.


To describe the implementation of the SDGs, an empirical study was conducted using a mixed methodology for data collection. Data collected from the survey were combined with information from the UNM project database for the period 2017–2022. Non-parametric methods were used to analyse both sets of data.


This study provides an initial overview of SDG implementation at UNM, allowing the identification of constraints and challenges to scale up contributions to the SDGs at UNM, as well as the generation of relevant action lines in the interaction with university's authorities.

Research limitations/implications

Conducting studies through questionnaires has limitations, similar to other cases analysed. To increase the validity of the data, prior consultations were carried out. In addition, the database of research projects was used to identify the application of the SDGs in research. However, an approximation of the current situation could be obtained.

Practical implications

Particular importance was given to the challenges encountered during the data analysis phase in relation to capacity building needs. This enabled a set of actions to be defined to bring the SDGs closer to the UNM.


Although the paper used methodologies already proposed by other authors, such as survey collection, its value lies in demonstrating the possibility of using them to analyse whether the SDGs are integrated into teaching and research activities in a recently founded university, where the SDGs are integrated into its principles. The analysis also complements the survey results with information from project databases, which has not yet been analysed in the literature. Based on the results, activities are designed so that the SDGs could begin to guide teaching and research activities.


International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1467-6370


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