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Publication date: 16 May 2019

Rubén Martínez-Alonso, María J. Martínez-Romero and Alfonso A. Rojo-Ramírez

The purpose of this paper is to offer new insights regarding an issue that has attracted the interest of multitude academics and practitioners in business management and family…




The purpose of this paper is to offer new insights regarding an issue that has attracted the interest of multitude academics and practitioners in business management and family firm literature: technological innovation (TI). Specifically, this study brings new knowledge regarding both the impact of TI efficiency on firm growth and the moderating role of family involvement in management on such relationship.


The authors use a matched-pairs design and an ordinary least squares regression analysis to examine a sample of 152 Spanish manufacturing firms.


First, the authors show that firms obtaining higher TI efficiency are also those that achieve superior growth. Second, the authors reveal that as family involvement in management increases, the positive effect that TI efficiency exerts on firm growth is strengthened.

Practical implications

This study suggests that family managers should essentially consider various aspects such as tacit knowledge, social capital and long-standing collaborations with stakeholders to reinforce the relationship between TI efficiency and firm growth.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study that analyses the effect of TI efficiency on firm growth, as well as, when and to what extent family involvement in management influences the TI efficiency–growth relationship. Thus, this paper provides a deeper understanding of the importance that family managers could have on firm growth deriving from TI efficiency.


European Journal of Innovation Management, vol. 23 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1460-1060


Publication date: 23 October 2018

Rubén Martínez-Alonso, María J. Martínez-Romero and Alfonso A. Rojo-Ramírez

There are currently two issues that generate growing interest among specialized scholars within the family business field: technological innovation (TI) and socioemotional wealth…




There are currently two issues that generate growing interest among specialized scholars within the family business field: technological innovation (TI) and socioemotional wealth (SEW). While it is true that both topics are highly popular among researchers, the joint study of both perspectives is scarce. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the interrelationships between TI and SEW in the context of family firms.


This literature review systematically analyses the findings of 25 journal articles focusing on TI and SEW, published between 2012 and 2018.


The findings reveal an integrative approach, identifying different variables that relate TI and SEW. A conceptual framework is built in which these variables are incorporated into four categories (SEW, TI, moderating effects and performance). New lines of research emerge with the development of a conceptual model and the formulation of six propositions.

Practical implications

The conceptual framework can be useful as integrative summary of the factors that family business managers and directors should take into account to be successful in implementing innovative projects and strategies.


The study of TI from the SEW approach has emerged as a fruitful field of research in recent years, but the current knowledge of the role that SEW plays in family firms’ TI is still scarce. This paper contributes to the family business literature by offering a conceptual framework of the SEW–TI relationship and new research avenues that will provide a better comprehension for scholars and specialists for future investigations in the field.


Actualmente existen dos temas que generan un creciente interés entre los académicos especializados en el campo de estudio de la empresa familiar: la innovación tecnológica y la riqueza socioemocional. Si bien es cierto que ambos temas son muy populares entre los investigadores, el estudio conjunto de ambas perspectivas es escaso. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las interrelaciones entre la innovación tecnológica (IT) y la riqueza socioemocional (SEW) en el contexto de las empresas familiares.


Esta revisión de la literatura analiza sistemáticamente los hallazgos de 25 artículos de revistas que se centran en la IT y el SEW, publicados entre 2012 y 2018.


Los hallazgos revelan un enfoque integrador, identificando diferentes variables que relacionan la IT y el SEW. Así pues, se construye un marco conceptual en el que estas variables son incorporadas en cuatro categorías (SEW, IT, efectos moderadores y rendimiento). Nuevas líneas de investigación surgen con el desarrollo de un modelo conceptual y la formulación de seis proposiciones.

Implicaciones prácticas

El marco conceptual puede ser útil como resumen exhaustivo de los factores que los gerentes y directores de empresas familiares deben tener en cuenta para tener éxito en la implementación de proyectos y estrategias innovadoras.


