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Open Access
Publication date: 13 November 2018

Rasha H.A. Mostafa and Reham I. Elseidi

The aim of this research is to investigate the factors affecting consumers’ willingness to buy private label brands (PLBs). The relationships among store image, familiarity with…




The aim of this research is to investigate the factors affecting consumers’ willingness to buy private label brands (PLBs). The relationships among store image, familiarity with PLBs, consumers’ perceptions of PLB quality, risk, price consciousness and attitude towards PLBs are examined. Finally, the relationship between attitude towards, and willingness to buy PLB is explored.


Self-administered questionnaire was distributed to shoppers at Carrefour operating in Cairo, Egypt. The data obtained from 265 respondents were examined using structural equation modelling (analysis of moment structures) version 22, which empirically test the hypothesised relations established in the research conceptual model.


With the exception of perceived risk, the results suggest that all consumers’ perceptual and attitudinal factors affect directly or indirectly consumers’ willingness to buy PLB.

Research limitations/implications

This study is limited to international hypermarket/supermarket operating in Egypt. So the findings should be exercised with cautious while attempting to generalise the research results.

Practical implications

Retail managers should focus on the enhancement of both store image and familiarity with PLBs to leverage consumers’ perceptions with respect to PLBs quality and risk to achieve differentiation and to increase sales.


This is one of the few studies that investigate the role of familiarity with PLBs in a developing context. In doing so, it proposes that familiarity with PLBs directly affects consumers’ perceived quality and perceived risk, while it indirectly influences consumers’ willingness to buy PLBs.


El propósito de este trabajo es el de analizar los factores que afectan a la predisposición de los consumidores a comprar marcas de distribución. Es por ello que se examina la estructura de relaciones existentes entre la imagen de la tienda, la familiaridad con las marcas de distribución, las percepciones de calidad y riesgo así como la conciencia de precio y su posterior efecto en actitudes hacia las marcas de distribución y la predisposición de compra.


Se distribuyeron cuestionarios auto-administrados entre compradores de la cadena Carrefour en El Cairo, Egipto. Los datos proporcionados por 265 individuos fueron analizados con ecuaciones estructurales (AMOS) para contrastar empíricamente las relaciones planteadas en el modelo conceptual propuesto.


Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que todos los factores actitudinales y perceptuales de los consumidores afectan directa o indirectamente a la disposición de los consumidores a adquirir marcas de distribución, excepto la percepción del riesgo.


Este estudio se limita a las cadenas de supermercados e hipermercados que operan en Egipto, por lo que los resultados obtenidos tienen una limitada generalización fuera de este contexto.

Implicaciones practices

Los directivos de los detallistas deben centrar sus esfuerzos en ensalzar la imagen de la tienda y la familiaridad con las marcas de distribución con el propósito de influir en las percepciones de calidad y riesgo que los consumidores tienen sobre ellas con el fin último de lograr una diferenciación y un incremento de las ventas.


Este estudio es uno de los pocos que investiga el papel que ejerce la familiaridad con las marcas de distribución en países en vías de desarrollo. Propone que la familiaridad afecta directamente a la percepción de calidad y riesgo de los consumidores e influye indirectamente en la disposición de los consumidores a comprar las marcas de distribución.

Publication date: 28 May 2021

Xinyi Liu, Zhiyong Li, Qiqi Zhang and Yue Zhang

This study aims to identify the factors influencing Chinese outbound tourists’ perceptions of safety in Thailand. A media coverage analysis compares the safety perceptions of…



This study aims to identify the factors influencing Chinese outbound tourists’ perceptions of safety in Thailand. A media coverage analysis compares the safety perceptions of visitors and non-visitors.


A mixed-methods approach was adopted. Based on a content analysis of 204 news items related to safety incidents in Thailand, this paper divides the factors of safety perception into four dimensions. The quantitative data were gathered by self-administered questionnaires from 370 visitors who have previously visited Thailand and 407 potential visitors yet to visit Thailand.


The results demonstrated significant differences in the safety perceptions of visitors and non-visitors, indicating non-visitors’ fear of uncertainty and intolerance of the exotic. The study also confirmed social-demographic characteristics influence destination safety perceptions. For non-visitors, safety issues tend to have a negative influence on future visit intention, but those with previous travel experience have less concerns.

