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Book part
Publication date: 21 November 2022

Ssu-Han Yu and Miaoju Jian

The authors focus on a non-Western setting that has hardly featured in debates around political authenticity, Taiwan. The authors also adopt a novel inter-generational perspective…


The authors focus on a non-Western setting that has hardly featured in debates around political authenticity, Taiwan. The authors also adopt a novel inter-generational perspective to look at varying attitudes towards two ‘unconventional’, high-profile politicians, Ko Wen-je and Han Kuo-yu. Drawing on focus group data, the authors note the similarities and differences in the way that the different generations engage with, and assess, the two politicians with a particular focus on the extent to which their personalities, appearance, and everyday activities are perceived as authentic.


Cultures of Authenticity
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80117-937-9


Open Access
Publication date: 12 June 2017

Lizhen Cui, Xudong Zhao, Lei Liu, Han Yu and Yuan Miao

Allocation of complex crowdsourcing tasks, which typically include heterogeneous attributes such as value, difficulty, skill required, effort required and deadline, is still a…




Allocation of complex crowdsourcing tasks, which typically include heterogeneous attributes such as value, difficulty, skill required, effort required and deadline, is still a challenging open problem. In recent years, agent-based crowdsourcing approaches focusing on recommendations or incentives have emerged to dynamically match workers with diverse characteristics to tasks to achieve high collective productivity. However, existing approaches are mostly designed based on expert knowledge grounded in well-established theoretical frameworks. They often fail to leverage on user-generated data to capture the complex interaction of crowdsourcing participants’ behaviours. This paper aims to address this challenge.


The paper proposes a policy network plus reputation network (PNRN) approach which combines supervised learning and reinforcement learning to imitate human task allocation strategies which beat artificial intelligence strategies in this large-scale empirical study. The proposed approach incorporates a policy network for the selection of task allocation strategies and a reputation network for calculating the trends of worker reputation fluctuations. Then, by iteratively applying the policy network and reputation network, a multi-round allocation strategy is proposed.


PNRN has been trained and evaluated using a large-scale real human task allocation strategy data set derived from the Agile Manager game with close to 500,000 decision records from 1,144 players in over 9,000 game sessions. Extensive experiments demonstrate the validity and efficiency of computational complex crowdsourcing task allocation strategy learned from human participants.


The paper can give a better task allocation strategy in the crowdsourcing systems.


International Journal of Crowd Science, vol. 1 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2398-7294


Open Access
Publication date: 11 October 2018

Jun Lin, Han Yu, Zhengxiang Pan, Zhiqi Shen and Lizhen Cui

Today’s software engineers often work in teams to develop complex software systems. Therefore, successful software engineering in practice require team members to possess not only…




Today’s software engineers often work in teams to develop complex software systems. Therefore, successful software engineering in practice require team members to possess not only sound programming skills such as analysis, design, coding and testing but also soft skills such as communication, collaboration and self-management. However, existing examination-based assessments are often inadequate for quantifying students’ soft skill development. The purpose of this paper is to explore alternative ways for assessing software engineering students’ skills through a data-driven approach.


In this paper, the exploratory data analysis approach is adopted. Leveraging the proposed online agile project management tool – Human-centred Agile Software Engineering (HASE), a study was conducted involving 21 Scrum teams consisting of over 100 undergraduate software engineering students in multi-week coursework projects in 2014.


During this study, students performed close to 170,000 software engineering activities logged by HASE. By analysing the collected activity trajectory data set, the authors demonstrate the potential for this new research direction to enable software engineering educators to have a quantifiable way of understanding their students’ skill development, and take a proactive approach in helping them improve their programming and soft skills.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there has yet to be published previous studies using software engineering activity data to assess software engineers’ skills.

Publication date: 5 February 2024

Jongsik Yu, Nancy Grace Baah, Seongseop (Sam) Kim, Hyoungeun Moon, Bee-Lia Chua and Heesup Han

This study aims to develop a robust theoretical framework to explain the impact of hotels’ green brand authenticity on guests’ perceptions of well-being, customer engagement and…



This study aims to develop a robust theoretical framework to explain the impact of hotels’ green brand authenticity on guests’ perceptions of well-being, customer engagement and approach behaviors toward green brands.


In this study, the authors examined the effect of green brand authenticity on perceptions of well-being, customer engagement and approach behaviors toward green brands. For the quantitative empirical analysis, 352 samples were used. Green brand authenticity integrates quality commitment, heritage, uniqueness and symbolism as high-dimensional factors.


