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Publication date: 18 January 2024

Duncan Light, Cristina Lupu, Remus Creţan and Anya Chapman

The purpose of this paper is to examine souvenir sellers as unconventional micro-entrepreneurs, focusing on non-economic motives for selling.



The purpose of this paper is to examine souvenir sellers as unconventional micro-entrepreneurs, focusing on non-economic motives for selling.


A qualitative methodology was used. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 20 souvenir sellers in the Romanian city of Timişoara. These were analysed using thematic analysis which identified four non-economic motives for selling souvenirs.


Souvenir selling was a matter of choice rather than economic necessity. While these sellers were entrepreneurs who were seeking to generate income, non-economic motives were also important. These included passion, hobbyism and interpersonal interactions with customers. Some sellers considered themselves as cultural intermediaries, representing place and tradition to their customers.

Research limitations/implications

In a European context, selling souvenirs can be a matter of lifestyle choice rather than economic necessity. Micro-entrepreneurs are frequently motivated by passion, hobbyism and interpersonal rewards as much as financial profit. This represents a particular form of unconventional or lifestyle entrepreneurship.

Practical implications

The encouragement of on-street souvenir sellers by urban managers can add vibrancy to a city, enhancing the experiences of local communities and visitors. This can also encourage the development of an artisan class to enhance a city’s reputation as a creative place.


Souvenir sellers are little researched, and this is one of few studies that has investigated this group outside Developing World contexts. This study emphasises the importance of unconventional entrepreneurship and non-economic motives for selling souvenirs in a European context.


本研究将纪念品销售商这类非传统微型企业家群体作为研究对象, 重点关注其销售纪念品的非经济动机。


本研究主要采用定性的研究方法, 对20位罗马尼亚蒂米什瓦拉市的纪念品销售商进行了半结构化访谈。通过对访谈结果的主题分析, 本研究发现并提炼出了纪念品销售商的4种非经济动机。


纪念品销售并非经济上的必然选择, 而更多地体现为一种个体的自主决策。尽管这些销售商本质上仍是追求经济回报的企业家, 其销售活动背后的非经济动机同样重要。这些动机包括对事业的激情、业余爱好, 以及与顾客之间的人际互动等。一些销售商视自身为文化传播的中介, (在销售活动中)向顾客展示地域与传统的象征。


在欧洲的语境下, 纪念品销售通常被视为一种生活方式的选择而非经济的迫切需要。微型企业家的销售行为通常受到对事业的激情、业余爱好以及人际关系的多重因素的推动, 而非单纯由经济利益驱使。这呈现出一种独特的非传统生活方式创业形态。


城市管理者可以通过默许纪念品销售商在市区进行销售活动的方式为城市注入活力, 提升当地社区和游客的体验。这同时有助于培养手工艺术家阶层, 进一步增强城市作为创意之地的声誉。


纪念品销售商的相关研究相对比较有限, 本研究在探讨这一群体时跳脱了发展中国家的框架, 同时强调了在欧洲环境下非传统创业和销售纪念品的非经济动机的重要性。


Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 20 minoristas de recuerdos (souvenirs) de la ciudad rumana de Timişoara. Las entrevistas se analizaron mediante un análisis temático que permitió identificar cuatro motivos no económicos para la comercialización de recuerdos.


Este artículo examina a los comerciantes de souvenirs como micro emprendedores no convencionales, centrándose en los motivos no económicos para su venta.


La venta de souvenirs era una cuestión de elección más que de necesidad económica. Aunque estos vendedores eran emprendedores que buscaban generar ingresos, los motivos no económicos también eran importantes. Entre ellos, la pasión, la afición y las interacciones interpersonales con los clientes. Algunos vendedores se consideraban intermediarios culturales que representaban el lugar y la tradición ante sus clientes.

Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación

En un contexto europeo, la venta de recuerdos puede ser una cuestión de elección de estilo de vida más que de necesidad económica. Los micro emprendedores suelen estar motivados por la pasión, la afición y las recompensas interpersonales tanto como por el beneficio económico. Esto representa una forma particular de espíritu empresarial no convencional o de estilo de vida.

Implicaciones prácticas

El fomento de los vendedores ambulantes de souvenirs por parte de los gestores urbanos puede aportar dinamismo a una ciudad, mejorando las experiencias de las comunidades locales y de los visitantes. Esto también puede fomentar el desarrollo de una clase artesanal para mejorar la reputación de una ciudad como lugar creativo.


Los comerciantes de souvenirs están poco investigados, y éste es uno de los pocos estudios que ha investigado este grupo fuera de los contextos del mundo en desarrollo. Destaca la importancia del espíritu empresarial no convencional y de los motivos no económicos para la venta de recuerdos en un contexto europeo.

Publication date: 30 July 2024

Khairul Akmaliah Adham, Nadiah Mahmad Nasir, Aishath Sinaau, Aminath Shaznie and Ahmed Munawar

This study extends the current understanding of halal tourism at an island destination. Specifically, this study aims to explore the attributes of halal tourism in the local…



This study extends the current understanding of halal tourism at an island destination. Specifically, this study aims to explore the attributes of halal tourism in the local islands of the Maldives, a fully Muslim country where tourism is the primary source of income for residents. To accomplish this, Muslim travellers’ experiences were examined using the process theory of travel, the halal tourism concept and the service marketing perspective.


The study used a qualitative research methodology and conducted interviews with Muslim travellers visiting the local islands of the Maldives.


The findings affirmed the five established generic attributes of halal tourism and generated another three emergent attributes of halal tourism, specific to an island destination. The study further enhances the existing knowledge of the generic attributes of halal food and beverage, prayers and mutual respect and benefits. It also establishes that the dimensions of safety and privacy, value for money, perishability and heterogeneity characterise all the emerging halal tourism attributes. The study concludes that halal tourism is an experience imbued with values that promotes dignified tourism.


The findings on the specific attributes of halal tourism at an island destination extend overall understanding of the halal tourism concept and process. The fact that the Maldives is entirely Muslim offers a unique opportunity to explore the normative attributes of halal tourism in an island destination. This enhanced understanding contributes to effective managerial practices aimed at developing competitive halal tourism services.


Journal of Islamic Marketing, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1759-0833


Publication date: 8 May 2024

Manager Singh, Deepak Anand Gupta and Dr Madhuri Sawant

The purpose of this study is to investigate environmental factors impacting Ajanta mural deterioration, assessing global tourism effects and visitor conduct on cave environment…



The purpose of this study is to investigate environmental factors impacting Ajanta mural deterioration, assessing global tourism effects and visitor conduct on cave environment and murals. This study recognizes stakeholder roles in conservation, providing data-driven insights to guide institutions like the Archaeological Survey of India. The objective is sustainable tourism practices to balance public access with mural preservation for future generations.


Over 25 years, Ajanta Caves' visitors doubled, impacting microclimatic conditions for ancient murals. This study assesses visitor impact to establish a regime and determine carrying capacity, considering temperature, humidity and pollution. Challenges arise from quantifying capacity because of variables. This research informs global tourism and heritage conservation, offering methodologies applicable to cultural sites worldwide.


This study examines environmental impacts on mural preservation in Ajanta Caves, including humidity, microbial growth, sunlight exposure, air quality and tourist presence. Tourist influx escalates CO2 levels, directly endangering murals. Concerns about particulate matter, especially during visits, emphasize the need for data-driven decision-making and modern technology use to protect Ajanta Caves' artwork, crucial because of its global significance and tourism-related vulnerabilities.

Social implications

This study carries substantial social implications with a global resonance. The active engagement of the local community and tourism stakeholders in conserving and promoting the Ajanta Caves fosters empowerment, igniting a sense of pride, ownership and responsibility among residents and ensuring sustainable enjoyment of cultural heritage while safeguarding it for future generations. In addition, there will be socioeconomic benefits to local residents such as employment opportunities as tour operators, tour guides, hospitality staff, artisans and souvenir shopkeepers.