Research limitations/implications

The findings provide valuable insights to industry practice. More publicity campaigns within the Chinese media may reduce the spillover effects of crisis events and correct the potentially inaccurate images of disease and terrorism risk. Thai government is suggested to develop the Chinese inbound market, improve the quality of tourism infrastructure and standardisation and efficiency of tourism services.


The media plays a significant role in destination image, tourist decision-making and safety measures imposed by governments. This study identified the factors influencing Chinese outbound tourists’ perceptions of safety in Thailand through an analysis of media coverage. The study provides a better understanding of the differences in safety perceptions between visitors and non-visitors to Thailand. The segmentation of visitors and non-visitors also may help destination managers to cater to differing expectations of safety.












Este estudio identifica los factores que influyen en la seguridad percibida de Tailandia por los turistas emisores chinos, con el análisis de la cobertura de los medios, y además compara las diferencias en las percepciones de seguridad entre visitantes y no visitantes.


Se ha adoptado una metodología mixta. Basado en el análisis de contenido de 204 noticias sobre incidentes de seguridad en Tailandia, este trabajo divide los factores de percepción de seguridad en cuatro dimensiones. Los datos cuantitativos se recopilaron mediante cuestionarios autoadministrados de 370 visitantes que tenían experiencia en viajes a Tailandia y 407 visitantes potenciales que no habían estado en Tailandia.


Los resultados demuestran diferencias significativas en la percepción de seguridad de los visitantes y no visitantes, lo que indica el miedo de los no visitantes a la incertidumbre y la intolerancia de lo exótico. Este estudio también confirma que las características sociodemográficas influyen en la percepción de seguridad del destino de cada grupo. Además, para los no visitantes, la mayoría de las cuestiones de seguridad influyen negativamente en su intención de visita futura, pero para los turistas, los resultados son contrarios.

Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación

Los resultados brindan información valiosa para la práctica de la industria. Más campañas publicitarias en los medios chinos podrían reducir los efectos secundarios de los eventos de crisis y corregir las imágenes potencialmente inexactas sobre los riesgos de enfermedades y terrorismo. Además, el gobierno tailandés debería mejorar la calidad de su infraestructura turística y aumentar la estandarización y eficiencia de los servicios turísticos.


Los medios de comunicación juegan un papel importante en la imagen del destino, la toma de decisiones turísticas y las medidas de seguridad de los gobiernos. Este estudio identifica los factores que influyen en la seguridad percibida de Tailandia por parte de los turistas chinos, con el análisis de la cobertura de los medios. El estudio proporciona una mejor comprensión de las diferencias en las percepciones de seguridad entre visitantes y no visitantes de Tailandia. La segmentación de visitantes y no visitantes también ayuda a los gestores de los destinos a satisfacer expectativas específicas de seguridad.

Publication date: 10 June 2013

Enrique Ogliastri

This issue sees the Emerald Group join the journal as a partner and includes five papers about innovation and two general pieces. The introduction to the theme of innovation…



This issue sees the Emerald Group join the journal as a partner and includes five papers about innovation and two general pieces. The introduction to the theme of innovation reviews international and Latin American literature and analyzes Latin American patents in the USA. There is a study of university patents in Mexico from 1995 to 2009, as well as a case study of two new technology companies in Brazil and the positive role played in their development by a family conglomerate which filled the institutional voids around them. A data analysis is conducted on the dissemination of eight electronic products in the nine largest Latin American countries, and econometric studies look at agro‐industrial marketing in Chile. Another paper examines the effect of adopting new international accounting laws (IFRS) on the quality of information provided by companies in the Chilean market. Finally, the paper examines the influence of managerial perceptions on the strategic responses adopted by four Colombian organizations when facing a political crisis. This edition includes contributions from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, Mexico, Nicaragua and the UK.


