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Publication date: 30 April 2024

Anjali Bansal, C. Lakshman, Marco Romano, Shivinder Nijjer and Rekha Attri

Research on leaders’ knowledge management systems focuses exclusively on how leaders gather and disseminate knowledge in collaboration with external actors. Not much is known…



Research on leaders’ knowledge management systems focuses exclusively on how leaders gather and disseminate knowledge in collaboration with external actors. Not much is known about how leaders address the psychological aspects of employees and strategize internal communication. In addition, while previous work has treated high uncertainty as a default feature of crisis, this study aims to propose that perceived uncertainty varies in experience/meaning and has a crucial bearing on the relative balance of cognitive/emotional load on the leader and behavioral/psychological responses.


The authors contribute by qualitatively examining the role of leader knowledge systems in designing communication strategies in the context of the COVID-19 crisis by investigating communication characteristics, style, modes and the relatively unaddressed role of compassion/persuasion. In this pursuit, the authors interviewed 21 C-suite leaders, including chief executive officers, chief marketing officers, chief financial officers, chief human resource officers and founders, and analyzed their data using open, axial and selective coding, which were later extracted for representative themes and overarching dimensions.


Drawing from grounded theory research, the authors present a framework of knowledge systems and their resultant communication with employees in high uncertain and low uncertain crises. The authors highlight interactions of a set of concepts – leaders’ preparedness, leaders’ support to employees tailored communication adapted to perceived uncertainty, leading to enhanced trust – in the achievement of outcomes related to balancing operational and relational systems with employees. The findings suggest that a structured process of communication helps employees mitigate any concern related to uncertainty and feel confident in their leadership.


The research has implications for leaders in managing their knowledge systems, for human esources practitioners in designing effective internal communication programs, as well as for scholars in knowledge management, communication and leadership.


Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1367-3270


Publication date: 29 January 2020

Shivinder Nijjer and Sahil Raj

The high rate of internet penetration has led to the proliferation of social media (SM) use, even at the workplace, including academia. This research attempts to develop a…



The high rate of internet penetration has led to the proliferation of social media (SM) use, even at the workplace, including academia. This research attempts to develop a topology and thereby determine the dominant use motive for faculty’s use of SM.


In this two-part study, a two-stage research design has been adopted for topology development based on the application of Uses and Gratifications Theory. In the second part, the Technology Acceptance Model is applied to discern the dominant motive for SM use in academia.


The work is able to develop a seven-item topology, conforming to the basic three use motives, namely, hedonic, utilitarian and social. The work shows faculty attach more value to the instrumental utility of SM, while the hedonic function is also significant.

Practical implications

Discerning dominant motive implies that SM use at the workplace should not be banned, rather effective regulated use will instil the faculty to enhance work outcomes. The conceptualisation of topology for SM use in academia at the workplace can aid in designing an effective organisation policy, and design of an internal SM platform.


The study is unique towards topology development for academic faculty and has many important implications for management and academia, especially towards policy design for SM use at the workplace.


Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, vol. 18 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1477-996X


Book part
Publication date: 30 September 2020

Shivinder Nijjer, Kumar Saurabh and Sahil Raj

The healthcare sector in India is witnessing phenomenal growth, such that by the year 2022, it will be a market worth trillions of INR. Increase in income levels, awareness…


The healthcare sector in India is witnessing phenomenal growth, such that by the year 2022, it will be a market worth trillions of INR. Increase in income levels, awareness regarding personal health, the occurrence of lifestyle diseases, better insurance policies, low-cost healthcare services, and the emergence of newer technologies like telemedicine are driving this sector to new heights. Abundant quantities of healthcare data are being accumulated each day, which is difficult to analyze using traditional statistical and analytical tools, calling for the application of Big Data Analytics in the healthcare sector. Through provision of evidence-based decision-making and actions across healthcare networks, Big Data Analytics equips the sector with the ability to analyze a wide variety of data. Big Data Analytics includes both predictive and descriptive analytics. At present, about half of the healthcare organizations have adopted an analytical approach to decision-making, while a quarter of these firms are experienced in its application. This implies the lack of understanding prevalent in healthcare sector toward the value and the managerial, economic, and strategic impact of Big Data Analytics. In this context, this chapter on “Predictive Analytics in Healthcare” discusses sources, areas of application, possible future areas, advantages and limitations of the application of predictive Big Data Analytics in healthcare.


Big Data Analytics and Intelligence: A Perspective for Health Care
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83909-099-8


Book part
Publication date: 17 June 2024

Parminder Varma, Shivinder Nijjer, Kiran Sood and Simon Grima

Banks play a vital role in the economy. Investigating their competitive environment is crucial to ensuring economic stability and development. The FinTech disruption has risks and…



Banks play a vital role in the economy. Investigating their competitive environment is crucial to ensuring economic stability and development. The FinTech disruption has risks and opportunities for incumbent banks, and it can be valuable to investigate its effects on banking performance. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess whether investment in FinTech is associated with better performance of Indian banks during 2012–2018.


To do this, a sample of Indian banks was investigated between 2012 and 2018 using k-means and hierarchical cluster analysis, ANOVA, and pairwise comparison tests.


Results of the analysis strongly suggest that investment in FinTech is associated with better banking performance. Higher FinTech investments, represented by mobile transaction volume, are associated with higher efficiency scores and accounting-based performance. In particular, banks that invest in FinTech and have relatively low non-performing loans have a 7.7% higher Return on Employment (ROE) than banks with exceptionally low FinTech use and no significant investment in smart branches.

Practical Implications

Therefore, it can be recommended that Indian banks adopt a forward-looking strategic approach when making investment decisions regarding new technologies. Failing to adapt to the FinTech disruption may result in poor value creation prospects in the long run.


To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first study that analyses. We are not aware of any similar study on whether investment in FinTech is associated with better performance of the Indian banks during 2012–2018.

Content available
Book part
Publication date: 30 September 2020



Big Data Analytics and Intelligence: A Perspective for Health Care
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83909-099-8

Content available
Publication date: 3 March 2020

Tomayess Issa, Pedro Isaias and Piet Kommers




Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, vol. 18 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1477-996X

Content available
Book part
Publication date: 17 June 2024



Finance Analytics in Business
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83753-572-9

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