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Open Access
Publication date: 2 October 2024

John Davidson Egan, Thomas S. Clark and Iolani M. Connolly

The purpose of this study was to explore the leadership competencies that are effectively transferring into the workplaces of recent military college alumni from both their



The purpose of this study was to explore the leadership competencies that are effectively transferring into the workplaces of recent military college alumni from both their curricular and co-curricular experiences.


Through semi-structured interviews, this study explored 15 military college alumnis perspectives on the leadership competencies they developed in college and currently apply in the workplace.


The findings indicated the 15 military college alumni participants developed and applied the following student leadership competencies at work: productive relationships, helping others, supervision, empathy, ethics, functioning independently, resiliency, positive attitude and scope of competence.


Limited research explores leadership learning at military colleges and service academies in the United States. Yet these collegiate military environments have a missional focus on leadership education and development. This article highlights the importance of the alumni lens in assessing leadership learning in collegiate military environments and provides recommendations to administrators of this institution type.


Journal of Leadership Education, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1552-9045


Open Access
Publication date: 18 September 2024

Amanda Bankel and Lisa Govik

The purpose of this paper is to explore networked business models on a nascent market for a sustainable innovation.



The purpose of this paper is to explore networked business models on a nascent market for a sustainable innovation.


The study takes a qualitative approach through a comparative case study of three solar photovoltaic (PV) parks in Sweden. Data was collected from 14 interviews with multiple supply chain and network actors as well as secondary data. Industrial marketing and purchasing is applied for theoretical framing.


The study demonstrates transactional, relational, environmental and social drivers for participating in the network. The study reveals the duplicity of the nascent market, which encourages supply chain actors to develop their individual business models to take a larger market share or become future competitors to current collaborators. On the nascent market with few developed regulations, the network enables actors to influence regulations on local and regional levels.

Research limitations/implications

The study is limited to the nascent solar PV industry in Sweden, which is characterized by institutional turbulence, market uncertainties and few established supply networks.

Practical implications

Practitioners need to consider multifarious drivers for participating in networked business models, where the economic driver may be the least motivating.


This study provides several multiactor business models and classifies them into specific applications and general applications. The study provides unique insight into the complexity of interactions among supply chain actors in networked business models on a nascent market for sustainable innovation. Due to the scarcity of available partners on the nascent market, actors need to look beyond their on-going relationships and their network horizon, or actorsroles evolve to include activities that was not part of their individual business models.


Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, vol. 29 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1359-8546


Open Access
Publication date: 24 September 2024

Ryuichi Nakamoto, Hao-Cheng Chen, Hiroki Noguchi and Shohei Funatsu

The Penrose effect, or the limitation of the growth rate during expansion due to managerial constraints, has been examined in the context of business diversification, withdrawal



The Penrose effect, or the limitation of the growth rate during expansion due to managerial constraints, has been examined in the context of business diversification, withdrawal and MNEs foreign direct investment, primarily in the for-profit sector. However, insufficient attention has been paid to its impact on professional service firms, particularly in the context of their expansion through service exports. The main purpose of this study is to examine the Penrose effect in the internationalization of professional service firms through service exports.


This study focuses on large Japanese patent firms as traditional professional service firms and constructs panel data for 48 large patent firms over the observation period from 2002 to 2010 to test our hypotheses.


Our results demonstrate a negative relationship between degree of internationalization and international business growth, thus confirming the Penrose effect. Furthermore, we found that the degree of internationalization has a curvilinear relationship with international business growth and that institutional distance does not have a negatively moderating effect on the relationship between the degree of internationalization and international business growth.


This study made a theoretical contribution to Penrose's growth theory and previous studies on international management and professional service firms and international management by showing that the Penrose effect can be observed in the international expansion of professional service firms through service exports. Moreover, this study identifies the factors that modify the Penrose effect, thereby making a significant theoretical contribution.


Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1757-4323


Open Access
Publication date: 17 September 2024

Maria Del Mar Garcia de los Salmones, Angel Herrero and Patricia Martínez García de Leaniz

This paper aims to analyse the determinants of the intention to share a post about an environmental issue posted by a tourism destination on Facebook. The authors use the stimulus



This paper aims to analyse the determinants of the intention to share a post about an environmental issue posted by a tourism destination on Facebook. The authors use the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) model as a theoretical framework and consider cognitive variables (destination social responsibility, tourist social responsibility and three types of congruence) as antecedents of emotions and of the touristsresponse (intention to share). Specific factors related to the social platform (attachment and active use of social media) are also included.


