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1 – 10 of 16The purpose of this paper is to investigate employers’ attitudes towards qualities and skills for the twenty-first century of Hanoi Open University (HOU) postgraduates. More…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate employers’ attitudes towards qualities and skills for the twenty-first century of Hanoi Open University (HOU) postgraduates. More specifically, it is to find out employers’ assessment and satisfaction on five sets of skills: foundation skills, professional competencies, personal attributes, organizational skills and technical knowledge and skills.
The study used a survey questionnaire as a tool to collect data. The survey was conducted on employers of HOU postgraduates who graduated during the academic years 2015–2016 from five faculties at HOU.
The findings of the study show that employers highly appreciated HOU postgraduates in numeracy skills, ICT literacy skills and information literacy within foundation skills; critical thinking and problem solving skills, collaboration skills and conceptual skills within professional competencies; responsible, integrity and interpersonal skills within organization skills; productivity, organization and planning and time management within organizational skills; knowledge-related regulations and policies at workplace, capacity to use knowledge and skills at workplace and lifelong learning within technical knowledge and skills.
The values of the study are that the employer attitudes identified can be used to evaluate educational programs and can be used as a quality assurance measure. The study helps to indicate the gap between the expectation and the satisfaction of employers on HOU postgraduates. Thereby, suggestions can be given to HOU’s management to improve the services at the university in general and the services to postgraduate students in particular to upgrade their qualities and skills to meet social demands.
Anh Tuyet Nguyen, Vu Hiep Hoang, Phuong Thao Le, Thi Thanh Huyen Nguyen and Thi Thanh Van Pham
This study addresses the empirical results of the spillover effect with export as the primary economic activity that enhances local businesses' total factor productivity (TFP). A…
This study addresses the empirical results of the spillover effect with export as the primary economic activity that enhances local businesses' total factor productivity (TFP). A learning mechanism is expected to be generated and used as the basis for the policy implication.
This study adopted the Cobb–Douglas function and multiple estimation approaches, including the generalized method of moments, the Olley–Pakes and the Levinsohn–Petrin estimation techniques. The findings were estimated based on the panel data of a Vietnamese local businesses survey conducted by the General Statistics Office of Vietnam (GSO) from 2010 to 2019.
The results showed that the highest TFP belongs to the businesses in the Southeast region, the Mekong Delta region, the mining industry and the foreign-invested enterprises. The lowest impacted TFP are businesses in the Northwest region and agricultural, forestry and fishery sectors. In addition, the estimated results also show that the positive spillover effect on TFP is shown through forward and backward linkage. The negative spillover effect is expressed through the backward and horizontal channels.
Research limitations/implications
This study offers original empirical evidence on the learning mechanisms via which exports contribute to productivity improvement in a developing Asian economy, so making a valuable contribution to the existing academic literature in this domain. The findings of this research make a valuable contribution to the advancement of understanding on the many ways via which spillover effects manifest such as horizontal, forward, backward and supplied-backward linkage.
Practical implications
The study's findings indicate that it is advisable for governments to give priority to the development and improvement of forward and supply chain linkages between exporters and local suppliers. This approach is recommended in order to optimize the advantages derived from export spillovers. At the organizational level, it is imperative for enterprises to strengthen their technological and managerial skills in order to efficiently incorporate knowledge spillovers that originate from overseas partners and trade counterparts.
This study sheds new evidence on the export spillover effect on productivity in emerging economies, with Vietnam as the case study. The paper contributes to the research's originality by adopting novel methodological aspects to estimate local businesses' impact on total factor productivity.
Peer review
The peer review history for this article is available at:
Trung Duc Nguyen, Lanh Kim Trieu and Anh Hoang Le
This paper aims to propose a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model for the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) to assess the response from the household sector to monetary…
This paper aims to propose a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model for the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) to assess the response from the household sector to monetary policy shocks through the consumption function. Moreover, the transmission from monetary policy to household consumption and income distribution is experimented with through the vector autoregression (VAR) model.