El estudio de la IT desde el enfoque del SEW ha surgido como un campo de investigación fructífero en los últimos años, pero el conocimiento actual del rol que juega el SEW en la IT de las empresas familiares es todavía escaso. Este trabajo contribuye a la literatura de la empresa familiar ofreciendo un marco conceptual de la relación SEW-IT y nuevas vías de investigación que proporcionarán una mejor comprensión a académicos y especialistas para futuras investigaciones en este campo de estudio.

Palabras clave

Innovación tecnológica, Riqueza socioemocional, Empresas familiares, Revisión de literature

Tipo de artículo

Revisión general


Actualmente existem dois temas que geram um crescente interesse entre os acadêmicos especializados no campo de estudo da empresa familiar: inovação tecnológica e riqueza sócio-emocional. Conquanto é verdadeiro que ambos temas são muito populares entre os investigadores, o estudo conjunto de ambas perspectivas é escasso. Assim, o objectivo deste trabalho é analisar as inter-relações entre inovação tecnológica (IT) e riqueza socioemocional (SEW) no contexto das empresas familiares.


Esta revisão da literatura analisa sistematicamente os achados de 25 artigos de revistas que se centram na IT e o SEW, publicados entre 2012 e 2018.


Os achados revelam um enfoque integrador, identificando diferentes variáveis que relacionam a IT e o SEW. Constrói-se um marco conceptual no qual estas variáveis são incorporadas em quatro categorias (SEW, TI, efeitos moderadores e rendimento). Novas linhas de investigação surgem com o desenvolvimento de um modelo conceptual e a formulação de seis proposições.

Implicações práticas

O marco conceptual pode ser útil como resumo exhaustivo dos factores que os gerentes e diretores de empresas familiares devem ter em conta para ter sucesso na implementação de projectos e estratégias inovadoras.


O estudo da IT desde o enfoque do SEW tem surgido como um campo de investigação frutífero nos últimos anos, mas o conhecimento atual do papel que joga o SEW na IT das empresas familiares é ainda escasso. Este trabalho contribui à literatura da empresa familiar oferecendo um marco conceptual da relação SEW-TI e novas vias de investigação que proporcionarão um melhor entendimento a académicos e especialistas para futuras investigações neste campo de estudo.

Palavras chave

Inovação tecnológica, Riqueza sócio-emocional, Empresas familiares, Revisão da literatura

Tipo de artigo

Revisão geral


Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, vol. 16 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1536-5433


Publication date: 14 August 2017

Maria Romero

A research project exploring emerging student needs explored six aspects of student life: living, learning, working, playing, connecting and participating. Living is explored…




A research project exploring emerging student needs explored six aspects of student life: living, learning, working, playing, connecting and participating. Living is explored here. Increasing numbers of empowered students are actively considering the long-term effects and values in their decision-making that could drive a shift towards a more student-centric educational approach. This paper aims to summarize two scenarios about the Living domain from the Student Needs 2025+ project and highlights implications for the future of higher education.


A modified version of the University of Houston’s “Framework Foresight” method was used to explore the future of six aspects of future student life.


Values shift: the introduction of more postmodern values in the student body will change their dynamic not only as a group but also as individual patterns of consumption and behavior. Technology is a double-edged sword: as an important variable of the social system, technological developments come with unintended consequences that will impact apparently distant areas of the system, like health and personal wellbeing. Lack of long-term vision: students today are not trained to make decisions considering long-term consequences; instead, they would rather choose instant rewards.

Research limitations/implications

In terms of research limitations, the paper is focused on the needs of students and does not purport to be an exhaustive analysis of all of the issues influencing higher education. It views the future of higher education through the lens of students and their emerging needs.

Practical implications

The paper is intended for educators, researchers and administrators to provide insight on how the needs of students and their key customers are evolving.


This piece explores student life in its totality as way to more accurately identify student needs in the future.


