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Publication date: 12 February 2018

Christoph Fuchs, Daniel Beck, Bernhard Lienland and Florian Kellner

The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of information technology (IT) on supply chain performance in the automotive industry. Prior studies that analyzed the impact of…




The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of information technology (IT) on supply chain performance in the automotive industry. Prior studies that analyzed the impact of IT on supply chain performance report results representing the situation of the “average industry.” This research focuses on the automotive industry because of its major importance in many national economies and due to the fact that automotive supply chains do not represent the supply chain of the average industry.


A research model is proposed to examine the relationships between IT capabilities, supply chain capabilities, and supplier performance. The model divides IT capabilities into functional and data capabilities, and supply chain capabilities into internal process excellence and information sharing. Data have been collected from 343 automotive first-tier suppliers. Structural equation modeling with partial least squares is used to analyze the data.


The results suggest that functional capabilities have the greatest impact on internal process excellence, which in turn enhances supplier performance. However, frequent and adequate information sharing also contributes significantly to supplier performance. Data capabilities enable supply chain capabilities through their positive impact on functional capabilities.

Practical implications

The findings will help managers to understand the effect of IT implementation on company performance and to decide whether to invest in the expansion of IT capacities.


This research reports the impact of IT on supply chain performance in one of the most important industries in many industrialized countries, and it provides a new perspective on evaluating the contribution of IT on firm performance.


Journal of Enterprise Information Management, vol. 31 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-0398


Publication date: 3 February 2012

Geoff Ryan, Lyle M. Spencer and Urs Bernhard

The purpose of this paper is to report data empirically linking competencies of individual leaders to business profitability and demonstrate that competencies are cross‐culturally…




The purpose of this paper is to report data empirically linking competencies of individual leaders to business profitability and demonstrate that competencies are cross‐culturally valid.


Participants in the initial competency study were 15 business unit managers identified as high performing. Data were collected using Critical Incident Interviews that were systematically coded using thematic analysis to identify the presence of competencies. Competencies identified were then adapted into a behaviourally‐based questionnaire used in a follow‐up validation study. Participants in the validation study (n=70) were managers from North America and two European countries who were participants in a management development program. Boss ratings of competencies were then correlated with business unit profitability.


A set of competencies was identified as predictive of unit profit growth in managers in both North America and the European Union. Subsequent regression analysis showed that 17 per cent of the variance in business unit profitability could be accounted for by four competencies, specifically team leadership, developing others, achievement orientation, and impact and influence. Cross‐cultural validity was demonstrated to the degree that similar competencies predicted performance in both North America and the European Union as evidenced by the correlation between boss rating of subordinate competencies and profit growth.

Research limitations/implications

The initial study using Critical Incident Interviews was conducted with a small sample size and did not employ a comparison group of average performers.

Practical implications

Initial competency research using empirical methods should be used to help focus competency models used for selection, feedback, training, and performance management.


The study is one of the few published studies that link competencies to business unit profitability. The paper demonstrates that competencies have a degree of cross‐cultural validity.

Publication date: 1 January 1949

Alfred Bernhard

I. Rationalisierung und Rechnungswesen Das Rechnungswesen ist ein Kontrollinstrument, das zur Überwachung der Wirtschaftsgebarung und der wirtschaftlichen Lage einer Unternehmung…


I. Rationalisierung und Rechnungswesen Das Rechnungswesen ist ein Kontrollinstrument, das zur Überwachung der Wirtschaftsgebarung und der wirtschaftlichen Lage einer Unternehmung dient. Seine Hauptaufgabe besteht darin, der Unternehmungsleitung jederzeit Aufschluss zu geben über den Stand des Vermögens und der Schulden einerseits sowie über die Entwicklung von Aufwand und Ertrag anderseits. Über diese Faktoren muss die Unternehmungsleitung stets Bescheid wissen, wenn sie nicht planlos in den Tag hinein operieren will. Für eine zielbewusste Unternehmungsführung hat das Rechnungswesen darüber hinaus auch Auskunft zu geben über die mutmassliche zukünftige Entwicklung. Die Registrierung von Tatsachen, die bereits der Vergangenheit angehören, ist nur ein Teil, wenn auch ein wichtiger, des Rechnungswesens. Seine volle Bedeutung erlangt dieses aber erst, wenn es auf die Zukunft ausgerichtet ist und die nötigen zahlenmässigen Unterlagen liefert für die laufend zu treffenden Dispositionen.


The Tourist Review, vol. 4 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0251-3102

Publication date: 9 September 2013

Mathias Mair, Bernhard Weilharter, Siegfried Rainer, Katrin Ellermann and Oszkár Bíró

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the eigenforms and eigenfrequencies of stator core stack by experimental and numerical investigation. The influence of material parameters…



The purpose of this paper is to analyse the eigenforms and eigenfrequencies of stator core stack by experimental and numerical investigation. The influence of material parameters on the structural vibrations is carried out in order to describe the laminated structure of stator core stack with a homogeneous material model.


The finite element method is applied for a numerical modal analysis. Therefore, a homogeneous transversally isotropic material model is introduced and the influence of each material parameter on the dynamical behavior is investigated. These material parameters are stepwise adjusted to the results from the experimental modal analysis. The investigation includes results from different stator core stacks.


