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1 – 10 of 293Contemporary literature reveals that, to date, the poultry livestock sector has not received sufficient research attention. This particular industry suffers from unstructured…
Contemporary literature reveals that, to date, the poultry livestock sector has not received sufficient research attention. This particular industry suffers from unstructured supply chain practices, lack of awareness of the implications of the sustainability concept and failure to recycle poultry wastes. The current research thus attempts to develop an integrated supply chain model in the context of poultry industry in Bangladesh. The study considers both sustainability and supply chain issues in order to incorporate them in the poultry supply chain. By placing the forward and reverse supply chains in a single framework, existing problems can be resolved to gain economic, social and environmental benefits, which will be more sustainable than the present practices.
The theoretical underpinning of this research is ‘sustainability’ and the ‘supply chain processes’ in order to examine possible improvements in the poultry production process along with waste management. The research adopts the positivist paradigm and ‘design science’ methods with the support of system dynamics (SD) and the case study methods. Initially, a mental model is developed followed by the causal loop diagram based on in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and observation techniques. The causal model helps to understand the linkages between the associated variables for each issue. Finally, the causal loop diagram is transformed into a stock and flow (quantitative) model, which is a prerequisite for SD-based simulation modelling. A decision support system (DSS) is then developed to analyse the complex decision-making process along the supply chains.
The findings reveal that integration of the supply chain can bring economic, social and environmental sustainability along with a structured production process. It is also observed that the poultry industry can apply the model outcomes in the real-life practices with minor adjustments. This present research has both theoretical and practical implications. The proposed model’s unique characteristics in mitigating the existing problems are supported by the sustainability and supply chain theories. As for practical implications, the poultry industry in Bangladesh can follow the proposed supply chain structure (as par the research model) and test various policies via simulation prior to its application. Positive outcomes of the simulation study may provide enough confidence to implement the desired changes within the industry and their supply chain networks.
The purpose of the paper is to present the results of a content analysis of Canadian corporate sustainable development reports.
The purpose of the paper is to present the results of a content analysis of Canadian corporate sustainable development reports.
A comparison of existing content analyses of corporate sustainable development reports was conducted. Based on the comparison, eight key areas were identified for further research in the content analysis of Canadian corporate reports. A total of 89 reports were reviewed in the content analysis.
The content analysis highlighted several interesting trends in Canadian reporting. For example, the analysis highlighted that relatively few corporations explicitly identify the audience for the report, include an endorsement from the board chair, provide details on specific standards used for managing the supply chain, discuss linkages to public policy, or use third‐party assurance. The analysis also highlighted the wide variety in report structure.
Research limitations/implications
The content analysis did not address all issues related to corporate sustainable development reporting. Numerous areas for further research were identified, such as focusing on how companies decide on what to include in the reports, how the reports are used, the accommodations made for specific audiences, challenges in auditing the reports, and future directions of company reporting.
The content analysis focused on several areas that have been highlighted in previous studies as well as areas that have not previously been investigated. The analysis is based on a larger sample size than the most recent Canadian studies. The research will be of interest to both research and practitioners in corporate sustainable development reporting.
Sakthi Mahenthiran, Robert Mackoy, Jane L. Y. Terpstra-Tong and Loreto J. Morales
The objective of the study is to understand the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO), employers' organizational commitment to their employees (OCE), employees'…
The objective of the study is to understand the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO), employers' organizational commitment to their employees (OCE), employees' perception of the adequacy of budgetary resources (BRs), and firm performance in Malaysian and Chilean firms. A survey of 165 managers finds that EO has a significant positive relationship with performance. Additionally, the perceptions about the adequacy of the BR have a significant positive effect on performance. And in the Chilean subsample, the OCE interacts positively with perceptions of budget resource adequacy to affect the firm performance. The total effect of EO on performance is similar across both countries despite the EO being higher in Malaysia and perceptions of budget resource adequacy being higher in Chile. The study highlights the contribution to the literature on the EO – performance relationship – and emphasizes the importance of providing adequate resources to enhance the psychological safety of employees working in less developed countries.
