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The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of sales, as a proxy for size, in moderating the impact of institutional incongruence between formal and informal institutions on the formalization of microenterprises in middle-income countries in Latin America.


The paper uses a probit regression model to examine business formalization as a binary outcome of formal and informal institutions. Data was collected through interviews and surveys across 52 municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile. The study used a stratified sampling approach and was conducted between November 2022 and January 2023.


The results offer three key insights into the formalization of microenterprises in middle-income countries. First, we show that formal institutions do not significantly influence formalization decisions among microentrepreneurs in middle-income countries, challenging the traditional belief that formal institutions alone significantly influence formalization in these contexts. Second, we show that informal institutions are significant predictors of informality, especially among smaller microenterprises. Third, we highlight that the smaller the business, the stronger the negative effect of informal institutions on formalization, and thus, the institutional incongruence between formal and informal institutions decreases for larger businesses.


This paper contributes to management literature by shedding light on the drivers of formalization in middle-income countries, a departure from most formalization studies wherein the focus is primarily on low-income economies. The findings suggest that policymakers in middle-income countries should focus on enabling microenterprise growth through sales, rather than targeting specific demographic groups or relying solely on formal institutional enforcement to promote formalization.


El objetivo de este estudio es investigar el papel de las ventas, utilizadas como un indicador de tamaño, en la mediación del impacto de la incongruencia institucional entre instituciones formales e informales en la formalización de microempresas en países de ingresos medios en América Latina.


Utilizamos un modelo de regresión Probit para examinar la formalización empresarial como un resultado binario de instituciones formales e informales. Los datos se recopilaron a través de 110 entrevistas y encuestas en 52 municipios de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile. El estudio empleó un enfoque de muestreo estratificado y se llevó a cabo entre noviembre de 2022 y enero de 2023.


Nuestros resultados ofrecen tres ideas clave sobre la formalización de microempresas en países de ingresos medios. Primero, demostramos que las instituciones formales no influyen significativamente en las decisiones de formalización entre las microempresas en países de ingresos medios; esto desafía la creencia tradicional de que las instituciones formales por sí solas influyen significativamente en la formalización en estos contextos. Segundo, nuestro estudio muestra que las instituciones informales son predictores significativos de la informalidad, especialmente entre las microempresas más pequeñas. Tercero, nuestro estudio destaca que el efecto negativo de las instituciones informales sobre la formalización es más fuerte para negocios de menor tamaño; por lo tanto, la incongruencia institucional entre instituciones formales e informales disminuye para negocios de mayor tamaño.


Este artículo contribuye a la literatura iluminando sobre los impulsores de la formalización en países de ingresos medios, a diferencia de la mayoría de los estudios de formalización en la región latinoamericana que se centran principalmente en países de bajos ingresos. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que los responsables de políticas en países de ingresos medios deberían centrarse en impulsar el crecimiento de las microempresas a través de las ventas, en lugar de enfocarse en grupos demográficos específicos o depender únicamente del cumplimiento institucional formal para promover la formalización.


O objetivo deste estudo é investigar o papel das vendas, usadas como um indicador de tamanho, na mediação do impacto da incongruência institucional entre instituições formais e informais na formalização de microempresas em países de renda média na América Latina.


Utilizamos um modelo de regressão Probit para examinar a formalização empresarial como um resultado binário de instituições formais e informais. Os dados foram coletados por meio de 110 entrevistas e pesquisas em 52 municípios da Região Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile. O estudo empregou uma abordagem de amostragem estratificada e foi realizado entre novembro de 2022 e janeiro de 2023.


Nossos resultados oferecem três ideias-chave sobre a formalização de microempresas em países de renda média. Primeiro, demonstramos que as instituições formais não influenciam significativamente as decisões de formalização entre as microempresas em países de renda média; isso desafia a crença tradicional de que as instituições formais, por si só, influenciam significativamente a formalização nesses contextos. Segundo, nosso estudo mostra que as instituições informais são preditores significativos da informalidade, especialmente entre as microempresas menores. Terceiro, nosso estudo destaca que o efeito negativo das instituições informais sobre a formalização é mais forte para negócios de menor porte; portanto, a incongruência institucional entre instituições formais e informais diminui para negócios de maior porte.