The study conceptualizes green brand authenticity as a multi-dimensional phenomenon with four dimensions: quality commitment, heritage, uniqueness and symbolism. The results showed that green brand authenticity has a positive effect on hotel guests’ perceived well-being and behavioral intentions. Interestingly, environmental values did not have a statistically significant regulatory role, while green behavior in everyday life had a partial regulatory role.

Practical implications

This study aims to develop and empirically test a conceptual model that depicts the function of green authenticity in explaining customer responses to green brands. The results and the theoretical framework proposed in this study provide significant insights for researchers and practitioners in the hotel industry.


Further than evaluating brand authenticity generally, this study evaluates the authenticity of a brand's environmental protection efforts. As a result of the empirical analysis conducted in this study, the green brand authenticity of a hotel had a positive effect on customers’ emotional and behavioral aspects. This finding provided valuable and meaningful insights for green hotels and hotel brand-related research.


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 36 no. 9
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


Publication date: 10 June 2021

Han-Yu Sung and Yu-Liang Chi

This study aims to develop a Web-based application system called Infomediary of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (ITIP) that can help individuals comprehend the society and culture of…



This study aims to develop a Web-based application system called Infomediary of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (ITIP) that can help individuals comprehend the society and culture of indigenous people. The ITIP is based on the use of Semantic Web technologies to integrate a number of data sources, particularly including the bibliographic records of a museum. Moreover, an ontology model was developed to help users search cultural collections by topic concepts.


Two issues were identified that needed to be addressed: the integration of heterogeneous data sources and semantic-based information retrieval. Two corresponding methods were proposed: SPARQL federated queries were designed for data integration across the Web and ontology-driven queries were designed to semantically search by knowledge inference. Furthermore, to help users perform searches easily, three searching interfaces, namely, ethnicity, region and topic, were developed to take full advantage of the content available on the Web.


Most open government data provides structured but non-resource description framework data, Semantic Web consumers, therefore, require additional data conversion before the data can be used. On the other hand, although the library, archive and museum (LAM) community has produced some emerging linked data, very few data sets are released to the general public as open data. The Semantic Web’s vision of “web of data” remains challenging.


This study developed data integration from various institutions, including those of the LAM community. The development was conducted based on the mode of non-institution members (i.e. institutional outsiders). The challenges encountered included uncertain data quality and the absence of institutional participation.


The Electronic Library , vol. 39 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0264-0473


Publication date: 12 January 2023

Timmy H. Tseng and Han-Yu Wang

Internet celebrities have become key resources for consumers making purchase decisions. An increasing number of internet celebrities have begun to exert their influence by…




Internet celebrities have become key resources for consumers making purchase decisions. An increasing number of internet celebrities have begun to exert their influence by creating self-branded products. This study aims to examine the antecedents of consumer attitudes and purchase intentions towards internet celebrity self-brands by integrating cognitive consistency theory, cue utilisation theory and the literature on brand authenticity and celebrity involvement.


Two sub-samples of different social media brand communities were collected via online surveys of consumers with experience purchasing targeted internet celebrity self-brands. Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyse the data.


The results of the two sub-samples provide convergent evidence that brand–consumer congruence, brand authenticity and internet celebrity involvement have positive correlations with consumer attitudes towards internet celebrity self-brands, which then positively correlate with purchase intentions in both psychological (Sub-sample 1) and social (Sub-sample 2) brand communities.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this research is the first to develop a comprehensive model of consumers’ attitudes towards internet celebrity self-brands, which predict purchase intentions. The model is empirically tested in different social media brand communities, and the convergent results show the power of the proposed model. Internet celebrity involvement is proposed as a key driver of brand attitudes, which has received little attention. We conceptualise internet celebrity involvement and develop a scale to measure it. Based on the findings, we propose strategies to improve the marketing effectiveness of internet celebrity self-brands.

Publication date: 15 February 2021

Greg J. Sears and Yu Han

This study explored whether two Big Five traits – conscientiousness and emotional stability – jointly moderate the positive effects of perceived organizational support (POS) on…



This study explored whether two Big Five traits – conscientiousness and emotional stability – jointly moderate the positive effects of perceived organizational support (POS) on employee commitment and job performance. Drawing on organizational support theory and a self-regulation perspective, we proposed that employees high on both traits will more effectively leverage POS to enhance both their commitment and their performance.


Data were collected from 141 employees in a multinational transportation security firm. Employees completed measures assessing their POS, personality and affective commitment. Supervisors provided ratings of employees' job performance.


Results indicated that POS exerts a stronger influence on both employee commitment and performance when workers are high on conscientiousness and emotional stability. Moreover, POS was only found to be significantly associated with job performance when employees were high on both traits.

