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Publication date: 1 June 1997

Paula L. Mathews

Examines Internet training for academic library staff. Research encompasses an extensive literature search, a survey of 15 UK academic libraries, and interviews with three training



Examines Internet training for academic library staff. Research encompasses an extensive literature search, a survey of 15 UK academic libraries, and interviews with three training librarians. Considers the development of the Internet in the academic environment and training in academic libraries. Includes analysis of internal training methods and external training courses. Discusses the implementation of formal evaluation procedures.


New Library World, vol. 98 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0307-4803


Publication date: 7 March 2023

Ana Junça Silva and Norton Almeida

Online learning is an effective training strategy to help students, as one of the success factors is academic engagement. Therefore, the use of online training courses to…



Online learning is an effective training strategy to help students, as one of the success factors is academic engagement. Therefore, the use of online training courses to influence academic engagement and performance in emotional intelligence learning experiences is worthy of investigation. This study explores the influence of emotional intelligence as an online training course and its impact on academic engagement and learning outcomes–performance.


The authors used a quasi-experimental study with two groups of participants who were randomly assigned (experimental e control) and with pretest–posttest measurements of the online training. The emotional intelligence online training (for the experimental group) was conducted during a single semester, with eight hours of training. The methodology of reflective, role-playing, case study and group work was followed. Measurements of student academic engagement and emotional intelligence were collected before (one week before the training) and after the intervention (on the last training session). Performance was measured after the intervention.


The mean scores improved for all the variables, with the differences being statistically significant. The students assessed their learning positively. The results also showed that emotional intelligence was positively related to academic engagement but not to performance. This means that emotional intelligence training was effective in increasing the academic engagement of university students.

Practical implications

The results are promising in terms of the students retaining the competencies acquired. Therefore, this type of online training is recommended for the emotional intelligence and academic engagement of future human resources professionals. Moreover, according to the results, it would be possible to use emotional intelligence training programs in schools, besides other programs, to promote the academic engagement and performance of students.


The design of the study provides evidence that is an added value for higher education institutions.


International Journal of Educational Management, vol. 37 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0951-354X


Publication date: 30 May 2018

Fredrick Kiwuwa Lugya

The purpose of this paper is to report the training of college librarians, academic and management staff, IT managers and students on how to organise, manage and use a…




The purpose of this paper is to report the training of college librarians, academic and management staff, IT managers and students on how to organise, manage and use a user-friendly library. In Uganda, as in many countries, the problem is that school and/or college libraries are managed by librarians who may have good cataloguing and management skills, but who do not have the pedagogic skills and knowledge of the school curricula that are necessary for librarians to be able to guide and mentor both teachers and students or organise curriculum-related activities or facilitate research. The development of user-friendly libraries contributes in improving education quality through nurturing the interest of students and teachers in literacy activities and active search for knowledge. Under the stewardship of the Belgium Technical Cooperation and the Ministry of Education in Uganda, library stakeholders were trained on how to put users – rather than themselves – in the centre of the library’s operations and introduced to active teaching and learning methodologies and activities with emphasis on getting engaged in transforming spaces, services, outreach to users and collections. Several measures, short and long term were taken to address the gaps limiting the performance of the librarians. Given the disparities in the trainees’ education level and work experience, the training was delivered in seven modules divided into three units for over eight months in 2015. By the end of the training, trainees developed unique library strategic plan, library policies and procedures, capacity to use library systems, physical design and maintenance systems, partnerships, library structure and staff job descriptions.


