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Publication date: 12 July 2023

Naseer Abbas Khan, Sajid Hassan, Natalya Pravdina and Maria Akhtar

This study aims to explore the factors that influence young green actual consumption behavior (GACB) by examining the relational and technological aspects that are dependent on…



This study aims to explore the factors that influence young green actual consumption behavior (GACB) by examining the relational and technological aspects that are dependent on technology and youth green buying intention (GBI). Additionally, this study endeavors to examine the moderating effect of adolescent green organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on the association between young consumer GBI and young GACB.


The data for this study was collected from a sample of 282 university students located in the southern region of China. A time lag approach was used in this study, with data being gathered during two separate intervals spaced apart by duration of two months.


The findings of this study demonstrate that both technological and relational factors play a significant role in predicting young consumer GBI, which in turn predicts young GACB. Additionally, the results indicate that GBI is a crucial facilitator in the investigation. Furthermore, the results reveal that young green OCB serves as a significant moderator, enhancing the association between young consumer GBI and young consumer GACB.


The present study provides a novel perspective on the examination of how technology and relational factors impact young consumers, offering a deeper understanding of their intentions and actual consumption behavior. The findings of this study offer both theoretical and practical implications for academics, policymakers, senior managers and practitioners, providing valuable insights into the field.

Publication date: 8 April 2024

Zhang Hui, Naseer Abbas Khan and Maria Akhtar

This study social based on cognitive theory (SCT), aims to better understand how transformational leadership affects team-level knowledge sharing and absorptive ability in the…



This study social based on cognitive theory (SCT), aims to better understand how transformational leadership affects team-level knowledge sharing and absorptive ability in the construction industry. It also examines the moderating influence of the AI-based virtual assistant on the indirect relationship between transformational leadership and team innovation through knowledge sharing and absorptive ability at the team level.


This study used a simple random sample approach to gather data from several small and medium-sized construction firms in Anhui Province, China. A total of 407 respondents, including 89 site engineers and 321 team members, provided their responses on a five-point Likert scale questionnaire.


The findings showed that AI-based virtual assistants significantly moderated the direct and indirect association between transformational leadership and knowledge sharing, and subsequently with team innovation. Unexpectedly, the findings showed that AI-based virtual assistant did not moderate the direct relationship between transformational leadership and team-level absorptive capacity.


This study adds a fresh perspective to the literature on construction management by examining team innovation driven by transformational leadership through an underlying mechanism. It is unique in that it uses the team adaptation theory to investigate the understudied relationship between transformational leadership and team innovation in the construction industry.


International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1753-8378


Book part
Publication date: 11 December 2023

Umaima Miraj

In this chapter, I uncover the jail diaries of a revolutionary woman of the 20th century Pakistan, Akhtar Baloch. Although feminism in Pakistan has oscillated between liberal and…


In this chapter, I uncover the jail diaries of a revolutionary woman of the 20th century Pakistan, Akhtar Baloch. Although feminism in Pakistan has oscillated between liberal and postcolonial camps, through reading Akhtar's diaries, compiled as Prison Narratives (2017), I center Akhtar's own struggles for Sindh, along with the resistance of the women she met in the prison convicted for the murders of their husbands, to better theorize Marxist Feminism in Pakistan that overturns the structures that commodify women through love and revolution. My article will show the commodification of women's bodies; the “sale” of women through marriage as the goal of this commodification; the lovelessness and alienation women experience in commodified marriages; the unexpected fall in love with someone whom it is subversive for the commodified wife to love; the subversion of this unexpected event that leads to the attempted resolution of this tension through murder; the separation of the lovers through the incarceration of the woman by the capitalist-patriarchal state; and finally, the unexpected outcome (albeit the most common one) that the male lover abandons his female lover once she's jailed, but the defiantly brave female lover finds platonic love in jail through close female friendships with other women who are similarly brave in both love and in revolution. Through this exposition, I show that Akhtar's diaries provide a way for us to build on Marxist Feminist theory through a theory of love and revolution from a Sindhi feminist perspective.


