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Publication date: 6 September 2024

Juan Carlos Carlos Leiva, Diana Escandón-Barbosa, Jorge Moreno-Gómez and Ronald Mora-Esquivel

This study aims to explore the impact of different contextual factors and their interactions on university students' entrepreneurship, specifically start-up activities.



This study aims to explore the impact of different contextual factors and their interactions on university students' entrepreneurship, specifically start-up activities.


The paper used a multilevel hierarchical model with four contextual factors: i) industry and technological, ii) institutional and policy, iii) organizational-university; and iv) cultural. Each of these factors might influence university students’ start-up activities differently. To address this exploratory direction, the study used a sample of 34,200 nascent entrepreneurs from 34 countries included in the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit students’ Survey, along with data from the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index, Global Entrepreneurship Index and Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Index.


The results show that, in general terms, contextual elements impact university students’ start-up activities. Nevertheless, when these factors are combined, their effect increases strongly with the performance-based culture but decreases with a high level of a socially supportive culture.


Regarding the study of university students’ start-up activities, most scientific evidence has an individual-level approach without considering the influence of the context. The paper adopts a multilevel approach for such analysis to reflect the multilevel and context-dependent nature of the topic under study.


Este estudio explora el impacto de diferentes factores contextuales y sus interacciones en el espíritu empresarial de los estudiantes universitarios, concretamente en las actividades de puesta en marcha.


El trabajo emplea un modelo jerárquico multinivel con cuatro factores contextuales: i) industriales y tecnológicos, ii) institucionales y políticos, iii) organizativos-universitarios; y iv) culturales. Cada uno de estos factores podría influir de forma diferente en las actividades de puesta en marcha de los estudiantes universitarios. Bajo un enfoque exploratorio, el estudio utilizó una muestra de 34.200 emprendedores nacientes de 34 países incluidos en la Encuesta Global de Estudiantes Universitarios con Espíritu Emprendedor (GUESSS por sus siglas en inglés), junto con datos del Índice de Competitividad Global (GCI), el Índice de Espíritu Emprendedor Global (GEI) y el Índice Global de Liderazgo y Eficacia del Comportamiento Organizacional (GLOBE).


Los resultados muestran que, en términos generales, los elementos contextuales influyen en las actividades de creación de empresas de los estudiantes universitarios. Sin embargo, cuando se combinan estos factores, su efecto aumenta considerablemente en países con una cultura basada en el rendimiento, pero disminuye en las de un alto nivel de apoyo social.


En lo que respecta al estudio de las actividades de creación de empresas de los estudiantes universitarios, la mayoría de las pruebas científicas tienen un enfoque a nivel individual sin tener en cuenta la influencia del contexto. Nuestro trabajo adopta un enfoque multinivel para dicho análisis con el fin de reflejar la naturaleza multinivel y dependiente del contexto del tema estudiado.


Este estudo explora o impacto de diferentes fatores contextuais e suas interações no empreendedorismo dos estudantes universitários, especificamente nas atividades de start-up.


O artigo utilizou um modelo hierárquico multinível com quatro fatores contextuais: i) industrial e tecnológico, ii) institucional e político, iii) organizacional-universitário, e iv) cultural. Cada um desses fatores pode influenciar de maneira diferente as atividades de start-up dos estudantes universitários. Para abordar essa direção exploratória, o estudo utilizou uma amostra de 34.200 empreendedores de 34 países incluídos na Pesquisa Global sobre o Espírito Empreendedor dos Estudantes Universitários (GUESSS), juntamente com dados do Índice de Competitividade Global (GCI) do Fórum Econômico Mundial, do Índice Global de Empreendedorismo (GEI) e do Índice de Liderança Global e Eficácia Organizacional (GLOBE).


Os resultados mostraram que, em termos gerais, elementos contextuais impactam as atividades de start-up dos estudantes universitários. No entanto, quando esses fatores são combinados, seu efeito aumenta fortemente com a cultura baseada em desempenho, mas diminui com um alto nível de cultura socialmente solidária.


