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Publication date: 5 March 2018

Reham I. Elseidi

This study aims to explore the perceptions of Arabian Muslim consumers about halal food products and to investigate their behaviour towards halal-labelled food products in UK…




This study aims to explore the perceptions of Arabian Muslim consumers about halal food products and to investigate their behaviour towards halal-labelled food products in UK mainstream supermarkets using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). The role of Islamic religiosity and consumers’ confidence regarding the halal logo as moderating factors is investigated.


Cross-sectional data were collected through distributed 400 questionnaires in Scotland, mainly to Muslim consumers who come from different Arabian countries and are currently living in Scotland.


The results show that the TPB is a valid model for predicting Muslim consumers’ intention to purchase halal-labelled food products. The findings reveal that for consumers with high and low Islamic religiosity, subjective norms are the most influential determinants of their intention to purchase halal-labelled food products.

Research limitations/implications

Limitations include the focus on only Arabian Muslim consumers within an ethnic minority population living in Scotland, and the use of convenience and snowball sampling.

Practical implications

The findings could be useful for halal industry food makers to better serve their customers through sophisticated marketing strategies.


This study extends understanding of consumers’ halal-labelled food purchasing behaviour using TPB to determining the rationales for purchasing halal foods from mainstream UK supermarkets. Unlike others studies, this study used Islamic religiosity instead of self-identity (being a Muslim) as a moderating factor.


Journal of Islamic Marketing, vol. 9 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1759-0833


Open Access
Publication date: 18 October 2021

Aya K. Shaker, Rasha H.A. Mostafa and Reham I. Elseidi

This research investigates consumer intention to follow online community advice. Applying the technology acceptance model (TAM) to the context of online restaurant communities…




This research investigates consumer intention to follow online community advice. Applying the technology acceptance model (TAM) to the context of online restaurant communities, the study empirically examines the effects of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude and trust on the intention to follow online advice.


The data were collected from 360 members of online restaurant communities on Facebook and analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM).


The findings revealed that trust, perceived usefulness and attitude are key predictors of the intention to follow online restaurant community advice.


Extant research on the influence of online reviews on consumer behavior in the restaurant industry has largely focused on the characteristics of the review, reviewers or readers. Moreover, other studies have investigated consumers' motivations to write online restaurant reviews. This study, however, takes a different approach and examines what drives consumers to follow the advice from online restaurant communities.


European Journal of Management and Business Economics, vol. 32 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2444-8451


Publication date: 4 July 2023

Rana M. Zaki and Reham I. Elseidi

The aim of this research is to explore how religiosity (RG) could influence the Islamic apparel brand personality (IABP) dimensions, and to determine the degree to which IABP…




The aim of this research is to explore how religiosity (RG) could influence the Islamic apparel brand personality (IABP) dimensions, and to determine the degree to which IABP, attitude (ATT), subjective norms (SN) and purchase intention (PI) are influenced by RG. In addition, this research attempts to investigate the significant relationship between IABP and the components of the theory of planned behavior in the apparel industry in Egypt.


This research adopts a quantitative research method to provide insights relating to relationships between variables. The research data were collected through a conducted survey of Muslim females in Egypt. A convenience nonprobability sampling technique for data collection was used. To achieve the research purposes, confirmatory factor analyses, reliability and validity tests and structural equation modeling were adopted.


The research results show that RG has a positive significant relationship with ATT, SN and PI of Islamic apparel. Moreover, it was that only ATT has a positive significant influence over the PI of Islamic apparel unlike SN and Perceived behavioral control (PBC). Results also found that there is a positive relationship between IABP with ATT and SN. However, the relationship between RG and IABP was not statistically supported.

Practical implications

The research provides practical implications for brand managers, designers and producers in the Islamic apparel sector on how to increase PIs by extending IABP as well as for Egyptian policymakers. The practical implications include the possible approaches that stakeholders of Islamic apparel brands need to address while promoting, and this will influence marketing strategies in general and branding specifically.


This study extends our understanding of consumers’ Islamic apparel purchasing intentions using TPB to determine its rationale. Unlike other studies, this study operated RG and IABP to assess their influence on Islamic apparel PI in Egypt.