The model was tested for two destinations with different positioning (green tourism versus sun and beach). For the sampling strategy, the authors conducted an online poll targeting Facebook users who had undertaken at least one trip in the previous year. The sample consisted of 1,001 individuals.


The empirical evidence obtained indicates that consumercause congruence is the most important variable for explaining the intention to share the post for both destinations, with the destinationcause congruence being non-significant. The authors also observed that active participation on the social network stimulated the intention to share this specific content.


Unlike prior research, this paper examined consumer motivators for engaging with online corporate social responsibility content for tourism destinations, specifically focusing on destination social responsibility in sustainable tourism. The model also incorporates three types of congruence, revealing variations in their impact on explaining the intention to share sustainability-related posts.


Este trabajo analiza los determinantes de la intención de compartir una publicación sobre un tema ambiental publicada por un destino turístico en Facebook. Utilizamos el modelo estímulo-organismo-respuesta (SOR, por sus siglas en inglés) como marco teórico y consideramos variables cognitivas (responsabilidad social del destino, responsabilidad social del turista y tres tipos de congruencia) como antecedentes de las emociones y de la respuesta de los turistas (intención de compartir). También se incluyen factores específicos relacionados con la plataforma social (apego y uso activo de las redes sociales).


El modelo se probó para dos destinos con diferentes posicionamientos (turismo verde versus sol y playa). Para la estrategia de muestreo, realizamos una encuesta en línea dirigida a usuarios de Facebook que habían realizado al menos un viaje en el año anterior. La muestra consistió en 1.001 individuos.


La evidencia empírica obtenida indica que la congruencia consumidor-causa es la variable más importante para explicar la intención de compartir la publicación en ambos destinos, mientras que la congruencia destino-causa no fue significativa. También observamos que la participación activa en la red social estimuló la intención de compartir este contenido específico.


A diferencia de investigaciones previas, este artículo examinó los motivadores del consumidor para interactuar con contenido de responsabilidad social corporativa en línea de destinos turísticos, enfocándose específicamente en la responsabilidad social del destino en el turismo sostenible. El modelo también incorpora tres tipos de congruencia, revelando variaciones en su impacto en la explicación de la intención de compartir publicaciones relacionadas con la sostenibilidad.


研究分析Facebook分享旅游目的地发布环保问题帖子意图决定因素我们使用刺激-有机体-反应SOR模型作为理论框架, 考虑认知变量目的地社会责任游客社会责任类型一致性作为情绪游客反应分享意图前因此外, 包括社交平台相关特定因素社交媒体依赖度活跃使用)。


模型针对具有不同定位绿色旅游阳光沙滩目的地进行测试我们通过线问卷调查过去至少进行旅行Facebook用户, 最终样本1,001


研究结果表明, 对于目的地, 消费者环保事业一致性解释分享帖子意图重要变量, 目的地环保事业一致性显著我们发现, 社交网络活跃参与激发用户分享此类特定内容意图


以往研究不同, 本文探讨消费者参与在线企业社会责任内容动机, 特别关注持续旅游目的地社会责任模型引入类型一致性, 揭示它们解释分享持续性相关帖子意图影响差异

Open Access
Publication date: 2 October 2024

Alessandro Cinti, Maria Rosaria Marcone, Andrea Sabatini and Valerio Temperini

This study aims to investigate the efficacy of the supply network approach in bolstering supply chain resilience amidst escalating global uncertainty. With enterprises worldwide



This study aims to investigate the efficacy of the supply network approach in bolstering supply chain resilience amidst escalating global uncertainty. With enterprises worldwide facing increasing threats that disrupt supply chains, this research explores how firms enhance supply network resilience during crises.


Using a multi-case study design, this research thoroughly examines interactions within firmssupply networks to uncover new insights on supply network approach and how firms enhance supply network resilience against global uncertainty. The selection of cases was methodologically aligned to represent diverse industries and geographical locations to ensure a comprehensive analysis.


