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Publication date: 10 November 2014

Hoan Thanh Phan and Young Ji Jeong

The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the patterns and determinants of intra-industry trade (IIT) in manufactures between Korea and selected ASEAN countries in…




The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the patterns and determinants of intra-industry trade (IIT) in manufactures between Korea and selected ASEAN countries in the period of 1997-2011.


The effects of country-specific determinants of IIT in manufactures are examined using panel data approach.


The results show that the IIT of Korea-ASEAN manufactures is positively correlated with the average income levels and foreign direct investment inflow, while it is negatively correlated with the differences in factor endowments between Korea and selected partners. Overall, market size, income dissimilarity and factor endowments are indicated as most relevant determinants of IIT in manufactures between Korea and ASEAN countries.


Despites the importance of Korea-ASEAN IIT, studies on this subject are limited. This paper examines the pattern and determinants of IIT and its components in Korea-ASEAN manufactured trade. The paper also suggests the policy implications for the development of IIT between two parties.


Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 41 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0144-3585


Open Access
Publication date: 31 December 2011

Ji-Young Park, Jung Ung Min and Jeong Soo Park

Though logistics security only took care of trading phase in the past, many countries in the world have begun to introduce logistics security system as its coverage has been…


Though logistics security only took care of trading phase in the past, many countries in the world have begun to introduce logistics security system as its coverage has been extended from production stage to delivery at the final destination. Logistics security system has become indispensable element for global corporations involved in international trading and studies on logistics security keep going on. Most of the studies, however, are focused on discussion of system, cost and influence of logistics security and few of them have been specifically dealing with substantial effectiveness thereof. This study developed the models of supply chain security activities and their outcome by means of using Balanced Scorecard (BCS) which is a well known performance indicator to identify relationship between supply chain security activities and their accomplishment. In this study we have presented 8 supply chain frameworks, human resources management, information system management, facilities/freight management, security process, crisis management capability, relationship with partners, sharing of logistics information and logistics security accomplishment, with reference to standards of C-TPAT and AEO based on WCO framework, 10 supply chain security capabilities. This study further indicates that relationship with partners has more effect on logistics security accomplishment than sharing of logistic information. Just as relationship between corporations in chain of supply and sharing of information among them are important elements in management of supply chain, relationship with partners and sharing of logistic information will have positive effect on supply chain security accomplishment and raise its effectiveness.


Journal of International Logistics and Trade, vol. 9 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1738-2122


Publication date: 14 November 2016

Nicolla Confos and Teresa Davis

This paper aims to examine branding strategies directed at child consumers, used by six high fat, sugar and salt food brands across three different digital marketing platforms. It…




This paper aims to examine branding strategies directed at child consumers, used by six high fat, sugar and salt food brands across three different digital marketing platforms. It identifies brand relationship building potential in this digital context.


This study analyses the contents of branded mobile phone applications, branded websites (including advergames) and branded Facebook sites to understand the nature of young consumer–brand relationship strategies that marketers are developing in this digital media marketing environment.


The use of sophisticated integrated branding strategies in immersive online media creates the potential for marketers to build relationships between young consumers and brands at an interactive, direct and social level not seen in traditional media. Categories of relationships and brand tactics are identified as outcomes of this analysis and linked to brand relationship building potential.

Research limitations/implications

The results suggest that branded communication strategies that food companies use in the online environment are creating conditions that appeal to young consumers, fostering new ways to build brand relationships. As this is a dynamic medium in a fluid state of change, this exploratory study identifies and categorises the marketing strategy, but not the young consumers’ response to such branding strategies (a limitation).


This study details the potential for child–brand relationship building in the context of online branding environments. It identifies the potential for longer-term effects of embedded advertising directly to young consumers, within and across three digital media platforms.