The influence of material on the modal parameters is shown. Furthermore, material parameters are carried out for stator core stacks, which describe the measured dynamical behaviour.


The presented investigations show a useable material model and corresponding parameters to the description of the laminated structure of stator core stacks.


COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 32 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0332-1649


Publication date: 1 April 2004

Georgios I. Zekos

Investigates the differences in protocols between arbitral tribunals and courts, with particular emphasis on US, Greek and English law. Gives examples of each country and its way…



Investigates the differences in protocols between arbitral tribunals and courts, with particular emphasis on US, Greek and English law. Gives examples of each country and its way of using the law in specific circumstances, and shows the variations therein. Sums up that arbitration is much the better way to gok as it avoids delays and expenses, plus the vexation/frustration of normal litigation. Concludes that the US and Greek constitutions and common law tradition in England appear to allow involved parties to choose their own judge, who can thus be an arbitrator. Discusses e‐commerce and speculates on this for the future.


Managerial Law, vol. 46 no. 2/3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0309-0558


Book part
Publication date: 23 August 2019

Eleanor Peters



The Use and Abuse of Music: Criminal Records
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78769-002-8

Publication date: 1 December 1967

All items listed may be borrowed from the Aslib Library, except those marked, which may be consulted in the Library.


All items listed may be borrowed from the Aslib Library, except those marked, which may be consulted in the Library.


Aslib Proceedings, vol. 19 no. 12
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0001-253X

Publication date: 31 October 2023

Milad Armani Dehghani, Dionysios Karavidas, Alexandra Rese and Fulya Acikgoz

With the rise of cryptocurrency and its influence on the financial industry, this paper aims to explore cryptocurrency affordances that lead to approach–avoidance behavioral…



With the rise of cryptocurrency and its influence on the financial industry, this paper aims to explore cryptocurrency affordances that lead to approach–avoidance behavioral intentions for non-users (potential) and the intention to continue use for users (actual), drawing upon affordance theory and chasm theory.


The authors collected data from 480 potential and actual users in Germany and used maximum likelihood structural equation modeling (ML-SEM) to analyze it. In particular, the data consisted of 301 cryptocurrency users in Germany\ the authors used ML-SEM to test the post-adoption model. Additionally, logistic regression was utilized to determine the dominant actual usage method (store of value or medium of exchange) for various cryptocurrency coins.


According to the study's results, the perceived value benefits have a positive impact on the behavioral intention of potential users to adopt cryptocurrency, and they influence the intention of actual users to continue using it. However, both perceived volatility and financial risk tolerance are the most crucial factors hindering cryptocurrency adoption, whether in the pre-adoption or the post-adoption stage.


This is the first study to reveal cryptocurrency affordances and examine their effect on behavioral intentions toward cryptocurrency adoption based on the differences between non-users (potential) and users (actual). Furthermore, the authors explore how cryptocurrency holders perceive and invest in different coins (e.g. NFTs), which sheds light on factors such as financial risk tolerance that affect their decision making.


Information Technology & People, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-3845


Publication date: 1 April 1951

Professeur and W. Hunziker

On ne saurait plus, de nos jours, dissocier le tourisme de la vie de société, car il représente de hautes valeurs morales et matérielles. D'enquêtes de l'O.E.C.E., il résulte que…


On ne saurait plus, de nos jours, dissocier le tourisme de la vie de société, car il représente de hautes valeurs morales et matérielles. D'enquêtes de l'O.E.C.E., il résulte que l'une de ces dernières années — période du 31 juillet 1949 au 30 juin 1950 pour être précis — les recettes brutes du tourisme international (Etats‐Unis compris) se sont chiffrées par plus de 600 millions de dollars pour les pays rattachés à l'O.E.C.E. D'après la même source, le capital engagé en juillet 1949 dans les installations et établissements hôteliers de ces pays dépassait de beaucoup les six milliards de dollars. Ces quelques chiffres, pris en quelque sorte au hasard, donnent une idée, quoique sommaire, du pouvoir matériel du tourisme. Mais, ce qu'ils ne trahissent pas, c'est sa signification morale, plus grande encore. Une bonne partie de la société refait ses forces par le tourisme, lequel, si on lui incorpore les séjours de convalescence, touche donc de très près à la santé publique. De même, il existe d'étroits rapports entre lui et la question sociale. Par les voyages et les séjours ordinaires déjà, qui forment son essentiel, mais surtout par les voyages instructifs et les séjours d'étude, le tourisme aide aussi au développement des peuples. D'une manière générale, et quelles que soient ses manifestations, il rapproche les individus et leur donne l'occasion de se mieux comprendre; il remplit une mission qui, précisément aujourd'hui, est d'une portée politique, culturelle et sociale décisive non seulement dans les rapports entre citoyens d'un même pays, mais encore et surtout dans les relations entre Etats.


The Tourist Review, vol. 6 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0251-3102

Publication date: 1 March 1985

Als in den 40er Jahren die Betriebsabrechnung für Hotels propagiert wurde 1), handelte es sich um das Verfahren der Vollkostenrechnung. Damals war praktisch kein anderes…


Als in den 40er Jahren die Betriebsabrechnung für Hotels propagiert wurde 1), handelte es sich um das Verfahren der Vollkostenrechnung. Damals war praktisch kein anderes Kostenrechnungsverfahren bekannt.


The Tourist Review, vol. 40 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0251-3102

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