This study integrates art conservation, environmental science, cultural heritage preservation and social aspects to address global tourism challenges. Focusing on a site of worldwide significance, this study offers practical strategies for artwork preservation, tourism management and environmental concerns. These recommendations provide real-world solutions applicable to heritage sites globally, bridging scientific analysis with social and cultural insights.


本研究调查了影响阿詹塔壁画退化的环境因素, 评估了全球旅游业和游客行为对洞穴环境和壁画的影响。它承认利益相关者在保护中的作用, 为印度考古调查等机构提供数据支撑的见解。目的是实践可持续旅游, 平衡公众进入和供子孙后代使用的壁画保护。


25年来, 阿詹塔洞穴的游客增加了一倍, 影响了古壁画的小气候条件。该研究评估了游客的影响, 考虑温度、湿度和污染, 建立了一个制度并确定承载能力。量化承载能力的指标面临着挑战。这项研究为全球旅游业和遗产保护提供了信息, 提供了适用于世界各地文化遗址的方法。


这项研究考察了环境对阿詹塔洞穴壁画保护的影响, 包括湿度、微生物生长、阳光照射、空气质量和游客的存在。游客的涌入使二氧化碳含量上升, 直接危及壁画。对颗粒物的考虑, 尤其是在参观期间, 强调了数据驱动决策和现代技术应用对保护阿詹塔洞穴的艺术品的必要性。这一点至关重要, 因为它具有全球意义和旅游相关的脆弱性。


这项研究具有重大的社会影响并引起全球共鸣。当地社区和旅游利益相关者积极参与阿旃陀石窟的保护和推广, 可以增强居民的赋权, 激发居民的自豪感、主人翁意识和责任感, 确保可持续享受文化遗产, 同时为子孙后代保护文化遗产。此外, 还将为当地居民带来社会经济效益, 例如旅游经营者、导游、接待人员、工匠、纪念品店主等的就业机会。


这项研究综合了艺术保护、环境科学、文化遗产保护和社会方面以应对全球旅游业的挑战。它关注一个具有世界意义的遗址, 为艺术品保护、旅游管理和环境问题提供了实用的策略。这些建议提供了适用于全球遗产地的现实世界解决方案, 将科学分析与社会和文化见解联系起来。


El estudio investiga los factores medioambientales que influyen en el deterioro de los murales de Ajanta, evaluando los efectos globales del turismo y el comportamiento de los visitantes sobre el entorno de las cuevas y los murales. Se examina el papel que desempeñan las partes interesadas en la conservación y aporta datos para orientar a instituciones como la encuesta arqueológica de India. El objetivo son las prácticas turísticas sostenibles para equilibrar el acceso del público con la conservación de los murales para las generaciones futuras.


A lo largo de 25 años, los visitantes de las cuevas de Ajanta se han duplicado, con un impacto en las condiciones microclimáticas de los murales antiguos. El estudio evalúa el impacto de los visitantes para establecer una regulación y determinar la capacidad de carga, teniendo en cuenta la temperatura, la humedad y la contaminación. La cuantificación de la capacidad plantea problemas debido a las variables. La investigación aporta información al turismo mundial y a la conservación del patrimonio, ofreciendo metodologías aplicables a sitios culturales de todo el mundo.


Este estudio examina los impactos ambientales en la conservación de los murales de las cuevas de Ajanta, incluyendo la humedad, el crecimiento microbiano, la exposición a la luz solar, la calidad del aire y la presencia de turistas. La afluencia de turistas aumenta los niveles de CO2, poniendo directamente en peligro los murales. La preocupación por las partículas, especialmente durante las visitas, pone de relieve la necesidad de tomar decisiones basadas en datos y de utilizar tecnología actual para proteger las obras de arte de las cuevas de Ajanta, algo crucial debido a su importancia mundial y a las vulnerabilidades relacionadas con el turismo.

