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Publication date: 17 May 2018

Teri Phillips and Gina Grandy

The purpose of this paper is to propose mindfulness (e.g. practices such as yoga, meditation) as a fruitful addition to women leader/ship development research and practice…




The purpose of this paper is to propose mindfulness (e.g. practices such as yoga, meditation) as a fruitful addition to women leader/ship development research and practice, specifically as a means through which to prevent and mitigate negative health outcomes.


This is a literature review-based paper that integrates scholarly research on gender and women’s leadership, well-being (including stress reduction), women leader/ship development and mindfulness.


Women continue to be under-represented in senior leadership roles and many confront a “labyrinth” of “gender-organization-system” challenges throughout their careers. These challenges can have material effects on the well-being of women leaders. Research reveals positive psychological and biological effects of mindfulness practices on well-being (including stress). Some of this research reveals that women are more likely to engage in mindfulness practices and experience greater benefits. Leader/ship development programs designed specifically for women are needed, and it is proposed that incorporating mindfulness into these programs may result in beneficial outcomes for women leaders.


This research contributes to the limited body of work on women leader/ship development, mindfulness and leadership.


Gender in Management: An International Journal, vol. 33 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1754-2413


Book part
Publication date: 3 February 2015

Eileen L. Sullivan, George P. Sillup and Ronald K. Klimberg

The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multicriteria decision support system that has been successfully applied to numerous decision-making situations, has been applied to…


The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multicriteria decision support system that has been successfully applied to numerous decision-making situations, has been applied to patient assessment. The AHP was used with Timeslips™, a group storytelling program that encourages creative expression among dementia patients, to determine the optimal scale for pre and post assessment among the nine most common agitation and anxiety scales. The AHP used the six criteria identified by qualitative assessment of the nine scales: (1) validity/reliability, (2) observation period, (3) training required, (4) time to administer, (5) most appropriate administrator, and (6) accessibility/cost. The AHP indicated that the Overt Agitation & Anxiety Scale was optimal for use with Timeslips; the process and results are discussed.


Applications of Management Science
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78441-211-1


Publication date: 1 July 1987

ONE OF OUR panel of reviewers was handling a book on ergonomics. In the course of his critique he made a remark that could be useful to many factory managers. He said that very…


ONE OF OUR panel of reviewers was handling a book on ergonomics. In the course of his critique he made a remark that could be useful to many factory managers. He said that very often quite simple adjustments, well within the capabilities of a maintenance man or department could be made (whether to plant layout or seating arrangements or whatever) that could make a vast improvement in the ease of operations and the flow of work from a machine section or group.


Work Study, vol. 36 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0043-8022

Publication date: 1 May 1992

Nancy Melin Nelson

Davenport Group Formed: Common Format for Online Documentation and Publication Systems. A group of over thirty UNIX system vendors, software vendors, and book publishers has…


Davenport Group Formed: Common Format for Online Documentation and Publication Systems. A group of over thirty UNIX system vendors, software vendors, and book publishers has formed the Davenport Group in response to the need for a standardized interchange format for computer documentation. The Davenport Group will focus on the establishment of a common interchange format among publishers and UNIX system vendors.


Academic and Library Computing, vol. 9 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1055-4769

Open Access
Publication date: 5 April 2021

Saheeh Shafi

This paper aims to the precise critical interpretation of gender roles portrayed in the three selected TV advertisements shown in Bangladesh.




This paper aims to the precise critical interpretation of gender roles portrayed in the three selected TV advertisements shown in Bangladesh.


The analysis begins with the theoretical framework of gender roles analysis here in this paper: Goffman’s gender stereotypes hypothesis which is used to identify and analyse the thematic features present in the ads. After critically examining the hypothesis, Kress and Van Leeuwen’s systemic functional analysis framework is used to analyse the semiotic feature to interpret the signs and symbols. After that, Fairclough’s stylistic analysis of discourse analysis is used to find out these features in the advertisements to search the cultural, political implications. Finally, the paper uses Pope’s The Rape of the Lock and it is Cultural-Ecofeminist Analysis of Francois d’Eaubonne.


