
Charles Chatterjee (Global Policy Institute, UK)

Rural Marketing as a Tool for National Development

ISBN: 978-1-83608-065-7, eISBN: 978-1-83608-064-0

Publication date: 7 October 2024

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Chatterjee, C. (2024), "Index", Rural Marketing as a Tool for National Development, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 159-165.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Charles Chatterjee. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


, 109

, 105

Action groups
, 9

Active biases
, 47

Addis Ababa Action Agenda 2015
, 68, 71, 89–90

Administration of promotions
, 120

Adopter bias
, 46–47

, 56, 112

, 56, 112

After sales service
, 106

, 8

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
, 31

Bargaining power
, 97

Bi-lateral cross-border trade
, 90–91

Bi-lateral investment treaties
, 86


active, present and living biases
, 47

elite bias
, 46

male bias
, 46

person bias
, 45–46

project bias
, 45

in rural development
, 44–47

spatial bias
, 44–45

user and adopter bias
, 46–47

Brundtland Report
, 136

Build, Operate and Transfer basis (BOT)
, 74–75

Building Consumer Trust Through Responsible Marketing
, 111

Built-in prejudices
, 4

Business communities
, 112

Business ethics
, 59

Business information
, 108

Buy back system
, 22

Capacity building
, 90

Caveat emptor
, 55–56, 102–103, 131

Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States 1972
, 20

Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States 1974
, 136–137

Children’s personal data
, 116

Chile Agricultural Development Unit in Ethiopia
, 45

Christian Aid
, 43

Climate change
, 144

Climate system
, 145

Code of Advertising Practice
, 102

Code of Direct Selling
, 102

, 53

Codes of Conduct
, 53, 65, 102

Consolidated ICC Code of Advertising and Marketing Communication Practice 2011
, 54, 59

Draft UN Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations 1983
, 63, 65

ICC International Code of Environmental Advertising
, 62–63

International Code of Advertising Practice 1986
, 59, 61

International Code of Sales Promotion 1987
, 61–62

, 31

Colonial Development Act
, 16–17

Colonial legacy
, 30


of countries
, 83

of minds
, 83

Comilla Project in Bangladesh
, 45

Commanding heights–the Battle for the World Economy
, 33–34

Commercially reasonable manner
, 108

, 112

, 106

, 107

Concept of development in the developed world
, 15–20


towards consumers
, 104

towards direct sellers
, 108

Confederation of British Industries (CBI)
, 26

Consolidated ICC Code of Advertising and Marketing Communication Practice 2011
, 54, 59, 102

Consumer protection
, 3–4, 102

, 51

Consumers Rights Act 2013
, 104–105

Consumption habits
, 5

Cooling off
, 107

Correlation between marketing and sales and capacity building
, 135–137

, 13

Credit worthy
, 79

, 14–15, 17–18, 32, 83

De-colonised countries
, 13

Debt dependence
, 85–86

, 60, 114

Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples 1960
, 20

, 13

, 149–150

, 9

, 105

, 106

Deterioration of environment
, 135–137

Developed countries
, 13–15

, 16, 42, 153

Developing countries
, 13–15, 86, 88

principal causes of lack of public awareness of people in rural areas in
, 134–135

Development (see also Socio-economic developments)
, 1–2, 13, 81, 83–84, 148, 153

brief account of progression of concept
, 15–20

difficulties in defining international development
, 21–31

government in development process
, 32

of human capital
, 28

, 36–38

obstacle to
, 32–35

period between 1940 and 1950
, 15–17

period between 1960 and 1970
, 17–20

, 82

and progress
, 20–21

Western World’s Perception of ‘Development’
, 85–86

Development as Freedom
, 23–24, 36–37

Digital divide
, 90

Digital marketing communication
, 124–129

Direct Marketing
, 57–58, 124, 129

Direct selling
, 103–110

Distribution network system
, 4

, 43

Draft UN Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations 1983
, 63, 65

Dual economy–urban and rural
, 28

Earnings claims
, 109

Ecologically safe
, 63

Economic and Financial Committee of the League of Nations
, 92

Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC)
, 15–16, 84

Economic Consequences of Peace, The
, 24–25

Economic development of Latin America and principal problems
, 13

Economic liberalisation
, 24

Economic opportunities
, 37

, 154

Elite bias
, 46

Engine of growth
, 90–91, 94

Environment and development: our common future
, 137

Environmental issues
, 129–131

Environmental protection
, 148

Equality in fact
, 94

Equality in law
, 92–93

, 105

Exploitation of goodwill
, 106

External causes
, 153

Fair dealing
, 82

, 109

Female human resources
, 53


Addis Ababa Action Agenda
, 68–71

basic information on microfinance
, 71–73

evaluation of microfinance
, 76–78

microfinance at rural level
, 73–76

sources for rural marketing and development
, 67–68

from transnational corporations
, 68

Financial contributions
, 68

First UN Development Decade
, 84

Fonds d’Investissements pour le Developpement Économique et Social (FIDES)
, 16–17