European Journal of Marketing, vol. 50 no. 11
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0309-0566


Publication date: 12 November 2021

Tao Yi, Yao Dong and Jizu Li

Under the de-capacity circumstances of coal production in China, the purpose of this paper is to examine the processes underlying the association between job insecurity (JI) and…



Under the de-capacity circumstances of coal production in China, the purpose of this paper is to examine the processes underlying the association between job insecurity (JI) and miners’ safety performance, proposing that resource consumption is a prominent theoretical explanation for this association. By developing a mediation model, the authors examined the mediating role of emotional exhaustion (EE) between JI and miners’ safety performance.


Through the time-lagged survey method, the authors collected 349 samples from three coal mines in Shanxi Lu’an Group, the hypotheses were tested through confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation model analysis and bootstrapping in AMOS software.


Results shed light on that JI negatively predicts the safety performance subfactors, including safety compliance (SC) and safety participation (SP). EE plays a partial mediating role between JI and safety performance. In particular, the finding indicated that JI exerts a more significant impact on SP than SC, revealing that JI produces a more significant adverse effect on miners’ conscious safety behaviors than skill-based safety behaviors.


This study contributes to display the influence path of JI as a stressor on miners’ safety performance in the coal mine rather than a stimulus. The mediation model results not only help us understand the association between JI and safety performance but also provide a feasible way to mitigate the negative effects of JI.


Chinese Management Studies, vol. 16 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1750-614X


Publication date: 24 July 2019

Federico R. León and Oswaldo Morales

The purpose of this paper is to provide evidence on the role of tenure as a moderator of the effects of job insecurity (JI) and employability on turnover intentions and…



The purpose of this paper is to provide evidence on the role of tenure as a moderator of the effects of job insecurity (JI) and employability on turnover intentions and absenteeism and will demonstrate its importance in personnel research and theorization.


Data from a sample of client service representatives of a Peruvian call centre (n=268) were analysed. Tests of hypotheses targeted the intact group as a whole and divided into short (3–10 months), medium (11–14 months) and long job tenure groups (15–37 months).


Results of general linear models revealed that the effects of JI on turnover intention observed in the intact group were aligned with those seen within each of the tenure groups. However, this was not the case for the effects of JI on absenteeism or the effects of employability on turnover intention and absenteeism. A comparison of results of various regression models indicated that the effects of JI and employability on absenteeism differed in meaningful ways across the intact group and the tenure groups.

Research limitations/implications

The evidence does not reveal whether the observed differences stem from dynamic personnel selection processes or whether they express different relationships between the variables at various stages of an employee’s trajectory in an organization.

Practical implications

Human resource managers at call centres will be stimulated to re-evaluate the costs and benefits of promoting tenure, and journal editors will have to consider requesting the inclusion of tenure as a variable in studies focussing on organizations with high turnover.


This study is the first to prove that the effects of JI and employability on turnover intention and absenteeism vary across job tenure levels. It also shows the importance of addressing tenure in personnel research and theorization.


En este artículo se desea proporcionar evidencia sobre el rol de la antigüedad como moderador de los efectos de la inseguridad en el trabajo y la empleabilidad sobre las intenciones de irse y el ausentismo y demostrar su importancia en la teorización e investigación sobre el personal.


Se analizó datos de una muestra de representantes de servicios al cliente de un centro de llamadas peruano (n=268). Las pruebas de hipótesis abordaron al grupo intacto como un todo y dividido en grupos de antigüedad corta (3–10 meses), media (11–14 meses) y larga (15–37 meses).


Los resultados de modelos lineales generales revelaron que los efectos de la inseguridad en el trabajo sobre la intención de irse observados en el grupo intacto estaban alineados con aquellos vistos dentro de cada grupo de antigüedad. Sin embargo, este no era el caso de los efectos de la inseguridad en el trabajo sobre el ausentismo o los efectos de la empleabilidad sobre la intención de irse y el ausentismo. Una comparación de los resultados de varios modelos de regresión indicaron que los efectos de la inseguridad en el trabajo y la empleabilidad sobre el ausentismo diferían de manera significativa entre el grupo intacto y los grupos de antigüedad.