Marxist Thought in South Asia
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83797-183-1


Publication date: 5 December 2018

Maria Kapsali, Jens K. Roehrich and Pervaiz Akhtar

The purpose of this paper is to examine combinations of contract clauses in order to ascertain which combinations correlate to high operational performance (OP).




The purpose of this paper is to examine combinations of contract clauses in order to ascertain which combinations correlate to high operational performance (OP).


Two hypotheses were formulated from contracting theory and tested on data collected from 45 projects. Fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis was used and validated with multiple regression and simulation.


The hypotheses were tested to determine whether combinations of classical, relational, and/or associational contract clauses correlate to high OP. The results show that whereas high OP correlates to combinations of relational and associational contract clauses, classical and relational clauses should not be combined.

Research limitations/implications

Directions are proposed to guide future research in order to produce a more nuanced testing of contractual complementarity.

Practical implications

The managerial implications of the findings include a more thorough understanding of the use of contract clauses and of which clauses managers should combine to achieve high OP.


This study contributes to the theory of contractual incompleteness and complementarity, specifically in the context of project contracting. The analysis produced two theoretical implications: first, that better performing contracts are created when combining relational and associational contract clauses; and second, that in projects, relational and classical contract clauses are not complementary with regards to realizing high OP.


International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 39 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0144-3577


Publication date: 26 June 2024

Carine Dalla Valle, Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos, Leander Luiz Klein, Daniele Medianeira Rizzetti and Nathália da Silva Sotero

This paper aims to analyze the impact of green people management (GPM) practices on the development of organizational competencies for sustainability in Brazilian publicly traded…



This paper aims to analyze the impact of green people management (GPM) practices on the development of organizational competencies for sustainability in Brazilian publicly traded companies.


To validate the proposed model and hypotheses, a quantitative-descriptive methodological strategy was adopted, empirically investigated through a survey with publicly traded companies listed on B3 S.A. (Brazil, Stock and Exchange). The collected data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and multiple linear regression.


The results indicate that green ability has a positive impact on the development of strategic and systemic competence for sustainability. Green motivation has a negative impact on the development of systemic and economic competencies for sustainability. Green opportunity positively impacts the development of strategic, systemic and economic competencies for sustainability.

Practical implications

In terms of academic contributions, this study allowed for an empirical and comprehensive evaluation of variables related to GPM practices and their impact on the development of organizational competencies for sustainability, in line with the research agenda of the management field, focusing on outcomes for individuals (employees) and organizations.


The identification and possible implementation of certain GPM practices as a way to boost recruitment, selection, evaluation, rewards, recognition and involvement of individuals with green values and objectives, minimizing environmental and societal impacts, represent the main managerial and social contribution.


Social Responsibility Journal, vol. 20 no. 9
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1747-1117


Publication date: 1 October 2019

Bertha Maya Sopha, Risqika Edni Doni Achsan and Anna Maria Sri Asih

Uneven distribution and mistarget beneficiaries are among problems encountered during post-disaster relief operations in 2010 Mount Merapi eruption. The purpose of this paper is…



Uneven distribution and mistarget beneficiaries are among problems encountered during post-disaster relief operations in 2010 Mount Merapi eruption. The purpose of this paper is to develop an empirically founded agent-based simulation model addressing the evacuation dynamics and to explore coordination mechanism and other promising strategies during last-mile relief delivery.


An agent-based model which was specified and parameterized by empirical research (interviews and survey) was developed to understand the mechanism of individual decision making underlying the evacuation dynamics. A set of model testing was conducted to evaluate confidence level of the model in representing the evacuation dynamics during post-disaster of 2010 Mount Merapi eruption. Three scenarios of last-mile relief delivery at both strategic and operational levels were examined to evaluate quantitatively the effectiveness of the coordination mechanism and to explore other promising strategies.