Implicaciones sociales

Este estudio conlleva importantes implicaciones sociales con una resonancia global. La participación activa de la comunidad local y las partes interesadas del turismo en la conservación y promoción de las Cuevas de Ajanta fomenta el empoderamiento, generando un sentido de orgullo, propiedad y responsabilidad entre los residentes y garantiza el disfrute sostenible del patrimonio cultural al mismo tiempo que lo salvaguarda para las generaciones futuras. Además, habrá beneficios socioeconómicos para los residentes locales, como oportunidades de empleo como operadores turísticos, guías turísticos, personal de hostelería, artesanos, comerciantes de souvenirs, etc.


Este estudio integra la conservación del arte, las ciencias medioambientales, la preservación del patrimonio cultural y los aspectos sociales para abordar los retos del turismo mundial. Centrándose en un sitio de importancia mundial, ofrece estrategias prácticas para la conservación de las obras de arte, la gestión del turismo y los problemas medioambientales. Estas recomendaciones aportan soluciones reales aplicables a lugares patrimoniales de todo el mundo, tendiendo puentes entre el análisis científico y las percepciones sociales y culturales.

Publication date: 4 December 2023

GuangMeng Ji, Siew Imm Ng, Jun-Hwa Cheah and Wei-Chong Choo

Past research often relies on linear relationship assumptions from the perspective of managers when studying the relationship between attribute performance and satisfaction…



Past research often relies on linear relationship assumptions from the perspective of managers when studying the relationship between attribute performance and satisfaction. However, this study extracts tourists’ online reviews to explore asymmetric relationships and identifies island tourism satisfiers, hybrids and dissatisfiers.


The research uses 3,523 reviews from Tripadvisor to examine Langkawi Island’s tourist satisfaction. Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) machine-learning approach, penalty–reward contrast analysis and asymmetric impact-performance analysis (AIPA) were employed to extract and analyse the data.


Langkawi’s dissatisfiers included “hotel and restaurant”, “beach leisure”, “water sport”, “snorkelling”, “commanding view”, “waterfall”, “sky bridge walk”, “animal show”, “animal feeding”, “history culture”, “village activity” and “duty-free mall”. Amongst these, five were low performers. Hybrids encompassed “ticket purchasing”, “amenity” “traditional food market” and “gift and souvenir”, all of which were low performers. Only one attribute was categorised as a satisfier: “nature view” which performed exceptionally well.

Practical implications

This study provides recommendations to enhance tourist satisfaction and address tourist dissatisfaction. The elements requiring immediate attention for enhancement are the five low-performance dissatisfiers, as they represent tourists’ fundamental expectations. Conversely, the satisfier or excitement factor (i.e. nature views – mangroves and wildlife) could be prominently featured in promotional materials.


This research constitutes an early endeavour to categorise attributes of island tourism into groups of satisfaction, hybrid or dissatisfaction based on user-generated data. It is underpinned by two-factor and three-factor theories.


Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2514-9792


Open Access
Publication date: 28 March 2023

Tjaša Alegro, Maja Turnšek, Tomi Špindler and Vita Petek

Amazon Explore is a new online experience product from Amazon, which offers live stream sightseeing of destinations around the world. This paper aims to provide a first insight…




Amazon Explore is a new online experience product from Amazon, which offers live stream sightseeing of destinations around the world. This paper aims to provide a first insight into how exactly Amazon Explore enters the virtual experience (VE) industry, and discuss the possible implications of its business model for the future of virtual and offline travel experiences.


Qualitative and quantitative methods of content analysis methods were employed in this study. The sample of this research consisted of 175 Amazon Explore products. Firstly, the authors analysed the content of each product, and then quantitative method were used to present the data. With this analysis, the authors presented how Amazon Explore is testing the foundations for new business models, and discuss the possible implications for the future of tourism. One year later, those same Amazon Explore products were reviewed again to check development progress. The following were the main questions regarding VE: How interactive are Amazon Explore products? How does Amazon Explore aim to ensure the monetisation of these products in an economically sustainable way in order to go beyond the “freemium” business model, often associated with VE as just another destination marketing tool?


