Journal of Business Strategy: Volume 12 Issue 3


Table of contents

Strategic Repositioning Through the Customer Connection

Joe Dodson

With the breakup of AT&T, US WEST had to structure its long‐term plans to reflect changing customer needs.

Birth of a Business Unit

Arnold Donald

By keeping a finger on the pulse of the marketplace, Monsanto, in only five years, built its Lawn and Garden group into a $170 million SBU.

Planning Priorities for Marketing to Children

James U. McNeal

Children are actually three markets in one: a primary market, an influence market, and a future market. The author suggests that companies formulate an integrated strategy to…

Brand Strategy Positions Products Worldwide

Jan Willem Karel

Whirlpool completed its joint venture with N.V. Philips's home appliance business in January 1989, but the Dutch conglomerate was unwilling to sell its brand name. Here's how a…

U.S. Intelligence System: Model for Corporate Chiefs?

Benjamin Gilad

A fully dedicated intelligence support function for senior management is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Companies can enhance their intelligence capabilities by using the…

Environmental Affairs: Now on the Strategic Agenda

Todd L. Hooper, Bart T. Rocca

No company or industry can afford to be ill equipped to meet the mounting environmental challenges. Here is what some companies are doing.

Identifying the Employee of the Future

Richard J. Mirabile

Hewlett‐Packard evaluated its future marketing needs and compared it to the capabilities of current employees. This case study is an example of how other companies can ensure they…

Control the Risks of High‐Stakes Litigation

John J. Sheehy

A litigation crisis can be not only a costly jolt to a company's financial health but a disruptive force to company personnel and markets. Here is a blueprint for formulating a…

A Strategic Approach to Employee Motivation

Frank K. Sonnenberg

A strategic plan is only as good as the people who will be called on to implement it.


How to Stay at the Forefront of Technological Innovations

Gerald S. Rosenfelder

Has the fear of technology involvement prevented many senior managers of multidivisional firms from playing a major role in new product technology decisions?

Leaders and How They Manage

Afsaneh Nahavandi, Ali R. Malekzadeh, Philip J. Mizzi

Many recent books on management have focused on the importance of leadership in the success of an organization. One hears more and more about the key role a CEO can play in the…

Why Acquisitions May Not Be the Best Route to Innovation

Kenneth M. Davidson

Large mergers are out (for the most part), so the army that has been developed to push mergers will find new targets. In response to competitive challenges from abroad and less…

Roadblocks to New Business Development

Michael Cosgrove

By what process can a mature company attempt to create a growth portfolio of new businesses? A process followed by the manufacturing and distribution division of a major…

Idea Forum:: Strategic Concepts at a Glance

Most CEOs avoid using computers, according to a recent survey conducted by our firm. This top‐level skittishness can be minimized if the following three bad habits can be overcome:

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  • Ms Nanci Healy