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Publication date: 6 November 2023

Ramzi Al Rousan, Nermin Khasawneh and Sujood

The Arab world has witnessed a remarkable surge in the growth of its tourism and hospitality (T&H) industry, positioning it as a vital cornerstone for sustainable development…



The Arab world has witnessed a remarkable surge in the growth of its tourism and hospitality (T&H) industry, positioning it as a vital cornerstone for sustainable development. However, an exclusive bibliometric analysis of T&H research contributed by the Arab world has not yet been conducted in the past 30 years, that is, 1993–2022. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide a first-of-its-kind bibliometric assessment and visualization of T&H research produced by the Arab world spanning from 1993 to 2022.


A comprehensive collection of 1,327 scientific publications related to T&H research contributed by the Arab world was acquired from the Web of Science Core Collection database. To perform a large-scale bibliometric analysis, encompassing performance analysis, science mapping and network analysis, this study used state-of-the-art analytical tools, namely, Bibliometrix package of R Studio and VOSviewer.


The findings of this study show that the Arab world’s research on T&H has significantly surged since COVID-19, contributing nearly half (50.56%) of the total literature in the T&H domain between 2020 and 2022. Elshaer IA (Suez Canal University, Egypt) emerged as the most productive author, while Nusair K (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman) was identified as the most impactful author in the T&H domain in the Arab world. The most productive journal was found to be Sustainability (MDPI), while Tourism Management (Elsevier) was identified as the most impactful journal in the field of T&H. Furthermore, the thematic analysis highlights that research themes in T&H are not static but rather constantly evolving in response to dynamic changes in the industry, such as emerging trends, shifts in tourist preferences and the impact of global events like the COVID-19 pandemic.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first bibliometric analysis of T&H research contributed by the Arab world, specifically covering the period from 1993 to 2022. This study's findings can inform the development of strategies and policies for the sustainable and competitive growth of the T&H industry in the Arab world. This study highlights the importance of continued research and collaboration among industry professionals, academics and policymakers to promote innovation and drive positive change in the T&H sector in the Arab world.


阿拉伯世界已经目睹了其旅游和酒店(T&H)行业增长的显著激增, 将其定位为可持续发展的重要基石。然而, 在过去30年中, 即1993年至2022年, 尚未进行关于阿拉伯世界贡献的T&H研究的专属文献计量分析。因此, 这项研究代表了提供阿拉伯世界自1993年至2022年间T&H研究的首创性文献计量评估和可视化的先驱努力。


从Web of Science核心合集数据库收集了1327篇与阿拉伯世界贡献的T&H研究相关的科研论文。为进行大规模的计量分析, 包括性能分析、科学映射和网络分析, 我们采用了先进的分析工具, 即R Studio的Bibliometrix软件包和VOSviewer。


研究结果显示, 自COVID-19以来, 阿拉伯世界对T&H的研究显著增加, 占2020年至2022年期间发表文献总数的近一半(50.56%)。关键词分析揭示了阿拉伯世界T&H领域的当前研究热点, 包括“旅游”、 “影响”、“满意度”、“管理”、“酒店业”、“绩效”、“决定因素”、“感知”、“忠诚度”、“质量”和“顾客满意度”。然而, 阿拉伯世界的T&H学者和从业者需要进一步研究一些研究空白, 包括“器官移植旅游”、“伦理领导”、“消费者感知”、“生态足迹”、“员工参与”、“爱彼迎”、“目的地营销”、“顾客不文明行为”、“可持续旅游发展”和“环境可持续性”等主题。主题分析突显了T&H领域的研究主题不断随行业动态变化而不断演化, 如新兴趋势、游客偏好变化以及全球事件如COVID-19大流行的影响。


据我们所知, 这是首次对阿拉伯世界贡献的T&H研究进行的计量分析, 特别涵盖了1993年至2022年的时期。研究结果可为阿拉伯世界T&H行业可持续和竞争性增长的战略和政策提供信息。这项研究强调了继续研究和行业专业人员、学者和政策制定者之间的合作的重要性, 以促进创新并推动阿拉伯世界T&H行业的积极变革。


El mundo árabe ha presenciado un notable aumento en el crecimiento de su industria de turismo y hostelería (T&H), posicionándola como una piedra angular vital para el desarrollo sostenible. Sin embargo, aún no se ha realizado un análisis bibliométrico exclusivo de la investigación en T&H realizada por el mundo árabe en los últimos 30 años, es decir, de 1993 a 2022. Por lo tanto, este estudio se erige como el esfuerzo pionero en proporcionar una evaluación bibliométrica y visualización sin precedentes de la investigación en T&H producida por el mundo árabe desde 1993 hasta 2022.


