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Publication date: 1 June 1999

Azmina Govindji

The role of diet in contributing to the incidence of coronary heart disease, cancer and other common Western diseases is attracting increasing attention. Foods which provide…



The role of diet in contributing to the incidence of coronary heart disease, cancer and other common Western diseases is attracting increasing attention. Foods which provide different biologically active compounds, such as phyto‐oestrogens, have been extensively studied and epidemiological evidence suggests that populations consuming a diet high in phyto‐oestrogens have a lower risk of these diseases. This paper reviews some of the key studies on soy isoflavones which suggest that the incorporation of soy protein into the British diet may offer important health benefits. Non‐steroidal dietary oestrogens are found in high concentrations in the traditional diets of the Far East, and by vegans who consume large amounts of soy protein. Consumption of isoflavones across Asia varies considerably and it is estimated that between 25 to 45mg of isoflavones is consumed daily, compared to as little as 5mg daily in Western countries. It is well established that modification of dietary fat, especially saturated fat, soluble fibre and total calories have a role in coronary heart disease risk. In a meta‐analysis of 38 controlled trials on soy proteins, it was concluded that significant reductions in serum and total LDL cholesterol could be achieved. A wide range of epidemiological data shows strong correlations between a diet high in soy protein and vegetables and a reduced risk of breast cancer. The incidence of osteoporosis in Japanese women is significantly lower than in Western women and dietary factors such as soy protein intake may be important in sustaining this protection.


Nutrition & Food Science, vol. 99 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0034-6659


Publication date: 30 October 2009

Poonam Lakra and Salil Sehgal

The purpose of this paper to standardize the technique for the development of potato flour and to incorporate it in development of the products along with defatted soy flour and…




The purpose of this paper to standardize the technique for the development of potato flour and to incorporate it in development of the products along with defatted soy flour and maize flour. Also, effect of processing techniques like frying and fermentation on anti‐nutritional content of the products was studied.


The ingredients as well as developed products were analyzed for the macronutrients, viz protein, ash and fat. Also anti‐nutrients like phytic acid, saponin, polyphenols and trypsin inhibitors were estimated by employing standard techniques. Data thus obtained were subjected to analysis of variance according to standard method of statistical analysis.


Potato flour being a versatile ingredient can be easily incorporated in development of various products. Frying and fermentation resulted in decrease of anti‐nutritional factors.


These developed products could be instrumental in alleviating malnutrition as they have high nutritional value and are low in anti‐nutrients.


Nutrition & Food Science, vol. 39 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0034-6659


Publication date: 2 October 2017

Sireerat Laodheerasiri and Nirasha Horana Pathirage

The purpose of this paper is to determine the antimicrobial compounds extracted from various types of soybean materials; raw soybean, soybean flour and roasted soybean. Bacteria…



The purpose of this paper is to determine the antimicrobial compounds extracted from various types of soybean materials; raw soybean, soybean flour and roasted soybean. Bacteria growth inhibition was tested in E.coli and S. aureus by disk diffusion method. Efficiency of antimicrobial activities were compared among the extracted solution.


Soybean (Glycine max) isoflavones contain the ability to inhibit the growth of many strains of microorganisms. The solid-liquid extraction, ethanol-hexane extraction, was modified to isolate the inhibitory compounds from the three different types of soybean materials. All crude extracts at various concentrations performed under different extracted solutions (75, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25 and 3.125 percent) were tested with E. coli. and S. aureus to determine the antimicrobial activities and the minimum inhibition concentration (MIC). Disk diffusion method was chosen to study the antimicrobial activity of isoflavones.


Soybean flour extract inhibited the growth of E. coli and S. aureus more effective than roasted soybean and raw soybean, respectively. The MIC of inhibitory compounds extracted from soybean flour was 6.25 percent (0.031 mg/ml), roasted soybean was 25 percent (0.125 mg/ml) and raw soybean was 50 percent (0.250 mg/ml). Crude extracts of soybean flour and roasted soybean showed better results than raw soybean. All the three of extracted soybeans inhibited the growth of E. coli better than S. aureus.


Ethanol-hexane extraction was successfully used to isolate the antimicrobial compounds from raw soybean, soybean flour and roasted soybean. Comparison of antimicrobial activity showed that soybean flour contained the highest inhibition activity.