To effectively engage the participants each topic was conducted using active teaching and learning (ATL) methodologies, including: lecture with slides and hands-on practice – each topic was introduced in a lecture form with slides and hands-on exercises. The main goal was to introduce the participants to the concepts discussed, offer opportunities to explore alternative approaches, as well define boundaries for discussion through brainstorming. The question-answer approach kept the participants alert and to start thinking critically on the topic discussed – brainstorming sessions allowed thinking beyond the presentation room, drawing from personal experiences to provide alternatives to anticipated challenges. The goal here was for the participants to provide individual choices and approaches for real life problems; group discussions: case study/ scenario and participant presentations – participants were provided with a scenario and asked to provide alternative approaches that could solve the problem based on their personal experience at their colleges. By the end of the group discussion, participants presented a draft of the deliverable as per the topic under discussion. More so, group discussions were an excellent approach to test participant’s teamwork skills and ability to compromise, as well as respecting team decisions. It was an opportunity to see how librarians will work with the library committees. Group discussions further initiated and cemented the much-needed librarian–academic staff – college management relationship. During the group discussion, librarians, teaching staff, ICT staff and college management staff, specifically the Principals and Deputy Principals interacted freely thus starting and cultivating a new era of work relationship between them. Individual presentation: prior to the workshop, participants were sent instructions to prepare a presentation on a topic. For example, participants were asked to provide their views of what a “user-friendly library” would look like or what would constitute a “user-friendly library”; the college library of HTC-Mulago was asked to talk about their experience working with book reserves, challenges faced and plans they have to address the challenges, while the college librarian from NTC-Kaliro was asked to describe a situation where they were able to assist a patron, the limitations they faced and how they addressed them. Doing so did not only assist to emotionally prepare the participants for the training but also helped to make them start thinking about the training in relation to their libraries and work. Take-home assignment: at the end of each session, participants were given home assignments to not only revise the training material but also prepare for the next day training. Further the take-home assignments provided time for the participants to discuss with their colleagues outside of the training room so as to have a common ground/ understanding on some of the very sensitive issues. Most interesting assignment was when participants were asked to review an article and to make a presentation in relation to their library experiences. Participant reports: participant reports resulted from the take-home assignments and participants were asked to make submission on a given topic. For example, participants were asked to review IFLA section on library management and write a two-page report on how such information provided supported their own work, as well as a participant report came from their own observation after a library visit. Invited talks with library expert: two invited talks by library experts from Consortium of Uganda University Libraries and Uganda Library and Information Science Association with the goal to share their experience, motivate the participants to strive higher and achieve great things for their libraries. Library visitation: there were two library visits conducted on three separate days – International Hospital Kampala (IHK) Library, Makerere University Library and Aga Khan University Hospital Library. Each of these library visits provided unique opportunities for the participants to explore best practices and implement similar practices in their libraries. Visual aids – videos, building plans and still photos: these were visual learning aids to supplement text during the lectures because they carried lot of information while initiating different thoughts best on the participants’ past experience and expertise. The training advocated for the use of ATL methodologies and likewise similar methodologies were used to encourage participants do so in their classrooms.


