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Publication date: 5 March 2018

Camelia Ilie and Guillermo Cardoza

Many studies have analyzed how gender diversity and local culture condition the cognitive styles of managers and affect decision-making processes in organizations. Gender…




Many studies have analyzed how gender diversity and local culture condition the cognitive styles of managers and affect decision-making processes in organizations. Gender diversity has been defended from an equality perspective; it has been argued to improve decision-making processes and to have a positive impact on companies’ return on investment. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the differences between the thinking styles of men and women, in Latin America and the USA that support decision-making processes. An argument is given in favor of gender diversity in management teams, because of its positive implications in decision making.


The measurement instrument used was the Neethling Brain Instrument, developed based on recent neuroscience discovery. The sample comprised 1,216 executives from the USA and several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, who have participated in executive training programs.


The results show differences in thinking styles by gender, but no differences were found in thinking styles or decision making between men and women at the same managerial level in either of the two regions. Similarly, results suggest that executives in the USA tend to base their management models on strategic thinking styles that focus on interpersonal relations and involve risk taking, while executives in Latin American countries tend to prefer thinking and management styles focusing on data analysis, execution, planning, and process control.


The results of the present study show that, in all regions, men score higher in rational thinking styles associated with the cortical areas, while women gravitate toward thinking styles where emotional schemes prevail, related to subcortical areas. These results could be useful for organizational leaders in charge of allocating roles and tasks to people, based on their thinking style strengths. The results can also be very valuable for Latin American organizations to design specific training and development programs for men and women accordingly with their individual needs and their managerial roles. They can also support the argument that diverse gender teams will guarantee complete decision-making processes.


Diversos estudios han analizado cómo la diversidad de género y las culturas locales condicionan los estilos cognitivos de los gerentes y afectan los procesos de toma de decisiones en las organizaciones. La diversidad de género se ha defendido desde una perspectiva de equidad y se ha argumentado que mejora los procesos de toma de decisiones e impacta positivamente en el retorno a las inversiones de las empresas. En el presente estudio se analizan las diferencias en los estilos de pensamiento entre hombres y mujeres en América Latina y Estados Unidos que sustentan los procesos de toma de decisiones en cada región y se argumenta en favor de la diversidad de género en los equipos gerenciales por sus implicaciones positivas en la toma de decisiones.


El instrumento de medición utilizado es el Neethling Brain Instrument (NBI) desarrollado con base en descubrimientos recientes en las neurociencias. La muestra está compuesta de 1216 ejecutivos de Estados Unidos y varios países de América Latina y el Caribe, participantes en programas de formación ejecutiva.


Los resultados muestran diferencias en los estilos de pensamientos según el género de los ejecutivos, pero no se encontraron diferencias en los estilos de pensamiento y la toma de decisiones entre hombres y mujeres para los mismos niveles gerenciales en las dos regiones. De igual manera, los resultados sugieren que los ejecutivos de Estados Unidos tienden a basar sus modelos de gestión en estilos de pensamiento estratégicos centrados en las relacionales interpersonales y que involucran toma de riesgos, mientras que los ejecutivos de los países latinoamericanos, suelen preferir los estilos de pensamiento y gestión enfocados en el análisis de datos, la ejecución, la planificación y el control de los procesos.


Los resultados del estudio muestran que en todas las regiones los hombres puntúan más alto en los estilos de pensamiento racionales asociados al ámbito cortical y las mujeres en los estilos de pensamiento donde tienden a prevalecer esquemas emocionales asociados a las áreas subcorticales. Estos resultados serían de utilidad para los líderes de las organizaciones responsables de asignar los roles y las tareas a las personas según sus fortalezas en estilos de pensamiento.

Publication date: 5 March 2018

Enrique Ogliastri, Carlos Pombo and Elvira Salgado

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the anniversary issue marking 30 years of academic publication.



The purpose of this paper is to introduce the anniversary issue marking 30 years of academic publication.