In this study, the authors used the maximum likelihood estimation to estimate the DSGE and VAR models with the sample from 1996Q1 to the end of 2021Q4 (104 observations).
The DSGE model’s results show that the response of the household sector is as expected in the theory: a monetary policy shock occurs that increases the policy interest rate by 0.29%, leading to a decrease in consumer spending of about 0.041%, the shock fades after one year. Estimates from the VAR model give similar results: a monetary policy shock narrows income inequality after about 2–3 quarters and this process tends to slow down in the long run.
Research limitations/implications
Based on the research results, the authors propose policy implications for the SBV to achieve the goal of price stability, and stabilizing the macro-economic environment in Vietnam.
The findings of the study have theoretical contributions and empirical scientific evidence showing the effectiveness of the implementation of the SBV’s monetary policy in the context of macro-instability, namely: flexibility, caution and coordination of different measures promptly.
Thinh Gia Hoang, Trang Kieu Vu, Ha Tuyet Nguyen and Hiep Ngoc Luu
This paper aims to enrich our understanding of whether mandatory IR adoption lures firm into misreporting or forces them to reduce it.
This paper aims to enrich our understanding of whether mandatory IR adoption lures firm into misreporting or forces them to reduce it.
The empirical analysis is carried out based on the sample containing all publicly listed firms in South Africa. Many different rigorous econometric techniques are adopted to thoroughly evaluate whether corporate misreporting practices increase or decrease following the mandatory adoption of IR.
The empirical results reveal that mandatory IR disclosure results in a decline in the misreporting practices of firms. The authors further find that as firms increasingly comply with the IR guidelines, especially with the “Content Elements” and “Guiding Principles,” their misreporting levels decrease.
Research limitations/implications
This study has implications for a wide range of stakeholders, especially for regulatory authorities, international policymakers and regulators, as well as users of integrated reports of listed firms on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE).
Practical implications
Regulatory authorities should be aware of misreporting determinants to set adequate and fitting corporate reporting standards that restrict the opportunistic behaviour of managers and amend IR guidelines to make them more comprehensible for integrated report preparers, therefore improves the implementation of IR.
Social implications
This study sheds light on the current state and consequences of IR adoption in South Africa before and after the mandatory IR disclosure requirement, thus, international policymakers and regulators can refer to the critical aspects in our findings when considering whether to support IR mandatory adoption in their markets.
This paper sheds light on the emerging debate over the usefulness of IR and the necessity of mandatorily adopting this new reporting framework. In addition, by showing that the mandatory adoption of IR significantly reduces corporate misreporting practices, we also contribute to the literature on corporate misreporting behaviour.
Mai Thi Tuyet Nguyen, Linh Hoang Nguyen and Hung Vu Nguyen
Nowadays, the issues related to pro-environmental, sustainable and green consumption behaviors are attracting significant attention from both scholars and practitioners. However…
Nowadays, the issues related to pro-environmental, sustainable and green consumption behaviors are attracting significant attention from both scholars and practitioners. However, in the context of emerging countries, less research effort has been invested in this topic, especially in investigating young consumer purchase behavior. The purpose of this study is to investigate factors driving young adult Vietnamese consumers’ purchase intention toward green apparel products with emphasis on the role of materialistic values.
In this research, a conceptual framework is proposed integrating the theory of planned behavior (TPB) model with an important consumer value, materialism. To test the research model and hypotheses, a survey of a sample of 245 young adults (under 25 years old) was conducted in Hanoi, the capital city and one of the two most populous cities in Vietnam. All the scales used in this study were established in the literature, and the scales’ reliability and validity were assessed through Cronbach’s alpha and confirmatory factor analysis. The structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the proposed model and hypotheses.
