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Publication date: 19 July 2024

Yangmin Xie, Qiaoni Yang, Rui Zhou, Zhiyan Cao and Hang Shi

Fast obstacle avoidance path planning is a challenging task for multijoint robots navigating through cluttered workspaces. This paper aims to address this issue by proposing an…




Fast obstacle avoidance path planning is a challenging task for multijoint robots navigating through cluttered workspaces. This paper aims to address this issue by proposing an improved path-planning method based on the distorted space (DS) method, specifically designed for high-dimensional complex environments.


The proposed method, termed topology-preserved distorted space (TP-DS) method, mitigates the limitations of the original DS method by preserving space topology through elastic deformation. By applying distinct spring constants, the TP-DS autonomously shrinks obstacles to microscopic areas within the configuration space, maintaining consistent topology. This enhancement extends the application scope of the DS method to handle complex environments effectively.


Comparative analysis demonstrates that the proposed TP-DS method outperforms traditional methods regarding planning efficiency. Successful obstacle avoidance tasks in the cluttered workspace validate its applicability on a physical 6-DOF manipulator, highlighting its potential for industrial implementations.


The novel TP-DS method generates a topology-preserved collision-free space by leveraging elastic deformation and shows significant capability and efficiency in planning obstacle-avoidance paths in complex application scenarios.


Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X


Publication date: 20 September 2011

Marinilka Barros Kimbro and Zhiyan Cao

The UN Global Compact (GC) is the world's largest voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative. Signatory companies voluntarily agree to abide by the GC ten…




The UN Global Compact (GC) is the world's largest voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative. Signatory companies voluntarily agree to abide by the GC ten principles and explicitly declare compliance with social and human rights, environmental protection, and anti‐corruption practices. Participants commit to CSR and are required to publish a yearly report called Communication on Progress (COP). If firms fail to provide a COP for one year they are labeled “non‐communicating”, and for two years they are “delisted” from the GC. In 2006, the first list of non‐communicating and delisted firms was announced. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent by which being a signatory company – that reports COP – reduces information risk, and thus leads to better market returns, lower cost of debt, and lower cost of equity.


The authors studied the period from the launch of the GC until the first list of non‐communicating firms was made public, investigating the extent by which being a signatory company – that reports COP – reduces information risk, and thus leads to better market returns, lower cost of debt, and lower cost of equity.


The results suggest that communicating (reporting) firms have statistically significant higher market valuation – lower book to market – than companies that initially agree to participate in the GC but that do not comply with the reporting requirement. Communicating firms also have statistically significant higher ROA, lower cost of debt, lower cost of equity, and lower beta indicating better performance and less risk. The authors also find some evidence that non‐communicating firms might be “free riding” and could have joined the GC to improve their corporate image.


The paper provides evidence of the value of CSR reporting. It is not enough to disclose compliance with CSR, but it is also necessary to account for this through some sort of formal mechanism such as a CSR report. Voluntary disclosures and narrative statements in annual reports will continue to have questionable information content, but standards of environmental reporting, such as the Global Reporting Initiative, not only improve the way in which social and environmental performance is measured, but they also provide evidence of compliance. This paper also presents evidence of the value of voluntary initiatives such as the GC when these initiatives are supported by formal reporting and when accountability/enforcement measures are in place.


International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, vol. 19 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1834-7649


Content available
Publication date: 22 February 2013

Chunhui Liu




International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, vol. 21 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1834-7649


Content available
Publication date: 20 September 2011

Kashi Balachandran and Paolo Taticchi




International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, vol. 19 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1834-7649

Publication date: 1 June 2020

Mohammadreza Akbari and Robert McClelland

The purpose of this research is to provide a systematic insight into corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate citizenship (CC) in supply chain development, by analyzing…




The purpose of this research is to provide a systematic insight into corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate citizenship (CC) in supply chain development, by analyzing the current literature, contemporary concepts, data and gaps for future discipline research.


This research identifies information from existing academic journals and investigates research designs and methods, data analysis techniques, industry involvement and geographic locations. Information regarding university affiliation, publishers, authors, year of publication is also documented. A collection of online databases from 2001 to 2018 were explored, using the keywords “corporate social responsibility”, “corporate citizenship” and “supply chain” in their title and abstract, to deliver an inclusive listing of journal articles in this discipline area. Based on this approach, a total of 164 articles were found, and information on a chain of variables was collected.


There has been visible growth in published articles over the last 18 years regarding supply chain sustainability, CSR and CC. Analysis of the data collected shows that only five literature reviews have been published in this area. Further, key findings include 41% of publications were narrowly focused on four sectors of industry, leaving gaps in the research. 85% centered on the survey and conceptual model, leaving an additional gap for future research. Finally, developing and developed nation status should be delineated, researched and analyzed based on further segmentation of the industry by region.

Research limitations/implications

This research is limited to reviewing only academic and professional articles available from Emerald, Elsevier, Wiley, Sage, Taylor and Francis, Springer, Scopus, JSTOR and EBSCO containing the words “corporate social responsibility”, “corporate citizenship” and “supply chain” in the title and abstract.


This assessment provides an enhanced appreciation of the current practices of current research and offers further directions within the CSR and CC in supply chain sustainable development.


