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Publication date: 17 August 2015

Jane Moore

The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the journey so far for the North Wales Regional Single Point of Access (SPOA) through the lens of programme manager with views from the…



The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the journey so far for the North Wales Regional Single Point of Access (SPOA) through the lens of programme manager with views from the programme team. SPOA is the integration of access points to community health and social care services with strengthened links to the third sector, one SPOA in each of six local authorities in the Betsi Cadwallader University Health Board footprint.


Kotter’s 8 step theory of change model (1996) supplemented by the organisational, cultural and professional and contextual factors from research that impact on integrated working between health and social care (Cameron et al., 2012); the focus is programme level.


Kotter’s 8 step model is a useful tool for reflection on the factors identified in research that promote and hinder integrated working. Key messages and innovative ideas of interest for practitioners embarking on a similar “Quest”, including: “keep using your ‘levers for change’”, “Adopt and Adapt”, “right people in the right place”, “it’s ok to tweak your vision, ‘Make it mean something to everyone’, ‘accept and Adapt’, ‘Don’t sweat what you can’t affect’, ‘Find your allies – it’s better together’, ‘Celebrate ‘small wins’’, ‘The people’s voice drives change’ and ‘a sense of humour brings you through’”.

Research limitations/implications

This is a personal reflection from the North Wales Regional SPOA Programme.


It makes use of collaborative work focused on delivering a SPOA, helping others to learn from the struggle.


Diben y papur hwn yw adlewyrchu ar y daith hyd yn hyn ar gyfer Un Pwynt Mynediad Ranbarthol Gogledd Cymru (SPOA) yn bennaf trwy olwg rheolwr y rhaglen ond mae hefyd yn cynnwys safbwyntiau tîm ehangach y rhaglen. Yn greiddiol i’r SPOA ceir integreiddio pwyntiau mynediad i wasanaethau iechyd cymunedol a gofal Cymdeithasol gyda chysylltiadau wedi eu cryfhau i’r Trydydd Sector, un SPOA ym mhob un o’r 6 Awdurdod Lleol sydd o fewn ôl troed bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol BC.


Canfu model damcaniaeth newid (1996) 8 cam Kotter, a ategir gan y ffactorau sefydliadol, diwylliannol a phroffesiynol a’r ffactorau cyd-destunol yn sgil ymchwil mai effaith ar waith integredig rhwng iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol (Cameron et al., 2012) sy’n rhoi’r strwythur i’r papur adlewyrchol hwn; sydd, ar y pwnt hwn o’r daith, yn canolbwyntio ar lefel y rhaglen.


Roedd model 8 cam Kotter yn offeryn defnyddiol ar gyfer yr adlewyrchiad hwn ar y daith hyd yn hyn. Mae ein profiad hyd yn hyn mewn cytgord â’r ffactorau a nodir mewn ymchwil sy’n hyrwyddo ac yn rhwystro gwaith integredig. Mae ymarfer adlewyrchu wedi galluogi negeseuon allweddol a syniadau arloesol a allai fod o ddiddordeb i ymarferwyr sy’n dechrau ar ‘Gais’ tebyg, i gael eu hatgyfnerthu. Mae ein negeseuon allweddol sydd mewn cytgord ag eraill ym maes gwaith integredig fel a ganlyn: ‘Nodi a pharhau i ddefnyddio eich ‘dylanwadau ar gyfer newid’, ‘Mabwysiadu ac Addasu’ , ‘Cael y bobl iawn yn y lle iawn’ , ‘Ni fydd eich rhaglen yn dod i ben os byddwch yn addasu eich gweledigaeth, ‘Gwneud iddo feddwl rhywbeth i rywun’, ‘Derbyn ac Addasu’, ‘Peidio poeni am y pethau na allwch wneud unrhyw beth yn eu cylch’, ‘Canfod eich cynghreiriaid – mae’n well gyda’ch gilydd’, ‘Dathlu eich ‘buddugoliaethau bach’, ‘Mae llais y bobl yn bwerus i lywio newid’ a ‘chofiwch mae synnwyr digrifwch yn dod â chi drwyddi’.

