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Publication date: 15 March 2022

Andy Susilo Lukito-Budi, Hardo Firmana Given Grace Manik and Nurul Indarti

This paper offers innovative strategies on how small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can respond to the COVID-19 crisis by incorporating an entrepreneurial orientation…



This paper offers innovative strategies on how small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can respond to the COVID-19 crisis by incorporating an entrepreneurial orientation concept corresponding to the nature of the environmental shock.


This paper conceptualises a solution by elaborating three critical items, namely entrepreneurial orientation, adaptive process and strategy types as key factors to develop the framework solution. This paper outlines a strategy proposal for SMEs to respond to the crisis.


The environmental factor represents the crisis, which leads to a degree of innovation, i.e., radical and incremental, and can be approached using an adjusted adaptive consolidation process from Child. This paper identifies four strategy options from Miles and Snow to respond to the crisis; i.e. (1) defender–exploitative innovation; (2) analyser–organisational ambidexterity; (3) prospector–exploratory innovation and (4) reactor–abandon or shut down the business.


While most of the suggestions from previous COVID-19-related works are acknowledged, this paper brings more insight from an academic perspective, specifically organisational theory, to cope with the pandemic crisis. The steps and strategy to be chosen can guide policymakers to decide what is their best move to respond to this crisis. In addition, the proposed strategies call for future research to provide empirical evidence by exploring and examining various scenarios in different kinds of businesses.


Journal of Strategy and Management, vol. 16 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1755-425X


Publication date: 6 October 2021

Andy Susilo Lukito-Budi, Nurul Indarti and Kusdhianto Setiawan

This study investigates the development of absorptive capacity. Using an integrated cognitive learning perspective, this study provides empirical evidence about the conceptual…



This study investigates the development of absorptive capacity. Using an integrated cognitive learning perspective, this study provides empirical evidence about the conceptual absorptive capacity model through examining the full process step by step. Two groups of moderating variables were studied—namely, social integration and appropriability—to examine their impact on the process.


This study employed a longitudinal study from a community service program (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, by using surveys at the beginning and the end of the project. Of 492 teams from 2,444 students participated in the study. Each individual within a team had at least one project assigned to him/her during the project. The absorptive capacity process was examined through six consecutive models and analysed using hierarchical linear modelling. The moderating variables were tested using the Moderated Regression Analysis and Wald tests.


The study confirms the full cycle of absorptive capacity as an independent, dynamic and complex process; it involves acquiring, assimilating, transforming and exploiting sequencing variables from the individual level to the team level and vice versa using feed-forward and feedback mechanisms adopted from the 4I framework of organisational learning. However, the roles of the moderating variables are still inconclusive due to some possible factors, which were also reflected by the U-phenomenon.


This study provides vital support to the learning theory as well as to the organisation learning concept. This study also reveals empirical evidence about the unsupported moderating variables behave during a project cycle, such as what they function, how they evolve and what we should do about the moderating factors during a project. The findings of this study provide practical suggestions and highlight areas for future research.


Journal of Organizational Change Management, vol. 35 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0953-4814


Publication date: 12 August 2020

Nurul Indarti, Andy Susilo Lukito-Budi and Azmi Muhammad Islam

This study aims to explore existing study trends in the halal supply chain (HSC) field as an extension of supply chain studies. Upon examining multiple journal ranks and citation…




This study aims to explore existing study trends in the halal supply chain (HSC) field as an extension of supply chain studies. Upon examining multiple journal ranks and citation profiles, these trends cover research themes, methodologies, settings (country and data analysis level) and their interactions.


The study followed a systematic, mixed-method review to pinpoint the HSC research themes. The Publish or Perish software, with specific criteria, was used to retrieve and filter 87 HSC articles from 2009 to 2019 from the Google Scholar database. Then, an input–process–output framework was used to classify and discuss potential future research.


This study concludes that HSC research is still in early development. Five themes consisting of 24 different topics were found: the engagement process, quality control assurance, critical success factors, the production and distribution process and HSC operations support. Most of the HSC studies followed conceptual and qualitative interview methods, with special reference to Muslim-majority countries and organization-level analysis. Within one decade, the number of HSC publications grew significantly, though their presentation is mainly in unindexed journals and their citation rate is low. This study thus proposes three main future HSC research points: HSC consequences, processes and antecedents.

Practical implications

Possible practical implications can be expected from the authors’ proposed empirical studies as guidelines to formulate and promote HSC implementation.


No comprehensive HSC research review exists in the literature. This study intends to fill this void by charting cumulative knowledge and proposing a roadmap for future research endeavors.


