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Publication date: 24 October 2023

Luis A. Perez-Batres and Len J. Trevino

This study aims to offer a value chain (real options) approach for reducing uncertainty exposure by pursuing a global frictionless trade ethos almost exclusively. Jolts of…



This study aims to offer a value chain (real options) approach for reducing uncertainty exposure by pursuing a global frictionless trade ethos almost exclusively. Jolts of significant proportion, such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic and corresponding reshoring phenomena observed in Mexico and Central America, enhance the topic’s relevance.


This conceptual study sheds light on heightened systemic uncertainty because of extreme events; proposes a mitigation protocol rooted in real options (ROs); and prescribes incentivizing regional value chains through public–private partnerships (PPPs).


This study identifies a systemic multinational enterprise (MNE) response aimed at mitigating the repercussions of the most recent jolt of significant worldwide proportions and suggests developing regional value chains through PPPs. In doing so, the authors recognize an incipient MNE trend toward nearshoring and backshoring to achieve this end. This phenomenon is relatively underdeveloped in Europe, where fewer than 4% of firms have engaged in backshoring activities, even in the three-millennia-old Basque region. In contrast, last year’s backshoring of global value chains (GVCs) in Mexico and Central America was noticeable.

Research limitations/implications

This study is among the first, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, to explore the nearshoring phenomenon as a response mechanism, and it opens avenues for finding better ways to mitigate worldwide uncertainties and exposure to extreme events.

Practical implications

This model would benefit MNEs and governments by keeping their operations running as close to capacity as possible, even when external jolts cause a partial or total system shutdown of MNEs’ GVCs. The proposed solution, namely, PPPs, can achieve these objectives through real options.

Social implications

A social benefit of the regionalization of MNEs’ GVCs would be helping to resolve societal grand challenges, including lowering their global carbon footprint and reducing poverty. This is because having a regional supply facility close to their home market would not only lead to cost reductions for MNEs but also allow them to conduct more on-site quality control checks.


The regional real options concept offers an excellent opportunity for practitioners and governments to improve MNEs’ success via the mitigation of uncertainties and, concomitantly, the lives of billions of people.


El presente estudio ofrece un enfoque de cadena de valor (opciones reales) para reducir la exposición a la incertidumbre de perseguir casi exclusivamente un ethos comercial global sin fricciones. Los eventos externos de proporciones significativas, como la reciente pandemia de COVID-19 y los correspondientes fenómenos de relocalización observados en México y América Central, aumentan la relevancia del tema.


Este estudio conceptual 1) arroja luz sobre la mayor incertidumbre sistémica debido a eventos extremos, 2) propone un protocolo de mitigación basado en opciones reales, y 3) prescribe incentivar las cadenas de valor regionales a través de asociaciones público-privadas.


Este estudio identifica una respuesta sistémica de las EMN destinada a mitigar las repercusiones de la sacudida más reciente de proporciones significativas en todo el mundo y sugiere desarrollar cadenas de valor regionales a través de asociaciones público-privadas. Al hacerlo, reconocemos una incipiente tendencia de las EMN hacia la nearshoring y la backshoring para lograr este fin. Este fenómeno está relativamente poco desarrollado en Europa, donde menos del 4% de las empresas se han dedicado a actividades de deslocalización, incluso en la región vasca de tres milenios de antigüedad. En contraste, el retroceso del año pasado de las cadenas globales de valor en México y América Central fue notable.

Implicaciones de la investigación:

Nuestro estudio es uno de los primeros en explorar el fenómeno de la nearshoring como mecanismo de respuesta, y abre vías para encontrar mejores formas de mitigar las incertidumbres mundiales y la exposición a eventos extremos.


El concepto de opciones reales regionales ofrece una excelente oportunidad para que los profesionales y los gobiernos mejoren el éxito de las empresas multinacionales mediante la mitigación de las incertidumbres y, al mismo tiempo, la vida de miles de millones de personas.


O presente estudo oferece uma abordagem de cadeia de valor (opções reais) para reduzir a exposição à incerteza de buscar quase exclusivamente um ethos de negócios global sem atrito. Eventos externos de proporções significativas, como a recente pandemia de COVID-19 e os correspondentes fenômenos de realocação observados no México e na América Central, aumentam a relevância do tema.