Cyfyngiadau/goblygiadau ymchwil

Mae hwn yn adlewyrchiad personol o Raglen Un Pwynt Mynediad Rhanbarthol Gogledd Cymru.


Mae’n defnyddio gwaith cydweithredol ag yn canolbwyntio ar gyflawni SPOA, gan gynorthwyo eraill i ddysgu trwy’r her.

Publication date: 17 August 2015

Christopher Edmunds and Kerry KilBride

The purpose of this paper is to recount 12 months of a pioneering collaboration between the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, five local authorities and nine registered…



The purpose of this paper is to recount 12 months of a pioneering collaboration between the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, five local authorities and nine registered social landlords in South East Wales. It will aim to share the understanding that has emerged, demonstrating how a large number of agencies, many of which have different purposes or which have traditionally been in competition with each other, have been able to work collaboratively, to meet the interests of some very vulnerable people.


This reflective approach draws on the views of a large number of staff from each of the three constituent public sector service areas and their experience of collaborative working using action research principles. The study will use people’s own words to highlight real experiences, but analysed against similar collaborative activity elsewhere reflected in the literature. As there has been no established pathway for the collaboration to follow, we have adopted a Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle to capture the evolving “In One Place” (IOP) process.


This paper highlights the inherent systemic barriers that have to be identified and overcome if the authors are to move from wishful thinking to pragmatic realism, both within and between organisations. The sense of public sector agencies being able to work together, simply because it makes good sense, is challenged and the paper identifies both cultural and professional factors that made a difference in this collaboration, which could be harnessed elsewhere.


From the outset, a key driver for the IOP has been to align health, social care and housing processes by bringing together practitioners and senior managers to identify need and to plan and deliver services locally, offering a real benefit to individuals with complex needs. This is set within the context of increasing demand on public services, financial austerity and the history of “housing” being on the margins of discussion when considering the integration of health and social care services. The authors are able to demonstrate the benefit of housing being at the centre of such discussions.


Mae’r astudiaeth hon yn adrodd hanes deuddeg mis cyntaf cydweithrediad arloesol rhwng Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan (ABMUHB), pum Awdurdod Lleol a naw Landlord Cymdeithasol Cofrestredig (RSL) yn Ne Ddwyrain Cymru. Nod yr astudiaeth hon fydd rhannu’r ddealltwriaeth sydd wedi dod i’r amlwg yn dangos sut mae nifer fawr o asiantaethau, llawer ohonynt â dibenion gwahanol neu sydd wedi bod mewn cystadleuaeth â’i gilydd yn draddodiadol, wedi gallu gweithio’n gydweithredol, i fodloni budd rhai pobl agored iawn i niwed.


Mae’r dull adlewyrchol hwn yn defnyddio safbwynt nifer fawr o staff o bob un o 3 maes gwasanaeth sector cyhoeddus yr etholaeth a’u profiad o weithio’n gydweithredol gan ddefnyddio egwyddorion ymchwil weithredol. Bydd yr astudiaeth yn defnyddio geiriau pobl i amlygu profiadau gwirioneddol, ond wedi ei ddadansoddi yn erbyn gweithgaredd cydweithredol tebyg sydd wedi ei adlewyrchu rhywle arall yn y llenyddiaeth. Gan nad oes unrhyw lwybr wedi ei sefydlu i’r gydweithrediaeth ei ddilyn, rydym wedi mabwysiadu cylch Cynllunio-Gwneud-Astudio-Gweithredu (CGAG) i gyfleu’r broses ‘Mewn Un Lle’ sy’n esblygu.


