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Publication date: 25 September 2020

Nan Hua

This paper aims to examine the impacts of IT capabilities on hotel competitiveness.



This paper aims to examine the impacts of IT capabilities on hotel competitiveness.


This study adapts and extends Hua et al. (2015) and O’Neill et al. (2008) by incorporating the specific measures of IT expenditures as proxies for the relevant IT capabilities to explore the impacts of IT capabilities on hotel competitiveness.


This study finds that expenditures on IT Labor, IT Systems and IT Websites exert different impacts on hotel competitiveness. In addition, IT capabilities exert both contemporary and lagged effects on hotel competitiveness.


This study is the first that uses financial data to capture direct measures of individual IT capabilities and tests the individual impacts of IT capabilities on hotel competitiveness from both contemporaneous and lagged perspectives. It uses a large same store sample of hotels in the USA from 2011 to 2017; as a result, the study results can be reasonably representative of the hotel population in the USA.




本论文延用 Hua et al. (2015) 和 O’Neill et al. (2008) 的研究, 结合IT支出的具体指标作为IT能力的指数, 以探索IT能力对酒店竞争力的影响。


研究发现支出对IT人力、IT系统、和IT网站对酒店竞争力有着不同的影响。此外, IT能力对酒店竞争力具有短期和长期的影响。


本论文是首篇使用财务数据来找出IT能力的指数并且检测IT能力对酒店竞争力短期和长期的具体影响。本论文使用美国2011年至2017年同一个酒店的大型数据; 因此, 研究结果可以代表美国酒店基本现状。


Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, vol. 11 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1757-9880


Publication date: 23 June 2020

Nan Hua, Arthur Huang, Marcos Medeiros and Agnes DeFranco

This study aims to examine how operator type moderates the relationship between hotel information technology (IT) expenditures and operating performance.




This study aims to examine how operator type moderates the relationship between hotel information technology (IT) expenditures and operating performance.


By adapting and extending O’Neill et al.’s (2008) and Hua et al.’s (2015) research, this study constructed an empirical model and tested proposed hypotheses, with Newey and West (1994) errors computed to accommodate potential heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation issues.


Operator type moderates the impact of hotel IT expenditures on operating performance. In particular, it appears that the operator type of franchising exerts a stronger moderating effect compared with other operator types explored.

Practical implications

This study, as the first of its kind, shows that the choice of operator type shapes how a hotel can effectively use IT expenditures to improve operating performance. This finding can be beneficial for hotel owners when making operator type decisions. In addition, operator type moderates the direct impact of IT expenditures on revenues and gross operating income. This study’s results show that franchised hotels seem to use IT expenditures more effectively compared with independently owned hotels.


This study contributes both theoretically and practically to understand how operator type moderates the relationship between IT expenditures and hotel performance. The research outcome provides a more holistic view that governs the relationships between IT expenditures, operator type and operating performance.


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 32 no. 8
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


Publication date: 11 April 2019

Nan Hua, Stephen Hight, Wei Wei, Ahmet Bulent Ozturk, Xinyuan (Roy) Zhao, Khaldoon Nusair and Agnes DeFranco

This paper aims to offer empirical insights on how investing in e-commerce capabilities affects the relationship between loyalty programs and hotel operating performance so as to…




This paper aims to offer empirical insights on how investing in e-commerce capabilities affects the relationship between loyalty programs and hotel operating performance so as to aid in identifying proper resource allocation strategies.


This study extended the model in Hua et al. (2015) by testing the interaction of e-commerce and loyalty programs.


The findings illustrate that proper allocation of company financial resources to e-commerce initiatives can help improve the impact of loyalty programs on hotel operating performance.

Practical implications

The results of this study illustrate that hotel performance can be improved by the synergy between loyalty program and e-commerce initiatives. Thus, hotel managers and owners can use results from this study to improve the efficiency of their asset allocation strategies, with five practical implications offered.


Theoretically, this study adapted and extended an integrative model of hotel operating performance (Hua et al., 2015) by identifying critical factors that elucidate the variance in firm performance. In addition, the moderating role of e-commerce provides a new conceptualization of information technology. Practically, this study makes several important contributions as well.