Foreign investors
, 70–71

Free market
, 27

Fulfilment of orders
, 106

, 31

Gender equality
, 139–140

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
, 29–30, 92

General Assembly Resolution on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources 1962
, 18

General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, The
, 25

Generalised Systems of Preferences (GSP)
, 91, 94

Gezira Scheme in Sudan
, 45

Global partnership
, 147

Good practice
, 102

Government in development process
, 32

Governmental participation
, 8–9

Governmental politics
, 47

Great Degeneration, The (Ferguson)
, 22

Greenhouse gases
, 145

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
, 22

, 106

of transparency
, 37

Havana Charter
, 92

, 3–4

‘Heavily Indebted Poor Countries’ Fund
, 30

Heavy rainfall
, 8

Hidden poverty
, 44–45

Hindrances to rural development
, 41

bias in rural development
, 44–47

governmental politics
, 47

, 42–44

professional biases
, 48

, 60, 114

Human capital
, 22, 28

Human Development for Everyone
, 36

Human Development Report 2016
, 36–37

Human freedoms
, 36–37

Human resources development
, 153

, 105

, 109

Import Substitution Industrialisation (ISI)
, 34

Indigenous people
, 3, 5

Industrialisation of environment
, 135–137

, 6

, 27, 90

Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776)
, 24

Institute of Directors (IOD)
, 26

, 142–148

, 108

, 51

Intermediaries, presentation to
, 122

Internal causes
, 153

International Bank for Re-Construction and Development (IBRD)
, 15–16

International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
, 15–16

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
, 58–59, 112

Advertising and Marketing Communications Code 2018
, 112

analysis of code
, 113–118

, 103–110

direct marketing and digital marketing communication
, 124–129

environmental issues
, 129–131

International Code of Direct Selling 2013
, 102–103

International Code of Environmental Advertising
, 62–63

on Marketing and Advertising
, 101

Part II of the Code
, 118–122

purpose and scope of code
, 102–103

, 122–124

International Code of Advertising Practice 1986
, 59, 61

International Code of Sales Promotion 1987
, 61–62

International Convention on the Law of the Sea Convention 1982
, 136–137

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
, 112

International Development (Lanoszka)
, 22

International development, difficulties in defining
, 21–31

Adam Smith
, 24

Frederick A von Hayek
, 25–27

John Maynard Keynes
, 24–25

Sir W Arthur Lewis
, 27–28

Walt W Rostow
, 28–31

International Development Agency (IDA)
, 43

International Development Association (IDA)
, 15–16, 18, 23, 30

International Development Co-operation
, 89–90

International Development Strategy
, 85

International Finance Corporation (IFC)
, 77–78

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 15–16, 18, 29–30

International Trade in Development
, 90–95

, 82

, 27

, 109

Inward-looking strategy
, 86

Istanbul Declaration and Programme of Action
, 69

Keynes, John Maynard
, 24–25

, 43

Knowledge-based economy
, 21–22

Lack of awareness of alternative products
, 10

Laissez-faire doctrine
, 24, 26

League Covenant
, 16

League of Nations period
, 16

, 60

Lewis, Arthur Sir W
, 27–28

Limitations of micro-finance
, 19

Living biases
, 47

Male bias
, 46

, 3–4

, 56–57, 112, 115

, 117

and sales of products in rural areas
, 6

Meaning of Development, The
, 31

, 52

Micro-credit programmes
, 74

, 68

basic information on
, 71–73

, 76–78

at rural level
, 73–76

Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX)
, 77–78

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
, 14

‘Modernisation’ theory
, 29–31

Most-favoured nation standard (MFN)
, 91–92

Mr Robert McNamara’s view on development
, 85

Multi-dimensional policies
, 7

Multi-lateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
, 15–16, 30, 71

Mutual preferential trading arrangements
, 93

Mwea Irrigation Settlement in Kenya
, 45

New International Economic Order (NIEO)
, 20

Non-governmental organisation
, 43

Non-misrepresentation of goods and services
, 3–4

Order forms
, 106

, 42, 44

Outward-looking strategy
, 86

, 43

Partners in Development
, 29

Payment and debt collection
, 107

, 86, 148

Pearson Report
, 29

People worthy
, 79

Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources
, 18, 20

Person bias
, 45–46

Personal data
, 116

, 23, 71–72

Political freedom
, 37

, 73

of environment
, 135–137

Poverty Curtain: Choices for the Third World, The (Ul Haq)
, 31

, 5, 41–42

Present biases
, 47

, 120

to consumers
, 120

Price and credit terms
, 107

Privacy policy
, 117

Private foreign investors
, 86

Prize promotions, information in
, 121–122

Product, Price, Place and Promotion
, 5–6

Professional biases
, 48

Project bias
, 45

Promoters, particular obligations of
, 122

Promotional techniques
, 118–119

Protection and preservation of environment
, 133–134

, 142–148

poverty and deterioration and industrialisation and of environment
, 135–137

principal causes of lack of public awareness of people in rural areas in developing countries
, 134–135