Mae’r erthygl hon yn amlygu’r rhwystrau systemig cynhenid y mae’n rhaid eu nodi a’u goresgyn er mwyn symud o ddymuno i realaeth ymarferol, o fewn a rhwng sefydliadau. Mae’r syniad bod asiantaethau’r sector cyhoeddus yn gallu cydweithio, dim ond am fod hynny’n gwneud synnwyr, yn cael ei herio ac mae’r papur yn nodi ffactorau diwylliannol a phroffesiynol a wnaeth wahaniaeth yn y cydweithrediad hwn, y gellid eu defnyddio rhywle arall.


O’r cychwyn, ysgogwr allweddol ar gyfer y rhaglen ‘Mewn Un Lle’ oedd alinio prosesau iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol a thai trwy ddod ag ymarferwyr ac uwch reolwyr o’r sectorau gwahanol hyn ynghyd i nodi angen ac i gynllunio a chyflenwi gwasanaethau yn lleol, pan fo hynny o fudd gwirioneddol i unigolion ag anghenion cymhleth. Mae hyn wedi ei nodi o fewn cyd-destun cynyddu’r galw am wasanaethau cyhoeddus, cynildeb ariannol a hanes ‘tai’ ar ymylon trafodaeth wrth ystyried integreiddio gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Yn yr enghraifft hon rydym yn gallu dangos buddion gwneud tai yn ganolog i drafodaethau o’r fath.

Publication date: 17 August 2015

Janet Kelly

The purpose of this paper is to explore some of the critical areas of work in any long-term strategy to develop integrated occupational therapy services across health and social…




The purpose of this paper is to explore some of the critical areas of work in any long-term strategy to develop integrated occupational therapy services across health and social care for adults who are frail and elderly and living in their local communities. It explores the success that has been experienced in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board over the past eight years or more and proposes “keeping the faith” as a helpful personal strategy in avoiding disillusionment and disengagement in the process when setbacks occur along the way.


The paper is a combination of personal reflection and experience, with reference to the literature and what has been written about others’ professional experiences at bringing services and professional groups together.


Developing integrated occupational therapy services is not easy. However there are several critical factors, which once understood for their role in the overall process, add weight to the “right thing to do” argument. These “critical factors” provide a continued focus for the work when the challenges inherent in developing integrated services are in danger of outweighing the successes and the pressure is strong to revert to the default position of single agency service delivery.


This paper makes an effort to pursue integrated occupational services to serve as an example of wider attempts to pursue collaboration and integration, highlighting the need for remaining doggedly determined on the final objective – better services for people.


Mae’r erthygl hon yn archwilio rhai o’r meysydd gwaith hanfodol mewn unrhyw strategaeth hirdymor i ddatblygu gwasanaethau therapi galwedigaethol integredig ar draws iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Mae’n nodi ‘cadw’r ffydd’ fel strategaeth bersonol ddefnyddiol yn osgoi dadrithio a datgysylltu yn y broses pan fydd rhwystrau yn digwydd ar hyd y ffordd. Mae’r papur yn dadlau bod yr hyn yr ydym yn ei wneud a’r buddion i ddefnyddwyr y gwasanaeth pan fyddwn yn gwneud pethau’n iawn gymaint yn well, fel na ddylai cyflenwi unrhyw beth arall fod yn opsiwn. Mae’n cynnig mai integreiddio yw’r peth iawn i’w wneud hyd yn oed pan na ellir meintioli a mesur canlyniadau’n hawdd, oherwydd cymhlethdod y broses dros gyfnodau hir. Er bod y ffocws ar wasanaethau therapi galwedigaethol, diben ychwanegol y papur yw dangos sut y mae gwasanaethau ac asiantaethau eraill yn debygol o wynebu’r un brwydrau ac yn gallu dysgu o’r profiad hwn.


