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Publication date: 1 February 2018

Ci-Rong Li, Chun-Xuan Li, Chen-Ju Lin and Jing Liu

The purpose of this paper is to explicate the influence of diverse team on team-level ambidexterity and its curvilinear assessment, and test the mediating role of team reflexivity…




The purpose of this paper is to explicate the influence of diverse team on team-level ambidexterity and its curvilinear assessment, and test the mediating role of team reflexivity and the moderating role of shared meta-knowledge in the curvilinear relationship between team diversity and team ambidexterity.


The authors collected multisource and temporally separated data on 206 R&D teams within 28 high-tech firms in Taiwan.


This study found a complex, curvilinear, moderated mediation relationship that functional background diversity has with team ambidexterity. Furthermore, consistent with the notion from categorization-elaboration model, the authors found the curvilinear relationship that functional background diversity has with both team ambidexterity and team reflexivity. Finally, the authors also found that the curvilinear relationship between functional background diversity and team reflexivity was moderated by shared meta-knowledge, such that the positive relationship was strengthened and the negative relationship weakened, in higher shared meta-knowledge in teams rather than lower.


The results demonstrate that team diversity-team ambidexterity relationship is much more complicated than previous works have assumed or suggested. Overall, the authors contribute to a novel understanding about the importance of team diversity in ambidextrous teams by opening the black box of how and when functional background diversity and team ambidexterity.


Management Decision, vol. 56 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0025-1747


Publication date: 5 February 2018

Ci-Rong Li, Chun-Xuan Li and Chen-Ju Lin

The purpose of this paper is to test how team regulatory focus may relate to individual creativity and team innovation; and address the fit/misfit issue of team regulatory focus…




The purpose of this paper is to test how team regulatory focus may relate to individual creativity and team innovation; and address the fit/misfit issue of team regulatory focus and team bureaucracy.


The authors collected data from 377 members and their leaders within 56 R&D teams in two Taiwanese companies.


A team promotion focus was positively related, whereas a team prevention focus was negatively related, to both team innovation and member creativity through team perspective taking and employee information elaboration, respectively. Furthermore, team bureaucracy played a moderating role that suppressed the indirect relationship between team regulatory focus and creativity.


This is one of first studies to explore an underlying mechanism linking team regulatory focus and both team innovation and member creativity. The authors provide a more complete view of the creative and innovation implications of team-level self-regulation.


Personnel Review, vol. 47 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0048-3486


Publication date: 13 April 2020

Ci-Rong Li, Yanyu Yang, Chen-Ju Lin and Ying Xu

This research adopts a dynamic self-regulation framework to test whether there is a curvilinear relationship between creative self-efficacy and individual creative performance at…



This research adopts a dynamic self-regulation framework to test whether there is a curvilinear relationship between creative self-efficacy and individual creative performance at the within-person level. Furthermore, to establish a boundary condition of the predicted relationship, the authors build a cross-level model and examine how approach motivation and avoidance motivation moderate the complex relationship between creative self-efficacy and individual creative performance.


To obtain results from a within-person analysis, the authors collect multi-source data from 125 technicians who provided monthly reports over an 8-month period.


The authors find evidence of an inverted U-shaped relationship between creative self-efficacy and individual creative performance at the within-person level and differential moderating effects of approach/avoidance motivations.


This study is one of the first to challenge the assumption that creative self-efficacy always has a positive linear relationship with creativity. It provides a more complete view of the complex pattern between creative self-efficacy and creativity at the within-person level.

Publication date: 2 May 2017

Bao-Da Xu, Shu-Kuan Zhao, Ci-Rong Li and Chen-Ju Lin

The purpose of this paper is to test a multilevel framework to further explicate how team leaders’ authentic leadership is related to their followers’ individual creativity.




The purpose of this paper is to test a multilevel framework to further explicate how team leaders’ authentic leadership is related to their followers’ individual creativity.


This study is based on a questionnaire survey/analysis of analyses of multisource and lagged data from 63 team leaders and 428 followers in Taiwan.


