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Publication date: 11 May 2020

Moshe Mishali, Mirit Kisner and Naama Tal

The purpose of this research is to examine whether health-related personal traits such as hypochondriasis, health behavior and health locus of control can predict dairy avoidance.



The purpose of this research is to examine whether health-related personal traits such as hypochondriasis, health behavior and health locus of control can predict dairy avoidance.


The empirical study took place in Israel. The researchers administered questionnaires to gather self-reported data concerning the consumption dairy products in general without making a distinction among different types of dairy (fermented/nonfermented, low fat/high fat etc.). A random sample of 77 participants was recruited from among students at the University of Haifa, after culling out those who declared to have been medically diagnosed with lactose intolerance or dairy allergy.


High health behavior scores were associated with increased likelihood of avoiding milk and dairy products by a factor of 3.92 (OR = 3.92, 95% CI: 1.54–10.02, p = 0.004), whereas external health locus of control was associated with decreased likelihood of shunning milk and dairy (OR = 0.136, 95% CI: 0.032–0.580, p = 0.007). The connection between hypochondriasis and milk avoidance turned out insignificant.

Practical implications

The medical establishment should devise ways, means and measures to purvey well-established dietary guidelines for those who are willing to make an effort and invest in their health.


This study adds to the burgeoning body of literature seeking to relate personal traits or individual characteristics to a host of lifestyle choices. The most salient finding is that many individuals who perform an array of behaviors they deem beneficial to their health and well-being in an attempt to exercise control over their health, paradoxically run the risk of making uninformed lifestyle decisions including dietary choices – ones that might prove detrimental to their health over the long haul.


British Food Journal, vol. 122 no. 9
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X


Publication date: 7 August 2018

Shannon Allen, Ellen Goddard and Anna Farmer

The purpose of this paper is to examine how individual’s health beliefs, nutrition knowledge (NK) and attitudes towards food technologies play a role in the anti-consumption of…




The purpose of this paper is to examine how individual’s health beliefs, nutrition knowledge (NK) and attitudes towards food technologies play a role in the anti-consumption of dairy products or the consumption of dairy alternatives.


Self-reported data concerning the consumption of milk, yogurt and dairy products in general were collected online among 1,705 adults in Canada. Also included in the survey instrument were measures of NK and health beliefs as well as questions from the food technology neophobia scale. Anti-consumption of milk, yogurt and dairy as well as alternative dairy consumption as a function of these characteristics, in addition to demographic characteristics, is analysed using probit models.


Individuals who demonstrate resistance to innovations in food technology, those with lower levels of dairy-specific NK, and people who have less belief that dairy avoidance will have negative impacts on their health are more likely to be anti-consumers of milk and/or yogurt. The same is true for dairy products in general with the exception that people with higher levels of dairy-specific NK are more likely to be anti-consumers of dairy products in general.


Inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D has negative consequences for long-term health. Given that dairy products are the primary source of these nutrients in the Canadian diet, it is important to understand the reasons behind dairy anti-consumption so that appropriate policy measures can be taken to address potential public health issues.


British Food Journal, vol. 120 no. 10
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X


Publication date: 1 April 1978

One of the major developments of the post‐War years has been the rise of consumer protection ‘watchdog’ committees galore, a flood of legislation and completely changed…