En este número el Grupo Editorial Emerald ha ingresado como socio a la revista. Se publican cinco artículos sobre innovación, más dos artículos de índole general. El artículo de introducción a innovaciones revisa la literatura internacional y latinoamericana y hace un análisis de las patentes latinoamericanas en Estados Unidos. Se presenta un estudio sobre las patentes universitarias en México 1995‐2009. Se estudian dos casos de nuevas empresas tecnológicas en Brasil, y el positivo papel que tuvo para su desarrollo un conglomerado familiar que compensó los vacíos institucionales del entorno. Se analizan los datos sobre la difusión de ocho productos electrónicos en los nueve mayores países latinoamericanos. Se realizan estudios econométricos sobre las innovaciones en mercadeo de negocios agroindustriales en Chile. Otro artículo trabaja el efecto de adoptar las nuevas normas contables internacionales (NIIF o IFRS) en la calidad de la información que emiten las empresas en el mercado chileno. Finalmente, un artículo estudia la influencia de la percepción gerencial sobre las respuestas estratégicas adoptadas por cuatro empresas colombianas ante una crisis política. Este número contiene contribuciones provenientes de Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, España, México, Nicaragua y Reino Unido.


Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, vol. 26 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1012-8255

Publication date: 29 July 2014

Inés Rueda Sampedro, Ana Fernández‐Laviada and Angel Herrero Crespo

Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship surrounding the…




Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship surrounding the entrepreneurial intention on a university context.


To test the hypothesis it is used a quantitative research. With a structural equations approach, it is explored the psychological mechanisms that could affect to the entrepreneurial intentions of university students.


The results obtained show that the advantages related to entrepreneurship, in particular personal rewards, influence positively on the entrepreneurial attitude. However, the disadvantages, in particular economic aspects, have a negative effect. Additionally, the authors test that the gender and the academic training have a moderate effect on the variables which influence on the entrepreneurial intention.


This paper contributes to the literature on entrepreneurship in two important aspects. First, it goes into detail about the influence that perceived advantages and disadvantages of starting a new business has on entrepreneurial intentions. Second, the authors examine relevant and special collective, university students that try to decide their professional future and, hence, it is a critical period to decide the startup of a new business.


Con la Teoría de Comportamiento Planificado como marco de referencia este trabajo analiza la influencia de las ventajas e inconvenientes asociados al emprendimiento sobre la intención emprendedora en un contexto universitario.


Para la contrastación empírica de las hipótesis planteadas se realiza una investigación de naturaleza cuantitativa mediante la cual se exploran los mecanismos psicológicos que podrían guiar las intenciones de emprendimiento de los estudiantes universitarios.


Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que las ventajas asociadas al emprendimiento, en especial las recompensas personales, influyen positivamente en la actitud emprendedora, mientras que los inconvenientes asociados al emprendimiento, y en particular los aspectos económicos, ejercen un efecto negativo. Asimismo, se constata que el sexo y los estudios cursados tienen un efecto moderador en las variables que afectan a la intención emprendedora.


El presente trabajo aporta dos contribuciones fundamentales a la literatura sobre emprendimiento. Por un lado, profundiza en la comprensión de la influencia que tienen en la decisión de emprender las percepciones de los individuos respecto a las ventajas e inconvenientes de crear un negocio propio. Por otro lado, se examina un colectivo de especial relevancia en el ámbito del emprendimiento, como son los estudiantes universitarios, que se encuentran en situación de encaminar su futuro profesional y, por tanto, en un momento crítico para la decisión de crear una empresa propia.

Publication date: 3 August 2015

Carlos Pombo and Enrique Ogliastri

This Special Issue is dedicated to the memory of the unexpectedly deceased Professor Luis J. Sanz, president of BALAS and Associate Editor of ARLA. The issue includes six papers…



This Special Issue is dedicated to the memory of the unexpectedly deceased Professor Luis J. Sanz, president of BALAS and Associate Editor of ARLA. The issue includes six papers from Chile, Spain and Costa Rica/Argentina. The case study is on the privatization of the Buenos Aires underground in 1998, a topic of renewed interest in 2015. One of the studies determines the effect of director education and international experience on the firm’s access to international markets. Another paper studies the effect of corporate board diversity on company reputation. The third analyzes the negative effect of the politicization of State savings banks on the benefits of these financial institutions in Spain. The fourth studies the effect of the diversification strategy and cross-control by shareholder groups on firm value in Chile. Finally, we have a literature review, using meta-analysis methodology, on the relationship between auditor specialization by industry and the structure of audit fees.