Results indicate that the empirically founded agent-based modeling was able to reproduce the general pattern of observable Internal Displaced Persons based on government records, both at micro and macro levels, with a statistically non-significant difference. Low hazard perception and leader-following behavior which refuses to evacuate are the two factors responsible for late evacuation. Unsurprisingly, coordination through information sharing results in better performance than without coordination. To deal with both uneven distribution and long-term demand fulfillment, coordination among volunteers during aid distribution (at downstream operation) is not sufficient. The downstream coordination should also be accompanied with coordination between aid centers at the upstream operation. Furthermore, the coordination which is combined with other operational strategies, such as clustering strategy, using small-sized trucks and pre-positioning strategy, seems to be promising. It appears that the combined strategy of coordination and clustering strategy performs best among other combined strategies.

Practical implications

The significant role of early evacuation and self-evacuation behavior toward efficient evacuation indicates that human factor (i.e. hazard perception and cultural factor) should be considered in designing evacuation plan. Early warning system through both technology and community empowerment is necessary to support early evacuation. The early warning system should also be accompanied with at least 69 percent of the population performing self-evacuation behavior for the effective evacuation. As information sharing through coordination is necessary to avoid redundant efforts, uneven distribution and eventually to reduce unmet demand, the government can act as a coordinating actor to authorize the operation and mobilize the resources. The combination of coordination and another strategy reducing lead time such as clustering analysis, thus increasing responsiveness, is seemly strategy for efficient and effective last-mile relief distribution.


Literature on coordination is dominated by qualitative approach, which is difficult to evaluate its effectiveness quantitatively. Providing realistic setting of the evacuation dynamics in the course of the 2010 Mount Merapi eruption, the empirically founded agent-based model can be used to understand the factors influencing the evacuation dynamics and subsequently to quantitatively examine coordination mechanisms and other potential strategies toward efficient and effective last-mile relief distribution.


Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, vol. 9 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2042-6747


Book part
Publication date: 24 February 2023

Luigi Leclercq-Machado, Aldo Alvarez-Risco, Sharon Esquerre-Botton, Maria de las Mercedes Anderson-Seminario and Shyla Del-Aguila-Arcentales

The Travel and Tourism sector is continuously changing over the years. Indeed, a wide range of interests has been evidenced worldwide. Since the beginning of the COVID-19…


The Travel and Tourism sector is continuously changing over the years. Indeed, a wide range of interests has been evidenced worldwide. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, tourists have experienced a drastic change in their expectations and necessities, demanding new kinds of services added value, among other variables. Uncertainty and COVID-conscious tourists remain evidenced after postpandemic recovery. Moreover, domestic, eco and digital tourism grow exponentially due to the current trends. The public and private sectors must understand the tourists' patterns and adapt their strategies to help the sector recover. Thus, by working together, tourism, despite being affected by COVID-19, regained its strength and continues to grow, inviting local and international tourists to travel to different destinations, adding the adaptation of those who offer services in this industry to meet the expectations of new trends and consumer behaviors.


Sustainable Management in COVID-19 Times
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80382-597-7


Content available
Book part
Publication date: 13 August 2024



Exploring Hope: Case Studies of Innovation, Change and Development in the Global South
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83549-736-4

Publication date: 25 March 2021

Abdul Rashid, Ataullah Muneeb and Maria Karim

This paper first examines how changes in the real effective exchange rate and its volatility affect the exporting activities of firms. Next, it investigates whether exchange rate…



This paper first examines how changes in the real effective exchange rate and its volatility affect the exporting activities of firms. Next, it investigates whether exchange rate volatility (EXRV) affects the export behavior of financially constrained and unconstrained firms differently. Finally, it examines the role of financial development in mitigating the effects of EXRV and financial constraints on firms' exports.


The empirical analysis of the paper is based on a wide panel of Pakistani nonfinancial firms listed at the Pakistan Stock Exchange during the period 2001–2016. To mitigate the problem of endogeneity and to take into account the dynamic nature of the empirical model, the authors apply the robust two-step system-GMM estimator developed by Blundell and Bond (1998). To examine the role of credit constraints, firm-year observations are sorted as financially constrained and unconstrained based on the median value of three alternative measures: the liquidity ratio, the dividend payout ratio and the Whited and Wu (WW) index.