British Food Journal, vol. 119 no. 10
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X


Publication date: 1 April 1902

In connection with the suggestion recently made in the BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL to the effect that a National Pure Food Association should be established it is of importance to call…


In connection with the suggestion recently made in the BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL to the effect that a National Pure Food Association should be established it is of importance to call attention to the fact that a society describing itself as the “League for the Defence of Human Life” has been recently formed in Paris with the object of preventing the frauds practised by dishonest traders upon their customers. One of the obligations entered into by the members of the League is to discover and prosecute persons engaged in the sale of adulterated or injurious articles of food and drink. Judging from the recent reports of the proceedings of certain Parisian tradesmen it would appear that a society of this description has much scope for its operations in the French Metropolis, and, as we have suggested, a society with similar objects might with advantage be formed in this country, with branches in all the principal cities and towns. With the legal machinery placed at the disposal of local authorities, cumbrous, inadequate and weak as it is, much more might be done in the way of repression if only the responsible authorities could be brought better to appreciate their duty.


British Food Journal, vol. 4 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 October 1930

Our attention has been called to a question raised in a contemporary as to the disposal of the flesh of bovines which have been compulsorily slaughtered as the result of having…


Our attention has been called to a question raised in a contemporary as to the disposal of the flesh of bovines which have been compulsorily slaughtered as the result of having obviously contracted tuberculosis. We say “compulsory” as the slaughter is carried out by order of the Ministry of Agriculture and “obvious” as tuberculous infection is in many cases not readily detectable. It should be pointed out that the flesh of an infected bovine may be used for food according to the degree and nature of the infection, but the use of the flesh for such a purpose is only permissible at the discretion of the official veterinary expert acting on behalf of the Ministry in the interests of public health. Admittedly the regulations as at present laid down and under which the Ministry of Agriculture act are by no means ideal, and we have no doubt that the officials of the Ministry would be the last persons to say that they were. Like all such regulations, they are of the nature of a compromise, by which statement we do not mean that the monetary interests of the trades in milk and beef are placed before those of public health. Far from it. The ideal condition aimed at is of course to have all milk and all beef free from the slightest taint and risk of tubercular infection. It is, however, no use to disguise the fact that the attainment of such an ideal is and of necessity must be a long way from accomplishment. It is only within this century that bovine tuberculosis has received serious attention in this country, and bovine tuberculosis is an evil legacy from a long past. It is no doubt in part at least attributable to long continued bad housing and feeding that went on unchecked from year to year. It is well known that in the neighbourhood of large towns where open pasture was not readily attainable cows were sometimes kept in what were little better than cellars, from which they seldom emerged. A cow was looked upon as a sort of machine for yielding milk, and no regard was paid to the way in which the machine was run so long as it delivered the goods, no matter of what quality the goods might be. The conditions for the development of tuberculosis were thus almost as good as if they had been deliberately devised for that very purpose, with results that we have now every reason to deplore. It is only twenty years since Prof. MacFadyean stated that 20 per cent. of the adult cattle in the country were tuberculous, and on the authority of the veterinary surgeon to the King at the same time 36 out of a herd of 40 cows that had belonged to Queen Victoria were tuberculous. If these were the conditions but twenty years ago throughout the country, and if nine out of every ten animals which were kept under the best conditions and received every care were tuberculous, the difficulty and extraordinary complexity of the problem confronting the Ministries concerned at the present day in their attempts to check the evil may be perhaps imagined. Checked it may be but eradication is not in sight. For if the drastic expedient were resorted to of slaughtering every tuberculous bovine in the country the result would be a milk famine. Prices would rise so that for the poor milk would be unobtainable. Many in the trade would be ruined, and perhaps the supply of milk would have to be obtained by importations of milk from abroad produced under conditions over which we could exercise no control. This hypothetical aspect of affairs, however, need not be further discussed.—The administration of the Tuberculosis Order, 1925 (Diseases of Animals Acts, 1894 to 1925), by the Ministry of Agriculture is therefore one of great difficulty. The “waste of years” cannot be “refunded in a day.” The matter calls for constant expert veterinary supervision.—Under Section 3 (1) of the Order the disease is notifiable to the Local Authority. Veterinary inspection follows, and if the animal is found to be suffering from tuberculosis of the udder, tuberculous emaciation, or a chronic cough or yielding tuberculous milk the Local Authority shall order the animal to be slaughtered, though if the owner objects to this the special authority of the Minister has to be obtained. It does not follow that the flesh of a tuberculous animal is unfit to be used as human food. Under 5A.1 of the Order if it is intended to use the flesh for this purpose the Local Authority must notify the Sanitary Authority of the time and place of slaughter. After this neither the carcase nor any part of it may be removed from the slaughter house unless by leave of the Medical Officer of Health or by other competent officer of the Authority.—Removal before such leave is an offence under the Act.—It may be observed here that no animal whose value is stated to be over fifty pounds may be slaughtered under the Order except by Ministerial sanction.—Compensation is payable to the owner of an animal, which has been slaughtered under the Order, by the Local Authority. All this is clear and fair, but as illustrating one of the difficulties of administering the Order, it may be pointed out that these perfectly fair and reasonable regulations made in the interests of public health were found to be indirectly in conflict with public ignorance and prejudice. In this way. In certain industrial districts in the country lean meat was demanded by some of the working class families. The reason being that more nourishment could be got out of lean than out of fat. There is something to be said for this. But where did the lean meat come from? An emaciated beast without a bit of fat on it might well be suffering from tuberculosis. It would pay an unscrupulous owner of such a beast very much better to sell it direct to a dealer in such meat—no information being given and no questions being asked—rather than go to the trouble of observing the Act and receiving a possibly smaller amount of money which would have been paid him under the Order. Thus quite a flourishing trade in such diseased meat was in fair way to grow up, and until the evil was traced to its source and the original owner prosecuted for non‐notification it could not be stopped. Again, the owner of an animal that has been slaughtered under the Order is entitled to recover its full market value and twenty shillings over if it is found that no tubercle exists; if tuberculosis, but not of an advanced state is found, then three‐fourths of the market value or forty‐five shillings, whichever sum is the greater less one‐half the costs of valuation; if advanced tuberculosis is present then one‐fourth the market value or the sum of forty‐five shillings as before under Section 9 i., ii., and iii. of the Order. The result of this was that certain people established a somewhat paying business in buying obviously tuberculous cows from a cowkeeper for a mere song, the cowkeeper being quite willing to get rid of them in this way and thus save himself trouble and the small amount of publicity he would have incurred had he observed the terms of the Order. The buyer would then notify the authority that he had a tuberculous cow and obtain compensation which yielded him a profit. The report for 1928 shows that nearly 17,000 animals were slaughtered under the Order during the year, and nearly 200 were in such a condition that they died before they could be slaughtered! It may also be observed that the powers conferred by Act of Parliament on the responsible Ministries were not readily obtained. Trade interests were alleged, and effective legislation had to be built up in the face of this. Tuberculosis is unhappily somewhat firmly established in our herds of cattle and it will still require long and patient work, expert knowledge and, as it will have been seen, the methods of police detectives before the menace is removed, if it ever can be.