This article presents the discussions of VE and virtual reality (VR). The authors determined the level of interactivity of the diverse VE offered themes with a model of four levels of interactivity. The results show that the analysed products achieve mostly only low levels of interaction. Regarding monetisation, Amazon Explore shows three possible future directions in the development of VE: as a marketing tool, as an extension of the offline experience and as potentially someday replacing real travel as part of the future monetisation scenario.


The article offers the first insights into Amazon's extension into the realm of VE in two time periods in 2020 and 2021, and, based on these preliminary results, discusses four possible scenarios for the future development of VE monetisation.


Journal of Tourism Futures, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2055-5911


Publication date: 5 June 2024

Diana Ayudya, Wiendu Nuryanti and Muhammad Sani Roychansyah

This study aims to analyze the morphological landscape of the urban tourism spaces in the Malioboro Main Street area to predict its future development and to assist in creating…



This study aims to analyze the morphological landscape of the urban tourism spaces in the Malioboro Main Street area to predict its future development and to assist in creating effective regional planning policies.


This study uses qualitative grounded theory, typo morphological analysis and place-centered mapping techniques.


From the observation, it was found that each element of the city image area has different components of the urban tourism space’s morphology. The urban tourism spaces in Malioboro Main Street are distributed in a centered, linear and scattered pattern, with zones dedicated to shopping, cultural experiences and cuisine. The specific elements of each zone, such as attractions, accommodations or amenities, determine the type of tourism offered, such as cultural, shopping and culinary tourism.

Research limitations/implications

The study presented here may serve as a helpful guide for regulating and organizing policies that can form a sound basis for policy formulation. It mainly pertains to planning and structuring the Malioboro Main Street area, which currently needs a well-conceived urban tourism landscape development concept.

Practical implications

This study will have practical implications in projecting tourism development in the area through planning and structuring. The study can also be used as a basis and guideline for controlling, organizing and determining regulations and policies, ultimately serving as a wise foundation for policy formulation, particularly in planning and structuring the Cosmological Axis area, especially the Malioboro area.


The discussion of morphology is mainly limited to macro or micro scales, while the discussion of tourism space is generally limited to conceptual development. Conversely, this study aims to explore the unique landscape morphology of the Malioboro Main Street area, which serves as evidence of a productive space for urban tourism by typomorphological analysis through the approach of urban landscape elements, tourism elements and its activities. Thus, it may complement previous studies in urban areas dominated by tourism.


International Journal of Tourism Cities, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2056-5607


Open Access
Publication date: 6 February 2024

I Gede Sutarya

In 2022, the new normal era began to experience an increase in the number of tourists visiting Bali. Even though spiritual tourism was optimistic in attracting foreign visitors…



In 2022, the new normal era began to experience an increase in the number of tourists visiting Bali. Even though spiritual tourism was optimistic in attracting foreign visitors, most tourists come from nearby nations like Australia, indicating that the visits had a brief duration in this new era. To sustain the income of spiritual tourism advocates, it is possible to overcome the brief visit. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the collaboration of digitalized spiritual tourism activities in 2022. Data were collected through literature study, observation and in-depth interviews to determine the spiritual tourism hybrid business. The result showed that the digitalization of spiritual tourism builds an on-off hybrid method in marketing and products, thus developing a theory of the characteristics. This on-off hybrid provides a touch of experience for tourists to visit directly. Therefore, digitalization builds the resilience of spiritual tourism in the new normal era through marketing and service of hybrid products.