sustainable development
, 137–142

Protective security
, 37

Public awareness
, 134

principal causes of lack of public awareness of people in rural areas in developing countries
, 134–135

‘Pull back’ factor
, 16

Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)
, 72–73

, 108

Referral selling
, 108

Regulatory measures
, 51

codes of conduct
, 53–65

for protecting consumers’ interests
, 52–53

, 109

, 145

Respect for Privacy
, 105

, 109, 122

Return of goods
, 107

Rio Declaration of 1992
, 20, 146

Rio Declaration on the Environment and Development 1992
, 146

Road to Serfdom, The (Hayek)
, 25–26

Rostow, Walt W
, 28–31

Rural areas
, 1–2, 51

basic characteristics of
, 6–8

Rural development (see also Hindrances to rural development)
, 1, 41, 52–53

Rural distribution networks
, 4

Rural level
, 73–76

Rural marketing
, 1–4, 6, 53

basic characteristics of rural areas
, 6–8

basic concepts
, 4–6

governmental participation
, 8–9

, 3–4

rural consumers
, 9–10

rural distribution networks
, 4

and rural sales
, 5–6

rural tradition
, 5

sales and services
, 8–10

socio-economic development
, 95–96

Rural people
, 1, 5, 21, 41–42

Rural sales
, 5–6

Rural tradition
, 5

Rural transition
, 28–29

Rural values
, 56–57


and packaging
, 106

, 3–4

and suitability
, 120

Sales promotions, principles governing
, 119

, 90

Self-regulatory Codes of Conduct
, 102

Self-regulatory decisions
, 110

Seller Beware
, 103

Sharing of knowledge
, 89–90

SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (Samoa) Pathway
, 69

, 145

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
, 71

Smith, Adam
, 24

Social obligations
, 112

Social opportunities
, 37

Social pluralism
, 28

Social responsibility
, 60

Societal public awareness
, 134

Socio-economic development
, 14–15, 21–22, 42, 52, 85

developing country
, 86–88

, 1–2

rural marketing
, 95–96

UN Initiative for Socio-Economic Development in Developing Countries
, 88–95

Western World’s Perception of ‘Development’
, 85–86

, 145

South-south cooperation
, 89–90

, 36

Spatial bias
, 44–45

, 122–124

Stages of economic growth
, 29

Stages of Economic Growth, The (Rostow)
, 28–29

Stockholm Conference (UN) on the Human Environment
, 20

Stockholm Declaration (1972)
, 142

, 109

Substitution of products
, 107

Sustainable development
, 137–142

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 14

‘Technologically enhanced’ marketing communications
, 112

, 22, 90, 112

, 109

Terms of offer
, 119

, 106

Theory of Economic Development (Schumpeter)
, 26–27

Theory of Economic Growth
, 27–28

, 153

Trained indigenous people
, 23

, 154

Treaty of Versailles
, 24–25

Truman Declaration of 1949
, 84

, 60, 105, 114

UN Conference on Human Environment 1972
, 142

UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
, 29–30

UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III)
, 141

UN Development Decade
, 18, 88

UN Development Programme (UNDP)
, 30, 36

UN Environmental Programme
, 141

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
, 141–142, 144, 1992

UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
, 30

UN Initiative for Socio-Economic Development in Developing Countries
, 88–95

International Development Co-operation
, 89–90

International Trade in Development
, 90–95

science, technology, innovation and capacity building
, 90

UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
, 85

Underdeveloped areas
, 82

, 82

Urban marketing
, 6

US Agency for International Development (USAID)
, 29

User bias
, 46–47

‘Value for money’ concept
, 118

Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014–2024
, 69

Von Hayek, Frederick A
, 25–27

Western philosophy of development
, 14

Western World’s Perception of ‘Development’
, 85–86

, 1–2, 82–83, 86, 153

World Bank
, 15–16, 29–30

World Bank Group
, 43

World Charter for Nature 1982
, 143

World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA)
, 102

World Health Organisation (WHO)
, 52

World Trade Organisation (WTO)
, 90