Mae’r papur yn gyfuniad o adlewyrchu a phrofiad personol, wedi ei gyfuno â chymariaethau o’r llenyddiaeth a phrofiadau proffesiynol pobl eraill yn dod â gwasanaethau a grwpiau proffesiynol gyda’i gilydd. Mae’n ystyried y gofyniad i ailddylunio’r gweithlu fel ffactor allweddol a phwysigrwydd cadw’r person/claf/defnyddiwr y gwasanaeth yn ganolog i’r holl ystyriaethau yn ymwneud ag ymarfer, proses a pholisi.


Gellir priodoli’r llwyddiant yn datblygu gwasanaethau therapi galwedigaethol integredig yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan dros yr 8 mlynedd neu fwy (ac sy’n dal yn waith sy’n mynd rhagddo) i sawl ffactor sydd, unwaith y cânt eu deall am eu rôl yn y broses gyffredinol, yn ychwanegu pwysau at y ddadl ‘y peth iawn i’w wneud’. Mae’r ‘aml’ ffactorau hyn yn rhoi ffocws parhaus i’r gwaith pan fydd yr heriau mewn perygl o wrthbwyso’r llwyddiannau ac mae’r pwysau yn gryf i ddychwelyd i sefyllfa ddiofyn o gyflenwi gwasanaeth gan un asiantaeth.


Mae’r papur hwn yn gwneud ymdrech i fynd ar drywydd gwasanaethau galwedigaethol integredig i wasanaethu fel enghraifft o ymdrechion ehangach i fynd ar drywydd cydweithredu ac integreiddio, gan dynnu sylw at yr angen am weddill ei benderfynu doggedly ar yr amcan terfynol – gwell gwasanaethau i bobl.

Publication date: 17 August 2015

Anne Thomas

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the complexities involved in delivering seamless patient-centred care across organisational boundaries. There is particular focus on how…



The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the complexities involved in delivering seamless patient-centred care across organisational boundaries. There is particular focus on how working with an organisation outside the public sector challenges the ideology of those involved, thereby hindering progress. It will explore the challenges and solutions to delivering a service and discuss the key components of success. It will investigate the theory of partnership working and balance the importance of the emotional investment and understanding with leadership and project management.


It explores the current “crisis” in NHS, along with political statements, emphasising its importance, but failing to address the issues faced by workers and agencies in the “outside” world. It will examine the concept of the “other” to explain the struggle required to gain a place at the table in discussing integration/service improvement. It will use experience in negotiating between a reasonably large care and nursing home provider and public sector bodies in Wales and consider the factors leading to a successful collaboration.


The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act, 2014 makes it clear that integration is seen as a critical means to achieve better outcomes for people and whilst not contesting that principle, the paper shows that integration is often limited in thinking and action to “public sector” integration.


There have been few attempts to explore the role and function of care and nursing home providers in service improvement from the provider’s perspective. It will challenge the practice of commissioning, that gives all the power to the commissioner and explores the commissioners’ accountability for their role in partnership work. It also offers hope for a different kind of relationship, based on mature conversations and mutual respect, along with a system of governance offering guarantees for sustainability.


Nod y papur hwn yw herio’r diffiniad poblogaidd a dderbynnir o’r GIG tra’n trafod y posibiliadau a photensial cyflenwi gofal didrafferth sy’n canolbwyntio ar y claf rhwng darparwr cartref nyrsio trydydd sector, bwrdd iechyd Prifysgol ac awdurdod lleol, gan ddangos bod y cyfleoedd ar gyfer dewisiadau amgen i wasanaethau ysbyty yn enfawr. Bydd yn cyfeirio at y diffyg dealltwriaeth a’r diffyg ymddiriedaeth cynhenid rhwng y rheiny sy’n credu eu bod yn gweithio yn y GIG neu’n rhan ohono a’r rheiny sydd wedi eu diffinio neu y’u hystyrir fel pobl sydd “y tu allan”. Os byddwch yn lleoli’r beirniadaethau gwerth a’r rhagfarn cysylltiedig gan weithwyr proffesiynol, gwleidyddion a’r cyhoedd am y byd ‘y tu allan’, byddwch yn dod ar draws rhwystrau gwirioneddol i ddylunio, cyflenwi a gweithredu modelau gofal gwahanol. Bydd yr awdur yn herio’r diffiniad o’r GIG fel y defnyddir mewn ymarfer ac yn dangos sut, trwy ganolbwyntio ar y claf a diben y GIG, yn hytrach na’r adeilad ffisegol neu’r sefydliad, gall arweinwyr gael rhyddid i fod yn arloesol ac yn effeithiol wrth ddylunio a chyflenwi gwasanaethau.