Addressing Key Concerns: Several measures, both long and short term, were taken to address the gaps limiting the performance of the librarians. The measures taken included: selected representative sample of participants including all college stakeholders as discussed above; active teaching and learning methodologies applied in the training and blended in the content of the training materials; initiated and formulated approaches to collaborations, networks and partnerships; visited different libraries to benchmark library practices and encourage future job shadowing opportunities; and encouraged participants to relate freely, understand and value each other’s work to change their mindsets. College librarians were encouraged to ensure library priorities remain on the agenda through advocacy campaigns. Short-term measures: The UFL training was designed as a practical and hands-on training blended with individual and group tasks, discussions, take-home assignments and presentations by participants. This allowed participates to engage with the material and take responsibility for their own work. Further, the training material was prepared with a view that librarians support the academic life of teaching staff and students. Participants were tasked to develop and later fine-tune materials designed to support their work. For example, developing a subject bibliography and posting it on the library website designed using open source tools such as Google website, Wikis, blogs. The developed library manual includes user-friendly policies and procedures referred to as “dos and don’ts in the library” that promote equitable open access to information; drafting book selection memos; new book arrivals lists; subscribing to open access journals; current awareness services and selective dissemination of information service displays and electronic bulletins. Based on their library needs and semester calendar, participants developed action points and timelines to implement tasks in their libraries at the end of each unit training. Librarians were encouraged to share their experiences through library websites, Facebook page, group e-mail/listserv and Instagram; however, they were challenged with intimate internet access. College libraries were rewarded for their extraordinary job. Given their pivotal role in the management and administration of financial and material resources, on top of librarians, the participants in this training were college administrators/ management, teaching and ICT staff, researchers and student leadership. Participants were selected to address the current and future needs of the college library. These are individuals that are perceived to have a great impact towards furthering the college library agenda. The practical nature of this training warranted conducting the workshops from developed but similar library spaces, for example, Aga Khan University Library and Kampala Capital City, Makerere University Library, International Hospital Kampala Library and Uganda Christian University Library. Participants observed orientation sessions, reference desk management and interviews, collection management practices, preservation and conservation, secretarial bureau management, etc. Long-term measures: Changing the mindset of librarians, college administrators and teaching staff is a long-term commitment which continues to demand for innovative interventions. For example: job shadowing allowed college librarian short-term attachments to Makerere University Library, Uganda Christian University Library, Aga Khan Hospital University Library and International Hospital Kampala Library – these libraries were selected because of their comparable practices and size. The mentorship programme lasted between two-three weeks; on-spot supervision and follow-up visits to assess progress with the action plan by the librarians and college administration and college library committee; ensuring that all library documents – library strategic plan, library manual, library organogram, etc are approved by the College Governing Council and are part of the college wide governing documents; and establishing the library committee with a job description for each member – this has strengthened the library most especially as an advocacy tool, planning and budgeting mechanism, awareness channel for library practices, while bringing the library to the agenda – reemphasizing the library’s agenda. To bridge the widened gap between librarians and the rest of the stakeholders, i.e. teaching staff, ICT staff, college administration and students, a college library committee structure and its mandate were established comprising: Library Committee Chairperson – member of the teaching staff; Library Committee Secretary – College Librarian; Student Representative – must be a member of the student Guild with library work experience; and Representative from each college academic department. A library consortium was formed involving all the four project supported colleges to participate in resource sharing practices, shared work practices like shared cataloguing, information literacy training, reference interview and referral services as well a platform for sharing experiences. A library consortium further demanded for automating library functions to facilitate collaboration and shared work. Plans are in place to install Koha integrated library system that will cultivate a strong working relationship between librarians and students, academic staff, college administration and IT managers. This was achieved by ensuring that librarians innovatively implement library practices and skills acquired from the workshop as well as show their relevance to the academic life of the academic staff. Cultivating relationships takes a great deal of time, thus college librarians were coached on: creating inclusive library committees, timely response to user needs, design library programmes that address user needs, keeping with changing technology to suite changing user needs, seeking customer feedback and collecting user statistics to support their requests, strengthening the library’s financial based by starting a secretarial bureau and conducting user surveys to understand users’ information-seeking behaviour. To improve the awareness of new developments in the library world, college librarians were introduced to library networks at national, regional and international levels, as a result they participated in conferences, workshops, seminars at local, regional and international level. For example, for the first time and with funding from Belgium Technical Cooperation, college librarians attended 81st IFLA World Library and Information Congress in South African in 2015. College libraries are now members of the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries and Uganda Library and Information Science Association and have attended meetings of these two very important library organisations in Uganda’s LIS profession. The college librarians have attended meetings and workshops organized by these two organisations.


At the end of the three units training, participants were able to develop: a strategic plan for their libraries; an organogram with staffing needs and job description matching staff functions; a Library Committee for each library and with a structure unifying all the four project-support Colleges; a library action plan with due dates including deliverables and responsibilities for implementation; workflow plan and organisation of key sections of the library such as reserved and public spaces; furniture and equipment inventory (assets); a library manual and collection development policy; partnerships with KCCA Library and Consortium of Uganda University Libraries; skills to use Koha ILMS for performing library functions including: cataloguing, circulation, acquisitions, serials management, reporting and statistics; skills in searching library databases and information literacy skills; skills in designing simple and intuitive websites using Google Sites tools; and improved working relationship between the stakeholders was visible. To further the user-friendly libraries principle of putting users in the centre of the library’s operations, support ATL methodologies and activities with emphasis on getting engaged in transforming spaces, services, outreach to users and collections the following initiatives are currently implemented in the colleges: getting approval of all library policy documents by College Governing Council, initiating job shadowing opportunities, conducting on-spot supervision, guide libraries to set up college library committees and their job description, design library websites, develop dissemination sessions for all library policies, incorporate user-friendly language in all library documents, initiate income generation activities for libraries, set terms of reference for library staff and staffing as per college organogram, procurement of library tools like DDC and library of congress subject headings (LCSH), encourage attendance to webinars and space planning for the new libraries.


Information and Learning Science, vol. 119 no. 5/6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2398-5348


Publication date: 19 September 2024

Zulmi Ramdani, Yonathan Natanael, Andrian Liem, Anton Abdulbasah Kamil, Deni Hadiana and Jaka Warsihna

The study examines the effectiveness of an academic integrity training program called Academic Integrity Training (AIT) in improving students’ academic integrity among final-year…



The study examines the effectiveness of an academic integrity training program called Academic Integrity Training (AIT) in improving students’ academic integrity among final-year students.


The research design used was one group pretest and posttest (n = 40) students in research proposal courses.