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 31 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


Publication date: 14 May 2018

Nan Hua, Wei Wei, Agnes L. DeFranco and Dan Wang

This study aims to use a sample of 2,120 individual hotel properties between 2011 and 2013 to evaluate the impact of loyalty programs on hotel operational and financial…




This study aims to use a sample of 2,120 individual hotel properties between 2011 and 2013 to evaluate the impact of loyalty programs on hotel operational and financial performance.


This study provides empirical support for the impact of loyalty program based on both cross-sectional and panel data analyses and uses the instrumental variable technique to avoid potential heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation and simultaneity issues.


Findings of this study show that loyalty program expenses have a significant and positive impact on all three operational performance indicators of RevPAR, ADR and Occupancy and the financial performance indicator of gross operating profit.

Research limitations/implications

This study suggests that the benefits of loyalty programs should be understood against the backdrop of a reasonable set of controlled variables such as e-commerce, franchise, advertising, other marketing expenses, hotel size and hotel chain scales.


Given the conflicting viewpoints about the positive and negative impacts of loyalty programs, and that the literature is scant on empirical validation of the impact of loyalty programs on the overall operational and financial performance of hotel properties, this study is an early attempt to empirically test the impact of loyalty programs on a number of hotel operational and financial performance indicators by using an extensive list of individual hotel properties between 2011 and 2013.


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 30 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


Publication date: 20 November 2017

Edwin N. Torres, Wei Wei and Nan Hua

The purpose of this paper is to uncover how emotions change (or remain constant) throughout the course of the vacation experience. Although the importance of affective experiences…



The purpose of this paper is to uncover how emotions change (or remain constant) throughout the course of the vacation experience. Although the importance of affective experiences has been recognized in the literature, the momentary effects of each stage of the vacation on the overall appraisal of the experience deserve more attention.


A survey instrument was developed using the PANAS scale. Customers were asked for their emotions at different points of their vacation. Data were analysed using multinomial logistic regression, correlations and path analysis.


The results indicate that it is possible for guests to experience different affective states at different parts of the vacation experience. Furthermore, it is also likely for each service experience to impact the next service, in spite of the apparent distinction between them. Finally, the researchers noted the tendency of consumers to recall mostly positive emotions, thus raising the possibility of various kinds of memory biases in recalling a vacation experience.


Emotions are by their very nature momentary. Consequently, these affective states can change over time, especially over a vacation spanning several days. Therefore, the present research contributes to the literature, in that it measures emotions at various points in time, determines the impact of emotions towards one service provider on the next and ascertains the impact of said emotions on the overall vacation experience.


Tourism Review, vol. 72 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1660-5373


Publication date: 19 July 2021

Nan Hua, Tingting Zhang, Melissa F. Jahromi and Agnes DeFranco

This study aims to investigate the impact of the speed of change (trend) in information technology (IT) expenditures on performance risk indicated by revenue volatility in the US…



This study aims to investigate the impact of the speed of change (trend) in information technology (IT) expenditures on performance risk indicated by revenue volatility in the US hotel industry.


To systematically investigate the impacts of IT expenditures on hotel performance risks, this study collects the same store proprietary data of 1,471 hotel properties from CBRE, a leading hotel consulting firm in the USA, from 2011 to 2017, with a total of 10,297 observations.


Econometric analyses are performed and results indicate a significant and positive impact of the speed of change of IT systems expenditures on the performance risk after comprehensively controlling for confounding factors following prior research.


With the increased importance of IT in day-to-day activities, hospitality business owners have started to quickly adjust their investment in IT infrastructure and superstructure to enhance their business performance. However, their fast-changing expenditures may introduce more risks to their businesses based on the speed–accuracy tradeoff, systems theory and the Schumpeterian Growth Model. This study is one of the pioneer projects that ever assessed the impact of IT expenditure and speed of change on performance risks of hotels.