Este estudo conceitual 1) lança luz sobre o aumento da incerteza sistêmica devido a eventos extremos, 2) propõe um protocolo de mitigação baseado em opções reais e 3) prescreve o incentivo às cadeias de valor regionais por meio de parcerias público-privadas.


Este estudo identifica uma resposta sistémica das empresas multinacionais com o objetivo de mitigar os impactos do choque mais recente de proporções significativas a nível mundial e sugere o desenvolvimento de cadeias de valor regionais através de parcerias público-privadas. Ao fazer isso, reconhecemos uma tendência emergente de multinacionais em direção ao nearshoring e backshoring para atingir esse fim. Este fenómeno está relativamente subdesenvolvido na Europa, onde menos de 4% das empresas se dedicaram a actividades de offshoring, mesmo na região basca de três milénios. Em contraste, a retração das cadeias globais de valor no México e na América Central no ano passado foi notável.

Implicações da pesquisa:

Nosso estudo é um dos primeiros a explorar o fenômeno do nearshoring como um mecanismo de resposta e abre caminhos para encontrar melhores maneiras de mitigar as incertezas globais e a exposição a eventos extremos.


O conceito de opções reais regionais oferece uma excelente oportunidade para profissionais e governos melhorarem o sucesso de empresas multinacionais, mitigando incertezas e, ao mesmo tempo, a vida de bilhões de pessoas.


Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, vol. 21 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1536-5433


Publication date: 4 September 2020

Andrejs čirjevskis

This paper aims to operationalize and to test the ARCTIC (A – Advantage, R – Relatedness, C – Complexity of Competence, T – Time of Integration, I – Implementation Plan, C …



This paper aims to operationalize and to test the ARCTIC (A – Advantage, R – Relatedness, C – Complexity of Competence, T – Time of Integration, I – Implementation Plan, C – Cultural Fit) framework to assess the prerequisites of competence-based synergy in the acquisition process. The current research provides new analyses of recent acquisitions in the global beauty industry where the ARCTIC framework was satisfied and where the ARCTIC model was NOT satisfied by decisive factors to get the acquisition's synergies. It allows readers to contrast two case studies and grasp how the framework works in greater detail.


The current research relies on an extensive archival search that included financial statements, annual reports, internal documents, industry publications and CEO statements to get at a micro-level understanding. This boosts research data and the operationalization of the ARCTIC framework.


The research identified four steps for investigating whether core competence transfer in an acquisition process would be a source of competence-based synergies. The incorporation of real options into the synergy valuation measures market value-added arising from M&A deals.


The current paper contributes to theoretical and practical issues of global M&As as part of the existing literature of international business and strategic management. The impact on reciprocal synergies of agency problems, external interaction between CEOs in M&A deals, corporate governance systems and an executive compensation theory are promising areas of future research.


El presente artículo pretende poner en práctica y a prueba el esquema ARCTIC a fin de evaluar los requisitos previos de la sinergia basada en las competencias en el proceso de adquisición. Este estudio ofrece nuevos análisis de las recientes adquisiciones acontecidas en el sector de la belleza a nivel mundial en las que se siguió el esquema ARCTIC y en las que NO se siguió por factores decisivos para conseguir las sinergias de la adquisición. Permite a los lectores contrastar dos casos prácticos y comprender con mayor detalle cómo funciona el esquema.

Diseño/metodología/enfoque del estudio

Para el estudio actual se ha llevado a cabo una amplia búsqueda de archivos entre los que se incluyen balances financieros, informes anuales, documentación interna, publicaciones del sector y declaraciones del director general para obtener una comprensión pormenorizada. De este modo, se potencian los datos de la investigación y la puesta en práctica del esquema ARCTIC.


En el estudio se han identificado cuatro pasos que determinan si la transferencia de competencias básicas en un proceso de adquisición sería el origen de sinergias basadas en las competencias. La incorporación de opciones reales en la evaluación de las sinergias mide el valor añadido del mercado derivado de las operaciones de fusión y adquisición.


Este artículo contribuye a los aspectos teóricos y prácticos de las fusiones y las adquisiciones mundiales como parte de la bibliografía existente sobre comercio internacional y gestión estratégica. El impacto de las sinergias recíprocas de problemas del agente-principal, las interacciones externas entre directores generales en acuerdos de fusiones y adquisiciones, los sistemas de gobernanza empresarial y una teoría de la compensación ejecutiva son campos prometedores para futuras investigaciones.


Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, vol. 34 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1012-8255


Publication date: 1 April 2005

Roberto S. Vassolo, Filipe De Almeida Ravara and John M. Connor

This study analyzes the trade‐off between strategic flexibility and commitment for cases of simultaneous and related strategic investments under high levels of uncertainty. It…


This study analyzes the trade‐off between strategic flexibility and commitment for cases of simultaneous and related strategic investments under high levels of uncertainty. It develops a model that, using a Cournot game and real option theory, demonstrates that (1) a correlated strategic investment adds value to a portfolio of ongoing strategic investments in a decreasing marginal fashion, and (2) the new investment delays the development of the other investments. Managers who fail to recognize these properties may make strategic commitments that destroy value, even in the presence of options with individual positive values. An important feature of the model is that competitive advantages may flow from market power or from the capability of managing the portfolio.


Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, vol. 3 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1536-5433


Publication date: 26 October 2010

Raúl Pino, Isabel Fernández, David de la Fuente, José Parreño and Paolo Priore

The purpose of this paper is to focus on a supply chain (SC) simulation of all its management processes by means of a multi‐agent system (MAS).



The purpose of this paper is to focus on a supply chain (SC) simulation of all its management processes by means of a multi‐agent system (MAS).


Nowadays, the company must develop its activity in an environment characterized by: globalization, hard competitiveness, the necessity of flexibility and of answering dynamically to a changing demand. Thus, a distributed, autonomous approach, strong enough to face changes is necessary, which is what MASs contribute to. An agent can represent each of the components that form the SC. Then the resulting agent system will own similar characteristics to the ones in the studied SC: autonomy, social abilities, reactivity, pro‐activity.


When analysing the demand for each SC member (from manufacturer to final consumer), one can observe that while consumer demand is a relatively stable feature, the upper link in the chain (the manufacturer), presents a very pronounced variability. This is known as the “bullwhip effect” or “forrester effect” and is mainly due to the fact that the SC members' strategies are not considered as a whole but as a sum of individual strategies. In the proposed system, each agent will be communicated with other “agents” who will be the only responsible for making forecasts based on information provided to it by all components of the chain. The ultimate goal is for each SC echelon to satisfy its own objectives, while at the same time meet the local and external constraints.

Research limitations/implications

In this work a standard SC is proposed (one manufacturer – one distributor – one wholesaler – one retailer) although it could easily be modified to incorporate a bigger number of members in each echelon within the SC.


The paper shows the benefits of using artificial intelligence in the SC management.


Journal of Advances in Management Research, vol. 7 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0972-7981


Publication date: 1 April 2001

Clara Cardone‐Riportella and Leonardo Cazorla‐Papis

Attempts to shed light on strategies and international entry modes of financial services firms, providing a framework of the internationalisation process in one specific industry…



Attempts to shed light on strategies and international entry modes of financial services firms, providing a framework of the internationalisation process in one specific industry. This is based upon the analysis of four case studies of Spanish banks entering the Latin American markets at two different stages – before and after the 1990s – to see how internationalisation strategies of financial services have evolved over time. Shows that, in accordance with the perceived market risk and the commitment of resources involved, firms may opt to enter a foreign market in a gradual (lineal) process or in a more opportunistic (contingent) way. The foreign direct investment decision vis‐à‐vis the resources and risks involved in the operation has been evolving through time, industry and country of destination.


International Journal of Bank Marketing, vol. 19 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0265-2323


Publication date: 1 January 2003

Santiago García González, Ana Gessa Perera and Francisco Aguado Correa

Firms are increasingly aware of environmental degradation and this has led many of them to include “quality, safety and protecting the environment” among their competitive…



Firms are increasingly aware of environmental degradation and this has led many of them to include “quality, safety and protecting the environment” among their competitive priorities. This also involves large capital investments aimed at reducing the environmental impact of their manufacturing activities. This study suggests a method for estimating the return of manufacturing investments with environmental effects (costs and benefits). It considers the value of the asset being preserved as a consequence of a firm’s social responsibility. The practical case studied is Huelva’s industrial area.


