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Publication date: 8 September 2023

Oussama Ayoub, Christophe Rodrigues and Nicolas Travers

This paper aims to manage the word gap in information retrieval (IR) especially for long documents belonging to specific domains. In fact, with the continuous growth of text data…



This paper aims to manage the word gap in information retrieval (IR) especially for long documents belonging to specific domains. In fact, with the continuous growth of text data that modern IR systems have to manage, existing solutions are needed to efficiently find the best set of documents for a given request. The words used to describe a query can differ from those used in related documents. Despite meaning closeness, nonoverlapping words are challenging for IR systems. This word gap becomes significant for long documents from specific domains.


To generate new words for a document, a deep learning (DL) masked language model is used to infer related words. Used DL models are pretrained on massive text data and carry common or specific domain knowledge to propose a better document representation.


The authors evaluate the approach of this study on specific IR domains with long documents to show the genericity of the proposed model and achieve encouraging results.


In this paper, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, an original unsupervised and modular IR system based on recent DL methods is introduced.


International Journal of Web Information Systems, vol. 19 no. 5/6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1744-0084


Publication date: 4 October 2021

Quentin Grossetti, Cedric du Mouza, Nicolas Travers and Camelia Constantin

Social network platforms are considered today as a major communication mean. Their success leads to an unprecedented growth of user-generated content; therefore, finding…



Social network platforms are considered today as a major communication mean. Their success leads to an unprecedented growth of user-generated content; therefore, finding interesting content for a given user has become a major issue. Recommender systems allow these platforms to personalize individual experience and increase user engagement by filtering messages according to user interest and/or neighborhood. Recent research results show, however, that this content personalization might increase the echo chamber effect and create filter bubbles that restrain the diversity of opinions regarding the recommended content.


The purpose of this paper is to present a thorough study of communities on a large Twitter data set that quantifies the effect of recommender systems on users’ behavior by creating filter bubbles. The authors further propose their community-aware model (CAM) that counters the impact of different recommender systems on information consumption.


The authors propose their CAM that counters the impact of different recommender systems on information consumption. The study results show that filter bubbles effects concern up to 10% of users and the proposed model based on the similarities between communities enhance recommendations.


The authors proposed the CAM approach, which relies on similarities between communities to re-rank lists of recommendations to weaken the filter bubble effect for these users.


International Journal of Web Information Systems, vol. 17 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1744-0084


Publication date: 12 August 2014

Nicolas Travers, Zeinab Hmedeh, Nelly Vouzoukidou, Cedric du Mouza, Vassilis Christophides and Michel Scholl

The purpose of this paper is to present a thorough analysis of three complementary features of real-scale really simple syndication (RSS)/Atom feeds, namely, publication activity…



The purpose of this paper is to present a thorough analysis of three complementary features of real-scale really simple syndication (RSS)/Atom feeds, namely, publication activity, items characteristics and their textual vocabulary, that the authors believe are crucial for emerging Web 2.0 applications. Previous works on RSS/Atom statistical characteristics do not provide a precise and updated characterization of feeds’ behavior and content, characterization that can be used to successfully benchmark the effectiveness and efficiency of various Web syndication processing/analysis techniques.


The authors empirical study relies on a large-scale testbed acquired over an eight-month campaign from 2010. They collected a total number of 10,794,285 items originating from 8,155 productive feeds. The authors deeply analyze feeds productivity (types and bandwidth), content (XML, text and duplicates) and textual content (vocabulary and buzz-words).


The findings of the study are as follows: 17 per cent of feeds produce 97 per cent of the items; a formal characterization of feeds publication rate conducted by using a modified power law; most popular textual elements are the title and description, with the average size of 52 terms; cumulative item size follows a lognormal distribution, varying greatly with feeds type; 47 per cent of the feed-published items share the same description; the vocabulary does not belong to Wordnet terms (4 per cent); characterization of vocabulary growth using Heaps’ laws and the number of occurrences by a stretched exponential distribution conducted; and ranking of terms does not significantly vary for frequent terms.

Research limitations/implications

Modeling dedicated Web applications capacities, Defining benchmarks, optimizing Publish/Subscribe index structures.