Se recogieron 1327 publicaciones científicas relativas a la investigación en T&H elaboradas por el mundo árabe, a partir de la base de datos Web of Science Core Collection. Para llevar a cabo un análisis bibliométrico a gran escala que abarcara el análisis de rendimiento, el mapeo científico y el análisis de redes, se emplearon herramientas analíticas de última generación, como el paquete Bibliometrix de R Studio y VOSviewer.


Los resultados muestran que la investigación del mundo árabe en T&H ha aumentado significativamente desde la COVID-19, representando casi la mitad (50.56%) de la literatura total publicada entre 2020 y 2022. El análisis de palabras clave reveló que “turismo,” “impacto,” “satisfacción,” “gestion,” “hospitalidad,” “rendimiento,” “determinantes,” “percepción,” “lealtad,” “calidad” y “satisfacción del cliente” son los temas de investigación actuales más destacados en T&H en el mundo árabe. Sin embargo, existen varias lagunas de investigación que requieren una investigación adicional por parte de académicos y profesionales de T&H en el mundo árabe, incluyendo temas como “turismo de trasplante,” “liderazgo ético,” “percepción del consumidor,” “huella ecológica,” “compromiso de los empleados,” “Airbnb,” “marketing de destinos,” “incivilidad del cliente,” “desarrollo de turismo sostenible,” y “sostenibilidad ambiental.” El análisis temático destaca que los temas de investigación en T&H evolucionan constantemente en respuesta a cambios dinámicos en la industria, como tendencias emergentes, cambios en las preferencias de los turistas y el impacto de eventos globales como la pandemia de COVID-19.


Hasta dónde llega nuestro conocimiento, este es el primer estudio bibliométrico de la investigación en T&H realizada por el mundo árabe, cubriendo específicamente el período de 1993 a 2022. Los hallazgos del estudio pueden desplegar el desarrollo de estrategias y políticas para el crecimiento sostenible y competitivo de la industria de T&H en el mundo árabe. Este estudio resalta la importancia de la investigación continua y la colaboración entre profesionales de la industria, académicos y responsables políticos para promover la innovación y generar un cambio positivo en el sector de T&H en el mundo árabe.

Publication date: 8 November 2022

María Del Pilar Pascual-Fraile, Pilar Talón-Ballestero, Teresa Villacé-Molinero and Antonio-Rafael Ramos-Rodríguez

This study aims to provide an overview, the state-of-the-art “research fronts”, the emerging themes of investigation and a research agenda of crisis communication for…



This study aims to provide an overview, the state-of-the-art “research fronts”, the emerging themes of investigation and a research agenda of crisis communication for destinations’ image.


This research is conducted with a bibliographic coupling study, complemented with an H-Classic classification and a thematic analysis of the articles included in the four clusters provided by the bibliometric methodology (papers dating from 2017 to 2021, both years included).


Based on the bibliometric analysis, four thematic clusters were identified. Two of these clusters supply the “research fronts”, the most current themes in a scientific field: Cluster 1 addresses communication related to tourists’ safety, and cluster 2 enhances the role of stakeholders’ collaboration to create destinations resilience in crisis communication. The other two clusters highlight emerging themes for future investigation: Cluster 3 focuses on recovery marketing communication strategies for a post-crisis era, and cluster 4 analyses how crisis communication strategies contribute to reduce tourists’ risk perception and boosting travel intention. Finally, a future research agenda is proposed, based on the emerging themes from this study.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first bibliometric study to analyse crisis communication for destinations’ image (pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis). This study, which covers the most recent academic literature in this field, provides insights of communication strategies from recent crises and disasters within the “research fronts”. Besides, a research agenda useful for future scholar investigation is proposed with its emerging themes. These rising topics and learnings from past events could be used by destination marketing organisations in crisis communication for destination image recovery in the current post-pandemic scenario or in upcoming crises or disasters.