On the Horizon, vol. 25 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1074-8121


Open Access
Publication date: 16 September 2022

Alfonso Andrés Rojo Ramírez, MCarmen Martínez-Victoria and María J. Martínez-Romero

The relationship between risk and return has been widely analysed in the scope of listed companies. However the present literature leaves uncovered an important study area with…




The relationship between risk and return has been widely analysed in the scope of listed companies. However the present literature leaves uncovered an important study area with regards to privately held firms. In order to cover this gap, this study analyses the risk-return trade-off in the context of private enterprises. Furthermore, the authors incorporate the contingent effect of being a family firm on the abovementioned relationship.


Using information from the SABI (Sistema de Análisis de Balances Ibéricos) database, a sample of 2,297 private manufacturing firms were analysed for the period of 2009–2016. So as to ascertain the proposed hypotheses, dynamic panel data methodology was applied. Specifically, the authors estimated the two-step general method of moments (GMM).


The obtained findings reveal that, according to prospect theory arguments, privately held firms adopt a conservative attitude toward risk when results are higher than a target level, while becoming risk seeking when results are lower than a target level. Moreover, the fact of being a family firm softens the risk-return relationship both when performance is above the target level and also when firms find themselves in the lowest performing case.


This article is, to the best of the authors' knowledge, one of the first studies dealing with the risk-return relationship in a privately held firm context. Moreover, the inclusion of being a family firm as a contingent factor in the abovementioned link is a complete novelty.


La relación riesgo-rentabilidad ha sido ampliamente analizada en el ámbito de las empresas cotizadas. Sin embargo, la literatura existente deja al descubierto una importante área de estudio en relación con las empresas no cotizadas. Para cubrir esta brecha, el presente estudio analiza el binomio riesgo-rentabilidad en el contexto de empresas privadas. Adicionalmente, incorporamos el efecto contingente de ser una empresa familiar sobre esta relación.


Utilizando información de la base de datos SABI (Sistema de Análisis de Balances Ibéricos) se analizó una muestra de 2.297 empresas manufactureras privadas para el período 2009–2016. Para comprobar las hipótesis propuestas se aplicó la metodología de datos de panel, específicamente, utilizamos el Método de los Momentos Generalizado (GMM).


Los resultados muestran que, de acuerdo con la Teoría Prospectiva, las empresas no cotizadas presentan una mayor aversión al riesgo cuando su nivel de rentabilidad es superior al valor de referencia establecido, mientras que presentan una mayor propensión al riesgo cuando su rentabilidad es inferior al valor de referencia. Además, el hecho de ser una empresa familiar suaviza la relación riesgo-rentabilidad en ambos escenarios.


Este es uno de los primeros estudios en abordar la relación riesgo-rentabilidad en el contexto de empresas no cotizadas. Además, la inclusión de ser una empresa familiar como factor contingente es completamente novedosa.

Open Access
Publication date: 9 December 2022

José-María Romero-Rodríguez, María Soledad Ramirez-Montoya, Leonardo David Glasserman-Morales and Magdalena Ramos Navas-Parejo

The aim of this paper was to analyse the creative competence of students before and after a micro-learning experience carried out in a collaborative online international learning…




The aim of this paper was to analyse the creative competence of students before and after a micro-learning experience carried out in a collaborative online international learning (COIL) environment between Spanish and Mexican university students in the field of education and entrepreneurship.


A single-group quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test measures was adopted. The composition of the group was natural and included a total of 57 students who participated in the COIL experience. The duration was three weeks, where students from both countries were linked together in the development of a micro-learning project. The creativity self-efficacy scale was used as a data collection instrument.


The micro-learning activities through COIL developed the creative competence of the participating students. In particular, the groups from both universities improved their scores on the creative competence in the post-test compared to the pre-test measure.

Research limitations/implications

The limitations of this study were linked to the sample loss of some cases, as some students did not complete the post-test measure. The main implication of the study was to demonstrate that COIL experiences are suitable for developing certain skills in students, such as creative competence or co-operative work.


COIL experiences break down the barriers of physical space and give students an active role, allowing them to fully develop competences and offering an intercultural perspective, which encourages open-mindedness and understanding of the world.