This studys findings reveal how firms develop supply network resilience during global crises. The supply network perspective provides a deeper understanding of how firms manage supply chain interactions, interdependencies and strategic positions to survive and thrive during crises. The conceptual framework developed here provides insights that can foster improved coordination and facilitate effective temporary organising. The framework highlights the need for firms to proactively seize opportunities and mitigate risks within their global supply chains during crises to boost overall resilience.


Offering novel insights into the domain of supply chain networks, this study underscores novel perspectives of the supply network approach when firms develop supply chain resilience during global crises. Highlighting the adaptive responses of firms that integrate these approaches enriches the understanding of strategic manoeuvres firms can use to navigate global uncertainty and secure supply chain continuity.


Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0885-8624


Open Access
Publication date: 30 September 2024

Gauree Shanker, Ankit Yadav and Ramandeep Kaur

The screen CauchyRiemann (SCR)-lightlike submanifold is an important class of submanifolds of semi-Riemannian manifolds. It contains various other classes of submanifolds as its



The screen CauchyRiemann (SCR)-lightlike submanifold is an important class of submanifolds of semi-Riemannian manifolds. It contains various other classes of submanifolds as its sub-cases. It has been studied under various ambient space. The purpose of this research is to study the geometry of SCR-lightlike submanifolds of metallic semi-Riemannian manifolds.


The article is divided into five sections. The first section is introductory section which represents brief overview of the conducted research of this article. The second section outlines the key results that are utilized throughout the paper. In section three, the definition of SCR-lightlike submanifold is constructed with one non-trivial example. In section four and five, the important results on integrability, totally geodesic foliations and warped product are given.


The SCR-lightlike submanifold is introduced. One non-trivial example is constructed which helps to understand the given structure. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the integrability and to be totally geodesic for various distributions are obtained. The necessary and sufficient conditions for induced connection on totally umbilical SCR-lightlike submanifolds to be a metric connection are discussed. Various results are found on totally umbilical SCR-lightlike submanifolds. Finally, the existence of the warped product lightlike submanifold of the type N×λNT is studied.


SCR-lightlike submanifolds have been explored within ambient manifolds possessing various structures, such as Kaehler, Sasakian and Kenmotsu structures. In this article, we investigate this structure on submanifolds of metallic semi-Riemannian manifolds. This original and authentic research will aid researchers in advancing the study of semi-Riemannian manifolds.


Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1319-5166


Open Access
Publication date: 27 September 2024

Raju Majumdar and Ankur Mittal

This primary purpose of this research is to explore the rank order of funding challenges among the other challenges faced by women entrepreneurs (WEs) in an urban setting. For this



This primary purpose of this research is to explore the rank order of funding challenges among the other challenges faced by women entrepreneurs (WEs) in an urban setting. For this purpose, the study uses a sample of women microentrepreneurs engaged in (the relatively capital-intensive) manufacturing activities. The study further explores the perception of WEs toward borrowing as a source of funds and the challenges they face while accessing institutional finance. Lastly, the study explores whether the financial challenges faced by them are, in part, influenced by the deficiencies in their own skill set, as the human capital theory suggests.


For the purpose of analysis, this research uses summary statistics, namely the mean, mode and standard deviation for the purpose of preliminary analysis. The Friedman two-way analysis of variance by rank test and the associated chi-square value are used to statistically validate the hypothesis. Furthermore, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test is used to check for the robustness of our results.


Our findings suggest that the growth of the financial services sector in urban India has not had a significant impact on the funding challenges that WEs faced. A closer look at the evidence suggests that even for educated urban women, the funding challenges faced are no different from what has widely been reported in the context of other emerging nations. Highlighting the inadequacies in high school and college education in so far as financial skills training is concerned, the study recommends a multipronged approach to address the observed voluntary abstinence from borrowing as well as the institutional hurdles WEs faced.


Unlike previous research where WEs are treated as a monolithic whole, this study focuses on WEs engaged in manufacturing activities in an urban setting.


IIMT Journal of Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2976-7261


Open Access
Publication date: 24 September 2024

Xiaoman Li, Xinxin Yang and Qi Zheng

Based on traditional Chinese filial piety, this article examines the impacts and mechanisms of the two-dimensional filial piety conceptQinqinZunzunon gender wages in China



Based on traditional Chinese filial piety, this article examines the impacts and mechanisms of the two-dimensional filial piety conceptQinqinZunzunon gender wages in China via China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) conducted in 2014 and 2018.