British Food Journal, vol. 32 no. 10
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Case study
Publication date: 7 March 2014

Harish Mahale, R Anamika and Vinod A Kumar

This case deals with the need of a European company to import organic soybean from India. The company's India Operations Manager wants to know the feasibility of such a venture…


This case deals with the need of a European company to import organic soybean from India. The company's India Operations Manager wants to know the feasibility of such a venture. The case describes the procurement of organic soybean from a city in central India, understanding standards of organic production, and finally the costs and procedures involved in exporting the organic soybean to Europe.


Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, vol. no.
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2633-3260
Published by: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad


Publication date: 4 February 2014

A.O. Obatoye, S.O. Ogunwolu and M.A. Idowu

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects of substituting cow milk with soy milk in the standard milk chocolate recipe on the physical, chemical and sensory qualities…




The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects of substituting cow milk with soy milk in the standard milk chocolate recipe on the physical, chemical and sensory qualities of milk chocolate and obtain the best ratio of substitution.


Milk chocolates were produced by substituting the cow milk in the standard recipe with soy milk powder at different ratios of soy milk to cow milk. Physical and chemical analyses were carried out using the standard methods to evaluate the major raw materials and chocolate samples, and the sensory evaluation of the chocolate samples was carried out using preference and difference tests.


Soy milk contained the highest crude protein and crude fiber. The cut test results of the cocoa beans showed that the percentage of fully fermented cocoa beans was in agreement with the standard. Residimeter value (RV) of four chocolate samples (30:70, 20:80, 10:90, and 0:100) was the best. The nitrogen content and melting points of the chocolates samples were found to increase with increased inclusion of soy milk powder in the recipe. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) in taste, sweetness, smoothness, and overall acceptability of the 0:100 and 30:70; soy milk to cow milk samples.