Este número especial es dedicado a la memoria del súbitamente fallecido profesor Luis J. Sanz, presidente de BALAS y Editor Asociado de ARLA. Publicamos seis trabajos originados en Chile, España, y Costa Rica/Argentina. El caso trata sobre la privatización del metro de Buenos Aires en 1998, tema de renovada vigencia en 2015. Un estudio determina el efecto de la educación de posgrado y la experiencia internacional de los directores en el nivel de acceso a mercados internacionales de sus empresas. El segundo estudia el efecto de la diversidad en la composición de las juntas directivas sobre la reputación de la empresa. Tercero, se analiza el efecto negativo de la politización de las cajas de ahorros estatales en los beneficios de estas instituciones financieras en España. Cuarto, se estudia el efecto de la estrategia de diversificación y del control cruzado de grupos de accionistas sobre el valor de la empresa en Chile. Finalmente, una revisión de la literatura con metodología de meta análisis sobre la relación entre la estructura de auditores especializados por sector empresarial y la estructura de precios de sus tarifas.


Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, vol. 28 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1012-8255

Publication date: 21 February 2019

Jesús Miguel Rodríguez-Mantilla, Francisco José Fernández-Cruz and Mª José Fernández-Díaz

The purpose of this paper is to analyse and compare the impact of implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Standards perceived by Management Teams and Teachers in schools in four…



The purpose of this paper is to analyse and compare the impact of implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Standards perceived by Management Teams and Teachers in schools in four autonomous communities in Spain.


To assess this impact, the authors used an evaluation instrument made up of 93 items assessing seven major dimensions, whose reliability has been excellent for the full scale (Cronbach’s α = 0.987) and dimensions (α > 0.93). The authors conducted descriptive and differential analyses (ANOVA and t-test for independent samples) of the assessments by professional position (managers and teachers) and other variables (size and type of school, years of implantation, etc.). A factorial analysis of variance was conducted to analyse the interaction effect between these variables in each of the evaluated dimensions.


The most significant results show a high impact on the dimension management, medium on communication, learning process and external relations and low impact on climate, support and recognition and satisfaction. Likewise, the authors found that members of the Management Teams valued the impact that ISO 9001:2008 Standards have had on all dimensions at a higher level, except for external relations, where no significant differences between Teachers and Management Team members were found.

Practical implications

The study makes it possible to conclude that in general terms, the members of the Management Team of the schools perceive a higher impact of the implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Standards than teacher do in the different dimensions evaluated.


The specialised literature shows the lack of studies related to the impact that the implementation of quality management systems has on organisations. Specifically, this study provides conclusions to the scientific and professional community with objective evidence of the impact ISO 9001:2008 implementation has had on schools, through an indirect system of perceptions of the education community of the changes, which according to them had taken place as a result of implementation. Thus, this study contributes to the development of a new body of knowledge by evaluating this impact.


International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 11 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1756-669X


Open Access
Publication date: 4 April 2023

Ana Isabel Polo-Peña, Hazel Andrews and Javier Torrico-Jódar

This paper examines whether following a health crisis the use of health and safety protocols and hotel brand awareness influences hotel perceived value and intention to visit.




This paper examines whether following a health crisis the use of health and safety protocols and hotel brand awareness influences hotel perceived value and intention to visit.


Using an experimental design, the study evaluates the effectiveness of the use of health and safety protocols and the moderating effect of brand awareness on perceived value and intention to visit.


The results show that the hotels using health and safety protocols (compared to those that do not use them) will achieve a higher perceived value and intention to visit. In addition, the awareness of brand does not moderate the effect of the health and safety protocols on perceived value and intention to visit.

Practical implications

This research identifies mechanisms for future consideration by hotel companies to promote the recovery of their activity after a health crisis. Specifically, using health and safety protocols will result in the market evaluating the brand more highly and produce a greater intention to visit. At the same time, the research indicates that regardless of whether the brand is well-known or not, the use of a health and safety protocol is advantageous.


This study offers new insights that can be useful for developing a resilient hotel sector in the face of future health crises. Specifically, the results show progress in understanding the effects that the use of health and safety protocols and brand awareness have on key consumer variables for the recovery of the sector in a post-pandemic context.


Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, vol. 7 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2514-9792


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