This paper tries to connect with the above-mentioned frameworks from a contextual point of view to predict the future progression of the gender representations and their implications in the coming years to check whether the changes in gender roles are reflected in the society or not.


Both in houses and workplaces, women empowerment, more female entrepreneurs in the working forces will bring out a change in the minds of people about the stereotypes and make more women inclusive and the women-friendly environment in Bangladesh and South Asian Countries.

Publication date: 1 May 2003

Nikiforos T. Laopodis

This paper investigates the issue of whether financial market liberalization announcements in emerging economies have had any effects on the efficient operation of their equity…



This paper investigates the issue of whether financial market liberalization announcements in emerging economies have had any effects on the efficient operation of their equity markets. The issue is empirically examined in the case of Greece, and its emerging stock market, the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE). The sequence of tests conducted, ranging from tests of structural change to several efficiency tests, suggest that the Greek equity market was weak‐form efficient before these announcements were made. Hence, the ASE was operating as a random walk hinting that investors could not engage in systematically profitable ventures because future long‐term returns were independent of past returns. In other words, foreign and local investors guided their strategies based on the fundamentals and not on speculative grounds.


Managerial Finance, vol. 29 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0307-4358


Publication date: 27 July 2012

Elena Ojea, Ranjan K. Ghosh, Bharat B. Agrawal and P.K. Joshi

The purpose of this paper is to present a framework for estimating the costs of adaptation to climate change impacts on ecosystems.



The purpose of this paper is to present a framework for estimating the costs of adaptation to climate change impacts on ecosystems.


While existing studies on costing adaptation base themselves on either the financial flows on conservation or the costs of specific adaptation measures at the global level, the methodology presented here takes into account the impacts on ecosystems, the identification of vulnerable areas, and adaptation options at a more regional level.


The framework is then applied to forest ecosystems in India. The authors find that the total adaptation costs for forest ecosystems in India until 2085 are in the range of $1.34‐2.32 billion.


The key contribution of this paper is the proposal that for any robust estimation of adaptation costs, people should take into account the regional level impacts and the multiple adaptation options linked to those impacts.


International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, vol. 4 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1756-8692


Publication date: 1 May 1974

THERE were the depressing trade figures which were released last month to prove, if we did not already know, that things are not going too well for the country, and to strengthen…


THERE were the depressing trade figures which were released last month to prove, if we did not already know, that things are not going too well for the country, and to strengthen the feeling that we are impotent in the face of an insoluble problem.


Work Study, vol. 23 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0043-8022

Publication date: 1 March 2005

Shanan G. Gibson

Organisational success is largely predicated upon the ability of leaders to effectively implement strategies that yield competitive advantage in rapidly changing, and sometimes…



Organisational success is largely predicated upon the ability of leaders to effectively implement strategies that yield competitive advantage in rapidly changing, and sometimes chaotic environments. Hence, an understanding of those leadership characteristics which are perceived by followers as being effective and instilling confidence is imperative. In order to examine the impact of contextual factors on leadership prototypes, 176 U.S. Marines were surveyed regarding their perceptions of leaders of who were either male or female and new or highly experienced. Approximately twenty three percent of the leader characteristics were found to be differently applied to leaders based upon either the gender, tenure, or both characteristics of the leader. In every one of these instances, significant differences were perceived between new female leaders and experienced male leaders, with the more positive characterisation always being of the latter. Suggestions for future training and research are made based upon these findings.


Equal Opportunities International, vol. 24 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0261-0159


Publication date: 1 January 2002

Ali F. Darrat, Maxwell K. Hsu and Maosen Zhong

This paper re‐examines recent claims in the literature that foreign trade (economic openness) plays no role in the Taiwanese economic growth once human capital is taken into…


This paper re‐examines recent claims in the literature that foreign trade (economic openness) plays no role in the Taiwanese economic growth once human capital is taken into account. We show that such a claim lacks weight and is primarily the outcome of model misspecification. In the context of properly specified models, results from cointegration, error‐correction models, and variance decompositions all suggest that economic openness is a significant catalyst of growth in Taiwan over and above any growth contribution of human capital accumulation.


Studies in Economics and Finance, vol. 20 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1086-7376

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