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Book part
Publication date: 4 December 2023

Timothy J. Landrum, Lauren W. Collins and Bryan G. Cook

In this chapter, we consider the complexity of issues associated with violence in schools and provide an overview of this 33rd volume of Advances in Learning and Behavioral


In this chapter, we consider the complexity of issues associated with violence in schools and provide an overview of this 33rd volume of Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities. We begin with a brief consideration of the nature and definitions of violence as it manifests in schools and then consider three broad areas addressed by the chapters in this volume. First, we consider bullying and the bullying dynamic, including cyberbullying, and the intersection of bullying and students with disabilities. Next, we address the extraordinarily difficult topic of school shootings, including whether and how we can predict, prevent, and respond to school shootings. Finally, we consider more broadly advances in building a more positive school climate and sense of community and creating safer schools generally. In all of these, we acknowledge the challenges of understanding the complexity and multiple causes of school violence, and the apparent rise in many forms of violence in schools, but conclude with thoughts on the positive avenues identified by authors in this volume for ways we might better support children and youth in both preventing violence and responding to it in appropriate, supportive ways.


Issues Around Violence in Schools
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83797-624-9


Book part
Publication date: 4 December 2023

Lauren W. Collins, Timothy J. Landrum and Chris A. Sweigart

Despite long-standing evidence that the use of exclusionary discipline practices is both ineffective and even potentially harmful, these policies continue to be used in…


Despite long-standing evidence that the use of exclusionary discipline practices is both ineffective and even potentially harmful, these policies continue to be used in educational settings across the country. In this chapter, we discuss the problems associated with exclusionary discipline, with an emphasis on zero tolerance approaches. We begin our discussion with a brief history of the origin of zero tolerance policies, a presentation of data that contradict the effectiveness of such policies, and examples of the continued and egregious application of this exclusionary approach. We discuss problems of disproportionality associated with the use of zero tolerance policies, including how this approach exacerbates learning problems for students with and at risk for disabilities, especially if that risk is related to emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). We conclude by offering alternatives to a zero tolerance approach in the form of positive and preventative approaches for improving student behavior across various levels of intensity within a tiered system of support framework.

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Book part
Publication date: 4 December 2023



Issues Around Violence in Schools
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83797-624-9

Book part
Publication date: 30 November 2018

Timothy J. Landrum and Lauren W. Collins

In this chapter, we consider a number of issues that impact or are related to the identification and promotion of evidence-based practice (EBP) for students with emotional and…


In this chapter, we consider a number of issues that impact or are related to the identification and promotion of evidence-based practice (EBP) for students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). Specifically, we offer (1) a brief overview of issues related to identifying EBP in special education generally; (2) some considerations about the prospects of identifying evidence-based practice for students with EBD in particular; (3) a discussion of the various sources from which information on EBPs can be drawn, and the issues and challenges associated with the search for EBPs; and (4) suggestions regarding reasonable expectations for practitioners in search of EBPs. We conclude with a discussion of several questions that must be addressed to ensure positive strides toward making EBPs available to practitioners in impactful ways for students with EBD.

Book part
Publication date: 29 June 2016

Lauren W. Collins and Lysandra Cook

The use of verbal reinforcement has longstanding support in encouraging desired student responses. For students with learning and behavioral disabilities, the use of verbal…


The use of verbal reinforcement has longstanding support in encouraging desired student responses. For students with learning and behavioral disabilities, the use of verbal reinforcement through behavior specific praise (BSP) and feedback are promising practices for improving academic and behavioral outcomes. While these strategies are relatively straightforward to implement, they are often applied inappropriately. Thus, specific guidelines should be followed to ensure that BSP and feedback are used effectively. The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of BSP and feedback related specifically to students with learning and behavioral disabilities, provide theoretical and empirical support for these practices, offer research-based recommendations for implementation, and identify common errors to avoid.


Instructional Practices with and without Empirical Validity
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78635-125-8


Book part
Publication date: 4 December 2023

Jessica B. Koslouski, Kristabel Stark and Sandra M. Chafouleas

School violence can cause or exacerbate individual and collective trauma. Trauma-informed school approaches offer schools and educators guidance for how to respond. In this…


School violence can cause or exacerbate individual and collective trauma. Trauma-informed school approaches offer schools and educators guidance for how to respond. In this chapter, we provide an overview of trauma-informed school approaches and their contributions to healing individual and collective trauma. We begin this chapter by addressing the complex intersection of disability and trauma, and the unique implications of school-based violence for students with disabilities and their teachers. We then define trauma-informed care, describe current short- and long-term trauma-informed school approaches, and explain the aims of these approaches at individual and collective levels. Next, we locate trauma-informed responses to school violence in a context of systemic trauma and share considerations for disrupting the systemic conditions that perpetuate trauma and school violence. We discuss critiques of the trauma-informed care movement and conclude with recommendations for scholars pursuing research in this area.