bydd yr awdur yn archwilio’r “argyfwng” a welir yn y GIG ar hyn o bryd, ynghyd â datganiadau gwleidyddol i bwysleisio ei bwysigrwydd, sy’n methu mynd i’r afael â’r materion a wynebir gan weithwyr ac asiantaethau sy’n ffurfio’r byd “y tu allan”. Bydd y papur yn archwilio’r cysyniad o’r “ARALL” i esbonio’r frwydr sydd ei hangen i gael lle wrth y bwrdd i drafod integreiddio/gwella gwasanaethau. Bydd yn defnyddio profiad yn trafod rhwng darparwr cartref gofal a nyrsio cymharol fawr a chyrff y sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru ac yn ystyried y ffactorau sy’n arwain at gydweithredu llwyddiannus.


Mae Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Lles (Cymru), 2014 yn egluro bod integreiddio’n cael ei weld fel dull hanfodol o gael canlyniadau gwell ar gyfer pobl ac er nad yw’n dadlau yn erbyn yr egwyddor hwnnw, mae’r papur yn dangos bod integreiddio yn aml yn gyfyngedig o ran meddwl a gweithredu i integreiddio’r ‘sector cyhoeddus’.


Mae’r papur yn ymgais prin iawn i archwilio rôl a swyddogaeth darparwyr cartrefi gofal a nyrsio yn gwella gwasanaethau, yn herio dealltwriaeth un dimensiwn o gomisiynu sy’n rhoi’r grym i gyd i’r comisiynydd. Mae hefyd yn rhoi gobaith ar gyfer math gwahanol o berthynas, yn seiliedig ar barch ar y ddwy ochr, ynghyd â system o lywodraethu sy’n gallu rhoi sicrwydd yn ymwneud â chynaliadwyedd.


Journal of Integrated Care, vol. 23 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1476-9018


Publication date: 10 July 2017

Sheila Hollins, Barry Carpenter, Elspeth Bradley and Jo Egerton

Based on a literature and practice review, the purpose of this paper is to examine the theoretical and clinical basis for using wordless books with patients who have intellectual…



Based on a literature and practice review, the purpose of this paper is to examine the theoretical and clinical basis for using wordless books with patients who have intellectual disabilities (ID) and/or autism.


A literature review identified seminal peer-reviewed English language articles relating to the neuroscience of information and emotion processing for adults with ID and/or autism. In addition to published examples, illustrative case examples were contributed by clinicians regularly using wordless books.


Many people, including those with ID, selectively attend to visual information. Minimising the cognitive load by using wordless pictorial narrative reduces anxiety, and empowers the patient. Clinicians using such resources describe positive clinical outcomes. Only the Beyond Words wordless books have been identified in published clinical trials.

Research limitations/implications

Although existing evidence suggests a strong positive impact, further research into the use of wordless books for people with ID is needed.

Practical implications

Wordless books are reported to help develop staff skills and empathy for supporting adults with ID. The books facilitate some legally required reasonable adjustments to increase service access. Staff training is needed for effective use of wordless books.


Wordless books specifically designed with and for adults with word processing difficulties, ID and/or autism to enhance health literacy and explore their own narratives and emotional responses around health experiences and personal traumas are a unique approach. This paper may also offer the first exploration of their neuropsychological underpinnings.


The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, vol. 12 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1755-6228


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