This anniversary issue contains 12 articles from 11 countries and 17 academic institutions which present literature reviews, meta-analyses, and novel studies. It also contains testimonials about the history of the journal from Enrique Ogliastri (Editor and/or Director between 1998 and 2018), Elvira Salgado (Editor between 2002 and 2013), and Carlos Pombo (Chief Editor, 2013 to the present).


The history of the journal may be divided into five stages: first, the foundation at the Universidad de Chile (1988-1998); second, the move to the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá) and the preparation of a proposal to the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) for inclusion among the scientific journals of the world (1999-2004); third, a period of consolidation in Latin America (2004-2007); fourth, the acceptance of the journal in ISI and the development of an electronic platform with free access to the journal (2008-2013); and fifth, the entry of the Emerald group as editorial partner (2013-2018).


The 12 articles present literature reviews, meta-analyzes, and novel studies.


El propósito de este editorial es presentar el tema del aniversario.


Se publican doce artículos provenientes de once países y 17 instituciones académicas. Se presentan los testimonios de Enrique Ogliastri (editor y/o director entre 1998 y 2018), Elvira Salgado (Editora entre 2002 y 2013), y Carlos Pombo (jefe editorial 2013-2018).


Se publican doce artículos provenientes de once países y 17 instituciones académicas. Se presentan los testimonios de Enrique Ogliastri (editor y/o director entre 1998 y 2018), Elvira Salgado (Editora entre 2002 y 2013), y Carlos Pombo (jefe editorial 2013-2018). La historia de la revista de CLADEA se podría dividir en cinco etapas: la fundación en la Universidad de Chile (1988-1998); pasó a cargo de la Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá), un período de puesta a punto para presentar al Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) la solicitud de ser analizada e incluida entre las revistas científicas del mundo (1999-2004); el período de consolidación en América Latina (2004-2007); la aceptación en ISI y el desarrollo de una plataforma electrónica de acceso libre a la revista (2008-2013); y el ingreso del grupo Emerald como socio editorial (2013-2018).


Los 12 artículos presentan revisiones de literatura, metanálisis y estudios novedosos

Book part
Publication date: 1 August 2019

Alina V. Chesnokova, Yulia I. Dubova, Tatiana N. Yudina and Olga I. Kontorovich

Purpose: The purpose of the chapter is to analyze the experience of managerial decisions in modern North American business systems, to develop an American model of decision making…


Purpose: The purpose of the chapter is to analyze the experience of managerial decisions in modern North American business systems, to develop an American model of decision making in modern business systems, to determine the possibilities of making of optimal decisions according to this model, and to substantiate the perspectives of its improvement.

Methodology: The authors use the methods of systemic, problem, and logical analysis, as well as modeling and formalization.

Conclusions: An American model of decision making in modern business systems is compiled – it is based on divisional organizational structure. This model is contradictory and, like other regional models, has advantages and drawbacks. On the one hand, an important advantage of the American model is making of well-balanced managerial decisions that conform to the interests of all interested parties in the business system (investors, management, employees) and beyond it (consumers, society). This advantage is achieved due to active and systemic marketing, which ensures the fullest consideration of the possibilities of business environment and high adaptability of business systems to its changes. Managers' readiness to take a risk allows them to make nonstandard decisions, thus strengthening the uniqueness and competitive advantages of the business system. On the other hand, high risk component of managerial decisions leads to unsustainable development of business systems in countries of North America and their strong susceptibility to internal and external crises. Another drawback of the American model of decision making in modern business systems is duration of this process due to necessity for consideration of opinions of all interested parties and marketing at all stages.

Originality/value: It is determined that in the conditions of crisis, the American model cannot ensure timely decision making, and this leads to their nonoptimality, which defines the perspectives of improving this model.


Specifics of Decision Making in Modern Business Systems
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78756-692-7


Publication date: 6 November 2017

Javier Jasso, Maria del Carmen Del Valle and Ismael Núñez

The purpose of this paper is to review the contributions of what has been established as Latin American thought, as science, technology, and innovation (STI) in Latin America have…



The purpose of this paper is to review the contributions of what has been established as Latin American thought, as science, technology, and innovation (STI) in Latin America have been strongly related to development.