Book part
Publication date: 4 December 2023

Gregory J. Benner, Sean Slade, Lisa Strycker and Erica O. Lee

The Whole Child Initiative (WCI) was developed over the past 15 years as a blueprint to promote long-term development and success of all children, as well as their families and…


The Whole Child Initiative (WCI) was developed over the past 15 years as a blueprint to promote long-term development and success of all children, as well as their families and communities. This chapter describes three aspects of the WCI model: (a) the need for a public health approach to sustainable, communitywide change targeting the whole child; (b) a clear, future-oriented vision for equipping educators, caregivers, and service providers with the skills and attitudes required to deliver high-quality instruction; and (c) the infusion of social and emotional learning practices to transform environments in which youth live and play. We provide examples of how schools, communities, and families can come together to create a common culture fostering stable and nurturing relationships essential for enhancing youth well-being. We close with recommended “super strategies” – low-cost, simple, and effective practices that can be broadly implemented to keep every child healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged in the community at large.

Book part
Publication date: 4 December 2023

Amanda B. Nickerson, Stephen E. Brock and Katherine V. Margiotta

In response to a critical need for uniform school crisis preparedness and response efforts across districts, the National Association of School Psychologists developed PREPaRE, a…


In response to a critical need for uniform school crisis preparedness and response efforts across districts, the National Association of School Psychologists developed PREPaRE, a model and training curriculum aimed to equip school-based professionals to engage in comprehensive school crisis prevention and intervention practices. The PREPaRE acronym stands for: Prevent/Prepare for psychological trauma; Reaffirm physical health, security, and safety; Evaluate psychological trauma; Provide interventions (and) Respond to psychological needs; and Examine the effectiveness of prevention and intervention efforts. The model spans four crisis preparedness phases: Prevention, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery. This chapter provides a detailed overview of the development and structure of the PREPaRE model's core components and the organizational framework of the Incident Command System. It delineates elements of the basic school crisis response plan, assessment of mental health risk following a crisis event, and the provision of crisis interventions within a multitiered system of support framework. Additionally, it summarizes ongoing effectiveness and implementation research used to evaluate and improve the model based on immediate training outcomes assessed through pre and postmeasures and training transfer to applied school contexts. Implications for research and public policy regarding school safety and crisis prevention and intervention, as well as the future of PREPaRE curriculum development, are discussed.

Book part
Publication date: 4 December 2023

Dewey Cornell

Behavioral threat assessment and intervention is a violence prevention strategy that has become widely used in US schools. Instead of relying on a zero tolerance disciplinary…


Behavioral threat assessment and intervention is a violence prevention strategy that has become widely used in US schools. Instead of relying on a zero tolerance disciplinary approach that often leads to school exclusion of students with disabilities, schools can use a multidisciplinary threat assessment team to assess the seriousness and context of a student's behavior and identify appropriate interventions and supports. This process is especially valuable for students with disabilities who are identified as threatening violence. This chapter describes an evidence-based model of threat assessment, the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG), 1 reviews some common misunderstandings of threat assessment, and presents a case example illustrating the value of threat assessment in preventing school exclusion, and provides services for a student with a disability.

Book part
Publication date: 4 December 2023

Chad A. Rose, Madison H. Imler and Jessica Cowley

The duality of online socialization can be examined by looking at the dynamic contrast between cyberbullying and online friendships. From the beginning of instant messaging to…


The duality of online socialization can be examined by looking at the dynamic contrast between cyberbullying and online friendships. From the beginning of instant messaging to what we know now as direct messaging, the impact of rapid and continuous interactions in online spaces can have a widespread impact on youth. As the landscape of technology and technological access continues to evolve, the virtual interactions that arise in daily life also evolve. Therefore, understanding the impact of these interactions becomes an increasing concern. This chapter evaluates the unique characteristics, and related reciprocity, of online friendships and cyberbullying by assessing the impact of online socialization on school-aged youth. Overall, by juxtaposing both cyberbullying and online friendships, this chapter aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complexities that increased online socialization can have on youth in a digital age.

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