Innovation & Management Review , Open Access
Issue(s) available: 28 – From Volume: 15 Issue: 1, to Volume: 21 Issue: 4

Volume 19
How does research and development intensity influence the performance of firms through different stages in product life cycle?
Dan LiIt is widely acknowledged that the ability of a firm to develop and exploit their innovative capabilities is a critical determinant that maintains their competitive advantage. The…
How do the barriers that prevent or hinder the applicability of artificial intelligence impact its use in an insurance company
Edval da Silva Tavares, Michel Leardini, Marcelo Schneck de Paula PessoaThe purpose of this paper is to report on how the barriers that prevent or hinder the applicability of artificial intelligence (AI) impact its use in an insurance company.
Innovation potential scale (IPS): construction and validity evidence of a measure for the work context
Gustavo Henrique Silva de Souza, Nilton Cesar Lima, Fernanda Cristina Barbosa Pereira Queiroz, Rafael Farias Gonçalves, Jamerson Viegas QueirozThis article aims to develop a measure that assesses and maps the behaviors and traits of an individual with potential for innovation in the work context. To do so, it gathers…
The nexus between management control systems, firm performance, green innovation and social media networking in Indonesian real estate companies
Ida Farida, Doddy SetiawanThis study aims to explore the correlation between Management Control Systems, Green Innovation, Social Media Networks, and Company Performance in medium-sized construction and…
2515-8961Online date, start – end:
2018Journal’s owner:
Departamento de Administração Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade Universidade de São Paulo – FEA/USP(opens new window)Open Access:
open accessEditor:
- Moacir de Miranda Oliveira Junior