The analysis method is based on the review of a group of Latin American and Latinoamericanista (Latin Americanist) authors who were selected on the basis of their contributions to the explanation and proposals of public policy related to STI. The following are some of the questions that guide the analysis. How much has STI in Latin American thought contributed to the development theory? Given the fact that there are other dominant mainstreams, can we say that Latin American thought is still relevant?


The main conclusion of this work is that Latin American thought is still applied to current Latin American development discussions. This can be proven by the creation of particular concepts and analytical frameworks such as structural heterogeneity, development styles, authentic and spurious competitiveness, Sabato’s Triangle, the centre-periphery model, and STI policy practices.


This paper gathered contributions and categorised them into three dimensions: state participation (intensity, composition), industrialisation as the impulse for development, and instruments and public policy actions that can be implemented or have already been implemented.


El propósito de este trabajo es el de reflexionar sobre algunas aportaciones provenientes de lo que hemos denominado pensamiento latinoamericano en relación con la innovación, la ciencia, la tecnología y su relación con el desarrollo.


El método de análisis se basa en la revisión de un conjunto de autores latinoamericanos y latinoamericanistas que hemos seleccionado con base en sus aportaciones para la explicación y sus propuestas de política pública en relación con la CTI. Algunas preguntas que guían nuestro análisis son las siguientes: ¿en qué medida el pensamiento latinoamericano en CTI ha contribuido a la teoría del desarrollo? y ¿dada la existencia de otros enfoques que predominan como pensamiento único, podemos hablar de una vigencia del pensamiento latinoamericano?


La principal conclusión de nuestro trabajo es que hay un pensamiento latinoamericano vigente que ha sido y aún es un referente actual para la discusión del desarrollo en la región latinoamericana, como lo muestran la creación de conceptos y esquemas analíticos como los de heterogeneidad estructural, estilos de desarrollo, la competitividad auténtica y espuria, el Triángulo de Sábato, centro-periferia, así como estrategias de política en CTI.


Como parte del marco analítico hemos agrupado al conjunto de aportaciones en tres direcciones: a) la participación del Estado (intensidad, composición); b) la industrialización como impulso al desarrollo y c) los instrumentos y medidas de política pública a implementar o que han sido implementados.

Publication date: 23 August 2013

Ana María Lucia‐Casademunt, J. Antonio Ariza‐Montes and Alfonso Carlos Morales‐Gutiérrez†

Employee well‐being (WB) is a strategic reference of prime importance due to its impact on human capital, employee health and quality in working life, factors that are key to…




Employee well‐being (WB) is a strategic reference of prime importance due to its impact on human capital, employee health and quality in working life, factors that are key to achieving successful organisations. The purpose of the current study is to assess the WB of female managers in the European workplace. The research analyses three dimensions (job satisfaction, comfort and enthusiasm) and the effect of job‐related factors on each one of these.


The Mental Health and Vitamin models (Warr, 1987) were taken as the starting‐point of the research. An alternative econometric method – an artificial neural network known as extreme learning machine was applied to a sample of 99 female managers collected from the 5th European Working Conditions Survey‐2010


The results obtained confirm that this methodology is valid to efficiently classify European female managers into those who feel satisfied with their jobs, calm and relaxed, and cheerful and in good spirits, and those who do not. Furthermore, the resulting model identifies the strongest factors important in determining the varied dimensions of occupational WB achieved.


Even today, despite the important contribution women managers make to the management of organisations, they have to face many challenges and overcome serious barriers in achieving and staying in positions of leaderships when compared to their male counterparts.


El bienestar laboral constituye un referente estratégico de primer orden por su impacto sobre el capital humano – salud y calidad de vida laboral de los empleados –, en aras de alcanzar organizaciones exitosas. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar el bienestar laboral a partir de sus tres dimensiones (satisfacción, confort y entusiasmo) de las mujeres que ocupan puestos de dirección en Europa y el efecto de ciertos factores laborales.


Se adopta como punto de partida los modelos teóricos de salud mental y vitamínico (Warr, 1987), aplicando un método econométrico novedoso – redes neuronales artificiales –, a una muestra de 99 mujeres directivas extraída de la V Encuesta Europea de Condiciones de Trabajo (2010).