Este artigo contribui para a literatura iluminando os impulsionadores da formalização em países de renda média, ao contrário da maioria dos estudos de formalização na região latino-americana, que se concentram principalmente em países de baixa renda. Nossos achados sugerem que os responsáveis pelas políticas em países de renda média deveriam focar em impulsionar o crescimento das microempresas por meio das vendas, em vez de se concentrar em grupos demográficos específicos ou depender exclusivamente do cumprimento institucional formal para promover a formalização.

Open Access
Publication date: 26 December 2023

Alexander Lapshun and Sergio Madero Gómez

This paper aims to answer the question of the future of work-from-home (WFH) from the position of productivity and employee well-being. In this research, the authors studied the…



This paper aims to answer the question of the future of work-from-home (WFH) from the position of productivity and employee well-being. In this research, the authors studied the future of WFH by analyzing perceived home productivity and work–life balance (WLB) in the WFH environment. This paper attempts to say that WFH is here to stay, and business leaders should acknowledge this fact and adjust their strategy.


The authors used a heterogeneous sampling method, surveying 1,157 employees in Mexico on productivity and WLB. The authors did three independent interventions in different pandemic stages: beginning – in 2020, peaking – in 2021, and calming down – in 2022. The authors used contingency table analysis to research the influence of perceived productivity and WLB in WFH on employees’ propensity to WFH.


The results show that employees perceive productivity the same or higher when WFH and WLB same or better. The findings of this study are a wake-up call for managers who refuse to embrace changes in employees’ perceptions and needs. Companies refusing to acknowledge the existing need for WFH may face significant challenges in terms of employee satisfaction and retention.


This study contributes to the broader literature by addressing whether WFH is here to stay. The dynamics of returning to office vary from country to country, industry to industry and business to business. This paper is an answer to the future of WFH for Mexico and the Latin American region.


Este artículo tiene como objetivo responder a la pregunta sobre la relevancia del futuro del trabajo desde casa (WFH por sus siglas en Inglés) desde la perspectiva de la productividad y el bienestar de los colaboradores. En esta investigación, se estudia el futuro del trabajo desde casa analizando la productividad percibida y el equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal en el entorno del trabajo desde casa. Este documento intenta decir que el trabajo desde casa llegó para quedarse y que los líderes empresariales deberían reconocer este hecho y ajustar sus estrategias.


Se ha utilizado un método de muestreo heterogéneo, encuestando a 1157 colaboradores que trabajan en México sobre el tema de productividad y balance vida-trabajo (WLB por sus siglas en Inglés). Se realizaron tres intervenciones independientes en diferentes etapas de la pandemia del COVID-19: al inicio (2020), un año despúes que fué el pico (2021) y finalmente cuando está a la baja y en calma (2022). Se utilizaron diversas herramientas estadísticas como el análisis de tablas de contingencia para investigar la influencia de la productividad percibida y el WLB en el trabajo desde casa en los colaboradores que son propensos a trabajar desde casa.


Los resultados muestran que los colaboradores perciben la productividad igual o mayor cuando trabajan desde casa y el balance vida-trabajo son iguales o en ocasiones mejores. Los hallazgos de este estudio son para llamar la atención de los directivos y gerentes que se niegan a aceptar que han existido cambios y ajustes en las percepciones y necesidades de los colaboradores en las maneras de realizar el trabajo. Las empresas que se niegan a reconocer la necesidad existente de trabajar desde casa pueden enfrentar desafíos importantes en el corto plazo en términos de satisfacción y retención de los empleados.