In this study, six hypotheses were tested and five out of six received support from the data. Specifically, the results of SEM showed that all three antecedents from the TPB model (i.e. attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control) were positive contributors to green apparel purchase intention, of which subjective norms were found to be the most influential predictor of purchase intention. With regard to the roles of the three components of materialism, the findings provided empirical evidence for supporting the positive impact of “success” and the negative impact of “centrality” on the attitude toward green apparel purchase, while “happiness” component was not found to have a significant impact on attitude. In this study, income as a control variable was found to be positively related to purchase intention toward green apparel products.
There is a little research on the relationship between specific values and environment-friendly behaviors, especially in the context of emerging economies such as Vietnam. In addition, it has been suggested that the relationship between materialistic values and green purchase behavior is still unclear. Thus, it is important to have a deeper understanding of the role of materialistic values in green apparel purchase among young adult consumers in the context of Vietnam, an Asian emerging country where only modest research effort has been given to explore this important topic.
Long Phi Nguyen, Dung Phuong Hoang and Thong Huy Vu
Travel destinations worldwide are seeking smart ways to reduce the negative impact of tourism, and the public bike rental service (PBRS) is one of them. To investigate the usage…
Travel destinations worldwide are seeking smart ways to reduce the negative impact of tourism, and the public bike rental service (PBRS) is one of them. To investigate the usage intention of this service among visitors, the author of this research employs an integrated approach consisting of two psychological frameworks: the Norm Activation Model (NAM) and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).
The integrated NAM-TAM model is implemented to conduct a survey (sample n = 777) with visitors to Hanoi, Danang, and Ho Chi Minh City regarding the factors underlying their intentions to continue using the PBRS TNGo.
Structural equation models suggested that: (1) the NAM-TAM can explain behavioural intention to use a smart PBRS. Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PE), and Awareness of Consequences (AC) have positive and significant impacts on Attitude Towards Using (AT) and, thus, on Behavioural Intention to Use (BI). Also, Personal Norms (PN) positively influence BI. (2) Among the four independent variables, tourists' AC produces the most potent effect on the intention to continue using a PBRS.
Research limitations/implications
This study can start a new research direction of combining the NAM with other theoretical frameworks to explain customer behaviour in the field of sustainable tourism practices. Future research should explore the proposed model based on comparisons of different tourists’ backgrounds, including nationality, length of stay, spending level, visiting purpose, etc.
Practical implications
This research provides strategic implications for destination management organisations in boosting the use of PBRS amongst tourists, contributing to the environmental sustainability targets of the tourism industry.
This study responds to the existing gap by examining both functional value (indicated by PU and PE) and perceived environmental/social value (proxied by AC) in forming tourists’ attitudes towards PBRS and their usage intention. Our study, therefore, actively contributes to the research stream of tourist behaviour in the field of sustainable tourism practices from the altruistic behavioural perspective.
Tran Mai Kien, Tran Thi Tuyet Hanh, Hoang Duc Cuong and Rajib Shaw
Over the last decades, there has been an increasing interest among scientists on the linkage between population health and climate and environmental factors, as well as health…
Over the last decades, there has been an increasing interest among scientists on the linkage between population health and climate and environmental factors, as well as health impacts of climate change and climate variability. Numerous studies have been done and substantial results achieved, but mostly in the developed countries, and not much quantitative evidence or assessment of the impacts at national and local levels has been provided for developing countries.
Ky Nam Nguyen, Quang Anh Phan and Ngoc Minh Nguyen
This paper aims to examine the management status quo of archaeological heritage in Vietnam seen in the case of Vuon Chuoi, a complex of Bronze Age sites located in Central Hanoi…
This paper aims to examine the management status quo of archaeological heritage in Vietnam seen in the case of Vuon Chuoi, a complex of Bronze Age sites located in Central Hanoi, which has been believed to be Hanoi’s first human settlement. Like other archaeological sites located in urban areas, this site has been under threat of destruction caused by land encroachment pressure. Although researchers have long waged a campaign for preservation, the dissensus among key stakeholders and the dispute over responsibility have left this site at the heart of an interminable polemic over legislation.