No que diz respeito ao estudo das atividades de start-up dos estudantes universitários, a maioria das evidências científicas tem uma abordagem em nível individual sem considerar a influência do contexto. Nosso artigo adota uma abordagem multinível para tal análise, a fim de refletir a natureza multinível e dependente do contexto do tema em estudo.

Publication date: 26 August 2024

Tuan Nien Tran and Thuong Thuong Ho Tran

Only a small number of studies have analysed the sustainability of the socio-cultural impacts of volunteer tourism (VT). Existing research tends to focus on volunteers, the host…



Only a small number of studies have analysed the sustainability of the socio-cultural impacts of volunteer tourism (VT). Existing research tends to focus on volunteers, the host communities and organisations, while the interconnectedness between theories (of capitals) and concepts (i.e. empowerment and sustainability) have received minimal attention. Sustainability is considered both an effect of empowerment and a means for achieving it. Drawing on the perspectives and theoretical concepts related to multiple forms of capital, this paper aims to take an interpretive stance to examine socio-cultural impacts.


This research draws on 37 semi-structured interviews conducted with stakeholders on the perceived socio-cultural impacts of VT on two farm communities in Vietnam. A qualitative thematic coding analysis was used to identify themes that explain the perceptions of the stakeholders within the host communities.


The findings of this study were divided into the nine themes of educational effects, job opportunities, cultural exchanges, relationships, health, awareness of environmental conservation, physical changes, promoting local products and tourism and community resource development. The research provides additional insights into the interconnectedness between different types of capital, empowerment and sustainability of socio-cultural impacts.

Practical implications

VT organisations should provide more opportunities for local residents to become involved in decision-making regarding volunteer activities and to share their voices and concerns about how the VT programmes are set up. The government could provide support services or training and skills to locals after the volunteers leave, which would be significant in developing and maintaining the sustainability of impacts on host communities.


This research creates a model for connecting capital to sustainability and empowerment to study the socio-cultural impacts of VT.


只有少数研究分析了志愿旅游(VT)社会文化影响的可持续性。现有的研究往往集中在志工、所在社区和组织上, 而理论(资本)和概念(即赋权、永续性)之间的相互联系很少受到关注。永续发展既被认为是赋权的效益, 也是实现赋权的一种手段。研究借鉴与多种资本形式相关的观点和理论概念, 并采取说明式立场来检视社会文化影响。


本研究借鉴了与利害关系人进行的 37份半结构化访谈, 了解 VT 对越南两个农场社区的社会文化影响。使用定性主题编码分析来确定能够解释主办社区内利害关系人看法的主题.




旅游志工组织应为当地居民提供更多机会参与志工活动的决策, 并分享他们对VT计画如何设立的意见与担忧。政府可以在志工离开后向当地人提供支持服务或培训和技能, 这对于发展和维持对东道社区影响的可持续性具有重要意义。


这项研究创建了一个将首都与永续发展和赋权联系起来的模型, 以研究 VT 的社会文化影响。


Sólo un pequeño número de estudios han analizado la sostenibilidad de los impactos socioculturales del turismo de voluntariado (VT). Las investigaciones existentes tienden a centrarse en los voluntarios, las comunidades de acogida y las organizaciones, mientras que la interconexión entre las teorías (de los capitales) y los conceptos (es decir, empoderamiento, sostenibilidad) han recibido una atención mínima. La sostenibilidad se considera tanto un efecto del empoderamiento como un medio para lograrlo. Basándose en las perspectivas y conceptos teóricos relacionados con múltiples formas de capital, la investigación adopta una postura interpretativa para examinar los impactos socioculturales.


Esta investigación se basa en 37 entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas con partes interesadas sobre los impactos socioculturales percibidos de VT en dos comunidades agrícolas en Vietnam. Se utilizó un análisis de codificación temática cualitativa para identificar temas que explican las percepciones de las partes interesadas dentro de las comunidades anfitrionas.


Los hallazgos de este estudio se dividieron en nueve temas de efectos educativos, oportunidades laborales, intercambios culturales, relaciones, salud, conciencia de la conservación ambiental, cambios físicos, promoción de productos locales y turismo, y desarrollo de recursos comunitarios. La investigación proporciona información adicional sobre la interconexión entre diferentes tipos de capital, el empoderamiento y la sostenibilidad de los impactos socioculturales.

