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Publication date: 16 January 2017

Hanudin Amin, Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman, Dzuljastri Abdul Razak and Hamid Rizal

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of service quality, product choice and Islamic debt policy on consumer attitude within the context of Islamic mortgage…




The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of service quality, product choice and Islamic debt policy on consumer attitude within the context of Islamic mortgage sector in Malaysia. The present study also examines the effect of attitudinal-behaviour on consumer preference towards preference of Islamic mortgage selection.


The study is based on questionnaire survey. Data are collected using sample from customers of Islamic banks in Malaysia. The study collects 351 respondents. Data are analysed using partial least squares (PLS).


The results indicate that service quality, product choice and Islamic debt policy significantly influence consumer attitude, in turn, affecting the Islamic home financing preference. Consumer attitude also mediates the effects of service quality, product choice and Islamic debt policy on the Islamic home financing preference.

Research limitations/implications

Several limitations warrant future research. First, this study considers only a specific user group in one public university. Second, this study does not consider attitude as a moderator. Third, this study suffers from the limited number of factors used. These limitations, however, provide directions for future research.

Practical implications

Our results will add value to the consumer preference topic for Islamic home financing literature. The present study provides bank managers with valuable insights into better planning of Islamic home financing services in Malaysia.


This study is a pioneering effort at exploring consumer attitude and preference from the context of Islamic mortgage sector in Malaysia. The use of PLS analysis provides another important contribution to the literature in this area.


Management Research Review, vol. 40 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2040-8269


Publication date: 13 November 2017

Hamid Rizal and Hanudin Amin

The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual model explicating Muslims intention towards charitable giving of cash waqf. Drawing from altruism theoretical paradigm, the…




The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual model explicating Muslims intention towards charitable giving of cash waqf. Drawing from altruism theoretical paradigm, the present study investigates the role of perceived ihsan, Islamic egalitarian and Islamic religiosity on cash waqf contribution.


The survey method using Islamic banking respondents were exploited for data collection. A total sample of 264 completed questionnaires were analysed.


The results of exploratory factor analysis indicate strong constructs nomological validity. The structural equation modelling using path analysis was also performed to estimate the proposed research framework. The result of model testing shows significant relationship between perceived ihsan, Islamic egalitarian and Islamic religiosity on cash waqf contribution.

Practical implications

The results suggest that perception of ihsan and notion of equality significantly influences Muslims’ sense of religiosity, which subsequently encourages the generosity giving behaviour of waqf. Implications of the findings and suggestions for future research are also discussed.


The study introduces two new dimensions of perceived ihsan and Islamic egalitarian. Specifically, the present study offers fresh new insights of charitable giving of cash waqf behaviours from Islamic perspective.


Journal of Islamic Marketing, vol. 8 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1759-0833


Publication date: 12 March 2018

Hamid Rizal, Soffri Yussof, Hanudin Amin and Ku Chen-Jung

Drawing from DeLone and McLean’s Theory of Information System Success, this study aims to develop a theoretical model of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) for the homestay lodging.




Drawing from DeLone and McLean’s Theory of Information System Success, this study aims to develop a theoretical model of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) for the homestay lodging.


The study examines the relationship between information quality, system quality and electronic service quality towards user’s satisfaction and eWOM intentions. Data were collected from homestay lodgers in Malaysia.


Results indicate that the effects of information quality and e-service quality on satisfaction are of significance, in turn affects eWOM intention. System quality, however, is not a driver of satisfaction.

Research limitations/implications

This study contains three limitations that provide direction for future studies. The details are provided.

Practical implications

The results provide a direction to the service providers at improving their services for customers’ satisfaction and loyalty.


The study offers fresh new insights on eWOM intentions from a homestay lodging perspective in Malaysia.














Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, vol. 9 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1757-9880


Publication date: 7 June 2022

Hanudin Amin, Dwi Suhartanto, Muhammad Ali, Mohd Fahmi Ghazali, Rizal Hamid and Dzuljastri Abdul Razak

In spite of the increasing number of Islamic banks offering Islamic investment products, there is, as yet, little academic research on this topic and the consumer acceptance of…



In spite of the increasing number of Islamic banks offering Islamic investment products, there is, as yet, little academic research on this topic and the consumer acceptance of the products is not yet understood fully. To help in bridging this gap, this study aims to assess the determinants of choice behaviour of Islamic investment products in Malaysia.


Using the Theory of Consumption Value (TCV) as a baseline theory, data are obtained from 460 bank customers who intend to invest in the products.