本文进行了书目耦合研究, 辅以 H-经典分类和对文献计量方法提供的四个集群中包含的文章的主题分析 (论文日期为 2017–2021 年间)


根据文献计量分析, 确定了四个主题集群。 其中两个集群提供“研究前沿”, 这是科学领域的最新主题:集群 一 解决与游客安全相关的沟通, 集群 二 加强利益相关者合作的作用, 以在危机沟通中创造目的地恢复力。 其他两个集群突出了未来调查的新兴主题:集群 三 侧重于后危机时代的复苏营销传播策略, 集群 四分析危机传播策略如何有助于降低游客的风险感知和提高旅行意愿。最后, 本文提出了基于新兴主题的未来研究议程。


据我们所知, 这是第一个分析了目的地形象的危机传播(危机前、危机和危机后)的, 独特的文献计量研究。该研究涵盖了该领域最新的学术文献, 通过其“研究前沿”提供了有关近期危机和灾难的沟通策略的见解。此外, 本文还提出了具有新兴主题的研究议程。这些新兴话题以及从过去事件中吸取的教训, 可以被目的地营销组织 (DMO) 用来进行灾难沟通, 以便在当前的大流行后情景或未来的危机或灾难中恢复目的地的形象。


Este estudio proporciona una perspectiva general, los “research fronts”- los temas más actuales de una disciplina científica-, los temas emergentes y una agenda de investigación sobre comunicación de crisis de la imagen de los destinos turísticos.


La investigación está basada en un análisis bibliográfico coupling, complementado con una clasificación h-Classics y un análisis temático de todos los artículos examinados con esta metodología bibliométrica (artículos fechados entre 2017 y 2021, ambos años incluidos).


Con este análisis bibliométrico, se identifican cuatro clusters temáticos. Dos de ellos, presentan los “research fronts”, los temas más vigentes de un campo científico: el cluster 1 se refiere a la comunicación realizada para transmitir el concepto de seguridad a los turistas, y el cluster 2 destaca la relevancia de la colaboración de todos los agentes turísticos para crear resiliencia en los destinos en la comunicación de crisis. Los otros dos clusters recogen los temas emergentes de investigación futura: el cluster 3 se centra en las estrategias de marketing para la época de postcrisis y el cluster 4 analiza cómo la comunicación contribuye a reducir la percepción de riesgo de los turistas y, por tanto, a potenciar su intención de viaje. Por último, el artículo propone una agenda de investigación basada en estos temas emergentes.


Hasta donde tenemos conocimiento, éste es el primer estudio bibliométrico especialmente enfocado a la comunicación de crisis para la imagen de los destinos turísticos (con sus tres etapas, precrisis, crisis y poscrisis). Esta investigación, que analiza la literatura más reciente en este campo, proporciona conocimiento sobre la comunicación de las crisis y desastres más recientes, a través de sus “research fronts”. Asimismo, propone una agenda con nuevos temas que están surgiendo en esta disciplina, útil para futuras investigaciones académicas. Dichos temas, junto con los aprendizajes de incidentes pasados, pueden ser usados por las Organizaciones de Marketing de Destinos (DMO, en sus siglas en inglés) para incorporarlos en su comunicación de crisis destinada a la recuperación de la imagen de los destinos turísticos en el actual escenario post pandemia o en futuras crisis o desastres.

Open Access
Publication date: 20 June 2022

Norbey Amaya, César Augusto Bernal-Torres, Yoni W. Nicolás-Rojas and Tamara T. Pando-Ezcurra

This study aims to analyse the way the internal resources and their attributes contribute to the competitive advantages in an intensive organisation in knowledge of the…




This study aims to analyse the way the internal resources and their attributes contribute to the competitive advantages in an intensive organisation in knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry in an emerging market.