Los resultados obtenidos confirman la validez de esta novedosa metodología para clasificar eficazmente a las mujeres directivas que presentan un elevado grado de bienestar laboral. Por otra parte, con el modelo resultante se identifican los factores más determinantes para el logro de cada una de las dimensiones que constituyen el bienestar laboral.


Las mujeres directivas, quienes a pesar de lo mucho que tienen que aportar en la gestión de las organizaciones, aún hoy encuentran que su acceso y permanencia en los puestos de dirección está colmado de desafíos y barreras difíciles de superar en comparación con sus homólogos masculinos.

Publication date: 14 June 2023

Rosa Hendijani and Mohammad Milad Ahmadi

Individual differences cause many differences in human behaviour, and the first source of these differences is personality. In various organisations, employees are encouraged to…



Individual differences cause many differences in human behaviour, and the first source of these differences is personality. In various organisations, employees are encouraged to manage conflict through conflict management styles. The way people think can be an essential factor in their ability to conflict management. Difficult employees are individuals who constantly use problematic communication styles to express their feelings and thoughts to direct the behaviour of others. This empirical study aims to investigate the effect of thinking styles on individuals’ conflict management in dealing with difficult personalities.


To achieve the research purpose, a gamified situation was designed, and a survey was performed in laboratory settings and on an online platform. At first, participants’ reactions were measured in the simulated conflict management situation dealing with difficult personalities; subsequently, the dominant thinking style of participants was measured by the rational-experiential inventory (REI) and the cognitive reflection test. At the end, participants answered a series of demographic questions.


The collected data were then analysed by regression analysis. Based on the findings of this study, the rational thinking measured by the REI40 has a significant and positive effect on the performance of individuals in conflict management with difficult personalities in an organisational context; in other words, rational thinking leads to better performance in conflict management than experiential thinking.


The value of this article lies in the direct study of the impact of thinking styles on conflict management, which was done by focusing on difficult organisational personalities. Also, using gamification in research design is another research initiative.


International Journal of Organizational Analysis, vol. 32 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1934-8835


Book part
Publication date: 3 February 2015

Yvonne S. Freeman and Alma D. Rodríguez

The authors explain their approach to teaching literatura infantil (children’s literature) in Spanish to bilingual teachers pursuing their master’s degree in bilingual education…


The authors explain their approach to teaching literatura infantil (children’s literature) in Spanish to bilingual teachers pursuing their master’s degree in bilingual education at a university in South Texas. In this Self-Study of Teacher Education Practice (S-STEP) research, the authors investigated how teachers can transform their practice and come to value their students’ abilities to interpret literature. They engaged the teachers in projects using quality children’s literature. The projects were carried out by graduate inservice teachers teaching Spanish/English bilingual students studying at different grade levels. Some teachers taught along the Texas/Mexico border and others taught in a large metropolitan school district in central Texas. The authors used their analysis of the inservice teachers’ projects as data to inform their own practice as teacher educators. In the first project, the bilingual teachers engaged their students in exploratory talk that allowed them to bring their backgrounds and experiences into discussions of what they read. The second project challenged the teachers to consider the importance of the images in high-quality illustrated children’s books. The teachers asked their students to read the images and expand their understanding of the books by considering more than the words in the texts. In the final project, the teachers guided their students through Ada’s stages of creative dialogue using children’s literature. The authors describe the projects in detail and give examples from four different teachers showing what they learned about teaching children’s literature and how they changed their perspectives about what their emergent bilingual students could do. Although only four teachers are highlighted, they are representative of students taking the course and engaging in the projects over three different semesters.


Research on Preparing Inservice Teachers to Work Effectively with Emergent Bilinguals
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78441-494-8


Publication date: 4 January 2021

Pablo Toro-Blanco

This paper aims to explore the construction of social imaginaries of fear by the Chilean press regarding student violence during the 1968 university reforming process. Using an…



This paper aims to explore the construction of social imaginaries of fear by the Chilean press regarding student violence during the 1968 university reforming process. Using an approach inspired by the history of emotions, the primary purpose is to analyze the discourse of two relevant conservative newspapers with national circulation about students' mobilization.