The results of this study show that emotional value, epistemic value, conditional value, functional value and social value are significantly related to the choice behaviour of Islamic investment products.

Research limitations/implications

Three concerns were found in this study. Firstly, the geographies of this study are narrowed down to bank customers who were resided in specific areas in East Malaysia. Secondly, the authors used the TCV on a particular focus of Islamic banking products. Future studies should address these issues accordingly for improved application and generalisation. Thirdly, some reliability issues were identified in composite reliability values and the related future studies are expected to strengthen the research design to extend the findings at best.

Practical implications

The results are helpful for practitioners to develop new business models of Islamic investment products in Malaysia.


This study provides meaningful insights for theory building of choice behaviour in the context of Islamic investment products, where the TCV comes into play.


Journal of Islamic Marketing, vol. 14 no. 8
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1759-0833


Publication date: 6 November 2017

Lay Hong Tan, Boon Cheong Chew and Syaiful Rizal Hamid

This paper adopts an existing body of theory (gaps model of service quality) and aims to further contribute to it. The theory building within this paper is expected to represent…




This paper adopts an existing body of theory (gaps model of service quality) and aims to further contribute to it. The theory building within this paper is expected to represent an extension to the existing theory, particularly with regard to the reconceptualisation and redefinition of service quality in sustainable banking.


The case study was based on primary data collected through a series of qualitative interviews with the 35 bankers who were from different departments. In addition, available secondary data such as academic books and journals, government and regulatory authority’s publications, website publications, Maybank’s annual reports and sustainability reports were reviewed to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the Maybank’s sustainability banking operating system.


This paper has documented various findings identified with the aspects of sustainable banking in Maybank. Essentially, these findings are focussed on filling the gaps that currently exist in the literature and in the practice of sustainable banking in Maybank. Maybank is in the phase of preventive banking because, in recent years, it has been observed that Maybank is moving towards the initiative to embrace sustainability in their banking operations. Maybank has used the sustainability criteria for the credit risk management process and socially responsible investing. When viewed from this perspective, it is possible to say that a transition process has started towards offensive banking. In addition, this research’s findings imply that the determination of the service quality level of customers focusses not only on the homogenous customer’s quality evaluation, but it also includes the examination of heterogeneous customers. Heterogeneous customers are those who have an indirect interest in the bank; they are indirectly affected either positively or negatively by the actions of the bank.

Research limitations/implications

The reconceptualisation and redefinition of service quality, which embeds the novel concept of sustainable banking, can be attributed to a handful of distinctive financial institutions which have been proactively and gradually shaping their corporate images as advocates of socio-environmental sustainability.


The limited literature on sustainable banks and to the best knowledge of the researchers, no other researcher has examined sustainable banking in the Malaysian banking industry to date. This study is designed to address this gap with the central objective to investigate the aspect of sustainable banking operating system provided by Maybank by using the gap model of service quality which was developed by Parasuraman et al. (1985).


Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, vol. 9 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1755-4179


Publication date: 7 August 2017

Lay Hong Tan, Boon Cheong Chew and Syaiful Rizal Hamid

This paper aims to provide a more holistic perspective on rationales that motivated Maybank to move toward a sustainable banking operating system.




This paper aims to provide a more holistic perspective on rationales that motivated Maybank to move toward a sustainable banking operating system.


The case study was based on primary data collected through a series of qualitative interview with 35 bankers who were from different departments. Besides, the secondary data such as academic books and journals, government and regulatory authority’s publications, website publications, Maybank’s annual reports and Maybank’s sustainability reports were reviewed to obtain a more comprehensive understanding on rationales that motivated Maybank to move toward a sustainable banking operating system.


Within the corporation studied, the rationales for moving Maybank toward sustainable banking operating system are driven by macro-, meso- and micro-level drivers. In terms of macro-level drivers, the pressures come from the bank’s external environment. A PESTLE analysis is used to discuss the drivers for change present within the macro environment. The different national government bodies and non-government organizations are calling upon financial institutions to implement more socially and environmentally friendly lending policies. In terms of meso-level drivers, stakeholders are viewed as important driving forces for Maybank to integrate sustainability into banking operations. Internal driving forces are likely to emanate from employees, the board of directors and shareholders. External driving forces result from pressure from customers, governments, competitors, NGOs and society at large. Micro-level drivers are drivers of sustainable banking that include pressures generated from within the bank’s internal environment. Maybank is largely motivated by its mission statement and vision statement, which is articulated in their sustainable banking agenda.