The gap between word-of-mouth marketing habits, direct product service and the tendency to digitize creates adaptation problems that take time. These problems make a practical contribution to building marketing and spiritual tourism products. The theoretical contribution is to build integrated marketing and spiritual tourism digital product concepts. A qualitative research method was adopted because the population of spiritual tourism is very limited. Therefore, it needs to be explored through experienced and knowledgeable informants. Literature study, observation and in-depth interviews were used to collect data. The literature study technique collects data from written sources, namely books, articles and internet sources. Observations were made by analyzing non-participants by recording various marketing activities and services for spiritual tourism products. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted with informants about digitalization in the new normal era.


The result showed that the digitalization of spiritual tourism builds an on-off hybrid method in marketing and products, thus developing a theory of the characteristics. This on-off hybrid provides a touch of experience for tourists to visit directly. Therefore, digitalization builds the resilience of spiritual tourism in the new normal era through marketing and service of hybrid products.


The method has successfully built digital and direct visit products. Digital products share knowledge, while direct visit products serve to gain hands-on experience. These products provide income for spiritual tourism actors. However, direct visit products are more emphasized to spread income, such as hotels, restaurants and souvenirs. This development provides a theoretical implication that the characteristics of tourism products can be enjoyed at the service provider’s premises and the area of origin of tourists with digital technology. Therefore, digitalization has changed the theory of the characteristics of tourism products from having to be enjoyed by service providers (Yoeti, 1991).


Southeast Asia: A Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1819-5091


Publication date: 23 August 2024

Anissa Lokey-Vega, Brendan E. Callahan, Ashley Archer Doehling and Michelle Head

This design case serves to identify barriers to implementing a micro-credential initiative and describes how the institution in the case addresses them to provide strategies and…



This design case serves to identify barriers to implementing a micro-credential initiative and describes how the institution in the case addresses them to provide strategies and lessons learned to practitioners at other institutions of higher education who may be designing a micro-credential initiative.


This design case traces a systems approach to designing a centralized and sustainable university micro-credential initiative. Sources include historical documents from the original working group, email-documented community feedback, current initiative communications, participant report, and frequency counts of micro-credentials awarded. This data is used to recount the design process and key decisions that led to revisions, or iterations, of the initiative's design.


The institution has seen rapid growth in the awarding of micro-credentials. Lessons learned included the need for thoughtful inclusion of stakeholders, selective terminology, a well-communicated attitude of iteration, repurposing of established tools and processes, and on-going support of academic faculty.

Research limitations/implications

Like any design case, this study is not generalizable.


This paper provides a unique empirical account of the design, development, and implementation of a micro-credential initiative that functioned in tandem with, rather than in conflict with, shared governance and academic traditions at a higher education institution.


Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2050-7003


Publication date: 6 February 2024

Shih-Shuo Yeh, Aliana Man Wai Leong, Chien-Wen Hung and Tzung-Cheng Huan

This tourism study delves into the universal impact of authenticity on tourists' preferences. This study aims to enhance understanding and present a model delineating…



This tourism study delves into the universal impact of authenticity on tourists' preferences. This study aims to enhance understanding and present a model delineating authenticity's intricate relationship with behavioral intention, involvement and nostalgia.


The research entails administering a sample survey to travelers located in the departure lounge of Macau International Airport. Ultimately, 499 fully completed questionnaires are obtained through convenience sampling. The analysis of the collected data incorporates an innovative method, using a quadratic model.


Results undeniably validate that a destination's perceived authenticity significantly influences tourists' intentions, engagement and nostalgic sentiments. Findings strongly support the assertion that this authenticity demonstrates a nonlinear pattern in its association with behavioral intention, involvement and nostalgia.


Through quantitative analysis and interpretation, this study has advanced the comprehension of the interplay between authenticity and tourism. It introduces a novel perspective that adds depth to the broader understanding in this domain. This foundational research is crucial for acknowledging the unique contributions made by this study to the fields of tourism and authenticity.