This is a qualitative case study focused where the NVivo software was used for information analysis and thematic analysis.


The outcomes showed that from the VRIO framework (value, rarity, imitability and organisation), the plant and equipment and the technical knowledge of its workers are the resources that, due to their attributes, especially the rare, those that grant an advantage competitive position compared to other companies in its sector. Those findings highlight that the resource-based view (RBV) is a good approximation to explain the construction of competitive advantage (CA) and, in addition, the relevance of rare attribute in pharmaceutical companies was confirmed.

Practical implications

The study points out empirical evidence on the relevancy of RBV, from the VRIO framework and the competitive profile matrix (CPM) for the analysis of the management of organisations from the emerging market (economy) perspective. The study also provides competitive advantage analysis tools with which managers can identify strategic resources for their companies.


The VRIO framework and CPM were integrated in the study to analyse the role of internal resources and their attributes in achieving CAs. This integration is the first time that it has been carried out in companies in the context of an emerging market.


VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, vol. 54 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2059-5891


Publication date: 22 August 2024

Aqueeb Sohail Shaik, Safiya Mukhtar Alshibani, Aparna Mendiratta, Dr Monika Jain and Bianca Costanzo

The purpose of the this study is to discover the impact of practices of knowledge management, intellectual property protection and management innovation on entrepreneurial…



The purpose of the this study is to discover the impact of practices of knowledge management, intellectual property protection and management innovation on entrepreneurial leadership, which in turn leads to sustainable growth in small and medium-sized enterprises.


The data was collected from 292 small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in the USA using a cross-sectional survey. To evaluate the study hypotheses and analyse the data, structural equation modelling was used. SMART-PLS software was used for both confirmatory factor analysis and structural analysis.


The work has significantly contributed in revealing that knowledge management practices, management innovation and intellectual property protection have a substantial and constructive impact on entrepreneurial leadership, which in turn leads to sustainable growth in SMEs.

Practical implications

The study findings recommend that SMEs must focus on knowledge management practices, intellectual property protection and management innovation to nurture entrepreneurial leadership, which can lead to sustainable growth. SMEs can benefit from investing in knowledge management practices, protecting their intellectual property and innovating their management practices to achieve sustainable growth. Also, the absorptive capacity of an SME can help it to aggravate the impact of the above factors and lead them to sustainable growth faster.


The current work studies the association between knowledge management practices, intellectual property protection, management innovation, entrepreneurial leadership and sustainable growth in SMEs, thus contributing to the literature. The study provides insights into the factors that can nurture entrepreneurial leadership and contribute to sustainable growth in SMEs, which can inform policy and practice in the field of entrepreneurship.


Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1367-3270


Publication date: 17 September 2024

Iván Manuel De la Vega Hernández, Juan Díaz Amorin and Rodolfo Fernández-Gomez

The purpose of this study focused on a global longitudinal bibliometric mapping of research in the field of health biotechnology between 1990 and 2023 to determine who is leading…



The purpose of this study focused on a global longitudinal bibliometric mapping of research in the field of health biotechnology between 1990 and 2023 to determine who is leading this field of knowledge and to estimate the sub-disciplines that are emerging and project those that will prevail in the future.


The study identified the most relevant countries, institutions and researchers, as well as the type of scientific collaborations. The applied steps applied in the study were the following: identification and selection of keyword terms by a panel of experts; design and application of an algorithm to identify these selected keywords in titles, abstracts and keywords using Web of Science terms to contrast them; performance of JCR data processing during 2023 using R, Python and VOSviewer.


Among the most relevant conclusions of the study are the following exponential growth has been observed in the study period; new branches of knowledge have emerged in which the subjects have been acquiring their own autonomous capabilities; and R&D in this field is still concentrated in a small group of core countries, and the trend is for it to remain so due to the capacity needs required.


This contribution seeks to systematize the existing scientific knowledge in the field of biotechnology, specifically in the area of health, using the technique of scientific mapping based on a logical model of indicators that aims to determine potential thematic ramifications.


Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2053-4620


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