This research utilises a qualitative approach, and the primary data were collected throughout multiple field trips in 2019 and 2020. Several open-ended interviews were conducted with various state and nonstate actors involved in the Vuon Chuoi Complex’s management process. The discussion was also supported by analysing related legal documents retrieved from national archives and official online directories.
This paper dissects the current legislative and administrative framework applied in governing heritage in general and archaeological sites in Vietnam, in particular. The results indicate that existing flaws in Vietnam’s legal system are detectable, and the unsystematic organisation has led to deferment of the decision-making processes. Also, there is an apparent difference found in the attitude of the bodies in charge toward the treatment of listed and unlisted sites.
This research outlines that in the wake of urbanisation and industrialisation in Vietnam, a consensus among key stakeholders and an inclusive legal system are required to help preserve archaeological sites in urgent need of attention. Although several Vietnamese laws and regulations have been put into practice, they have shown critical barriers and gaps in conserving Vietnamese cultural heritage.
Hai Minh Ngo, Ran Liu, Masahiro Moritaka and Susumu Fukuda
Research on the determinants of consumer behavior toward food with safety certifications in Vietnam remains little. The primary objective of this study is to identify the factors…
Research on the determinants of consumer behavior toward food with safety certifications in Vietnam remains little. The primary objective of this study is to identify the factors affecting Vietnamese consumer intention to purchase safely certified vegetables (safe vegetables) based on an extended theory of planned behavior (TPB).
Using a sample of 361 urban consumers in Hanoi city based on a stratified sampling technique, we applied structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the model.
The results revealed that the extended TPB succeeded to predict 62% of the variance of intention to purchase safe vegetables. Attitude played the most important role in consumer intention. Notably, the attitude of consumers was the most largely influenced by subjective norms (social effects). Also, subjective norms had a direct effect on intention. Furthermore, consumer trust motivated a favorable attitude to increase purchase intention. The effects of past behavior on intention were verified as direct and indirect through subjective norm and trust combined with attitude. Few socio-demographic variables (e.g. age and education) were found to affect intention indirectly through attitude and subjective norm.
Research limitations/implications
Further research on the relationship between intention and the actual purchase of safe food is needed.
This extends the application of the TPB to predict consumer intention to purchase safely certified food in a developing country like Vietnam by examining both direct and indirect effects of socio-demographic variables, trust and past behavior on intention.
Cong Doanh Duong, Thanh Hieu Nguyen, Thi Viet Nga Ngo, Thu Van Bui and Nhat Minh Tran
The current study aims to investigate the impact of perceived blockchain-related information transparency on consumers’ intention to purchase organic food. This study examines how…
The current study aims to investigate the impact of perceived blockchain-related information transparency on consumers’ intention to purchase organic food. This study examines how perceived blockchain- related information transparency, directly and indirectly, affects purchase intentions through attitudes, perceived behavioural control and subjective norms. Additionally, the study explores how blockchain-based trust moderates the influence of perceived blockchain-related information transparency on these factors and the intention to purchase organic food.
Based on the theory of planned behaviour framework and a sample of 5,326 consumers, this study uses partial least squares structural equation modelling to test the research model.
This study finds that perceived blockchain-related information transparency directly enhances consumers’ attitudes towards organic food purchase, perceived behavioural control, subjective norms and intention to purchase organic food. Additionally, perceived blockchain-related information transparency indirectly affects consumers’ intention to buy organic food through three antecedents of the theory of planned behaviour model. Notably, these indirect effects were moderated by consumers’ blockchain-based trust.
Practical implications
This study provides recommendations for leveraging blockchain to enhance transparency and build trust, which could boost consumer engagement and organic food purchases.
This research contributes to blockchain literature by empirically examining the role of perceived blockchain-related transparency and blockchain-based trust in consumers’ purchasing decisions regarding organic food. It provides valuable insights into the consumer-centric benefits of blockchain technology. Furthermore, this study also contributes to the literature on organic food, particularly its promotion through blockchain technology.