该研究需要对位于澳门国际机场候机室的旅客进行抽样调查。最终通过便利抽样获得完整填写的问卷499份。对收集的数据的分析采用了一种创新方法, 利用二次方模型。


结果无可否认地证实, 目的地的感知真实性会显着影响游客的意图、参与度和怀旧情绪。研究结果有力地支持了这一主张, 即这种真实性在其与行为意图、参与和怀旧的关联中表现出一种非线性模式。


通过定量分析和解释, 这项研究增进了我们对真实性与旅游之间的回应的理解。它引入了一种新颖的视角, 加深了我们对这一领域更广泛的理解。这一基础研究为承认本研究对旅游和真实性领域做出了独特贡献。


Este estudio turístico profundiza en el impacto universal de la autenticidad en las preferencias de los turistas. Pretende mejorar la comprensión y presentar un modelo que delinee la intrincada relación de la autenticidad con la intención conductual, la implicación y la nostalgia.


La investigación consistió en administrar una encuesta por muestreo a los viajeros situados en la sala de embarque del Aeropuerto Internacional de Macao. Finalmente, se obtuvieron 499 cuestionarios totalmente cumplimentados mediante un muestreo de conveniencia. El análisis de los datos recogidos incorpora un método innovador, utilizando un modelo cuadrático.


Los resultados validan sin lugar a duda que la autenticidad percibida de un destino influye significativamente en las intenciones, la implicación y los sentimientos nostálgicos de los turistas. Los hallazgos apoyan firmemente la afirmación de que esta autenticidad demuestra un patrón no lineal en su asociación con la intención conductual, la implicación y la nostalgia.


Mediante el análisis cuantitativo y la interpretación, este estudio ha hecho avanzar nuestra comprensión de la interacción entre autenticidad y turismo. Introduce una perspectiva novedosa que añade profundidad a nuestra comprensión más amplia en este ámbito. Esta investigación fundacional es crucial para reconocer las contribuciones únicas de este estudio a los campos del turismo y la autenticidad.

Publication date: 12 September 2024

Deske W. Mandagi and Dave Centeno

Anchored in the theories of brand gestalt and stakeholder perspectives, this study aims to undertake a comprehensive examination of the brand gestalt concept, emphasizing its…



Anchored in the theories of brand gestalt and stakeholder perspectives, this study aims to undertake a comprehensive examination of the brand gestalt concept, emphasizing its multidimensional nature and the process of co-creation.


Focused within the context of the Wonderful Indonesia brand, the research draws upon a rich qualitative data set derived from in-depth interviews conducted with 18 international tourists, supplemented by netnography (or internet ethnography) of websites, social media and online articles related to Wonderful Indonesia. Using grounded theory methodology, the qualitative data undergo rigorous analysis to identify emergent themes and patterns.


The research elucidates the four dimensions (4S) comprising brand gestalt: storyscapes, sensescapes, servicescapes and stakeholderscapes. Each dimension is further delineated into essential categories, providing a comprehensive understanding of brand gestalt. This study highlights the collaborative nature of brand gestalt, emphasizing the involvement of multiple stakeholders in shaping the brand's identity and perception. Consumer perceptions of co-creation are identified as significant contributors to brand gestalt, enhancing the brand's value proposition.

Practical implications

Destination management and practitioners can use the insights from the research to refine their brand management and marketing strategies by leveraging the dimensions of brand gestalt. Recognizing the collaborative construct of brand gestalt can guide businesses in fostering meaningful relationships with stakeholders and aligning branding efforts with collective visions. Understanding the role of consumer co-creation in brand development can inform strategies aimed at enhancing brand equity and fostering consumer loyalty.


This study extends existing literature on brand gestalt by providing a comprehensive examination of its four dimensions and essential categories. By emphasizing the collaborative nature of brand gestalt, this study contributes to advancing the understanding of brand co-creation paradigms. The identification of consumer perceptions of co-creation as a significant factor in brand gestalt adds novel insights to the literature, offering valuable implications for brand management and marketing strategies.


International Journal of Tourism Cities, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2056-5607


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