This article construct regression models to examine the relationship between filial piety concepts and wages. Also, it uses unconditional quantile regression and decomposition to explore the impact of filial piety concepts on the wage gap.


It is found that: (1) The effects of two-dimensional filial piety are heterogeneous in terms of gender. Specifically, authoritarian filial piety significantly suppresses individual wages and has a stronger suppressive effect on womens wages, whereas affinity filial piety significantly enhances individual wages without gender heterogeneity; (2) Parents' time support in the intergenerational exchange model is a crucial mechanism by which filial piety affects wages, exhibiting significant gender heterogeneity; (3) Regarding wage distribution, authoritarian filial piety mainly widens the gender income gap in the low and middle income-groups, while affinity filial piety narrows the gender wage gap byraising the floor”, with its converging effect being most significant in the middle and high-income groups. This article deepens the understanding of the gender wage gap and intergenerational income mobility, providing policy references for better utilizing the social governance function of culture.


The article deepens the understanding and mechanisms of the gender wage gap and inter-generational income mobility, providing policy reference for better utilizing the social governance function of culture.


International Journal of Manpower, vol. 45 no. 10
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-7720


Open Access
Publication date: 23 September 2024

Fredrick Ishengoma and Elia John

This study aims to establish a comprehensive framework for adopting mobile-based artificial intelligence (AI) services in Tanzanian manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs



This study aims to establish a comprehensive framework for adopting mobile-based artificial intelligence (AI) services in Tanzanian manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs).


The methodology involved conducting a literature review and using the combination of Mobile Services Acceptance Model and Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) as a theoretical foundation. This synthesis delves into the current knowledge on technology adoption, organizational behavior and innovation diffusion, creating a solid conceptual basis. Expert review was used for framework validation to ensure the framework's accuracy.


This study shows that the factors influencing the adoption of mobile-based AI services in Tanzanian manufacturing SMEs include perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, context, personal initiatives and characteristics, trust, infrastructure, cost, mobility, power distance, compatibility, observability and trialability.

Research limitations/implications

The framework provides valuable insights tailored to Tanzanian sociocultural and economic nuances. However, its generalizability is limited due to its specificity to Tanzanian manufacturing SMEs.

Practical implications

The framework outlined in this research provides SME leaders, policymakers and technology implementers with valuable guidance to make informed decisions during the adoption process.


This study introduces a novel lens for understanding technology adoption. This study's focus on the Tanzanian context and its nuanced examination of contributing factors add to its originality and practical significance.


Vilakshan - XIMB Journal of Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0973-1954


Open Access
Publication date: 16 September 2024

Jessie Ming Sin Wong

This study examined the implementation of an agile-blended learning (ABL) approach in a master-level early childhood research course and assessed its impact on the learning



This study examined the implementation of an agile-blended learning (ABL) approach in a master-level early childhood research course and assessed its impact on the learning experience. The purpose was to understand how incorporating ABL concepts affected flexibility, learner autonomy, collaboration and technology mediation, the core principles of ABL.


A participatory case study methodology was employed to gather insights from 40 students regarding their experiences in the redesigned research course. Data were collected through interviews, observations and document analysis. Qualitative data were thematically analyzed and quantitative data descriptively analyzed.


ABL fostered flexibility, convenience and learner autonomy. However, students desired richer interpersonal interactions. Technological integration enhanced learning, but social presence was lacking.

Research limitations/implications

The study was limited to a specific master-level early childhood education course and focused on a particular group of students. Further research is needed to examine the generalizability of the findings in different educational contexts and student populations.

Practical implications

Recommendations include ongoing professional development and support systems to optimize ABL realization. Sustaining ABL practices necessitates flexible, empowering institutional structures.


This study contributes to the literature by exploring the potential of ABL in the context of early childhood research education. It provides empirical evidence of the benefits of ABL for increased flexibility, learner autonomy, collaboration and technology mediation. The case study design adds to the originality by offering insights into the practical implementation of ABL in an educational setting.


Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, vol. 19 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1858-3431


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