One of the major developments of the post‐War years has been the rise of consumer protection ‘watchdog’ committees galore, a flood of legislation and completely changed enforcement methods by existing local authority officers who to all and intents have become a completely new service. Voluntary agencies, national and local, based on the local High Street, have appointed themselves the watchdogs of the retail trade; legislation and central departments, the larger scene. The new service has proved of inestimable value in the changed conditions; it continues to develop. When shopping was a personal transaction, with the housewife making her purchases from the shopkeeper or his staff on the opposite side of the counter; when each was well known to the other and the relationship had usually lasted for many years, often from one generation to the next, things were very different, complaints few, unsatisfactory items instantly replaced, usually without question. This continuing state of equanimity was destroyed by the retail revolution and new methods of advertising and marketing. Now, the numbers of complaints dealt with by consumer protection and environmental health departments of local authorities are truly enormous. We have become a nation of “complainers,” although in all conscience, we have much to complain about. Complaints cover the widest possible range of products and services, of which food and drink form an integral component. The complaints to enforcement authorities include many said to be unjustified, but from the reports of legal proceedings under relevant enactments, it is obvious that the bulk of them now originate from consumer complaints. Not all complainants, however, relish the thought of the case going before the courts. Less is heard publicly of complaints to the numerous voluntary bodies. Enforcement authorities see complaints in terms of infringements of the law, although their role as honest broker, securing recompense to the aggreived customer, has become important; a few departments being able to claim that they secured reimbursements and replacements of value totalling upwards of amounts which annually run into six figures. The broker role is also that adopted by voluntary bodies but with much less success since they lack the supporting authority of legal sanction.


British Food Journal, vol. 80 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 March 1968

The Commission appointed jointly by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agricultural Organization continues to plod its weary way towards the establishment of Codex…


The Commission appointed jointly by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agricultural Organization continues to plod its weary way towards the establishment of Codex standards for all foods, which it is hoped will eventually be adopted by all countries, to end the increasing chaos of present national standards. We have to go back to 1953, when the Sixth World Health Assembly showed signs of a stirring of international conscience at trends in food industry; and particularly expressed “the view that the increasing use of various chemical substances had … , created a new public health problem”. Joint WHO/FAO Conferences which followed initiated inter alia international consultations and the setting up of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission.


British Food Journal, vol. 70 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 June 1968

This new measure of consumer law of some forty‐odd sections, a short Act by present standards but as far‐reaching as any legislation since the war, establishes a code of conduct…


This new measure of consumer law of some forty‐odd sections, a short Act by present standards but as far‐reaching as any legislation since the war, establishes a code of conduct in commerce and trade which few will be able to ignore, from the manufacturer down to the counter‐hand. Operative from November 30th of this year, traders will require to urgently consider their sales practices, advertising, labelling and their trade descriptions; sales staff will need to be instructed in their new responsibilities. The new law is not just for consumer‐retailer transactions, but extends to trade between different branches of all trades, so that a retailer will be protected against misleading descriptions and misrepresentations by a manufacturer and the latter against misdescriptions of ingredients or components.


British Food Journal, vol. 70 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 March 1970

This is indeed the age of revolution, when timeless attitudes are changing and new ways of living being born. To most it is a bewildering complex, with uneasy forbodirtgs of the…


This is indeed the age of revolution, when timeless attitudes are changing and new ways of living being born. To most it is a bewildering complex, with uneasy forbodirtgs of the outcome. Improvement and change, there must always be—although change is not necessarily progress—but with unrest in the schools, universities and industry, one naturally questions if this is the right time for such sweeping reorganization as now seems certain to take place in local government and in the structure of the national health service. These services have so far escaped the destructive influences working havoc in other spheres. Area health boards to administer all branches of the national health service, including those which the National Health Service Act, 1946 allowed local health authorities to retain, were recommended by the Porritt Committee a number of years ago, when it reviewed the working of the service.


British Food Journal, vol. 72 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 June 1982

Another Christmas month is upon us, following it seems quickly on others that have been. Such is the relativity of Time, it is not yesteryear, but could be yester‐month or even…


Another Christmas month is upon us, following it seems quickly on others that have been. Such is the relativity of Time, it is not yesteryear, but could be yester‐month or even yester‐week. The seasons pass like youth, all too soon. Our minds return to other Christmas months of yore — “Memories are like Christmas roses!”, the old saying goes. The children, singing much‐loved hymns and carols, happy family settings, a birth, christening, so much to look forward to in the new year. There are not always such happy memories, but memories just the same — Christmas in war‐time, Earth's joys growing dimmer each year, change and decay, life drawing to a close for many a soul; old folk tend to see Christmas as a time of passing, of leaving the world behind.