Salem Al-Harthi, Alexandre Anatolievich Bachkirov, Said Al-Riyami and Misida Al-Jahwari
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the relevant literature to gain deeper insights into understanding what directions of research are needed with reference to…
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the relevant literature to gain deeper insights into understanding what directions of research are needed with reference to entrepreneurial orientation and competitive aggressiveness in the oil and gas sector of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region.
This paper is a conceptual evaluation of literature.
The extant body of research on both entrepreneurial orientation and competitive aggressiveness is based on quantitative studies without previous systematic, exhaustive and comprehensive grounded theory-based theorizing processes rooted in qualitative approaches. This accounts for inconsistencies and controversies of findings reported in the field.
Practical implications
The grounded theory-based approach advocated by this paper is likely to generate a more precise estimation of the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation, competitive aggressiveness and firm performance. Consequently, an accurate understanding of the interplay between these factors can empower managers to make finely-tuned strategic decisions, achieve sustainable competitive advantage and optimally adapt to dynamic and unforeseen environments.
The paper reports on important limitations of the existing literature indicating that current findings may be an artifact of studying a small number of industries.
The racial diversity of the Caribbean stemmed directly from the historical processes of colonialism, imperialism, slavery, and indentureship. Since the early 17th century, slaves…
The racial diversity of the Caribbean stemmed directly from the historical processes of colonialism, imperialism, slavery, and indentureship. Since the early 17th century, slaves have been imported from Africa to work in the Caribbean. In the British West Indies, slavery was abolished in 1834 but these African slaves worked on the sugar estates until the apprenticeship was abolished on August 1, 1838. Even before 1838, planters frequently complained of labor shortages and appealed to Britain for the approval of imported labor. Thus, there were attempts by the planters in colonies, such as Trinidad, to introduce Chinese labor to the plantations. As early as 1806, there was the importation of 192 Chinese from Macao and Penang into Trinidad. However, this experiment soon failed. In 1834 and 1839, laborers from Portugal were imported into Trinidad. This soon ended as Portuguese workers could not withstand the rigorous conditions of the contract labor system.
Ahmed Agyapong, Patience Dakora Maaledidong and Henry Kofi Mensah
Despite the burgeoning stream of research on the relationship between entrepreneurial behavior (EB) and performance, the linkage between entrepreneurial behaviour, international…
Despite the burgeoning stream of research on the relationship between entrepreneurial behavior (EB) and performance, the linkage between entrepreneurial behaviour, international mindset and performance is still underexplored. Therefore, this study investigates how the international mindset moderates the relationship between entrepreneurial behavior and performance.
The study's model is tested on a sample of 257 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in an emerging economy – Ghana – using a three-stage least squares estimator.
Results indicate that an international mindset primarily fosters entrepreneurial behavior in driving performance over and above the unique positive contributions of entrepreneurial behavior and international mindset. Specifically, the study finds that at high levels of international mindset, the positive effects of innovativeness and risk-taking elements of entrepreneurial behavior becomes strengthened. The international mindset's moderating role on the entrepreneurial behavior-performance linkage shows that the international mindset makes SMEs more innovative and open to risk, hence affecting performance positively.
The study demonstrates that, in the SME sector in the emerging economies, the relationship between the individual dimensions of entrepreneurial behavior and performance is contingent upon the role international mindset play in such a relationship. Further, this study explores how international mindset interacts uniquely with the EB (innovativeness, risk-taking and proactiveness) to predict performance.
Mahdi Salehi and Samaneh Mohammadi Moghadam
This study aims to investigate the relationship between management characteristics including management capability, management entrenchment, agency costs and overconfidence and…
This study aims to investigate the relationship between management characteristics including management capability, management entrenchment, agency costs and overconfidence and firm performance in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange market.
The research population includes 125 companies after applying systematic elimination sampling method during 2010-2016. The primary measure for companies’ performance is return on assets and Demerjian et al. (2012a) model is used to measure managerial characteristics.
The results indicated that two management characteristics, namely, management capability and overconfidence are positively associated with firm performance and improve the level of performance. Agency costs did not have any significant effect on firm performance and management entrenchment leads to deterioration in firm performance.