International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 23 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0144-3577


Open Access
Publication date: 9 July 2024

Allard van Riel and Hannah Snyder

Most papers and books on conducting literature reviews primarily emphasize achieving technical quality, ensuring reproducibility and validating results. Notwithstanding the need…




Most papers and books on conducting literature reviews primarily emphasize achieving technical quality, ensuring reproducibility and validating results. Notwithstanding the need for technical excellence, there is also a need for relevance. The purpose of this study is to address that need and offer practical and constructive suggestions for enhancing the meaningful contribution of a literature review, thereby increasing its impact and relevance for publication.


In this conceptual paper, the authors explore strategies to enhance the relevance and contribution of a literature review. By clarifying the needs of diverse audiences and the principles of generating new insights, the authors provide a broad range of options without being prescriptive. Recognizing that every literature review is unique, this paper contrasts various approaches to offer flexible and adaptable guidance.


Literature reviews can be enjoyable to read and write, offering a wide range of substantial contributions that meet the expectations of readers and journal editors. This paper offers practical suggestions for prospective authors to make their reviews more relevant, invaluable and engaging, and summarizes these suggestions in a comprehensive checklist.

Research limitations/implications

The paper is not exhaustive but rather complements prevalent literature review methodologies.


Existing literature offers limited guidance on enhancing a review’s contribution to science, academic inquiry and society. This paper fills that gap by providing both academic considerations and practical recommendations, drawing on the author’s extensive experience in reviewing and conducting literature reviews.


La mayoría de los artículos y libros sobre la realización de revisiones de literatura enfatizan principalmente la obtención de calidad técnica, asegurando la reproducibilidad y validando resultados. A pesar de la necesidad de excelencia técnica, también existe la necesidad de la relevancia. El presente artículo aborda esa necesidad y tiene como objetivo ofrecer sugerencias prácticas y constructivas para mejorar la contribución significativa de una revisión de literatura, aumentando así su impacto y relevancia para su publicación.


En este artículo conceptual, los autores exploran estrategias para mejorar la relevancia y la contribución de una revisión de literatura. Al clarificar las necesidades de audiencias diversas y los principios para generar nuevos conocimientos, los autores proporcionan una amplia gama de opciones sin ser prescriptivos. Reconociendo que cada revisión de literatura es única, este artículo contrasta varios enfoques para ofrecer orientación flexible y adaptable.


Las revisiones de literatura pueden ser placenteras de leer y escribir, ofreciendo una amplia gama de contribuciones sustanciales que satisfacen las expectativas de los lectores y editores de revistas. Este artículo ofrece sugerencias prácticas para que los autores potenciales hagan que sus revisiones sean más relevantes, valiosas y atractivas, y resume estas sugerencias en una lista de verificación integral.


La literatura existente ofrece una orientación limitada sobre cómo mejorar la contribución de una revisión a la ciencia, la investigación académica y la sociedad. Este artículo cubre ese vacío proporcionando consideraciones académicas y recomendaciones prácticas, basadas en la extensa experiencia de los autores en la revisión y realización de revisiones de literatura.

Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación

El artículo no es exhaustivo, sino que complementa las metodologías prevalentes de revisión de literatura.


大多数关于如何进行文献综述的文章和书籍主要强调实现技术质量、确保可重复性和验证结果。尽管技术卓越性至关重要, 但同样需要注重相关性。本文正是为了满足这一需求, 旨在提供实用且建设性的建议, 以增强文献综述的有意义贡献, 从而增加其发表的影响力和相关性。


在这篇概念性文章中, 作者探讨了增强文献综述相关性和贡献的策略。通过阐明多样化受众的需求和生成新见解的原则, 作者提供了广泛的选项, 而不是一味地指示。认识到每篇文献综述都是独一无二的, 本文对比了各种方法, 以提供灵活和适应性的指导。


文献综述可以既有趣味性又富有实质性贡献, 满足读者和期刊编辑的期望。本文为潜在作者提供了实用的建议, 使他们的综述更具相关性、不可或缺且引人入胜, 并将这些建议总结在一个全面的清单中。


现有文献对如何增强综述对科学、学术研究和社会的贡献提供的指导有限。本文通过结合学术考虑和实际建议, 弥补了这一空白, 基于作者在审阅和进行文献综述方面的丰富经验, 提供了独特的见解。


该文章并非详尽无遗, 而是对现有文献综述方法的补充。

Open Access
Publication date: 19 May 2020

Rebeca Cordero-Gutiérrez and Eva Lahuerta-Otero

The purpose of this study is to examine the different results and the level of success obtained with advertising campaigns developed on Facebook to promote postgraduate programs…




The purpose of this study is to examine the different results and the level of success obtained with advertising campaigns developed on Facebook to promote postgraduate programs to create awareness and engagement.