Este estudio contribuye para ampliar la literatura y poder abordar el tema de las modalidades de trabajo, en particular para profundizar si el trabajo desde casa (WFH) llegó para quedarse. Así mismo, se puede mencionar que la dinámica del regreso a las oficinas puede variar de un país a otro, de una industria a otra y de una empresa a otra, ofreciendo una variedad de reflexiones y puntos de vistas, finalmente este documento es una respuesta a la reflexión sobre el futuro del trabajo, los beneficios del trabajo en casa para México y para la región de LATAM.


Este artigo pretende responder à questão sobre a relevância do futuro do trabalho a partir de casa (WFH, Work from home, por suas siglas em inglês) na perspetiva da produtividade e do bem-estar dos colaboradores. Nesta investigação, o futuro do trabalho a partir de casa é estudado através da análise da produtividade percebida e do equilíbrio entre vida pessoal e profissional no ambiente de trabalho a partir de casa. Este artigo tenta dizer que o trabalho a partir de casa veio para ficar e que os líderes empresariais devem reconhecer este facto e ajustar as suas estratégias.


Foi utilizado um método de amostragem heterogêneo, pesquisando 1.157 funcionários que trabalham no México sobre o tema produtividade e equilíbrio entre vida profissional e pessoal (WLB). Foram realizadas três intervenções independentes em diferentes fases da pandemia da COVID-19: no início (2020), um ano após o pico (2021) e finalmente quando estava em declínio e calma (2022). Várias ferramentas estatísticas, como a análise de tabelas de contingência, foram utilizadas para investigar a influência da produtividade percebida e do WLB no trabalho em casa em funcionários propensos a trabalhar em casa.


Os resultados mostram que os colaboradores percebem uma produtividade igual ou superior quando trabalham a partir de casa e que o equilíbrio entre vida pessoal e profissional é igual ou por vezes melhor. Os resultados deste estudo são para chamar a atenção de diretores e gestores que se recusam a aceitar que tenham havido mudanças e ajustes nas percepções e necessidades dos funcionários nas formas de fazer o trabalho. As empresas que se recusam a reconhecer a necessidade existente de trabalhar a partir de casa podem enfrentar desafios significativos a curto prazo em termos de satisfação e retenção dos colaboradores.


Este estudo contribui para ampliar a literatura e poder abordar a questão das modalidades de trabalho, em particular para aprofundar se o trabalho em casa (WFH) veio para ficar. Da mesma forma, pode-se mencionar que a dinâmica de retorno aos escritórios pode variar de um país para outro, de uma indústria para outra e uma empresa para outra, oferecendo uma variedade de reflexões e pontos de vista. Em última análise, este documento é um resposta. para refletir sobre o futuro do trabalho, os benefícios de trabalhar em casa para o México e a região LATAM.

Publication date: 11 December 2023

Brenda Silupu and Sergio Reyes

In developing countries, women microentrepreneurs are characterized as being informal, creating a challenge for the sustainability of their businesses. The purpose of this study…



In developing countries, women microentrepreneurs are characterized as being informal, creating a challenge for the sustainability of their businesses. The purpose of this study is to analyze different businesses that adopt this form of operation arguing that formality is unnecessary because they are legitimate businesses (institutional reason). In addition, the role of gender in business management was incorporated, and the consistency of the results was validated in the context of COVID-19.


This study used data from the National Household Survey of Peru for the development of a compared analysis between the period 2018–2019 (pre-COVID-19), made up of a sample of 14,077 observations, and the period 2020–2021 (COVID-19), with 7,922 observations. The unit of analysis was the informal microenterprise with more than three years of operation, and the data was analyzed using a logistic model.


The probability of adopting informality for institutional reasons is more significant in the case of women in contrast to the men when it is a business belonging to the commerce sector and operating in a dwelling with basic services, while this probability decreases if the firm does not have a fixed location. These results are consistent in pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 periods.


The purpose of this research was to contribute to closing gaps in the generation of evidence that helps to understand the behavior of informal microentrepreneurs in developing countries, allowing a better approach to this problem for the design and implementation of suitable public policies. All this will contribute to the accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals.