Practical implications

It especially opens many possibilities for tuning Web applications, like an RSS crawler designed with a resource allocator and a refreshing strategy based on the Gini values and evolution to predict bursts for each feed, according to their category and class for targeted feeds; an indexing structure which matches textual items’ content, which takes into account item size according to targeted feeds, size of the vocabulary and term occurrences, updates of the vocabulary and evolution of term ranks, typos and misspelling correction; filtering by pruning items for content duplicates of different feeds and correlation of terms to easily detect replicates.


A content-oriented analysis of dynamic Web information.


International Journal of Web Information Systems, vol. 10 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1744-0084


Book part
Publication date: 5 December 2022

Madeleine Pape

The participation of trans people is increasingly being framed as a defining issue for women's sport. A dominant narrative, promoted by various newly formed feminist organizations…


The participation of trans people is increasingly being framed as a defining issue for women's sport. A dominant narrative, promoted by various newly formed feminist organizations located in the Global North, is that (cisgender) women's sport will be forever changed – and negatively so – by the increased recognition and sports participation of trans athletes. The message is the following: first, that biological sex is fundamentally binary; second, that the place of ‘females’ in sport depends on the recognition of this biological ‘truth’; and third, that sports policymakers must choose between advancing the rights of interests of (cisgender) women or those of trans athletes, but can't do both. I call this phenomenon biofeminism: the wielding of scientific knowledge and expertise to claim binary, biological sex difference as the ‘true’ basis of (cisgender) women's experience and her rights. In this chapter, I offer an exploratory, empirical account of this variety of feminist mobilization by analyzing an awareness-raising event held in the United Kingdom in 2019. I approach this event as an opportunity to better understand how biofeminist actors are organizing, their epistemic strategies and the political frames they rely upon to give meaning to ideologies of binary sex difference and impact policy and legislation. Given the unfinished business of realizing gender equity within the institution of sport, I reflect on how women's sports organizations might counter biofeminist mobilization and pursue allyship between cis and trans women.


Justice for Trans Athletes
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80262-985-9


Publication date: 1 April 1950

Nicolas D. Eghinitis

La psychologie touristique a pour but de discerner les désirs du touriste ainsi que d'étudier les moyens et les méthodes en vue de les attirer et d'en obtenir le prolongement du


La psychologie touristique a pour but de discerner les désirs du touriste ainsi que d'étudier les moyens et les méthodes en vue de les attirer et d'en obtenir le prolongement du séjour.


The Tourist Review, vol. 5 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0251-3102

Publication date: 6 July 2021

Kate Noble and Nicola Wallis

The authors draw on Howard and Thomas-Hughes' (2020) framework for quality assessment of co-produced research, to interrogate our assumptions and processes and to reflect on our…



The authors draw on Howard and Thomas-Hughes' (2020) framework for quality assessment of co-produced research, to interrogate our assumptions and processes and to reflect on our project. They consider if they achieved our planned outcomes around developing practice, enabling a range of voices and perspectives within their research, and enacting change within the university museum.


The authors’ early years residency programme explores the potential of collaborations with community groups to transform knowledge and practice through action research. As museum educators, the authors find synergy between the participatory pedagogies underpinning their practice and the co-construction of knowledge within action research. Both are committed to enabling diverse interpretations within a collective and supportive framework. Within their project, practitioners from the museum and playgroup worked collaboratively to collect video footage, photos, children's artwork and reflective journals and memos.


The process of action, observation and reflection revealed much about the authors’ different perspectives and they found variations in both pedagogy and practice. Although the authors had a shared commitment to providing high quality, memorable, exciting opportunities for the children, the exploratory nature of the project meant that they did not agree what these experiences might look like in advance, and so they had different understandings of what they saw.

Research limitations/implications

Although the authors’ methodological framework was designed to make their research collaborative, structural challenges and the contexts of the art museum and university reinforced long established hierarchies. While some felt supported by the research process and the prestige of working with a university museum to gain legitimacy for their practice, others were disempowered by these same structures. The authors consider their obligations as practitioner-researchers to become aware of the role they play in maintaining, as well as challenging, hierarchies and assumptions.


Young children in museums is a growing area of study and this practitioner-led action research project develop a new strand of enquiry within this field. Through this research the authors can collaborate with community partners to record, analyse and make visible the many different ways in which young children experience the museum. As research led institutions, university museums are ideally placed to develop research in partnership with local public bodies and community groups. However, future work in this area would benefit from a more explicit consideration of the constraints implicit within the institutions within which they all operate.