This study combined the data envelopment analysis technique to measure advertising efficiency with multidimensional scaling (MDS) representation, thus offering alternatives for practitioners and organizations on how to evaluate social advertising performance.


Investments on social paid advertising are an affordable and effective way both to promote postgraduate programs and create engagement with prospective students. Facebook advertisements maximize visibility, which improves social and online positioning and encourages student recruitment.

Practical implications

Higher education institutions can efficiently promote their programs with a minimal social investment contributing to dissemination and engagement. Compared to other forms of traditional or digital advertising, social media ads can be efficient and affordable with wider segmentation and targeting options. Moreover, results are immediate and measurable and campaigns can be instantly modified to better suit the audience’s requirements.


This study is unique as it offers a new, alternative way of measuring efficiency, in addition to the classic ratios of payment models in digital advertising that combine clicks and impressions, on a sector where there are few empirical studies. Moreover, it can be easily applied to many other sectors in public and private organizations.


El objetivo de esta investigación es examinar los diferentes resultados y el nivel de éxito obtenido con las campañas publicitarias desarrolladas en Facebook para promover programas de postgrado que aumenten la notoriedad y la participación de los mismos.


Combinamos la técnica de análisis de envolvente de datos (DEA) para medir la eficiencia de la publicidad con la representación de escalado multidimensional (MDS), ofreciendo alternativas tanto a profesionales como a organizaciones sobre cómo evaluar el rendimiento de la publicidad social.


Las inversiones en publicidad social pagada son una forma asequible y efectiva tanto para promover programas de postgrado como para crear un compromiso con los posibles estudiantes. Los anuncios en Facebook maximizan la visibilidad, lo que también mejora el posicionamiento social y en línea, fomentando la captación de estudiantes.

Implicaciones prácticas

Las instituciones de educación superior pueden promover eficazmente sus programas con una inversión social mínima que contribuya a la difusión y el engagement. En comparación con otras formas de publicidad tradicional o digital, los anuncios de los medios sociales pueden ser eficientes y asequibles, con una segmentación y opciones de orientación más amplias. Además, los resultados son inmediatos y cuantificables y las campañas pueden modificarse instantáneamente para adaptarse mejor a las necesidades del público objetivo.


Esta investigación es única ya que ofrece una nueva y alternativa forma de medir la eficiencia, además de los ratios clásicos de los modelos de pago en la publicidad digital que combinan clics e impresiones, en un sector en el que hay pocos estudios empíricos. Además, puede aplicarse fácilmente a muchos otros sectores en organizaciones públicas y privadas.

Publication date: 1 July 2005

Bartolomé Dey´‐Tortella, Luis R. Gomez‐Mejía, Julio O. de Castro and Robert M. Wiseman

Agency theoretic models have been used in the past to justify the use of stock options as an effective incentive alignment mechanism to create a common fate between principals and…



Agency theoretic models have been used in the past to justify the use of stock options as an effective incentive alignment mechanism to create a common fate between principals and agents. In this paper, we use behavioral theory to reach the opposite conclusion – namely, that the design characteristics of the typical stock option plan foster perverse incentives for loss‐averse agents, leading to decisions with detrimental consequences for principals. We also consider alternative stock option designs and other equity‐based executive compensation plans and argue that they may suffer from the same problems as traditional stock option plans – namely, that loss‐averse executives will try to protect the endowed value of that equity through self‐serving decisions that do not enhance shareholder wealth.


Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, vol. 3 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1536-5433


Publication date: 3 August 2020

Fatemeh Mohammadi, Hamid Reza Yazdani, Mona Jami Pour and Morteza Soltani

The purpose of this study is to organize and analyze the existing literature on co-creation in tourism to identify the state-of-the-art studies and the research gap in this field.




The purpose of this study is to organize and analyze the existing literature on co-creation in tourism to identify the state-of-the-art studies and the research gap in this field.