科技创新(TBI)在酒店业提高消费者体验的实践中属于首选方法。了解哪些影响消费者接受酒店TBI的因素至关重要。本论文假设, 除了常用的科技接受模型以外, 消费者对科技的态度会影响到TBI接受度。


本论文开发了一个关于对科技的态度作用于TBI的模型, 并邀请受访者观看在一家行业尖端的连锁酒店中采用无钥匙登记流程的VCR, 然后完成调研问卷。本论文采用科技接纳量表TAP来衡量消费者对科技的态度。


科技态度对酒店订房意图, 作为消费者接受酒店TBI接受度的代表, 有很大的影响。然而, 科技态度只通过信任和好奇感两个中介变量来实现订房意图。


研究结果提供有用见解, 鼓励酒店通过介绍TBI服务积极增强消费者对科技的态度。


大多数研究电子商务接受度的文章往往专注在消费者使用产品或服务的态度变化或者情感倾向。相反, 本论文研究消费者对科技的态度作用于消费者接受酒店TBI服务的态度。本论文证明了对科技的态度显著影响了酒店TBI服务接受度。此外, 本论文还提供实践证明采用TAP量表来研究TBI服务的文章。


Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, vol. 12 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1757-9880


Publication date: 12 September 2016

Nan Hua

This study aims to examine the extant E-commerce performance literature to derive a coherent framework to further the understanding, identify research gaps and suggest potential…




This study aims to examine the extant E-commerce performance literature to derive a coherent framework to further the understanding, identify research gaps and suggest potential future study directions.


Based on theoretical sampling (Corbin and Strauss, 2008), this study followed Greenhalgh et al. (2009) for the paper sample collection and used exploratory methods before the snowballing technique to identify key sources to uncover the E-commerce performance themes and prior findings systematically.


By reviewing and synthesizing 155 recent articles, this study proposed an integrated framework of E-commerce performance to organize the complex literature parsimoniously. This study found that E-commerce performance exhibits three key dimensions and is influenced by market E-commerce environment, organization E-commerce environment and the dynamic and interactive relationships in between.

Practical implications

The proposed framework offers industry practitioners opportunities to understand determinants and be updated with current practices of E-commerce performance. The findings of this study further point practitioners to directions that can lead to better E-commerce performance.


This study produced a cohesive framework of E-commerce performance based on an extensive review of the literature in both the mainstream and hospitality and tourism fields, addressing the issue of the currently fragmented understanding on E-commerce performance in hospitality and tourism.


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 28 no. 9
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


Publication date: 16 September 2022

Bin Li, Tingting Zhang, Yuting Chen and Nan Hua

This study aims to explore the underlying mechanisms that support the resilience of the Chinese hospitality industry during and after the COVID-19 epidemic.



This study aims to explore the underlying mechanisms that support the resilience of the Chinese hospitality industry during and after the COVID-19 epidemic.


Content analysis was applied to 133 manually collected text articles about COVID-19 responses and strategies.


A two-step learning model (emergency reaction, precautions and prevention stages) was identified in the study. In the emergency reaction step, the primary strategies were related to customers, employees, suppliers and facility/food. In the precautions and prevention step, the strategies were related to customers, employees, suppliers and society/public relations. Multiple stakeholders are discussed in the two circles over a continual process in the learning, reacting and adapting stages.


A gap in the literature is filled by this study, providing a learning model and synthesizing various strategies applied in the hotel sector for multiple stakeholders.


Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality, vol. 17 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2752-6666


Publication date: 11 April 2021

Bin Li, Tingting Zhang, Nan Hua and Youcheng Wang

This study aims to develop a holistic and dynamic model that governs the various relationships among the critical factors of crisis management from a stakeholder perspective in…




This study aims to develop a holistic and dynamic model that governs the various relationships among the critical factors of crisis management from a stakeholder perspective in the context of China’s COVID-19 epidemic outbreak.


Data were collected from 731 textual sources, and the text mining technique identified the themes of a holistic crisis management model. Then, content analysis was applied to reveal in-depth insights into the themes.


From a stakeholder perspective, the model comprises six elements: political environment, economic environment, technology, social environment, health and science and international relationships, which relate significantly to four procedural actions: prevention, response, recovery and adaptation. The overlapping stages and situational dynamic mechanisms of the process are another two new major findings of this study; learning and preparing are threaded throughout the whole dynamic process.

Practical implications

Hospitality stakeholders are advised to collaborate under the guidance of the dynamic crisis management model and adopt high-technology tools for the industry’s recovery management. Developing a new business model and marketing strategy is a useful approach to face similar crisis management challenges in the future.


This paper fills an existing research gap by presenting a health-related crisis management model that can be used to evaluate the dynamic process of collaborations among stakeholders in coping with external challenges forced upon the hospitality industry.