Analysis with stacking and racking analysis showed a change in the distribution of the Logit Value Person (LVP) and Logit Value Item (LVI) values on the side of the subjects and items used for this study. Testing with a paired sample t-test yielded a value of t = −3.059 and a significance (p) = 0.004, indicating that there was a significant increase in LVP at the pre-test (M = 2.52 & SD = 1.56) and post-test (M = 3.33 & SD = 2.09) in the subject of the study.

Practical implications

The study results concluded that this academic integrity training program can improve students' academic integrity and is designed and implemented with the right personal approach to suppress academic dishonesty, especially the problem of plagiarism among graduate students submitting thesis proposals.


Academic dishonesty has been a major problem in higher education over the last two decades. Various strategies have been attempted to address the condition, but no program has been found to directly address the problem on the personal order or individuals who do so.


Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2050-7003


Publication date: 22 October 2019

Muhammad Rafi, Zheng JianMing and Khurshid Ahmad

Digital literacy has become a widely studied topic for connecting people, participation in government and public affairs. It encourages library professionals to train students and…




Digital literacy has become a widely studied topic for connecting people, participation in government and public affairs. It encourages library professionals to train students and effectively acquire, preserve and disseminate knowledge. Academic libraries involve using digital technology improved the students’ level of digital literacy and technological skills. This paper aims to understand the students’ technological competence in using database resources and searching for online information. In addition, to evaluate the training contents and designated instructors on digital literacy education, the study also focuses on digitally exposed students’ learning behavior, the library management and students’ academic interaction on new technological trends.


This study uses a quantitative method for which primary data were collected from university students using a structured research questionnaire. Through targeted random sampling techniques, 1,500 printed questionnaires were distributed among students, and 1,266 (84.4%) responses were received. The authors applied descriptive statistics to analyze the demographic information of male and female students. The statistical technique Chi-square test (χ2) was applied using SPSS to determine the association between variables. Moreover, Bonferroni correction for the new a value [modified = 0.05/number of possible comparisons/analysis for each question shown in Tables (II-IX)] was also used to avoid a family-wise error.


The results inferred a strong association between students’ technological skill with using digital tools, utilization of database resources and browsing networked information on the Web. The association between universities in terms of recruiting designated instructors on digital literacy education, introducing ICT based curriculum and the association between library management in maintaining a regular training program on digital literacy demonstrated a negative association. Besides, the findings disclosed that student’s digital exposure is not the forcing factor in developing technological competence, but found to be a more encouraging factor. It was also concluded that library technological involvement significantly improves student technology-based learning skills.

Practical implications

The results obtained after the analyzed data may help library management in providing long-term strategy for improving digital literacy education and training for students in the effective utilization of technology for better academic performance and social integration.


The study was based on quantitative methods using a questionnaire. Extensive database coverage and digital literacy skills based on coach input can improve student performance and academic quality.


Information Discovery and Delivery, vol. 47 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2398-6247


Publication date: 1 February 1998

Paul Effah

The academic support service provided by the library is critical to the attainment of the University’s central mission of teaching, research and service. This paper contributes to…



The academic support service provided by the library is critical to the attainment of the University’s central mission of teaching, research and service. This paper contributes to the quest for appropriate approaches for the training and development of academic librarians to ensure that the important role assigned to the library is fulfilled. It discusses schemes available in Ghana for equipping academic librarians with the requisite training and skills to enable them to fulfil their roles efficiently and effectively. In the process, a number of important issues such as training needs assessment and responsibility for training receive attention. Recommendations are made for more structured, consistent and systematic training and development programmes for academic librarians in Ghana.


Library Management, vol. 19 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-5124


Publication date: 14 March 2022

Shahbaz Sharif, Mary Braimah and Alice Emmanuela Dogbey

Public and private universities keep facilitating knowledge transfer and sharing within academic institutions. Multiple factors have been investigated to strengthen the…



Public and private universities keep facilitating knowledge transfer and sharing within academic institutions. Multiple factors have been investigated to strengthen the infrastructure of these universities; however, the researchers have always been trying to explore the best one. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of academic supports on motivation to learn (MTL) and transfer, in turn, influence transfer of training (TOT). Interestingly, the sector (i.e. public or private universities) unveils TOT to see whether the public sector has best practices or private.


This study adopts valid measurement instruments from the literature studies. This study pretests the validity and reliability of the instruments. This study administers the designed survey questionnaire among the faculty members of both public and private universities. This study uses a convenient sampling approach using a quantitative research method. By applying Smart partial least square (PLS) 3.3.3, this study uses structural equation modeling.