The findings demonstrated that leader-member exchange (LMX) and team psychological safe climate mediated the positive relationship of authentic leadership on followers thriving at work. Furthermore, employee thriving at work sequentially mediated the positive relationship between authentic leadership and employee creativity. The author also found that indirect relationship of LMX with employee creativity through thriving at work was stronger when authentic leadership was higher.


The authors contribute to the existing understanding that authentic leadership relates to individual creativity through three multilevel mechanisms: leaders modeling their authenticity to develop and maintain their dyad-level exchange relationships with their followers (LMX), motivating the team, captured by team-level psychological safe climate and its members, reflected by employee-level thriving at work, and facilitating the relationship between LMX and employee thriving at work.


Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 38 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-7739


Publication date: 7 February 2023

Ci-Rong Li, Yanyu Yang, Jing Liu and Allan Lee

The present research integrates conservation of resources theory (COR) and adaptation theory to investigate the dynamics of entrepreneurs' reactions to obstacles. Furthermore…



The present research integrates conservation of resources theory (COR) and adaptation theory to investigate the dynamics of entrepreneurs' reactions to obstacles. Furthermore, this research explores whether entrepreneurs' effort allocations following an obstacle influence how entrepreneurs appraise subsequent loss-related events. Finally, this research seeks to understand why some entrepreneurs handle obstacles better than others by considering the role of optimism.


This research utilized a longitudinal survey with 130 nascent entrepreneurs across 4 time periods. This research used a multivariate latent change analysis model to examine the temporal dynamics of new venture effort after exposure to obstacles.


The results indicated that entrepreneurial obstacles at time t were associated with decreased effort in new ventures at time t+1. Furthermore, new venture effort at time t was associated with decreased effort in new ventures at time t+1. The results also demonstrated that the allocation of greater effort may lead to a decrease in subsequent obstacle appraisals, a relationship that also varies as a function of nascent entrepreneurs' optimism.


This research extends the understanding of the dynamic pattern of reactions following exposure to entrepreneurial obstacles. The findings suggest that, rather than being straightforward, reactions are likely to ebb and flow over time.


International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, vol. 29 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1355-2554


Publication date: 5 April 2011

Chih‐Peng Chu, Ci‐Rong Li and Chen‐Ju Lin

The purpose of this paper is to further understand the joint effect of project‐level exploratory and exploitative learning in new product development. It aims to examine the…




The purpose of this paper is to further understand the joint effect of project‐level exploratory and exploitative learning in new product development. It aims to examine the complicated relationships among exploratory learning, exploitative learning and new product performance at a single project level. In addition, it seeks to shed light on the contextual effects of a firm's market orientation on the relationship between joint occurrence of both learning activities and new product development performance.


The paper is based on a questionnaire survey/analysis of a sample of 298 projects from high‐tech firms in Taiwan.


The findings suggest that the joint occurrence of both learning activities has a positive effect on new product performance and depends upon a high level of one learning activity coupled with a small dose of the other. Drawing on cultural and behavioral perspectives of market orientation, the results also indicate that market orientation may enhance the joint effect of both learning activities on new product performance.

Practical implications

This paper offers insight to project managers with regard to the importance of rationally mixing with exploratory and exploitative learning during new product development. Furthermore, the study argues that market orientation is an alternative of organizational design that fosters the positive joint effect of both learning behaviors.


The results empirically support the theoretical argument that a high‐low matching of exploratory and exploitative learning can enhance performance at the level of a single project. The study provides a multiple‐level framework to understand how the firm‐level MO strengthens the positive effects of joint occurrence of project‐level exploratory and exploitative learning activities during new product development.


European Journal of Marketing, vol. 45 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0309-0566


Publication date: 18 October 2011

Tsau‐Tang Yang and Ci‐Rong Li

This paper aims to extend research on exploration and exploitation by investigating the effects of competence exploration and exploitation on new product development outcomes in…




This paper aims to extend research on exploration and exploitation by investigating the effects of competence exploration and exploitation on new product development outcomes in China. Premised from the perspective of environment‐performance relationship and the fit‐as‐moderation view, the authors argue that exploration and exploitation have curvilinear effects on new product development performance due to external environmental factors.