Implicaciones prácticas

Las organizaciones de turismo de voluntariado deberían brindar más oportunidades para que los residentes locales se involucren en la toma de decisiones relativas a las actividades de voluntariado y compartan sus voces e inquietudes sobre cómo se establecen los programas de VT. El gobierno podría brindar servicios de apoyo o capacitación y habilidades a los locales después de que los voluntarios se vayan, lo que sería importante para desarrollar y mantener la sostenibilidad de los impactos en las comunidades anfitrionas.


Esta investigación crea un modelo para conectar las capitales con la sostenibilidad y el empoderamiento con el fin de estudiar los impactos socioculturales de VT.

Open Access
Publication date: 27 November 2023

Djihane Malki, Mohammed Bellahcene, Hela Latreche, Mohammed Terbeche and Razane Chroqui

Based on relationship marketing theory, this study aims to test the effect of social customer relationship management (social CRM) on customer satisfaction (CS) and loyalty (CL).




Based on relationship marketing theory, this study aims to test the effect of social customer relationship management (social CRM) on customer satisfaction (CS) and loyalty (CL).


To assess the proposed framework, structural equation modeling was performed on the data of 314 automotive customers surveyed online.


Social CRM dimensions [traditional CRM (TCRM) and social media (SM) technology use] have a direct and positive effect on CS. On the other hand, only TCRM has a direct and significant influence on CL, while the SM technology use effect seems to be indirect rather than direct. Indeed, the findings have provided empirical support for the contention that CS plays a mediating role between social CRM dimensions and CL.

Practical implications

In the automotive sector and developing countries in particular, companies’ managers could increase CS and CL and consequently enhance their competitiveness and market share by adopting an effective social CRM strategy. From this perspective, companies should focus their social CRM campaigns on the most SM used by customers, offer personalized choices and improve customer experience, interaction and value co-creation.


This paper enriches the understanding of how social CRM can affect CS and CL. The scales of social CRM, CS and CL were validated in the context of developing countries and the automotive sector. Furthermore, the direct and mediating effect of CS between social CRM (TCRM and SM) and CL was also confirmed.


Basándose en la teoría del marketing relacional, este estudio pretende comprobar el efecto de la gestión social de las relaciones con los clientes (CRM social) sobre la satisfacción y la fidelidad de los clientes.


Para evaluar el marco propuesto, se realizó un modelado de ecuaciones estructurales sobre los datos de 314 clientes de automoción encuestados online.


Las dimensiones del CRM social (CRM tradicional y uso de tecnología de medios sociales) tienen un efecto directo y positivo en la satisfacción del cliente. Por otro lado, solamente el CRM tradicional tiene una influencia directa y significativa en la fidelidad del cliente, mientras que el efecto del uso de la tecnología de medios sociales parece ser más indirecto que directo. De hecho, los resultados han proporcionado apoyo empírico a la afirmación de que la satisfacción del cliente desempeña un papel mediador entre las dimensiones del CRM social y la fidelidad del cliente.


Este artículo enriquece la comprensión de cómo el CRM social puede afectar a la satisfacción y la fidelidad de los clientes. Las escalas de CRM social, satisfacción del cliente y fidelidad del cliente se validaron en el contexto de países en vías de desarrollo y del sector automovilístico. Además, también se confirmó el efecto directo y mediador de la satisfacción del cliente entre el CRM social (CRM tradicional y medios sociales) y la fidelidad del cliente.

Implicaciones prácticas

En el sector de la automoción y en los países en desarrollo en particular, los directivos de las empresas podrían aumentar la satisfacción y fidelidad de sus clientes y, en consecuencia, mejorar su competitividad y cuota de mercado adoptando una estrategia eficaz de CRM social. Desde esta perspectiva, las empresas deberían centrar sus campañas de CRM social en los medios más utilizados por los clientes, ofrecer opciones personalizadas y mejorar la experiencia del cliente, la interacción y la cocreación de valor.