Education + Training, vol. 65 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0040-0912


Publication date: 16 December 2019

Leonardo Mastrangelo, Sonia Cruz-Ros and Maria-Jose Miquel-Romero

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that determine two forms of crowdfunding campaign success: success in securing the necessary financial resources and…




The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that determine two forms of crowdfunding campaign success: success in securing the necessary financial resources and personal success in terms of the entrepreneur’s satisfaction. Specifically, it studies factors linked to the relationship between entrepreneurs and funders (co-creation and feedback) and factors linked to the campaign’s content (dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR)).


An empirical study of 52 crowdfunding entrepreneurs was conducted. Data were gathered using a structured questionnaire. Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis was performed.


For financial and personal success, all factors, except the social dimension of CSR, are necessary conditions. Two configurations are sufficient for entrepreneurs to achieve financial success. The first configuration that is sufficient for personal success is the same as the first configuration for financial success. The second configuration for personal success is similar to the second configuration for financial success, except that it also includes financial success itself.

Research limitations/implications

Entrepreneurs should invest in CSR and seek to improve the quality of their relationships with their funders. Crowdfunding platforms should design and manage co-creation and feedback tools that are capable of providing deep knowledge of users’ opinions and concerns whilst generating value. The limitations of this study are that only the reward-based crowdfunding model was considered, and the data covered just two platforms.


This study contributes to the literature by presenting empirical analysis of the factors that influence financial success and personal success in reward-based crowdfunding. It examines aspects that strictly refer to the content of the project and aspects that refer to the entrepreneur–funder relationship. Specifically, the roles of the four dimensions of CSR were considered. Moreover, the fsQCA method provides a fresh approach to research in this area.


International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, vol. 26 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1355-2554


Open Access
Publication date: 30 March 2022

Rubén Martínez-Alonso, María J. Martínez-Romero and Alfonso A. Rojo-Ramírez

The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between heterogeneous collaborative networks and firm performance, using the resource-based view (RBV) and its extension…



The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between heterogeneous collaborative networks and firm performance, using the resource-based view (RBV) and its extension through the knowledge-based view (KBV) as theoretical lens. Moreover, the authors examine family management and intellectual property rights (IPRs) as contingent factors that enhance the effectiveness of heterogeneous collaborative networks in achieving superior firm performance.


The hypotheses are developed and checked by using a panel data sample of 10,985 firm-year observations from 1,766 Spanish manufacturing firms over the period 2007–2016.


The results indicate that heterogeneous collaborative networks positively influence firm performance. Furthermore, the positive impact of these innovation networks on firm performance is reinforced by high levels of family management, and such effect is even stronger when there exists high levels of IPRs.


This research is the first, to our knowledge, to provide important new insights into the manner in which the effect of both family management and IPRs have the potential to amplify the performance gains attained from heterogenous collaborative networks.


Baltic Journal of Management, vol. 17 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1746-5265


Open Access
Publication date: 28 March 2022

Rubén Martínez-Alonso, María J. Martínez-Romero and Alfonso A. Rojo-Ramírez

This paper aims to examine the influence of family involvement in TMTs on product innovation efficiency and the contingent role of technological collaborations, combining insights…




This paper aims to examine the influence of family involvement in TMTs on product innovation efficiency and the contingent role of technological collaborations, combining insights from the resource-based view and the behavioral agency model.


This study empirically develops and tests the hypotheses using a longitudinal sample of 3,852 firm-year observations from Spanish manufacturing firms over the period 2006–2016.


The results reveal that family involvement in TMTs positively influences product innovation efficiency. The results also show that such positive effect is weakened as technological collaborations increase, and varies according to the partner type with whom the cooperation agreement is established. Specifically, the findings indicate that collaboration with suppliers appear to be the least detrimental for product innovation efficiency in family firms, followed by collaborations with customers and research organizations.