Limitaciones de la investigación

La evidencia no indica si las diferencias observadas provienen de procesos dinámicos de selección del personal o si expresan relaciones diferentes entre las variables en diversos momentos de la trayectoria del empleado en la organización.

Implicancias prácticas

Los gerentes de recursos humanos en centros de llamadas serán estimulados a reevaluar los costos y beneficios de promover la antigüedad y los editores de revistas científicas tendrán que considerar pedir la inclusión de la antigüedad como una variable en los estudios enfocados en organizaciones con altas tasas de rotación de personal.


Este estudio es el primero en demostrar que los efectos de la inseguridad en el trabajo y la empleabilidad sobre las intenciones de irse y el ausentismo varían a través de niveles de antigüedad del personal. También muestran la importancia de abordar la antigüedad en la teorización e investigación sobre el personal.


Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, vol. 32 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1012-8255


Publication date: 1 January 2000

JiYoung Ea Ruckman and Jeong‐Wha Kim

To assess the distortion in colour matching occurring in the process from design of a fabric to printed output, a combined objective and subjective measurement methodology was…


To assess the distortion in colour matching occurring in the process from design of a fabric to printed output, a combined objective and subjective measurement methodology was used. The results obtained from the spectrophotometer demonstrated that the hue and chroma of the printed copies differed from the originals. It was found that the perception of colour by fashion/textile designers mainly depends upon overall colour differences (▵E) rather than any individual factors such as lightness, chroma and hue.


Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, vol. 4 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1361-2026


Publication date: 4 November 2020

Yun Jeong Ro, Myunghyun Yoo, Yohan Koo and Ji Hoon Song

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between several perceptional and behavioral determinants of employees’ knowledge sharing. Based on the conceptual model…



The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between several perceptional and behavioral determinants of employees’ knowledge sharing. Based on the conceptual model of the current research, individuals’ learning orientation was theorized as playing a mediating role in the influences of employees’ satisfaction and organizational commitment on knowledge sharing in the Korean retail service industry.


To analyze variable relationships, a total of 868 cases, collected from the Korean retail service industry, were used. Structural equation modeling was used for analyzing structural influential relationships among the variables.


One of the most important findings is that learning orientation is the key factor influencing knowledge sharing. More specifically, the analysis demonstrated that job satisfaction and organizational commitment have a significant influence on knowledge sharing only through learning orientation in terms of its mediating effect. In other words, learning orientation is a facilitator enhancing knowledge sharing through motivation and intention. The findings of this study have theoretical implications. In addition, an individual’s job satisfaction and organizational commitment could lead to a more active learning orientation and eventually could enhance knowledge-sharing activities.

Practical implications

The findings show that learning orientation is the key factor influencing knowledge sharing. In other words, learning orientation is a facilitator enhancing knowledge sharing through motivation and intention. These findings provide practical implications for practitioners who attempt to promote knowledge sharing among employees.


Most studies have considered the variables of job satisfaction and employee commitment as outcome variables. However, in the research, this paper founds that satisfied and committed employees could be the most critical influencers for organization performance and knowledge improvement.


Industrial and Commercial Training, vol. 53 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0019-7858


Publication date: 28 February 2019

Ji Young Lee and Kim K.P. Johnson

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of four types of cause-related marketing (CRM) strategies on consumer responses to a fashion brand and to assess the…




The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of four types of cause-related marketing (CRM) strategies on consumer responses to a fashion brand and to assess the relative effectiveness of each.


An experiment was conducted with young adult consumers (n=344) and undergraduates (n=415). Using a between-subject design, each participant was randomly assigned to one of four CRM scenarios and completed a questionnaire.


Across all CRM conditions, the effect of CRM strategy on consumer responses (e.g. perceived brand distinctiveness/credibility/attractiveness, customer–brand identification, brand attitude, customer loyalty) was significant. The effect of corporate social responsibility image on perceived brand distinctiveness was strongest for cause-related event marketing, followed by cause-related experiential marketing, transaction-based CRM and sponsorship-linked marketing.

