Open House International
Issue(s) available: 81 – From Volume: 30 Issue: 1, to Volume: 50 Issue: 1

Urban regeneration and community participation: a critical review of project-based research
Eun Joo Park, Eunki Kang, Yoon-jeong ShinThis study explores how sustainable community participation can be fostered in urban regeneration projects, particularly focusing on improving stakeholder engagement and ensuring…
Optimizing building performance through the integration of electrochromic glass technology in building facades: a simulation-based study of an office building in Cairo, Egypt
Eslam Mohamed MoraekipThe built environment enhances quality of life, prompting architects and engineers to explore innovative technologies for improving building performance. Electrochromic (EC) glass…
A geometry-based decomposition method for energy prediction in early design stages of residential buildings
İbrahim Agah Taştemir, Erdem Koymen, Enes YasaThe purpose of the study is to develop a geometry-based energy estimation method for surrogate and metamodels to be used in the early design phase of buildings.
A case on energy retrofitting interventions in a heritage building
Ebru Ulaş Sariaydin, Hicran Hanım HalaçThis study examines the adaptation to future climate conditions of energy retrofitting measures, the performance of which is considered to be effective today. It is aimed to…
Post-occupancy evaluation: an expert-user-oriented model proposal based on key sustainability indicators
Izzettin Kutlu, İrem Bekar, Ruşen ErgünThe user-oriented reusing of historical heritages is a powerful planning strategy to increase sustainability and provide socioeconomic benefits for cities. The study aims to…
Developing a tool for meeting children’s needs through biophilic design: a combined approach of the Biophilia Interview and Connection to Nature Index – theoretical study
Amira Fawzi Ghanem, Mona Mohamed Aggour, Marwa Kamal FahmyNature and biophilic design have received widespread attention in architecture. There has been a need for a new concept of sustainability that includes the interrelationship…
Crafting an urban restorative model from bibliometric analysis of neuro-urbanism literature
Mirame Elsayed, Abeer Elshater, Dina Shehayeb, Samy AfifiNeuro-urbanism is an emerging field focused on addressing global urban challenges by examining the impact of urban living on stress levels and mental well-being. The restorative…
The modern house: conservation and (re)use through the narrative approach
Nadin Augustiniok, Ayça ÖzmenThis paper acknowledges the limitations of conventional heritage conservation, where the reuse of iconic modern houses as museums or exhibits often sacrifices their original…
Enhancements in design education by integrating advanced learning technologies (AR/VR) in architectural schools
Nazgol HafiziThis study’s main goal is to assess how augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies affect the architectural design process in a learning environment. Enhancing…
University campuses’ location-allocation: a case study of Egypt with insights from the Japanese context
Ahmed M.S. Mohammed, Tetsuya UkaiThis paper aims to identify the most suitable location for a university campus in Egypt based on governorates’ social needs by employing the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The…
Poverty-free urbanism: six qualitative normative factors and 36 procedures for measuring urban poverty from a deprivation perspective
Abeer Elshater, Hisham AbusaadaThis review article advocates for a holistic approach to interpreting and addressing urban poverty through the proposal of “poverty-free urbanism” (PFU). By introducing PFU as a…
Exploring cognitive and syntactic dimensions in a healthcare environment affecting the spatial perceptions of paediatric inpatients
Nevset Gul Canakcioglu, Alper UnluThe primary objective of this study is to investigate the cognitive aspects of spatial experiences of paediatric inpatients who receive long-term treatment in a healthcare setting…
Navigating urban sustainability: balancing livability, smartness, services and environment through AHP analysis
Ahmed O. El-Kholei, Ghada Yassein, Ibrahim Sedky RizkallahSustainable urban development involves integrating intelligent technology into urban planning to promote economic growth, social services, and environmental preservation. It…
The impact of street-based transitional edges on the urban social environment: systematic review from the last decade
Xiao He, Marek Kozlowski, Norsidah Ujang, Yue MaThis study aims to explore the role of urban streets as transitional edges in coordinating socio-spatial interactions within the urban environment. It will focus on how streets…
A spatial scientometric analysis of urban planning publications from 2010–2020: geographic disparities in urban planning knowledge production
Yasmein Okour, Kawthar Alrayyan, Roa’a ZidanThis paper analyzes and illustrates the spatial distribution of publications in international urban planning journals from 2010 to 2020.
Traditional urban forms in contemporary cities: morphological analysis of the traditional Iranian bazaars in present-day cities
Ayda Rastiemadabadi, Joaquín Sabaté Bel, Melisa Pesoa MarcillaThis study aims to explore the relationship between contemporary cities and traditional urban forms. The central focus lies in identifying the key factors that facilitate the…
Adaptive changes to Korean vernacular houses in Northeast China: the influence of changing family patterns on spatial capacity
Haoying Li, Ming LiThis study explores the spatial adaptive changes to different ancestral origins of Korean vernacular houses in Northeastern China and discusses the influence of changing family…
Modeling the critical barrier factors to hindering sustainable construction: sampling the Turkish construction industry
Gulden Gumusburun Ayalp, Yusuf Berkay MetinalConsidering the construction industry’s vital role in economic development and social consequences, this study seeks to pinpoint critical barriers hindering Turkey’s sustainable…
Modelling eco-friendly smart home appliances’ adoption intention from the perspective of residents: a comparative analysis of PLS-SEM and fsQCA
Razib Chandra Chanda, Ali Vafaei-Zadeh, Haniruzila Hanifah, T. RamayahThis research aims to explore the factors influencing the adoption intention of eco-friendly smart home appliances among residents in densely populated urban areas of a developing…
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2005Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr. Chaham Alalouch
- Prof. Yonca Hurol