Practical implications

Family firms should consider appointing family members to their TMT to improve product innovation efficiency. Moreover, to enhance the effect of family management on product innovation efficiency, family managers should carefully select their technological partners.


This study is one of the first studies to theoretically explain and empirically demonstrate that family involvement in TMTs is a critical antecedent of product innovation efficiency and that technological collaborations moderate such link. Moreover, this study goes further in revealing that distinct types of partners have a differential moderating influence on the family involvement in TMTs-product innovation efficiency relationship. The results can be used to help managers and practitioners to boost innovation performance as well as to assist policymakers to design firm-level innovation policies to improve family firms' competitiveness.


European Journal of Innovation Management, vol. 25 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1460-1060


Publication date: 23 February 2021

María Laura Mediza Romero, Mariana von Staszewski and María Julia Martínez

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effect of green tea polyphenols addition on physicochemical, microbiological and bioactive characteristics of yogurt.



The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effect of green tea polyphenols addition on physicochemical, microbiological and bioactive characteristics of yogurt.


Two incorporation methods of polyphenols were evaluated: direct addition or incorporated within protein particles of whey protein concentrate and gelatin. During yogurt’s shelf life, structure characteristics (water holding capacity, textural and rheological parameters), lactic acid bacteria (LAB) viability and polyphenols antioxidant activity were analyzed. Also, polyphenol bioaccesibility after in vitro digestion was evaluated.


Polyphenols addition (by the two methods used) did not affect the dynamics of the fermentation process, nor the LAB viability during storage. The color parameter a* for the yogurts with the highest polyphenol concentrations showed positive values (tending to red), but not visible to the naked eye. Because of the ability of polyphenols to interact with milk proteins, yogurts with polyphenols presented higher values in firmness and cohesiveness with respect to the control. Additionally, the incorporation of polyphenols in protein particles increased even more these parameters because of the higher protein content of these formulations. After simulated digestion, a high polyphenol bioaccesibility was observed, and the antioxidant activity was retained, which could be explained by the “protector” effect of the milk matrix.

Practical implications

Yogurt supplementation with green tea polyphenols is feasible for the development of functional food. However, the use of protein particles would not provide an extra benefit because milk proteins already act as protective molecules of polyphenols.


This study shows not only the physico-chemical implications of including polyphenols in yogurt but also their bioaccesibility after an in vitro digestion, revealing a suitable manner for delivery of antioxidants in a dairy product like yogurt.


British Food Journal, vol. 123 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X


Publication date: 19 May 2022

Luis Edwin Chimborazo-Azogue, Alejandro Mollá-Descals, Maria-Jose Miquel-Romero and Marta Frasquet

The expanded use of mobile devices for shopping has made mobile showrooming a frequent practice among omnichannel shoppers. This paper aims to shed light on the role of mobile…



The expanded use of mobile devices for shopping has made mobile showrooming a frequent practice among omnichannel shoppers. This paper aims to shed light on the role of mobile dependency and uncertainty reduction strategies together with the motivation of getting the best value for money in showrooming behaviours and user-generated content (UGC) creation.


Data were collected by means of a questionnaire answered by 659 shoppers in two product categories: clothing and consumer electronics. The research model was tested through partial least squares.


The results suggest that mobile showrooming attitude is positively affected by mobile dependency, value consciousness and need for touch, and negatively by perceived risk of mobile shopping. The results also reveal how UGC is created by showroomers and suggest this behaviour is linked to mobile dependency in the clothing category.

Research limitations/implications

All the individuals in the sample had some experience in showrooming, which could affect the results regarding showrooming attitude and intentions. Future research should consider the role of experience and also validate the results across a larger number of product categories.

Practical implications

Mobile showrooming is a challenge for multichannel retailers. This paper reveals certain ways in which multichannel retailers could deal with showroomers as potential customers.


This study is the first to analyse the role of mobile dependency in showrooming and the chain of effects towards mobile showrooming attitude, behaviour and UGC creation in two different product categories.


International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, vol. 50 no. 8/9
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-0552


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