En países en desarrollo, las mujeres microempresarias se caracterizan por ser informales generando un desafío para la sostenibilidad de sus negocios. La presente investigación analizó diferentes negocios que adoptan esta forma de operación con el argumento de que la formalidad no es necesaria porque son negocios legítimos (motivo institucional); además, se incorporó el rol del género en la gestión del negocio, y se validó la consistencia de los resultados en un contexto de COVID-19.


Se utilizaron datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares de Perú para el desarrollo de un análisis comparado entre el período 2018–2019 (pre-COVID-19), compuesto por una muestra de 14.077 observaciones, y el período 2020–2021 (COVID-19), con 7.922 observaciones. La unidad de análisis es la microempresa informal con más de tres años de operación y los datos son analizados mediante un modelo logístico.


Resulta mayor la probabilidad de adoptar la informalidad por motivos institucionales en el caso de las propietarias en contraste con los propietarios, cuando se trata de un negocio perteneciente al sector comercio y que funciona en una vivienda con servicios básicos, mientras que disminuye esta probabilidad si el negocio no posee un local fijo. Estos resultados son consistentes en tiempos de pre-COVID-19 y COVID-19.


La investigación tiene por fin contribuir al cierre de brechas en la generación de evidencia que ayude a comprender el comportamiento de las mujeres microempresarias informales en países en desarrollo, permitiendo una mayor aproximación a esta problemática para el diseño e implementación de políticas públicas adecuadas. Todo esto contribuirá con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.


Nos países em desenvolvimento, as mulheres microempreendedoras caracterizam-se por serem informais, criando um desafio para a sustentabilidade dos seus negócios. A presente investigação analisou diferentes negócios que adotam essa forma de operação com o argumento de que a formalidade não é necessária por serem negócios legítimos (razão institucional); além disso, foi incorporado o papel do gênero na gestão empresarial e se validou a consistência dos resultados num contexto de COVID-19.


Se utilizaram dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Domicílios do Peru para desenvolver uma análise comparativa entre o período 2018–2019 (pré-COVID-19), composto por uma amostra de 14.077 observações, e o período 2020–2021 (COVID-19), com 7.922 observações. A unidade de análise é a microempresa informal com mais de três anos de operação e os dados são analisados através de um modelo logístico.


Resulta maior a probabilidade de adoção da informalidade por motivos institucionais no caso das proprietárias em contraste com os proprietários, quando se trata de um negócio pertencente ao setor do comércio e que funciona numa casa com serviços básicos, enquanto esta probabilidade diminui se o negócio não tem local fixo. Estes resultados são consistentes em tempos pré-COVID-19 e COVID-19.


A pesquisa tem como objetivo contribuir no fechamento de brechas na geração de evidências que ajude a compreender o comportamento dos microempreendedores informais nos países em desenvolvimento, permitindo uma melhor abordagem desta problemática para o desenho e implementação de políticas públicas adequadas. Tudo isto contribuirá para o cumprimento dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável.


Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1536-5433


Book part
Publication date: 7 February 2024

Clóvis Reis and Yanet María Reimondo Barrios

This chapter presents a comparative study of the trends and patterns of communication and tourism research in Brazil and the United States over the last 20 years. Through a…


This chapter presents a comparative study of the trends and patterns of communication and tourism research in Brazil and the United States over the last 20 years. Through a bibliometric analysis of the CAPES and EBSCO databases, the study identifies the main theoretical and methodological references, classifies the fundamental themes in the area, and describes the role of communication for tourism. The results indicate the predominance in North American scientific literature of research related to the image and the brand of the tourist destinations, as well as the measurement and the evaluation of the communicative strategies. On the other hand, Brazilian research presents a greater diversity of approaches: destination image studies, tourism consumption, tourist narrative analysis, identities, social networks, community-based tourism, sports, and ecological tourism, with an explicit recognition of the dangers of sexual objectification and dehumanization within tourism. The survey showed that the scientific community has a strong interest in this area, signaling a search for knowledge to deepen the conceptual understanding of the subject. Thus, this chapter provides insights regarding the opportunities and directions for the next decades of research in this field of study.