Research limitations/implications

Viewing the rationales that motivated Maybank to move toward a sustainable banking operating system through multiple perspectives – macro-, meso- and micro-level drivers present an interesting approach for research.


The rationales for moving Maybank toward a sustainable banking operating system are driven by macro-, meso- and micro-level drivers. This paper provides fresh insight into rationales that move toward the sustainable banking operating system.


Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, vol. 9 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1755-4179


Publication date: 28 January 2022

Mohamad Isa Abd Jalil, Suddin Lada, Anwar Allah Pitchay, Mohd Ashari Bakri, Mohd Fahmi Ghazali and Mohamad Rizal Abdul Hamid

Within a few days, the National Disaster Management Agency’s COVID-19 Fund (NADMA) has collected RM 5.5 m in donations from individuals and companies. These data shows that…



Within a few days, the National Disaster Management Agency’s COVID-19 Fund (NADMA) has collected RM 5.5 m in donations from individuals and companies. These data shows that voluminous Malaysians are willing to help although they are in a difficult situation. Grounded in the Social Responsibility theory, this paper aims to examine the factors that motivate infaq (donation) behaviour in Malaysia during Movement Control Order (MCO).


The quantitative questionnaire survey method was used to obtain the data. This research’s unit analysis was of individuals who had done any help during COVID-19 MCO in Malaysia. The respondents were from all states in Malaysia, 20 years old and above and constituted of all races.


Although the religiosity factor did not play a significant role as a moderator, the results of the study found that all factors from the social responsibility theory had a significant positive relationship to Infaq behaviour during an emergency.

Practical implications

Identifying the vital driving factors that determine the infaq offer makes it possible for fundraisers to entirely focus on developing better approaches that can increase the role that these driving factors can play and possibly improve the impact on those previously unaffected factors.


From the authors’ knowledge, the research paper on helping effort during an emergency is minimal, let alone the research on infaq behaviour. This paper’s originality lies in the relationship between infaq behaviour, emergency and social responsibility theory which has never been explored before by other researchers.


International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, vol. 15 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1753-8394


Publication date: 1 February 2016

Boon Cheong Chew, Lay Hong Tan and Syaiful Rizal Hamid

The main purposes of the study were to investigate the ethical banking operations based on the award-winning the UK Co-operative Bank which has successfully brought significant…




The main purposes of the study were to investigate the ethical banking operations based on the award-winning the UK Co-operative Bank which has successfully brought significant implications on sustaining the nation’s (the UK) socioenvironmental development. The Co-operative Bank operations are conceptualised into a solid ethical banking operations framework (EBOF) to contribute theoretically into enriching the body of the knowledge. Besides, by understanding the EBOF of an ethical banking system, the other banking players like the Malaysian bank can learn from this best practice and gradually shape its operation to become more ethical.


The case study on the UK Co-operative Bank was based on primary data collected through a series of qualitative focus group conducted on 20 senior bank managers who were interested and were supportive of this research project. These experienced respondents are actively involved in the Co-operative Bank’s “Corporate Ethical Policy” formulation, as well as the implementation of this policy into the Co-operative Bank’s daily operations. Besides, secondary data are reviewed to obtain a more comprehensive understanding on the Co-operative Bank. The research began in December 2012 and was completed in August 2014. The main reason the researchers opted for qualitative studies is to comply with the criteria of inductive approach, whereby the final outcomes (EBOF) include the crystallisation of the ethical banking operations, which could be generalised theoretically and empirically.


At the end of the study, EBOF based on the Co-operative Bank’s ethical operations (as the case studied) is constructed. As a conclusion, the Co-operative Bank has done tremendously well in sustaining the UK’s socioenvironmental development, which justifies the reason why the Co-operative Bank has won numerous prestigious awards and is being well recognised nationally and regionally.

Practical implications

The novelty concept of ethical banking is driven by the global socioenvironmental initiative that influences some of the major financial institutions which are proactively and gradually shaping their corporate image in safeguarding the community around the environment. This research has successfully attained the ultimate objective to foster knowledge transfer through learning from the best (from the UK Co-operative Bank) in shaping local (Malaysia) ethical banking.


This study constructs the EBOF based on the Co-operative Bank’s ethical operations that could be empirically disseminated and adopted in other banks’ operations (across the globe). This is aimed in shaping the local banking industry to become more ethical (learning from the best practice of the UK Co-operative Bank) in wealth creation that places high emphasis on socioenvironmental benefits rather than economic gain on profit maximisation alone. Besides, the EBOF contributes and enriches the body of the knowledge about ethical banking operations.


Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, vol. 8 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1755-4179


Publication date: 31 May 2013

Hsin Hsin Chang, Hamid Rizal and Hanudin Amin

The aim of this study was to develop a theoretical model of email advertising effectiveness and to investigate differences between permission‐based email and spamming. By…




The aim of this study was to develop a theoretical model of email advertising effectiveness and to investigate differences between permission‐based email and spamming. By examining different types of email (i.e. permission‐based email and spamming), the present study empirically tested the theoretical linkage between email advertising values, perceived instrusiveness, and the attitudinal‐behavioural dispositions towards email advertising.


A survey was conducted using 221 respondents from Taiwan. Two scenarios were designed for the present study. The questionnaires were equally divided into two sets, with the first half containing a scenario depicting permission‐based email, and the other half containing a scenario describing a spamming email. Each respondent only received one set of the survey.


Results from a survey of 221 Internet users in Taiwan indicate that values and attitudes toward, and the perceived intrusiveness of, email advertising significantly affect consumers’ behavioral dispositions toward email advertising. The results suggest that permission‐based email is more effective as compared to spam email advertising. For solicited email, consumers perceived less intrusiveness if the email advertisement offered them financial incentives.

Research limitations/implications

The authors acknowledge four limitations in this study. These limitations however provide further direction for future studies in the discipline. The discussion of these limitations is provided.

Practical implications

Importantly, this study yields significant theoretical and managerial implications. Concerned with the context of email advertising, the authors’ work provides theoretical support for both constructs of advertising values and perceived intrusiveness as important. Concerned with the advertisers, this study renders important implications for better planning of marketing mix strategy using email.


This study provides new theoretical insights into factors influencing consumers’ acceptance of email advertising by incorporating perceived intrusiveness as a mediator in the relationship between advertising values and attitudinal‐behavioral dispositions. By empirically comparing the different types of email advertisements of permission‐based email and spamming, the present study also offers better understanding and extending of the current literature on email advertising research.

Publication date: 28 August 2009

Hanudin Amin, Mohamad Rizal Abdul Hamid, Suddin Lada and Ricardo Baba

The purpose of this paper is to explore the reasons behind customers' selection of Islamic mortgage in Sabah, Malaysia and present factor and cluster analyses to identify the…




The purpose of this paper is to explore the reasons behind customers' selection of Islamic mortgage in Sabah, Malaysia and present factor and cluster analyses to identify the importance of choice criteria for Islamic mortgage selection. The choice criteria among Sabahans are investigated along with their gender, age group, religion, monthly income, and ethnicity.


A total of 250 bank customers responded to a survey addressing the choice criteria for Islamic mortgage providers. It is important to address the criteria in order to make sure the service providers are able to come up with attractive package of Islamic home financing to their prospective customers. Of these, only 211 questionnaires are usable, which gives us a response rate of 84.4 percent. No extra efforts are conducted in order to increase the number of respondents. Non‐probability, convenience sampling is implemented. This paper uses a quantitative study similar to what employed by Lymperopoulos et al. and by Devlin. Frequencies, descriptive, factor and cluster analyses are used to analyze the data.


A cluster analysis indicates that bank customers can be divided into three clusters. Members of cluster 1 reported a tendency to select mortgage bank on the basis of “service provisions” while the members of cluster 2 reported a tendency to select mortgage bank on the basis of “elements of Shariah and Islamic principles.” While those of members in the cluster 3, almost entirely had lower mean scores as compared to other clusters. Nevertheless, the members of this cluster reported a greatest tendency to choose Islamic mortgage provider on the basis of “pricing.”

Research limitations/implications

The paper has addressed three limitations that provide opportunities for other researchers to explore them in depth in the future in the similar field of Islamic home financing. The limitations are presented in the conclusion's part.

Practical implications

With regard to implications, this paper offers inputs for management decision among Islamic mortgage providers (i.e. Islamic banking institutions such as full‐fledged Islamic banks, conventional banks with Islamic windows and conventional banks with Islamic subsidiaries). In addition, this paper adds to the literature in the area of home loans/financing.


This paper offers the choice criteria for Islamic mortgage providers provides useful information on the Islamic mortgage providers' selection among Sabahans. This paper indeed provides useful information on the main choice criteria that affect why Sabahan choose Islamic mortgage providers.


International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, vol. 2 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1753-8394


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