基于关系营销理论, 本研究旨在检验社会化客户关系管理(social CRM)对客户满意度和忠诚度的影响。


为评估所提出的框架, 对 314 名汽车客户的在线调查数据进行了结构方程建模。


社交客户关系管理维度(传统客户关系管理和社交媒体技术使用)对客户满意度有直接的积极影响。另一方面, 只有传统客户关系管理对客户忠诚度有直接和显著的影响, 而社交媒体技术使用的影响似乎是间接而非直接的。事实上, 研究结果为客户满意度在社交客户关系管理维度和客户忠诚度之间发挥中介作用的论点提供了实证支持。


本文丰富了人们对社交客户关系管理如何影响客户满意度和忠诚度的认识。本文以发展中国家和汽车行业为背景, 对社会化客户关系管理、客户满意度和客户忠诚度的量表进行了验证。此外, 还证实了客户满意度在社会化客户关系管理(传统客户关系管理和社会化媒体)与客户忠诚度之间的直接和中介效应。


尤其是发展中国家, 企业管理者可以通过采取有效的社交客户关系管理战略, 提高客户满意度和忠诚度, 进而增强竞争力和市场份额。从这个角度来看, 企业应将社交客户关系管理活动的重点放在客户使用最多的社交媒体上, 提供个性化选择, 改善客户体验、互动和价值共创。

Publication date: 24 September 2024

Diego Ravenda, Maika Melina Valencia-Silva, Josep Maria Argilés-Bosch and Josep García-Blandón

This study aims to explore the Facebook communication strategies of Spanish hospitals during health emergencies, focusing on their role in crisis management and public information…



This study aims to explore the Facebook communication strategies of Spanish hospitals during health emergencies, focusing on their role in crisis management and public information dissemination.


Automatic topic modelling and deep learning sentiment analysis were applied to analyse 151,738 posts from 274 hospital Facebook pages (March 2020–Feb 2022). Regression analyses were used to explore the relationships between topics, sentiment scores and hospital characteristics.


The analysis revealed nine main topics, with the three most prevalent related to COVID-19: vaccine information, security measures and situational updates. This indicates that Spanish hospitals significantly relied on Facebook to manage the emergency. The communication strategies dynamically adapted to the intensity of the pandemic and varied across hospital types. Sentiment analysis showed a negative tone for posts about security measures and situational updates. These findings align with the Agenda-Setting Theory, suggesting that hospitals influenced public discourse. Vaccine information posts were more positive, resonating with the Uses and Gratifications Theory by fulfilling the audience’s need for reassurance and guidance.


Using replicable machine learning techniques, this study elucidates the communication strategies employed by Spanish hospitals to manage healthcare emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights factors that potentially influence these strategies and provides theoretical justifications for them. The variation in communication strategies on Facebook among different hospital categories underscores the imperative for stricter guidelines and regulations to guarantee consistent and reliable communication during emergencies. This research provides valuable insights for practitioners and policymakers aimed at developing effective health communication strategies on social media.


International Journal of Emergency Services, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2047-0894


Open Access
Publication date: 16 July 2024

Patrícia Leão, Mariana Rei and Sara Rodrigues

This paper aims to carry out a systematic review based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines to assess the adherence to the…



This paper aims to carry out a systematic review based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines to assess the adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern (MDP) in workers.


Three electronic databases were searched up to March 2022. The population was restricted to adults, workers in any professional area, without special diets and no specific health conditions. Their adherence to the MDP was assessed by any a priori method/instrument. Two reviewers independently applied the eligibility criteria and performed the data extraction from each study included. In case of disagreement, a third reviewer was consulted.


Of the 590 studies found, 46 were included. Most of the studies were carried out in Europe, between the years 2019 and 2022 and were cross-sectional studies. The minimum sample size was 38, and the maximum was 1,74,638 participants. Most studies included both males and females; six included only females and nine only males. The three most prevalent types of workers under study were health professionals, factory workers and firefighters. The most used method for assessing adherence to the MDP was the Mediterranean diet score. Overall, workers showed low or moderate adherence to the MDP.


This systematic review conducted to assess the adherence to the MDP in workers displays an urgent need to improve diet quality in the workplaces.


Nutrition & Food Science , vol. 54 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0034-6659


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