Journal of Islamic Marketing, vol. 12 no. 9
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1759-0833


Publication date: 11 February 2021

Hardo Firmana Given Grace Manik, Nurul Indarti and Andy Susilo Lukito-Budi

This study aims to examine the moderating effect of firm age and size on the relationship between network characteristics (network centrality, network density and tie strength…



This study aims to examine the moderating effect of firm age and size on the relationship between network characteristics (network centrality, network density and tie strength) and firm performance. This study also aims to investigate the difference in the effect of network characteristics on the firm performance of Javanese and Minang ethnic enterprises.


An explanatory research design was adopted, which involved a survey in the form of a structured questionnaire of target owners and managers of 34 Javanese ethnic enterprises in North Sumatra, Indonesia and 100 Minang ethnic enterprises in Yogyakarta, Central Java, Jakarta and Bogor, Indonesia. The data is analysed using structural equation modelling.


The findings of this study confirm resource dependency and social capital theory. Network centrality, network density and tie strength have a significant effect on firm performance. The results also show support for the moderating role of firm age on the relationship between network characteristics and firm performance. The moderating role of firm size is not supported. The comparative test of the influence of the three network characteristics on ethnic enterprise performance confirms that Javanese ethnic enterprises have identity-based networks, while Minang ethnic enterprises use calculative-based networks.


The originality of this study lies in the investigation of the role of family and external partners in the running of ethnic enterprises at start-up and during the growth phase. The definition of “family” is based on a kinship perspective due to the specificity of Asian cultures, particularly in Indonesia. Of the hundreds of tribes in Indonesia, the Javanese and Minang were chosen because both are well-known as entrepreneurial tribes, have unique cultural values and have active migrants to other provinces.


Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, vol. 17 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1750-6204


Publication date: 4 January 2022

Muhammad Hamdi, Nurul Indarti, Hardo Firmana Given Grace Manik and Andy Susilo Lukito-Budi

This study aims to examine the effect of entrepreneurial intention and attitude towards knowledge sharing on new business creation by comparing two generations, Y generation…




This study aims to examine the effect of entrepreneurial intention and attitude towards knowledge sharing on new business creation by comparing two generations, Y generation (millennials) and Z generation (post-millennial). In addition, the current study uses a social cognitive theory as a point of departure to test the research hypotheses.


This study deploys a quantitative approach (hypothetic-deductive approach) by surveying 300 respondents representing the two Indonesian generations. The questionnaire consisting of demographic items (age, education, etc.) and variables was the primary research instrument. This study used regression analysis, a Wald test for examining the proposed hypotheses and a t-test to provide a deeper analysis of the findings.


Findings from the current study show that Gen Y is still seeking a balance for their learning sources by involving in their social environments as well as exploring the digital world. In contrast, Gen Z is much more dominant in the independence to learn things that interest them. They have less dependency on social patrons but prioritise themselves as the leading model.

Practical implications

The findings of this study provide practical implications for higher education institutions in the development of entrepreneurship education to achieve learning effectiveness.


This study aims to contribute by providing empirical evidence in the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and attitude towards knowledge sharing on new venture creation with particular reference to Gen Y and Gen Z, suggested by previous studies. Although Gen Y and Gen Z are digital natives, this study provides insight into a shift in the characteristic of two generations, as also found in comparison to previous generations, such as Baby-Boomer vs Gen X and Gen X vs Gen Y. This study proclaims the need to adjust organisational theories to enable them to explain the shifting phenomena at the micro and macro level for every generation. Exploratory research to better understand the characteristics of a generation in other settings is a crucial proposal proposed by this study.


Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, vol. 15 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2053-4604


Publication date: 11 February 2021

Delly Nofiani, Nurul Indarti, Andy Susilo Lukito-Budi and Hardo Firmana Given Grace Manik

This study aims to provide empirical findings of the extent to which the ambidexterity found in innovation and social networks will mediate the relationship between…




This study aims to provide empirical findings of the extent to which the ambidexterity found in innovation and social networks will mediate the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and firm performance (FP). This study also compares the ambidextrous strategy between the balanced dimension (BD) and combined dimension (CD) and examines their contribution to the small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs’) performance.


The current study used an explanatory research design by surveying a total of 205 fashion firms’ owners/managers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, using a semi-structured questionnaire. Path analysis with mediating tests and independent t-tests were used.