The paper focuses on managerial characteristics and firm performance, which the results may very helpful to companies and investors to hiring managers with specific characteristics. Moreover, the results may give strength to further studies.
Ismail Raisal, Arun Kumar Tarofder and Aboobucker Ilmudeen
Developing countries’ economic growth very much depend on the successful performance of entrepreneurial-oriented firms. Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is a valuable conjecturer…
Developing countries’ economic growth very much depend on the successful performance of entrepreneurial-oriented firms. Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is a valuable conjecturer of firm success. This study mainly focuses on analyzing the effect of EO on the firm performance (FP) with the mediating role of absorptive capacity (ACAP).
To test the hypothetical model, we collected 226 valid responses from senior managers of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The structural equation modeling technique is performed and research hypotheses are validated.
The findings show that the strong causal relations exit between EO, ACAP and FP. In brief, EO was found to be a predictor of ACAP, and ACAP has a strong positive impact on FP. Moreover, ACAP substantiated to be a mediator between EO and FP.
Research limitations/implications
A notable ramification of this finding is that for SMEs to enhance their performance via EO, the presence of ACAP as a mediator is essential.
Practical implications
The findings of this study can be used as a basis to consider EO to increase firms' level of ACAP and to enhance FP. As a whole, the findings offer pragmatic insights for SMEs and pertinent stakeholders.
So far, little is known about the interrelationship between EO, ACAP and FP. Importantly, the mediating role of ACAP between EO and FP has remained unexplored. This study fills this gap in the existing literature.
Marina Zavertiaeva and Tatiana Ershova
This study examines whether CEO power influences the book-based and market-based performance of Russian companies when it is restricted by the presence of essential shareholders…
This study examines whether CEO power influences the book-based and market-based performance of Russian companies when it is restricted by the presence of essential shareholders, namely, state and influential businessmen.
Managerial power is divided into structural, ownership, expert and prestige. The proposed power metrics include not only CEOs but also the board of directors' characteristics that may restrict or enhance CEO power. The empirical analysis is based on the sample of 90 large traded Russian firms, which shares are included in the Moscow Stock Exchange Broad Market Index (MICEX BMI), observed from 2012 to 2019.
Panel data analysis suggests that higher board ownership and tenure may restrict CEO power, which in turn would be beneficial for corporate performance. the authors also see that in companies owned by influential businessmen, CEO power influence on M/B value is more negative, while state ownership does not moderate it. CEO power metrics, based on political experience and tenure, affect corporate performance differently in companies affiliated with extractive industries.
First, the authors consider two channels through which a company in emerging markets may get additional resources: CEOs and influential owners. Second, the authors develop power metrics based on Finkelstein's managerial power classification (1992) and the idea of relative power proposed by Bebchuk et al. (2011). It allows identifying whether the board of directors' may constrain or enhance CEO power to raise corporate performance. Third, the authors analyze developing Russian markets that represent a good ground for testing the question, whereas empirical research on Russia is relatively scarce (Grosman and Leiponen, 2018). Fourth, the authors pay particular attention to the CEO power in the extractive industry, strategically important for the Russian economy.
本研究擬探討行政總裁的權力,若因有不可或缺的股東 - 即國家和具影響力的實業家 - 的存在而受到約束時,其權力會否影響俄羅斯公司以賬簿為基礎和以市場為基礎的表現
(一) 我們考慮在新興市場公司可取得額外資源的兩個途徑:行政總裁和具影響力的所有者。(二) 我們基於芬克爾斯坦 (Finkelstein, 1992) 的管理權分類,以及 Bebchuk et al. (2011) 所提出相對功率的學說,建立了權力指標。憑著這權力指標,我們可鑑定董事會會限制、抑或增強行政總裁提升企業績效的權力。(三) 我們分析發展中的俄羅斯市場,其為測試我們問題的良好地方,而探討俄羅斯的實證研究較為稀有 (Grosman and Leiponen, 2018) 。(四) 我們特別關注在採掘業的行政總裁權力,而採掘業對俄羅斯經濟來說、是具有重要戰略意義的