本研究以中国新冠肺炎疫情为背景, 从利益相关者的角度构建危机管理关键因素之间各种关系的整体动态模型。


本研究从731个文本来源收集定量数据, 并通过文本挖掘技术识别危机管理模型的构成要素,并运用内容分析对构成要素进行深入剖析。


从利益相关者的角度来看, 该模型包括六个要素:政治环境、经济环境、技术、社会环境, 健康科学和国际关系。这些要素与预防、反馈、恢复和适应这四项运行程序密切相关。本研究的两大发现是防疫机制的动态机制和重叠特性, 学习和预备贯穿于疫情防控的整个动态过程。


酒店利益相关者应在动态危机管理模型的指导下进行合作, 并运用高科技进行行业复苏管理。此外, 开发新的商业模式和营销策略也是面对新的外部环境的有效途径。


本文通过提出一个健康相关的危机管理模型来填补现有研究的空白, 该模型可用于评估酒店行业外部环境中利益相关者之间的动态合作过程。


En este estudio se recogieron datos cuantitativos de 731 fuentes textuales, se identificaron los elementos constitutivos del modelo de gestión de crisis a través de la minería textual y se analizaron en profundidad los elementos constitutivos mediante el análisis de contenido.


este estudio utiliza una combinación de minería de texto y análisis de contenido para explorar el manejo de crisis del brote de covid-19 en el sector turístico y hotelero de China. En primer lugar, se recogieron datos cuantitativos de 731 fuentes textuales y se identificaron los elementos constitutivos del modelo de gestión de crisis a través de la minería textual. En segundo lugar, se utiliza el análisis de contenido para analizar en profundidad los elementos constitutivos y, sobre la base de UN análisis de datos exhaustivo y una revisión de la literatura, se llega a UN marco teórico para el manejo de crisis.


Desde el punto de vista de las partes interesadas, el modelo consta de seis elementos: el entorno político, el entorno económico, el entorno tecnológico, el entorno social, la ciencia de la salud y las relaciones internacionales. Estos elementos están estrechamente relacionados con los cuatro procedimientos operativos: prevención, retroalimentación, recuperación y adaptación. Los dos principales hallazgos de este estudio son los mecanismos dinámicos y las características de superposición de los mecanismos de prevención de epidemias, y el aprendizaje y la preparación a lo largo de todo el proceso dinámico de prevención y control de brotes.

Significado práctico

las partes interesadas del sector hotelero deben colaborar bajo la guía de UN modelo dinámico de gestión de crisis y utilizar la alta tecnología para la gestión de la recuperación del sector. Además, el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de negocio y estrategias de marketing es también una forma eficaz de afrontar el nuevo entorno externo.


este artículo colma las lagunas de la investigación existente proponiendo UN modelo de gestión de crisis relacionadas con la salud que pueda ser utilizado para evaluar procesos dinámicos de colaboración entre los interesados en el entorno externo del sector hotelero.

Publication date: 8 April 2020

Nan Hua, Bin Li and Tingting(Christina) Zhang

The purpose of this study is to present a holistic literature review on crime research in the hospitality and tourism field.




The purpose of this study is to present a holistic literature review on crime research in the hospitality and tourism field.


This literature review included 109 crime-related academic papers in seven primary sources, namely, ScienceDirect, EBSCOhost’s hospitality and tourism complete, Emerald Management eJournals, Sage Journals, Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science.


From the exploration and synthesis of 109 articles, the following categories of crime research in the hospitality and tourism field emerged as follows: classification of crime research in the hospitality and tourism field; diversity of tourists, crime and risk perceptions; the impacts of crime on the hospitality and tourism industry; and crime control from stakeholders’ papers. In addition, this study advances crime research by proposing six research priorities for future investigation.

Practical implications

Tourism stakeholders are advised to achieve better cooperation in crime control under the guidance of the crime prevention model. High-technology tools are encouraged to be applied to detect and track criminal activities. Meanwhile, diverse applications of the media should be used as useful tools to control criminal activities in the hospitality and tourism industry.


This paper fills a gap by presenting the first comprehensive overview of crime research in the hospitality and tourism field in the past few decades and proposing six priorities for this research stream.


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 32 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


1 – 10 of 211