The results reveal that an increase in the real effective exchange rate has a positive and significant impact on firms' exports. However, the results show that the EXRV is significantly and negatively related to exporting decisions, suggesting firms considerably decrease their exports during periods of increased unpredictable variations in exchange rates. The findings also suggest that compared to financially constrained firms, the adverse effect of EXRV on exports is weaker for financially unconstrained firms. This finding implies that firm-level financial constraints unfavorably impact exports by making exporting more sensitive to the EXRV. Finally, the findings indicate that financial development not only positively affects firms' exports but also plays a vital role in declining the adverse effects of EXRV on firm-level exports. Specifically, the results show that financial development decreases the negative impact of EXRV on exports for both financially constrained and unconstrained firms. However, the moderating role of financial sector development is higher for financially unconstrained firms.

Research limitations/implications

Notwithstanding that the authors present robust and strong empirical evidence of the effects of EXRV on exporting and on the role of both firm-level financial constraints and financial sector development in formulating these effects, there are some limitations of the study. The authors use a single proxy for measuring financial sector development. However, one may construct an index for the financial sector developed using principal component analysis (PCA) by considering different measures of financial development. The authors use three different measures of financial constraints. Nonetheless, more sophisticated techniques such as switching regression can be used to endogenously determine whether firms are financially constrained. Moreover, an examination of the asymmetric effects of EXRV on exporting across different industries would also be worthwhile.

Practical implications

From a policy point of view, the results suggest that the development of the financial sector and the strategies to lessen credit constraints faced by firms will help in mitigating the adverse effects of the EXRV on the exporting behavior of firms in Pakistan. The findings also suggest that managers in financially constrained firms should apply appropriate hedging strategies to hedge exchange rate risks. Finally, the findings suggest that investors should take into consideration exchange rate dynamics and firms' financial constraints while investing in exporting firms' stocks.

Social implications

Since the findings suggest that financially constrained firms' exports are more exposed to EXRV, managers of such exporting firms are suggested to apply effective and suitable currency risk-minimizing hedging instruments for enhancing their exports. The government should also implement economic and financial policies in such a way that they should help in reducing volatilities of exchange rates and in turn, encouraging firms to export more. Definitely, any policy, at both government and firm level, favoring exporting and export-oriented growth will not only help in overcoming the problem of a persistent and wide trade deficit but also help society by providing more employment and investment opportunities.


Recently, Pakistan has experienced significant declines in foreign reserves, persistent political unrest and enlarged trade deficits. All these have increased the uncertainty about the exchange rate. Therefore, it is valuable to know the EXRV effects on firms' exporting activities. Second, Pakistani firms face more financial constraints, and thus, the influence of financial constraints in formulating the volatility effects on exporting would be worth exploring. Finally, no research has yet taken place to scrutinize the role of financial development in mitigating the adverse effects of EXRV and financial constraints on exporting activities. This paper provides firsthand empirical evidence on the role of financial constraints and financial sector development in formulating the EXRV impacts on firm-level exports in Pakistan.


International Journal of Emerging Markets, vol. 17 no. 10
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1746-8809


Publication date: 19 November 2021

Eulália Maria Mota Santos, Vasco Capela Tavares, Vanessa Ratten and Fernando Oliveira Tavares

The purpose of this study is to identify the profile of the Portuguese regarding the perception of financial literacy.



The purpose of this study is to identify the profile of the Portuguese regarding the perception of financial literacy.


The utilized methodology is based on a questionnaire survey that assesses the perception of financial literacy. The sample is composed of 830 Portuguese individuals over 18 years old.


The results show that the financial literacy scale presents a tri-factor structure with adequate validity and reliability levels. The three obtained factors are designated 1-2-year financial planning and goals, long-term saving and taste for numeric calculations.


The originality in this study is shown in the application of the cluster analysis, which demonstrates the formation of three clusters that present different perceptions of financial literacy, classifying the Portuguese into a cluster of high financial literacy and taste for numeric calculation, a cluster of low financial literacy and a cluster of financial planning and saving but without the taste for numeric calculation.


Managerial Finance, vol. 48 no. 9/10
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0307-4358


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