Creating Culture Through Media and Communication
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80071-602-5


Open Access
Publication date: 14 March 2024

Lázaro Florido-Benítez

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the metaverse platform in a social context to better understand the future of this tool in tourism cities and how this can help to improve…



The purpose of this paper is to analyse the metaverse platform in a social context to better understand the future of this tool in tourism cities and how this can help to improve the well-being of residents in both digital and physical scenarios.


In this paper, the current and probable developments in the metaverse, and its use in tourism cities and companies have been investigated. Moreover, this study develops, collects and examines the main metaverse definitions by expert authors and organizations as a methodology to ensure the transparency and credibility of the metaverse analysis.


Findings suggest that the fusion of the metaverse and tourism cities must create residents’ services and experiences in the new MetaTourPolis to help interact and connect citizens with the city’s institutions and companies, as well as make tourism cities more attractive, innovative, environmentally friendly and healthier places to live. Metaverse will bring new changes for residents and tourists, in fact, this virtual platform is already changing and improving the residents’ quality of life and people with disabilities in tourism cities. For instance, the metaverse platform has been implemented in Seoul, Santa Monica and Dubai MetaTourPolis to interact with their residents, including people with disabilities, to resolve bureaucratic and administrative problems, avoiding this group and the rest of the residents travelling by bus or car to the city’s institutions. In addition, several metaverse applications based on softbot tutors or metaverse virtual social centres have been developed to improve blind and impaired people, and elderly people’ quality of life, respectively.


A new concept called “MetaTourPolis” has been included to stage the relationship between tourism cities and the metaverse platform, where the fusion of metaverse and the new tourism polis of the 21st century will be at the service of citizens, tourists and companies, to create more sustainable, efficient, quantitative and environmental tourism cities.


International Journal of Tourism Cities, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2056-5607


Publication date: 23 May 2024

Gustavo Alves de Melo, Maria Gabriela Mendonça Peixoto, Maria Cristina Angélico Mendonça, Marcel Andreotti Musetti, André Luiz Marques Serrano and Lucas Oliveira Gomes Ferreira

This paper aimed to contextualize the process of public hospital providing services, based on the measurement of the performance of Federal University Hospitals (HUFs) of Brazil…



This paper aimed to contextualize the process of public hospital providing services, based on the measurement of the performance of Federal University Hospitals (HUFs) of Brazil, using the technique of multivariate statistics of principal component analysis.


This research presented a descriptive and quantitative character, as well as exploratory purpose and followed the inductive logic, being empirically structured in two stages, that is, the application of principal component analysis (PCA) in four healthcare performance dimensions; subsequently, the full reapplication of principal component analysis in the most highly correlated variables, in module, with the first three main components (PC1, PC2 and PC3).


From the principal component analysis, considering mainly component I, with twice the explanatory power of the second (PC2) and third components (PC3), it was possible to evidence the efficient or inefficient behavior of the HUFs evaluated through the production of medical residency, by specialty area. Finally, it was observed that the formation of two groups composed of seven and eight hospitals, that is, Groups II and IV shows that these groups reflect similarities with respect to the scores and importance of the variables for both hospitals’ groups.

Research limitations/implications

Among the main limitations it was observed that there was incomplete data for some HUFs, which made it impossible to search for information to explain and better contextualize certain aspects. More specifically, a limited number of hospitals with complete information were dealt with for 60% of SIMEC/REHUF performance indicators.

Practical implications

The use of PCA multivariate technique was of great contribution to the contextualization of the performance and productivity of homogeneous and autonomous units represented by the hospitals. It was possible to generate a large quantity of information in order to contribute with assumptions to complement the decision-making processes in these organizations.