The research rests on the analysis of content in the discourse of the two more representative right-wing Chilean newspapers (El Mercurio and El Diario Ilustrado). Founded in the early years of the 20th century, both had national circulations and were a part of a tradition in the history of the Chilean 20th-century national press. Through the analysis of a selection of editorials and news regarding students' mobilization during 1968, with a focus on the experience of the most prominent institution (Universidad de Chile), this research highlights similarities and differences in the ways that both media endeavoured to elaborate social imaginaries of menace and fear regarding student movements.


Through the study of the discourse of traditional newspapers, it is possible to identify critical issues concerning the university student movements' purposes to implement breaking (and occasionally violent) methods to carry out the reforms that they promoted, according to the right-wing press. Against this backdrop, the different importance of an anti-communist component is discernible, typical of the Cold War period, in the (political and emotional) arguments of the newspapers under analysis.


This article proposes an interpretation that intertwines a local phenomenon (the reformist movement of the University of Chile) with a global one (the May student revolution of 1968). It also establishes a novel approach by linking, through its approach, yet traditional concepts of social and cultural analysis (the idea of social imaginaries) with a new emphasis on social science and humanities (emotional dimensions).


History of Education Review, vol. 51 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0819-8691


Publication date: 8 February 2021

Silvia Méndez-Govea, Celia Mireles-Cárdenas and Javier Tarango

This paper aims to confirm the importance of developing knowledge, skills and attitudes in the permanent use of digital scientific information, which complements the training of…



This paper aims to confirm the importance of developing knowledge, skills and attitudes in the permanent use of digital scientific information, which complements the training of professionals in the biomedical and health areas, considering that this type of user communities require up-to-date and truthful information for future decision-making which will directly affect the health of patients.


The study started from the elaboration of a diagnosis on learning styles in a student community at the undergraduate level in the area of biomedical and health sciences of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (Mexico) (UASLP), through the application of the Honey-Alonso Learning Styles questionnaire (CHAEA), and by using such results it was possible to derive learning strategies for the achievement of digital information competencies that were effective in practice.


According to the diagnostic results, the learning styles with the greatest presence in students in the area of Biomedical and Health Sciences were identified and from this, precise didactic strategies were derived to enhance information skills in the use of digital sources. For this case, the Big6 Model was used and its implementation was combined (face-to-face and virtual) in the academic community studied, integrating an information skills development program in the digital library of the Center for Information in Biomedical Sciences (CICBI) from the university itself.


A practical experience is presented, which also offered concrete solutions, based on particular characteristics of the users. There is a low presence of studies of digital libraries’ users that consider aspects related to learning styles, especially applied from the perspective of information sciences and the digital library.


Digital Library Perspectives, vol. 37 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2059-5816


Publication date: 20 August 2024

María-Ángeles Chaparro-Domínguez, Victoria Moreno-Gil and Ruth Rodríguez-Martínez

Given the considerable challenges posed by disinformation to both society and journalism, how do news media outlets in Hispanic America and Spain address this pervasive global…



Given the considerable challenges posed by disinformation to both society and journalism, how do news media outlets in Hispanic America and Spain address this pervasive global phenomenon? The purpose of this study is to evaluate the extent to which these outlets embrace recommendations from academic, professional and institutional spheres for countering false contents.


A qualitative content analysis was used using variables linked to transparency, verification and potential errors incurred. This study comprehensively analyses the ethical codes of 34 digital native outlets spanning 12 Hispanic American countries (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela), as well as Spain.


The key findings reveal significant variations in adherence to the recommended guidelines. Particularly striking is the disparity between compliance with transparency and verification compared to notably higher adherence to measure aimed at rectifying errors. This exploratory study paves the way for further research on additional countries.


Ethical codes are a fundamental instrument of media accountability. Nevertheless, their utility in the fight against misinformation has barely been addressed. This study is pioneering in the field of disinformation and ethical codes within digital native media outlets in Hispanic America and Spain.


Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1477-996X


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