As the research questions seek to provide an overview of the studies in the available literature, the systematic mapping study (SMS) has been selected as the research method. A suitable mapping study method for analyzing and structuring a broad research field concerning methods, designs and research focuses on the existing publications. In total, 137 articles published during 2006–2019 in reliable academic databases such as Science Direct, Emerald, Scopus, Wiley, ProQuest, Sage, Web of Science and Taylor and Francis were selected and analyzed.


The results show a rising trend of published articles in tourism, with the maximum number published in 2019 and the minimum number in 2006. Also, analysis of input articles revealed that most of the studies focused on the antecedents and prerequisites for co-creation and paid less attention to the co-creation context. Other findings show that in the field of tourism, the hospitality sector, especially hotels have paid special attention to co-creation. The majority of papers were the empirical type with quantitative design. Furthermore, most studies used the survey method, while the case study and other methods were the next choices.


This study addresses a major research gap by summarizing the literature related to value co-creation with a specific focus on tourism using the SMS method that provides an overview of the studies in this field. Categorizing papers through SMS helps researchers to review the status of studies in a visual summary to identify gaps and directions for future research.



这项制图研究的目的是组织和分析有关旅游业共同创造的现有文献, 以识别最新研究和该领域的研究差距


由于研究问题旨在提供现有文献中的研究概述, 因此已选择系统制图研究(SMS)作为研究方法。用于分析和构建涉及方法, 设计和研究的广泛研究领域的合适的映射研究方法着眼于现有出版物。选择并分析了2006-2019年在可靠的学术数据库中发表的137篇文章, 这些数据库包括Science Direct, Emerald, Scopus, Wiley, ProQuest, Sage, Web of Science和Taylor&Francis


结果显示旅游业发表的文章呈上升趋势, 2019年发表的文章最多, 而2006年发表的最少。对投入文章的分析显示, 大多数研究集中于共同创造和付费的先决条件和先决条件较少关注共创环境。其他发现表明, 在旅游领域, 酒店业尤其是酒店业特别重视共同创造。大多数论文是经验性的, 带有定量设计。此外, 大多数研究使用调查方法, 而案例研究和其他方法是下一个选择。 原创性/价值–本研究通过总结与价值共创相关的文献来解决一个主要的研究空白, 其中特别关注旅游业, 使用SMS方法对该领域的研究进行了概述。通过SMS对论文进行分类有助于研究人员以直观的摘要查看研究状态, 从而找出差距和未来研究的方向。 

Propósito del artículo

El propósito de este estudio de cartográfico es organizar y analizar los artículos existentes sobre la co-creación en la industria del turismo a fin de identificar los últimos estudios y la brecha de investigación en este campo.


El método de Estudio de Mapeo Sistemático (SMS) ha sido seleccionado como método de investigación debido a que el objeto de los temas cuestionados en este estudio es proporcionar una visión general en cuanto a las investigaciones hechas hasta hoy. El método de estudio de mapeo, centrándose en las publicaciones existentes, es un método adecuado para analizar y estructurar un amplio campo de investigación sobre maneras, diseños e investigaciones. Se seleccionaron y analizaron 137 artículos publicados durante los años 2006–2019 en bases de datos académicas confiables como Science Direct, Emerald, Scopus, Wiley, ProQuest, Sage, Web of Science y Taylor & Francis.


Los resultados muestran una tendencia al alza de los artículos publicados sobre el turismo, con el número máximo publicado en el año 2019 y el número mínimo en 2006. Además, el análisis de los artículos existentes en las bases, reveló que la mayoría de los estudios se han centrado en los antecedentes y requisitos previos para la co-creación y se ha enfocado menos en el concepto de co-creación. Otros hallazgos muestran que en el campo del turismo y la hostelería, se ha prestado especial atención a la co-creación. La mayoría de los trabajos eran de tipo empírico con diseño cuantitativo. Asimismo, la mayoría de los estudios han utilizado el método de encuesta, mientras que el estudio monográfico y otros métodos han sido las siguientes opciones.


Resumiendo los artículos relacionados con la creación conjunta de valores, con un enfoque específico en la industria del turismo, y utilizando el método SMS que proporciona una visión general de los estudios en este campo, este estudio aborda una brecha de investigación importante. La categorización de documentos usando el método SMS ayuda a los investigadores a revisar el estado de los estudios en un resumen visual para identificar vacíos y direcciones para futuras investigaciones.

1 – 10 of 37