This study supports that organization, supervisor and peer support significantly and positively influence TOT. Additionally, MTL and motivation to transfer (MTT) significantly and positively mediate the link between TOT and organizational, supervisor and peer support. MTL also significantly and positively influences MTT. Most interestingly, the sector significantly and positively moderates the link between TOT and organizational, supervisor and peer support, MTL and transfer.

Practical implications

The results support the public and private universities that they should develop the infrastructure containing learning motivation and transfer for easy TOT. This would be more effective if the in higher educational institutions (HEIs) follow research findings.


This study empirically tests the impacts of academic supports on MTL and transfer, which boosts the TOT. The novelty of the research can be implemented in HEIs’ rules and regulations.


European Journal of Training and Development, vol. 47 no. 5/6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2046-9012


Open Access
Book part
Publication date: 12 December 2023

Ravit Mizrahi-Shtelman and Gili S. Drori

The study discusses the professionalization of academic leadership in Israel by analyzing and comparing two different training programs: the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s…


The study discusses the professionalization of academic leadership in Israel by analyzing and comparing two different training programs: the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s (HUJI) program and the CHE-Rothschild program. The HUJI program began in 2016 to train the professoriate to take charge of leadership positions alongside a separate program for administrative staff, while the CHE-Rothschild program was launched in 2019 to train academic leaders, both professors and administrators from universities and colleges nationwide. The analysis reveals two “ideal types” of collegiality: While Model A (exemplified by the HUJI program) bifurcates between the professoriate and administrative staff, Model B (exemplified by the CHE-Rothschild program) binds administrative and academic staff members through course composition, pedagogy, and content. The study suggests a pattern of redefinition of collegiality in academia: we find that while academic hierarchies are maintained (between academic faculty and administrative staff and between universities and colleges), collegiality in academia is being redefined as extending beyond the boundaries of the professoriate and emphasizing a partnership approach to collegial ties.


Revitalizing Collegiality: Restoring Faculty Authority in Universities
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80455-818-8


Publication date: 1 March 1997

Kay Flatten

Libraries and learning resource centres occupy unique positions in campus networked information services. Managers and staff in academic libraries are in transition. Their roles…



Libraries and learning resource centres occupy unique positions in campus networked information services. Managers and staff in academic libraries are in transition. Their roles as information specialists may not change; however, their methods of delivery will. Strategic planners recognize the impending culture change. How this culture change will affect academic libraries remains unclear (Fielden, 1996). The Joint Information Systems Committee of the HEFCs funded the Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib) to study culture change in academic libraries. TAPin is a West Midlands based consortium of six diverse universities committed to a three year study of their library services from training library staff in Internet skills to the delivery of support to Education, Law and Life Sciences academic staff. Provides a description of the training programme for librarians. This article and others reporting results from the research can be located at TAPin’s home page at


Librarian Career Development, vol. 5 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0968-0810


Publication date: 1 January 1978

Gordon Wills

BUSINESS SCHOOL GRAFFITI is a highly personal and revealing account of the first ten years (1965–1975) at Britain’s University Business Schools. The progress achieved is…


BUSINESS SCHOOL GRAFFITI is a highly personal and revealing account of the first ten years (1965–1975) at Britain’s University Business Schools. The progress achieved is documented in a whimsical fashion that makes it highly readable. Gordon Wills has been on the inside throughout the decade and has played a leading role in two of the major Schools. Rather than presuming to present anything as pompous as a complete history of what has happened, he recalls his reactions to problems, issues and events as they confronted him and his colleagues. Lord Franks lit a fuse which set a score of Universities and even more Polytechnics alight. There was to be a bold attempt to produce the management talent that the pundits of the mid‐sixties so clearly felt was needed. Buildings, books, teachers who could teach it all, and students to listen and learn were all required for the boom to happen. The decade saw great progress, but also a rapid decline in the relevancy ethic. It saw a rapid withering of interest by many businessmen more accustomed to and certainly desirous of quick results. University Vice Chancellors, theologians and engineers all had to learn to live with the new and often wealthier if less scholarly faculty members who arrived on campus. The Research Councils had to decide how much cake to allow the Business Schools to eat. Most importantly, the author describes the process of search he went through as an individual in evolving a definition of his own subject and how it can best be forwarded in a University environment. It was a process that carried him from Technical College student in Slough to a position as one of the authorities on his subject today.


European Journal of Marketing, vol. 12 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0309-0566


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