Open Access
Publication date: 13 November 2018

Rasha H.A. Mostafa and Reham I. Elseidi

The aim of this research is to investigate the factors affecting consumers’ willingness to buy private label brands (PLBs). The relationships among store image, familiarity with…




The aim of this research is to investigate the factors affecting consumers’ willingness to buy private label brands (PLBs). The relationships among store image, familiarity with PLBs, consumers’ perceptions of PLB quality, risk, price consciousness and attitude towards PLBs are examined. Finally, the relationship between attitude towards, and willingness to buy PLB is explored.


Self-administered questionnaire was distributed to shoppers at Carrefour operating in Cairo, Egypt. The data obtained from 265 respondents were examined using structural equation modelling (analysis of moment structures) version 22, which empirically test the hypothesised relations established in the research conceptual model.


With the exception of perceived risk, the results suggest that all consumers’ perceptual and attitudinal factors affect directly or indirectly consumers’ willingness to buy PLB.

Research limitations/implications

This study is limited to international hypermarket/supermarket operating in Egypt. So the findings should be exercised with cautious while attempting to generalise the research results.

Practical implications

Retail managers should focus on the enhancement of both store image and familiarity with PLBs to leverage consumers’ perceptions with respect to PLBs quality and risk to achieve differentiation and to increase sales.


This is one of the few studies that investigate the role of familiarity with PLBs in a developing context. In doing so, it proposes that familiarity with PLBs directly affects consumers’ perceived quality and perceived risk, while it indirectly influences consumers’ willingness to buy PLBs.


El propósito de este trabajo es el de analizar los factores que afectan a la predisposición de los consumidores a comprar marcas de distribución. Es por ello que se examina la estructura de relaciones existentes entre la imagen de la tienda, la familiaridad con las marcas de distribución, las percepciones de calidad y riesgo así como la conciencia de precio y su posterior efecto en actitudes hacia las marcas de distribución y la predisposición de compra.


Se distribuyeron cuestionarios auto-administrados entre compradores de la cadena Carrefour en El Cairo, Egipto. Los datos proporcionados por 265 individuos fueron analizados con ecuaciones estructurales (AMOS) para contrastar empíricamente las relaciones planteadas en el modelo conceptual propuesto.


Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que todos los factores actitudinales y perceptuales de los consumidores afectan directa o indirectamente a la disposición de los consumidores a adquirir marcas de distribución, excepto la percepción del riesgo.


Este estudio se limita a las cadenas de supermercados e hipermercados que operan en Egipto, por lo que los resultados obtenidos tienen una limitada generalización fuera de este contexto.

Implicaciones practices

Los directivos de los detallistas deben centrar sus esfuerzos en ensalzar la imagen de la tienda y la familiaridad con las marcas de distribución con el propósito de influir en las percepciones de calidad y riesgo que los consumidores tienen sobre ellas con el fin último de lograr una diferenciación y un incremento de las ventas.


Este estudio es uno de los pocos que investiga el papel que ejerce la familiaridad con las marcas de distribución en países en vías de desarrollo. Propone que la familiaridad afecta directamente a la percepción de calidad y riesgo de los consumidores e influye indirectamente en la disposición de los consumidores a comprar las marcas de distribución.

Publication date: 4 October 2021

Rana M. Zaki, Amr Kheir El Din and Reham I. Elseidi

The Islamic modest fashion industry is growing rapidly and becoming more competitive within an increasing number of brands available in the market. Based on this reason, both…



The Islamic modest fashion industry is growing rapidly and becoming more competitive within an increasing number of brands available in the market. Based on this reason, both marketers and designers need to create differentiation in their brands. One of the ways to create such differentiation is by establishing a brand personality. Thus, the purpose of this study is to develop a reliable measure of Islamic apparel personality that incorporates the relevant dimensions/traits Muslim females attribute to their apparel.


Islamic apparel brand personality model was developed based on the Qur’an verses, hadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammad), traits in Aaker’s and other Islamic brand personality models. Focus groups were used to generate a list of traits. Following this, a survey research method was used to gather data. Then, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on a sample of 190 Egyptian Muslim females.


This study introduces five dimensions of the Islamic apparel brand personality model, namely, simplicity, feminine, modesty, Islamic and righteousness.

Practical implications

This study contributes to the branding as well as Islamic apparel marketing literature as it is the first Islamic apparel brand personality framework. With the Islamic apparel brand personality model, Islamic apparel designers, producers and marketers can create a strong brand image, use advertising strategies effectively and ultimately attract more potential consumers.


The Islamic apparel brand personality model being the first of its kind is significant for the Islamic apparel industry. It reflects dimensions that are supported by the Quran and hadith and therefore suits the Muslim customer market.

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