Qualitative Research Journal, vol. 22 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1443-9883


Publication date: 1 April 1997

Nicola Denham, Peter Ackers and Cheryl Travers

Looks at the effect of modern empowerment policies on middle management. The transition of middle managers from technical experts to coaches, and the position at the sharpest…



Looks at the effect of modern empowerment policies on middle management. The transition of middle managers from technical experts to coaches, and the position at the sharpest point of conflict between senior management and employees, means that empowerment often requires middle management to implement a policy which threatens their own jobs. Based on 28 management interviews and five focus groups held within two large UK organizations between 1995‐1996, this research seeks to to answer three central questions: How does empowerment affect middle managers? What coping mechanisms do they use? What are the implications for the organizations? The results show that, in line with previous literature, managers are resisting empowerment policies to some extent. However, the added fear of redundancy among middle managers means that they are, to varying extents, beginning to “act” their compliance to empowerment affecting the ultimate success of such initiatives.


Employee Relations, vol. 19 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0142-5455


Book part
Publication date: 9 November 2023

Ali Durham Greey

Even though trans and nonbinary athletes regularly experience oppression and exclusion in sport, many encounter sport as a site of gendered liberation. Most literature on trans…


Even though trans and nonbinary athletes regularly experience oppression and exclusion in sport, many encounter sport as a site of gendered liberation. Most literature on trans and nonbinary athletes focuses on experiences of oppression; much less examines trans and nonbinary athlete resistance. Centring the voices of trans and nonbinary athletes in sport is essential for attending to the complexity of their experiences in sport. I draw on my own experiences as a nonbinary elite boxer to explore what is at stake in sport and demonstrate how sport can function as a site of joy and resistance for trans and nonbinary athletes. Amid ongoing debates about whether or not it is fair for trans women athletes to compete in sport, Gleaves and Lehrbach (2016) argued that sport does not solely concern who wins but also encompasses the ‘the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves’ in competitive sport. I argue that the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves in competitive sport stay with us for a lifetime. These stories shape how we make sense of ourselves and others. I explore how women, trans, and nonbinary boxers issue a threat to patriarchal cisheteronormative customs in boxing, precisely because we disrupt the assumption that aggression is the male domain and that masculinity equals cisgender maleness. I contribute to the growing body of literature centring trans and nonbinary voices by drawing attention to how trans and nonbinary athletes' experiences of sport are characterized not only by exclusion and oppression but also by joy and resistance.


Trans Athletes’ Resistance
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80382-364-5


Open Access
Publication date: 27 September 2021

Rocco Palumbo, Capolupo Nicola and Paola Adinolfi

Promoting health literacy, i.e. the ability to access, collect, understand and use health-related information, is high on the health policy agenda across the world. The…




Promoting health literacy, i.e. the ability to access, collect, understand and use health-related information, is high on the health policy agenda across the world. The digitization of health-care calls for a reframing of health literacy in the cyber-physical environment. The article systematizes current scientific knowledge about digital health literacy and investigates the role of health-care organizations in delivering health literate health-care services in a digital environment.


A literature review was accomplished. A targeted query to collect relevant scientific contributions was run on PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science. A narrative approach was undertaken to summarize the study findings and to envision avenues for further development in the field of digital health literacy.


Digital health literacy has peculiar attributes as compared with health literacy. Patients may suffer from a lack of human touch when they access health services in the digital environment. This may impair their ability to collect health information and to appropriately use it to co-create value and to co-produce health promotion and risk prevention services. Health-care organizations should strive for increasing the patients’ ability to navigate the digital health-care environment and boosting the latter’s value co-creation capability.

Practical implications

Tailored solutions should be designed to promote digital health literacy at the individual and organizational level. On the one hand, attention should be paid to the patients’ special digital information needs and to avoid flaws in their ability to contribute to health services’ co-production. On the other hand, health-care organizations should be involved in the design of user-friendly e-health solutions, which aim at engaging patients in value co-creation.


This contribution is a first attempt to systematize extant scientific knowledge in the field of digital health literacy specifically focused on the strategies and initiatives that health-care organizations may take to address the limited digital health literacy pandemic.


Kybernetes, vol. 51 no. 13
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0368-492X


Content available
Book part
Publication date: 16 March 2021



Flapjacks and Feudalism
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80071-389-5

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