The paper is based on a questionnaire survey/analysis of a sample of 289 firms in China.


Consistent with the two perspectives mentioned above, the curvilinear link between competence exploration and new product performance was negatively moderated by environmental dynamism but positively moderated by environmental competitiveness. In contrast, the non‐linear effect of competence exploitation on new product performance was positively moderated by environmental dynamism but negatively moderated by environmental competitiveness.


The exploration and exploitation‐performance link emerges as more complex than previous research has shown. The results indicate the need for simultaneous consideration of environmental dynamism and competitiveness as moderators in the discourse on the curvilinear effects of exploration and exploitation on new product performance.


Management Decision, vol. 49 no. 9
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0025-1747


Publication date: 4 November 2014

Yi-Shun Wang, Hsien-Ta Li, Ci-Rong Li and Chian Wang

Based on previous information systems/educational technology success models, the purpose of this paper is to establish a comprehensive, multidimensional model for assessing…



Based on previous information systems/educational technology success models, the purpose of this paper is to establish a comprehensive, multidimensional model for assessing blog-based learning systems success.


Data collected from 240 blog-based learning systems users in the context of higher education were tested against the model using the structural equation modelling approach.


The results indicate the interrelationships between six system success variables: system quality, content quality, context and linkage quality, user satisfaction, system use, and learning performance. In particular, this study confirms that quality attributes positively affect user satisfaction, which in turn positively influences learning performance directly or indirectly through the mediation of system use.


This study is a pioneering effort to develop and validate a blog-based learning systems success model.


Online Information Review, vol. 38 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1468-4527


Publication date: 23 August 2013

Ci‐Rong Li

Premised on the information‐processing perspective, this paper attempts to examine whether diverse top management team can simultaneously pursue contradictory innovations.




Premised on the information‐processing perspective, this paper attempts to examine whether diverse top management team can simultaneously pursue contradictory innovations.


The paper is based on a questionnaire survey and analysis of a sample of 113 firms in China.


Team heterogeneity has an ambiguous nature which may not only facilitate building paradoxical mental models or cognitive frames, but also harm the exchange of information and integration of differential knowledge within top management teams. Therefore, the paper argues that the most important issue in this research field is to address the dilemma and to find the governance mechanism to effectively manage the dual impact of team diversity on attaining organizational ambidexterity. The findings show that the social capital among top executives, including connectedness, trust and shared vision, can moderate the link between team diversity and organizational ambidexterity.


The paper suggests that building social capital among top executives may be a useful way or approach to information sharing and knowledge integrations within senior teams.


Journal of Organizational Change Management, vol. 26 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0953-4814


Publication date: 1 August 2008

Ci‐Rong Li, Chen‐Ju Lin and Chih‐Peng Chu

This study aims to consider that a proactive‐ and responsive‐market orientated firm is able to align with the development of radical (exploratory) innovations as well as…




This study aims to consider that a proactive‐ and responsive‐market orientated firm is able to align with the development of radical (exploratory) innovations as well as incremental (exploitative) innovations to realize its organizational ambidexterity.


The paper is based on a questionnaire survey/analysis of a sample of 227 high‐technology firms in Taiwan.


The research findings reveal that both types of market orientation provide different managerial efforts to develop and foster different types of innovation competencies; and then, those effects would be moderated through external and organizational factors.

Practical implications

Through the deployment of ambidextrous structures, managers could effectively arrange the portfolio of product‐markets with an array of proactive‐ and responsive‐ market orientation to align the potential conflicts concerning the exploration and the exploitation.


This study is a pioneer in the field that reveals how a proactive‐ and responsive‐ market orientated firm could systematically operate to accomplish its ambidexterity of innovations.


Management Decision, vol. 46 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0025-1747


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