Research limitations/implications

These results suggest that personality traits play an integral role in influencing workers' perceptions of, and responses to, POS. Specifically, employees who demonstrate a stronger task focus and self-regulation capabilities appear to respond more favorably to POS.

Practical implications

These findings reinforce the value of implementing HR practices that convey support for employees but also highlight the importance of attracting and retaining employees who are conscientious and emotional stable in order to fully realize the benefits of these practices.


Recent evidence indicates that the relationship between POS and employee performance is tenuous. Our results are consistent with a contingency perspective on POS and signal that this may be partly owing to the `influence of individual differences, such as personality traits, in moderating the effects of POS.


Employee Relations: The International Journal, vol. 43 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0142-5455


Publication date: 21 June 2022

Han Yu, Ciji Song and Zengji Song

Against the background of actively promoting the reform of mixed ownership in China, this study regards government ownership in private sector enterprises (PSEs) as an important…



Against the background of actively promoting the reform of mixed ownership in China, this study regards government ownership in private sector enterprises (PSEs) as an important political connection mechanism and examines private holding listed companies in high-polluting industries that sold China A-shares from 2012 to 2019.


Using regression models such as Tobit and negative binomial estimation, the research empirically examines the impact of government ownership in PSEs on the corporate fulfillment of their environmental responsibilities.


Government ownership can effectively promote PSEs to fulfill their environmental responsibilities. Government ownership, as a corporate-level political connection mechanism, enables the government to provide firms with more environmental protection subsidies and environmental tax incentives, encouraging firms to fulfill their environmental responsibilities. When considering the policy risks faced by PSEs, government ownership effectively reduces the impact of policy uncertainty on firms’ fulfillment of environmental responsibilities. Additionally, verifying the economic development level of the city in which the firm is located makes the positive impact of government ownership on fulfillment of environmental responsibilities of PSEs in regions with lower economic development levels more significant.


Unlike existing studies that generally use the personal political identity of entrepreneurs to measure the political connections of PSEs, this study regards government ownership in PSEs as an important political connection mechanism. It provides a useful reference for China to formulate environmental protection policies for PSEs.


International Journal of Emerging Markets, vol. 19 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1746-8809


Publication date: 3 February 2023

Wen-Long Zhuang, Yu-Han Chu, Tsun-Lih Yang and Yu-Ming Chang

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of mentoring functions on expatriate voice in multinational enterprises and whether job security plays a mediating role…



The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of mentoring functions on expatriate voice in multinational enterprises and whether job security plays a mediating role in this relationship.


In total, 300 questionnaires were distributed in this study. Of the 173 responses received, 8 invalid questionnaires were excluded and 165 valid questionnaires were analysed. The effective questionnaire recovery rate was 55.00%.


The results revealed that the stronger the psychosocial support function, the role modelling function and the career development provided by the mentor, the more would be the expatriate voice behaviour. Furthermore, the psychological support, role model characteristics and career development guidance affect the expatriate voice behaviour through the mediation of job security.


Few studies have focussed on the influence of expatriate mentoring functions and job security on expatriate voice. Furthermore, whether the mentoring function affects the job security of expatriates is unknown. The objective of this study is to fill this gap in the literature.


Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship, vol. 11 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2049-3983


Publication date: 7 June 2023

Yu-Jen Chou, Ya-Hui Hsu and Yu-Han Chang

This research paper aims to illustrate that the new product communication effects of mental simulation (process-vs. outcome-focused) might depend on product attributes (typicality…



This research paper aims to illustrate that the new product communication effects of mental simulation (process-vs. outcome-focused) might depend on product attributes (typicality and benefits). Communication effects include ad attitudes and product attitudes in this study.


One 2 (mental simulation: process-focused vs. outcome-focused) x 2 (attribute typicality: high vs. low) x 2 (attribute benefits: hedonic vs. utilitarian) between-subjects experiment design was conducted. SPSS was used to do data analysis.


This article reveals that high (low) typicality of new attributes causes a process-focused (outcome-focused) simulation to lead to better consumer attitudes (i.e. ad attitude and product attitude). In addition, for a new hedonic attribute, a low typical attribute induces better consumer attitudes. Furthermore, there are interaction among mental simulation, product attribute typicality and benefits. These findings have important implications for academic developments and marketing management.


Compared with previous studies, this study is unique in several ways. First, enterprises often develop new products by introducing new product attributes (i.e. new features). Product attribute typicality is an interesting issue for new product design and communication. This research illustrates that the marketing communication effects of attribute typicality depends on attribute benefits and mental simulation. Second, the current research finds the new product attribute benefit (i.e. hedonic/utilitarian) play an important role and moderates the effects of mental simulation on consumer attitudes.


Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, vol. 35 no. 11
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1355-5855


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