Practical implications

By providing information about the relative effectiveness of four types of CRM strategies, this research aids fashion marketers in their selection of the CRM strategy that generates the best performance. Adding an event component to their CRM activity would increase the effect of CRM strategies on consumer responses.


This research contributes to the extant literature on CRM by identifying types of CRM strategies, their relative effectiveness, and key variables (e.g., C–B identification) that explain the impact of CRM strategies on consumer responses.


Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, vol. 23 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1361-2026


Publication date: 29 November 2019

Younghee Noh, Ji-Yoon Ro and Dae-Keun Jeong

The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibilities of prioritizing tasks, actual sharing of libraries, collaboration policies and the directions via quantifying the…



The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibilities of prioritizing tasks, actual sharing of libraries, collaboration policies and the directions via quantifying the relative importance of services for each value based on users’ perceptions observed from in-depth analysis of the investigation results. Through this, the study expects that libraries will provide high – level the sharing economy services, reflecting users’ needs.


This study surveyed public library users across the country have through the survey method and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to examine the perceptions of users on the roles of libraries in the sharing economy’s environment to deduce the directions and priorities to activate the roles and functions of libraries in the era of the sharing economy.


The research results are as follow: first, public library users’ awareness of the concept of the sharing economy was low, but they observed a relation between the two concepts after understanding the concept of the sharing economy. Second, The users’ personal characteristics were observed to mostly affect knowledge information service, experience talent sharing, material sharing and space sharing. Lastly, the study sought to identify the relative importance (preference) of various library services which pursue the value of the sharing economy through AHP analysis method. The values of the sharing economy were preferred in the order of social>economic>technical>relational values which can be enumerated to convenience>knowledge>space>education>contents>new technology>experienced talent>object>network.


This study has a great significance in that it analyzed actual library users’ perceptions on the concept of the sharing economy and the functions and roles of libraries in the era of the sharing economy from a multifaceted angle. In addition, this study carries an important meaning as it provided an opportunity to vitalize libraries and explored the measures to actualize the roles of libraries in tandem with the environment of the sharing economy by recognizing the values of libraries based on the new concepts and values of the sharing economy and presenting the functions and roles of the libraries from the aspects of the sharing economy.

Publication date: 15 March 2022

Ju-Young M. Kang, Jae-Eun Kim, Ji Young Lee and Shu Hwa Lin

The purpose of the study was to identify (1) whether aspects of expectancy-value judgments (EVJ) of uses and gratifications, such as novelty, fashion/status, sociability and…




The purpose of the study was to identify (1) whether aspects of expectancy-value judgments (EVJ) of uses and gratifications, such as novelty, fashion/status, sociability and relaxation, influenced trust in augmented reality (AR) apps; (2) whether trust in AR apps influenced usage intention toward AR apps and online/offline store patronage intention and (3) the moderating effect of consumer self-determination.


Mobile users (n = 630) were drawn from a USA market research company. The proposed model was tested by structural equation modeling with maximum likelihood estimation.


The study found that trust in AR apps was a determinant of usage intention toward AR apps and online/offline store patronage intention. Novelty and fashion/status for EVJs of uses and gratifications affected trust in AR apps. Sociability for EVJs of uses and gratifications negatively affected trust in AR apps. Users' self-determination moderated the influence of users' trust in AR apps on usage intention toward AR apps and online/offline store patronage intention.


First, the study elaborates on the impacts of the underlying aspects of an EVJ model of uses and gratifications regarding AR apps on trust in AR apps and EVJ model's influence on usage intention toward AR apps and online/offline store patronage intention. Second, the results of the study suggest useful strategies involved in the development of consumer-driven AR apps that satisfy users' needs and desires.


Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, vol. 27 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1361-2026


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