The results revealed that innovation and social network ambidexterity mediate the relationship between EO and the SMEs’ performance. One ambidextrous strategy, the BD strategy, is superior to the CD one. The study makes an interesting discovery: the CD strategy apparently dominates FP when EO does not exist.

Practical implications

The study suggests that no ambidextrous strategy (i.e. BD and CD) used by the SMEs can fit all situations. In detail, the study provides four different strategies for SMEs to build organizational ambidexterity, namely, innovate and sustain; elevate; expand; and collaborate and survive. It is also suggested that the SMEs consider two main principles when dealing with an ambidextrous strategy, “anything that is too much is not always good” and “one size does not fit all.” By doing so, the SMEs are expected to be able to use internal and external resources and choose the most appropriate ambidextrous strategy to respond to the relevant situation (e.g. the changes of consumer behavior due to the COVID-19 pandemic).


Using a dynamic capability approach by integrating two perspectives, i.e. the internal (resource-based theory) and external (resource-dependency theory) perspectives, makes the study relevant and valuable to better understand the role and type of ambidexterity among SMEs as a mediating factor between EO and FP. This paper breaks new ground by confirming a paradoxical phenomenon concerning organizational ambidextrous practices within SMEs. Additionally, four strategies for ambidextrous were developed to respond to the anomaly.


Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, vol. 13 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2053-4604


Publication date: 22 July 2020

Nurul Indarti, Naya Hapsari, Andy Susilo Lukito-Budi and Risa Virgosita

This study aims to investigate the trends in existing studies in the field of ethnic entrepreneurship in the context of growing markets in terms of definitions, theories, themes…




This study aims to investigate the trends in existing studies in the field of ethnic entrepreneurship in the context of growing markets in terms of definitions, theories, themes, methodologies and settings.


This study used bibliometric analysis and used Publish or Perish software with Google Scholar as the database. A total of 183 articles published in 122 journals from 1988 to 2018 were selected. This study used systematic data to reveal trends in growing markets and qualitative inductive analysis to define relevant themes within the topic.


The results show that ethnic entrepreneurship is defined as involving immigrants from developing countries. From a theoretical point of view, socio-cultural theories, socio-economic theories and combinations of both have been used to explain the phenomenon. Six research themes have been developed indicating potential explorative and exploitative research themes. This study identified the dominance of the qualitative approach in ethnic entrepreneurship research and found that the typical research subjects are Asian immigrants, especially Chinese, in developed countries. The articles reviewed were mainly conducted in developed countries (68.85%) and a lesser portion in developing countries (13.66%), particularly Asian countries.

Practical implications

This study provides future directions for research on ethnic entrepreneurship, such as gender studies of ethnic entrepreneurs and factors affecting the opening of new businesses in new locations.


This study reveals trends in the ethnic entrepreneurship field based on the country in which the study was conducted, the definition of ethnic entrepreneurship, the theories, the research themes, the methodologies, the research setting and the ethnicity studied. It also used the framework of input–process–output to establish a generic road map of the ethnic entrepreneurship research area.


Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, vol. 13 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2053-4604


Publication date: 10 January 2023

Munjiati Munawaroh, Nurul Indarti, Wakhid Slamet Ciptono and Tur Nastiti

This study's main objective is to examine the effect of learning from entrepreneurial failure on performance, with a type of failure as a moderator variable. Interactions between…



This study's main objective is to examine the effect of learning from entrepreneurial failure on performance, with a type of failure as a moderator variable. Interactions between internal and external causes of failure and learning from entrepreneurial failure are also investigated, as well as entrepreneurs' aspects (i.e. age, experience and education) and organisational contextual factors (i.e. size, sector and location).


This study employed a hypothetico-deductive approach through a survey of 250 purposively sampled entrepreneurs who had suffered business failures. The survey data were subjected to regression analysis and moderated regression using WarpPLS software and an independent sample t test for an in-depth analysis.


The results indicated that learning from entrepreneurial failure positively affected business performance, an effect moderated by the type of failure, particularly with large failures. Only perceived internal causes of failure exerted a positive effect on learning from entrepreneurial failure; the external causes did not. The effect of failure on business performance was stronger on entrepreneurs who were older and experienced, had non-university educations and operated small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) outside Java–Bali islands.


This study's findings provide empirical evidence that supports the experiential learning theory and attribution theory in explaining the interaction between learning and failure, its cause, its consequences and its magnitude as perceived by entrepreneurs of SMEs in Indonesia, where the rate of failure is relatively high. The authors’ study also emphasises the roles of the entrepreneur and organisational contextual factors, which matter in learning to improve performance.


Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, vol. 30 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1462-6004


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