British Food Journal, vol. 84 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 March 1975

Natural selection—survival of the fittest—is as old as life itself. Applied genetics which is purposeful in contrast to natural selection also has a long history, particularly in…


Natural selection—survival of the fittest—is as old as life itself. Applied genetics which is purposeful in contrast to natural selection also has a long history, particularly in agriculture; it has received impetus from the more exacting demands of the food industry for animal breeds with higher lean : fat and meat : bone ratios, for crops resistant to the teeming world of parasites. Capturing the exquisite scent, the colours and form beautiful of a rose is in effect applied genetics and it has even been applied to man. For example, Frederick the Great, Emperor of Prussia, to maintain a supply of very tall men for his guards—his Prussian Guards averaged seven feet in height—ordered them to marry very tall women to produce offspring carrying the genes of great height. In recent times, however, research and experiment in genetic control, more in the nature of active interference with genetic composition, has developed sufficiently to begin yielding results. It is self‐evident that in the field of micro‐organisms, active interference or manipulations will produce greater knowledge and understanding of the gene actions than in any other field or by any other techniques. The phenomenon of “transferred drug resistance”, the multi‐factorial resistance, of a chemical nature, transferred from one species of micro‐organisms to another, from animal to human pathogens, its role in mainly intestinal pathology and the serious hazards which have arisen from it; all this has led to an intensive study of plasmids and their mode of transmission. The work of the Agricultural Research Council's biologists (reported elsewhere in this issue) in relation to nitrogen‐fixing genes and transfer from one organism able to fix nitrogen to another not previously having this ability, illustrates the extreme importance of this new field. Disease susceptibility, the inhibition of invasiveness which can be acquired by relatively “silent” micro‐organisms, a better understanding of virulence and the possible “disarming” of organisms, particularly those of particular virulence to vulnerable groups. Perhaps this is looking for too much too soon, but Escherichia coli would seem to offer more scope for genetic experiments than most; it has serotypes of much variability and viability; and its life and labours in the human intestine have assumed considerable importance in recent years. The virulence of a few of its serotypes constitute an important field in food epidemiology. Their capacity to transfer plasmids—anent transfer of drug resistanceto strains of other organisms resident in the intestines, emphasizes the need for close study, with safeguards.


British Food Journal, vol. 77 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 April 1990

Barbara M. Lund

Listeriosis in animals and humans has been known for over 60 years.Outbreaks in humans have been reported since 1951 but the importance offoodborne transmission has only been…


Listeriosis in animals and humans has been known for over 60 years. Outbreaks in humans have been reported since 1951 but the importance of foodborne transmission has only been realised recently. Listeria monocytogenes is of concern to the food industry because of its ability to grow at refrigeration temperatures and the serious nature of listeriosis. Surveys have shown a widespread incidence of L. monocytogenes in foods and high numbers in certain foods. Hygienic practices in food production are being modified to reduce this incidence, and conditions to minimise the survival and growth of listeria in foods are being determined. Listeriosis is still a relatively rare disease and the majority of people may be resistant, or develop immunity to the bacterium. Because of the fact that a significant proportion of the population is likely to be vulnerable to infection, and the trend towards increased consumption of chilled foods which may have an extended shelf life, it is important to minimise the incidence of listeria in foods.


British Food Journal, vol. 92 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X


Publication date: 1 January 1971

The Food Hygiene (General) Regulations, 1970, when they first appeared, seem to have attracted more notice in the daily press than in the specialist journals, although, while…


The Food Hygiene (General) Regulations, 1970, when they first appeared, seem to have attracted more notice in the daily press than in the specialist journals, although, while re‐enacting much that was in the 1960 regulations, which they repeal, the new measures break new and important ground, as well as introducing a number of amending provisions, which experience has shown were needed. We tend to associate hygiene needs of food and drink with the thronging streets of the city and town, the hidden backrooms of restaurants, the bustling market and the mobile food van, which, in this motorized age, has ousted the bawling backstreet hucksterer.


British Food Journal, vol. 73 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

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