Benchmarking: An International Journal, vol. 27 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1463-5771


Publication date: 7 March 2022

Xin Feng, Lei Yu, Weixin Kong and Jingya Wang

With the continuous improvement of social and economic development as well as the rising level of demand for spiritual life, the design of cultural and creative products has…




With the continuous improvement of social and economic development as well as the rising level of demand for spiritual life, the design of cultural and creative products has ushered in new opportunities and challenges. Therefore the research related to cultural and creative products design is an inevitable choice for industrial innovation and market competition. The article aims to analyze the frontier hotspots and trend evolution of theoretical research on cultural and creative design in China by presenting different research fields, personnel and institutions embodied by cultural and creative products, thus providing a forward-looking development reference for China's special cultural and creative product design practice.


In this paper, the visualized citation analysis tool — CiteSpace V is used to analyze and map the relevant literature of Chinese cultural and creative design in CNKI (Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure) as the data sources, through bibliometric methods, in order to study the application development of Chinese cultural and creative design and provide reference for the application research of Chinese cultural and creative industries.


With the improvement of China's comprehensive strength, cultural self-confidence and strategy are being paid more and more attention by scholars; with the future research of China's cultural and creative design theory, cross-integration becomes the future trend; with the gradual maturity of China's cultural and creative design methodology, how to choose the right method for pioneering research is a difficulty for the future development of cultural and creative design; with the continuous development of China's economy, the method construction of innovative cultural and creative industry system becomes the focus of future research; with the continuous progress of science and technology, the integration of emotion and product industry is the mainstream of future development on cultural and creative design.


Through an objective empirical analysis of the development of Chinese cultural and creative products, it will broaden the research horizons of relevant scholars, understand the development direction of China's cultural and creative industries, enrich the design practice application of Chinese cultural and creative products, enhance the understanding of international counterparts on Chinese cultural and creative design research and promote the exchange among international counterparts.

Publication date: 14 August 2024

Xiaoyu Wang, Mengxi Chen, Zhiyan Wang, Chun Hung Roberts Law and Mu Zhang

This study aims to investigate the affordances of service robots (SRs) in hotels and their effects on frontline employees (FLEs).



This study aims to investigate the affordances of service robots (SRs) in hotels and their effects on frontline employees (FLEs).


Purposive and referral samplings methods were used to conduct 28 semistructured interviews with hotel FLEs, and the transcribed manuscript was analyzed based on grounded theory.


The study identifies six dimensions of SR affordances: physical, sensory, task, safety, social and emotional affordances. The main effects of SR affordances on FLEs involve reducing work stress and mental fatigue and increasing positive emotions in the psychological aspects of FLEs. In terms of behavioral aspects, shifts in task priorities and enhancements in SR usage behaviors were observed. Accordingly, a mechanistic framework was revealed through which SR affordances influence FLEs via direct and indirect interactions between FLEs and SRs.


This paper expands robotics research from a supply-side perspective and is one of the few studies to investigate SR affordances in the field of hospitality research. Findings of this study provide practical guidelines for designing and implementing SRs to support hotel FLEs in their daily work.




本研究采用目的性和推荐抽样方法, 对酒店一线员工进行了28次半结构化访谈, 并根据扎根理论对转录的手稿进行了分析。


本研究确定了服务机器人的六个可供性维度:物理、感官、任务、安全、社会和情感可供性。服务机器人可供性对一线员工的主要影响包括减少工作压力和心理疲劳, 以及在心理方面增加积极情绪。在行为方面, 观察到任务优先级的变化和服务机器人使用行为的增强。因此, 研究揭示了一种机制框架, 通过一线员工与服务机器人的直接和间接互动, 服务机器人可供性影响一线员工。


本文从供给侧视角扩展了机器人研究, 是少数几篇研究酒店业中服务机器人可供性的研究之一。本研究结果为设计和实施服务机器人以支持酒店一线员工的日常工作提供了实践指南。


Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1757-9880


Publication date: 11 June 2021

Weihua Liu, Jiahui Zhang and Siyu Wang

This study explores the influencing factors affecting smart supply chain innovation (SSCI) performance of commodity distribution enterprises, and proposes the corresponding…




This study explores the influencing factors affecting smart supply chain innovation (SSCI) performance of commodity distribution enterprises, and proposes the corresponding framework from the perspective of the application of technology to improve the SSCI performance and make up the research gap in this field.


A multi-case study method is adopted in this study. Four distribution commodity distribution enterprises A, B, C and D in China are chosen as case enterprises. The interviews with senior management team members are used to collect data. The combination of open coding and axial coding are used to process the data. By testing the reliability and validity, the theoretical framework is summarized.


First, we find that the technology application cost inhibits SSCI and that the level of technology suitable for enterprise development will promote SSCI. Second, SSCI in structure, management and services can improve the performance and innovation ability of enterprises. Third, the quality of multi-channel integration and degree of customization around customer demand can significantly modify the above effects.


Compared with previous studies, this study reveals for the first time the correlation between the SSCI performance and technology application, SSCI in structure, management and service, providing new ideas for relevant researches on SSCI, and providing new theoretical support for managers' decision-making related to SSCI.


Industrial Management & Data Systems, vol. 121 no. 10
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0263-5577


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