Social implications

Development of public policies with emphasis on hospitals linked to teaching centers represented by university hospitals. This also involved the projection of improvements in the reach of the efficiency of the services of assistance to the public health, from the qualified formation of professionals, both to academy, as to clinical practice.


The originality of this paper for the scenarios of the Brazilian public health sector and academic area involved the application of a consolidated performance analysis technique, that is, PCA, obtaining a rich work in relation to the extensive exploitation of techniques to support decision-making processes. In addition, the sequence and the way in which the content, formed by object of study and techniques, has been organized, generates a particular scenario for the measurement of performance in hospital organizations.


Journal of Health Organization and Management, vol. 38 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1477-7266


Open Access
Publication date: 2 May 2024

Ana Junça Silva

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mindfulness and two types of well-being, namely subjective and psychological well-being, particularly in a…



The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mindfulness and two types of well-being, namely subjective and psychological well-being, particularly in a managerial context. The mindfulness-to-meaning theory (MMT) suggests that the practice of mindfulness might lead individuals to reevaluate and find greater meaning in their experiences, ultimately contributing to increased well-being. Accordingly, we argue that mindfulness boosts well-being because it may potentially lead managers to reappraise what surrounds them, making them experience more frequent positive affect.


A two-wave survey with a two-week interval was used to gather quantitative data. An overall sample of 1,260 managers with and without experience with mindfulness took part in the study.


Structural equation modeling showed that mindfulness had a direct and positive relationship with both subjective and psychological well-being. Furthermore, both processes – positive reappraisal and positive affect – mediated the path from mindfulness to both forms of well-being.

Practical implications

The findings emphasize the importance of creating training strategies that develop managers’ ability to positively reappraise daily events and occurrences, which may trigger more frequently positive affective experiences. Therefore, promoting mindfulness training at the workplace may develop mindful employees, especially by working on specific strategies, such as positive reappraisal, which may be a promising empirical-based strategy to enhance well-being.


This study adds knowledge about how mindfulness can contribute to well-being and contributes to expanding the mindfulness-to-meaning theory by adding positive affective experiences as an additional mechanism in the relationship between mindfulness and well-being. Specifically, it demonstrates that the practice of mindfulness helps managers to positively reappraise their surroundings, which results in more frequent experiences of positive affect.


Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2049-3983


Publication date: 20 November 2023

Elenise Martins Rocha, Diego Augusto de Jesus Pacheco, Natália Silvério, Cinthya Mônica da Silva Zanuzzi and Paulo Maurício Selig

Despite the significance of knowledge sharing for competitive advantage in networked businesses like franchising systems, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding regarding…



Despite the significance of knowledge sharing for competitive advantage in networked businesses like franchising systems, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding regarding the strategic value of knowledge sharing in the context of franchising. In particular, the specific contribution of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in facilitating interorganizational knowledge exchange among franchising members remains inadequately understood, particularly in emerging economies. Therefore, this study aims to explore the mechanisms involved in the knowledge-sharing process facilitated by a virtual learning environment (VLE) within franchising networks and examine the role of VLEs in facilitating knowledge.


This study uses a multiple-case study approach involving 24 franchisees and the franchisor within a Brazilian franchising network operating in the furniture market to examine the role played by a VLE.


The results of the study reveal that the introduction of a VLE has played a significant role in fostering enhancements in the knowledge-sharing process among the franchisor and franchisees in the network. Moreover, the results indicate that VLEs play a significant role in overcoming geographical obstacles, thereby enabling efficient knowledge sharing between franchisees and franchisors operating in extensive territorial contexts. Finally, findings indicate that intracommercial competition acts as a prominent barrier, leading to low levels of cooperation and knowledge-sharing intent among franchisees within the network.


This study contributes to the existing knowledge by enhancing the understanding of how ICTs can facilitate knowledge sharing in organizations operating within franchising systems. Furthermore, this paper advances the comprehension of the role of networking franchising configuration and governance in supporting organizational improvements. Additional actionable insights are provided.


Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, vol. 39 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0885-8624


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