Practical implications

Soy-chocolate will be a new chocolate product with higher melting point and lower cost than the standard milk chocolate. The selling price of chocolate will be lower and thus affordable to low-income earners. Also, there will be an increased utilization of soybean.


Soy-chocolate recipe is a new and additional recipe for the production of milk chocolate.


Nutrition & Food Science, vol. 44 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0034-6659


Publication date: 1 June 2005

Jeong W. Lee and Nancy Beneda

This study seeks to determine whether changes in future prices are determined by the shifting of price risk and the presence of risk premiums in transactions between hedgers and…


This study seeks to determine whether changes in future prices are determined by the shifting of price risk and the presence of risk premiums in transactions between hedgers and speculators. The alternative explanation is that the returns accruing to speculators are a result of the superior forecasting ability processed by speulators. The study examines the characteristics of price movements and net hedging positions in twenty‐nine futures markets.The results of the study are consistent with the presence of both risk shifting to speculators and superior forecasting ability of speculators in futures markets. While the risk bearing explanation may be valid for particular markets under special conditions, forecasting ability may be present in other markets.The implication is useful for investors in determining which markets may reflect ongoing and unidirectional price changes.


Management Research News, vol. 28 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0140-9174


Publication date: 3 November 2022

Tian Ye, Anna S. Mattila and Shanshan Dai

With the recent surge of plant-based menu items, it is critical to understand how to effectively communicate such products to consumers. This study aims to examine the impact of…



With the recent surge of plant-based menu items, it is critical to understand how to effectively communicate such products to consumers. This study aims to examine the impact of various descriptive names on consumers’ responses to novel meat alternatives in China, one of the emerging yet unexplored markets.


Two studies were conducted using a single factor ([descriptive name: “Renzao Rou [artificial meat]” vs “Sushi Rou [vegetarian/vegan meat]” vs “Zhiwu Rou” [plant-based meat]) between-subjects experimental design.


Study 1 shows that “Sushi Rou” and “Zhiwu Rou,” triggering more positive name associations, led to higher future consumption intention than “Renzao Rou.” A qualitative analysis demonstrates the differences in the name associations. Study 2 replicates the naming effect and examines the role of specific product attributes. Perceived health, naturalness and novelty are the main drivers of favorable responses to “Zhiwu Rou” (vs “Renzao Rou”), whereas perceived health, taste and naturalness mediate the positive effect for “Sushi Rou” (vs “Renzao Rou”).

Practical implications

Food service operators interested in introducing meat alternatives in China should carefully choose the product name to attract specific segments. International chains should consider cultural norms when expanding to emerging markets.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to reveal the product naming effect on meat alternative products from the perspective of marketing communications. It contributes to a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanism driving Chinese consumers’ responses.


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 35 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


Publication date: 1 March 2006

Faqir Muhammad Anjum, Muhammad Issa Khan, Masood Sadiq Butt, Shahzad Hussain and Muhammad Abrar

Almost 90 per cent of the wheat produced in Pakistan is used for chapattis and rotis preparation. Unleavened flat bread (chapattis and rotis) is staple food of Pakistani…



Almost 90 per cent of the wheat produced in Pakistan is used for chapattis and rotis preparation. Unleavened flat bread (chapattis and rotis) is staple food of Pakistani population. The present study was carried out to prepare composite flour and to assess suitable level of composition. The main aim was to introduce soy hulls as a rich source of nutrients and to study its impact on the rheological and sensory properties of the products.


Soy hulls were combined wheat flour at 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0 and 7.5 per cent in order to prepare the composite flours. Composite flour and chapattis were analyzed for chemical composition, rheological and baking properties. Sensory evaluation (color, flavor, taste, texture, folding ability and chewing ability) of chapattis was also carried out for the acceptance of suitable level by the consumers.


The statistical analysis of data obtained showed significant increase in minerals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Ca and Mg), proximate composition and phytic acid content of flour. Significant decrease in phytate was found during baking of chapattis. Soy hulls supplementation also affects the water absorption dough development time, dough stability time significantly. Chapattis were found acceptable by the panel of judges up to 4.5 per cent supplementation of soy hulls.

Research limitations/implications

Soy supplementation of wheat flour can be successfully carried out through flourmills and small‐scale grinders as it causes no problem in milling operations.


Presently soy hulls are used in animal feed to improve its nutrition quality. So it can be used in human food by giving due consideration to the antinutrtional factors that are present in soy hulls.


Nutrition & Food Science, vol. 36 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0034-6659


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