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Publication date: 29 November 2019

Mehmet Ali Köseoglu, Alfonso Morvillo, Mehmet Altin, Marcella De Martino and Fevzi Okumus

This study aims to critically review competitive intelligence (CI) research and offer suggestions for future research in the hospitality and tourism (HT) field.



This study aims to critically review competitive intelligence (CI) research and offer suggestions for future research in the hospitality and tourism (HT) field.


The study reviews and synthetizes current CI research in the HT field.


The study findings suggest that CI research in HT is at an embryonic level, as researchers have not used the same terminology on what CI is, how CI is implemented and what should be included in the CI framework. Hence, researchers should address the link between operation and CI practices. Also, new studies discussing business espionage and ethics in CI practices are needed because the related studies are rare.

Practical implications

The study offers specific theoretical and practical implications for CI research.


This study provides a perspective on future developments of CI research in the HT field.


Tourism Review, vol. 75 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1660-5373


Publication date: 9 October 2019

Fevzi Okumus, Mehmet Ali Köseoglu, Alfonso Morvillo and Mehmet Altin

This paper aims to critically review current strategic management (SM) research and discuss future directions for SM research in the hospitality and tourism (HT) field.




This paper aims to critically review current strategic management (SM) research and discuss future directions for SM research in the hospitality and tourism (HT) field.


The study reviews and synthetizes current SM research.


The findings suggest that SM research in the HT field has made good progress over the past three decades; however, there is still a gap between the SM research in the generic and HT fields.

Practical implications

This paper offers specific theoretical and practical implications for SM in the HT field.


This paper provides a clear perspective on future developments of SM research in the HT field.


Tourism Review, vol. 75 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1660-5373


Publication date: 20 April 2020

Mehmet Ali Köseoglu, Fuad Mehraliyev, Mehmet Altin and Fevzi Okumus

This study aims to propose a competitor intelligence and analysis (CIA) model that can be used for the analysis of a firm’s competitors. Empirically, it investigates the…




This study aims to propose a competitor intelligence and analysis (CIA) model that can be used for the analysis of a firm’s competitors. Empirically, it investigates the application of the CIA model on online reviews. This proposed model clarifies the confusion between terms such as competitive intelligence, competitor intelligence and competitor analysis and provides a more efficient process for managers.


The approach of the model integrates text mining techniques as a big data method with network analysis to form a competitor analysis. This study has considered two centrality metrics – degree centrality and betweenness centrality – to identify the functional associations among the resources elaborated by the customers of the hotels.


Findings show online reviews may be used as a solid source of intelligence. The intelligence maps visualized through the text-net technique is an efficient representation of tourist satisfaction and dissatisfaction with a tourism company and its competitors.

Practical implications

The proposed approach can be used in the hotel industry along with many others. The implications for scholars and managers and the possible directions for future research are also discussed in the study.


This study develops a new approach for competitive intelligence practices in the hotel industry and tests a new method for competitor analysis as a part of the competitive intelligence and analysis approach developed in this study.


本研究提出了一个竞争对手情报与分析(CIA)模型, 可用于分析企业的竞争对手。对CIA模型在网络评论中的进行了实证研究。该模型厘清了竞争情报、竞争对手情报和竞争对手分析等术语之间的概念混淆, 为管理者提供了一个更有效的流程。


该模型将文本挖掘技术作为大数据方法与网络分析相结合, 来进行竞争对手分析。本研究考虑了两个中心性指标——度中心性和中介中心性——来识别酒店客户精心设计的资源之间的功能关联。


结果表明, 在线评论可被用作可靠的情报来源。情报地图通过文本网络技术可视化有效地展示了游客对旅游公司及其竞争对手的满意度和不满意度。

Practical implications

本文所提出的方法可用于酒店行业及许多其他行业。同时, 本文也探讨了本研究对学者与管理者的启示, 以及未来可能的研究方向。


本文提出了一种新的酒店行业竞争情报的实践方法, 并测试了一种新的竞争对手分析法, 作为竞争情报和分析方法的一部分。


关键词 竞争情报, 竞争对手情报, 文本挖掘, 网络分析, 在线评论, 酒店


Este estudio propone un modelo de análisis de la inteligencia competitiva (CIA) que puede utilizarse para el análisis de los competidores de la empresa. Empíricamente, investiga la aplicación del modelo de la CIA a las reseñas on line. El modelo propuesto aclara la confusión entre términos como inteligencia competitiva, inteligencia de la competencia y análisis de la competencia y proporciona un procedimiento más eficiente para los gerentes.


El enfoque del modelo integra las técnicas de minería de textos, como método de Big Data, con el análisis de redes para realizar el análisis de la competencia. En este estudio se han considerado dos métricas de centralidad -centralidad de grado e intermediación- para identificar las asociaciones funcionales entre los recursos elaborados por los clientes de los hoteles.


Los hallazgos muestran que las reseñas on line pueden ser utilizadas como una fuente sólida de inteligencia. Los mapas de inteligencia visualizados mediante la técnica de redes de texto son una representación eficiente de la satisfacción e insatisfacción de los turistas con la empresa turística y sus competidores.

Implicaciones prácticas

El enfoque propuesto puede utilizarse en la industria hotelera junto con otros muchos. En el estudio también se analizan las implicaciones para los investigadores y los gerentes y las posibles directrices para investigaciones futuras.


Este artículo desarrolla un nuevo enfoque para la aplicación de la inteligencia competitiva en la industria hotelera y prueba un método nuevo para el análisis de la competencia como parte del enfoque del Análisis de la Inteligencia Competitiva desarrollado en este estudio.

Palabras clave Inteligencia competitiva, Inteligencia del competidor, Minería de textos, Análisis de redes, Reseñas on line, hoteles

Publication date: 21 August 2017

Fevzi Okumus, Mehmet Ali Köseoglu, Alfonso Morvillo and Mehmet Altin

The main purpose of this study is to offer a critical review of studies of scientific progress of strategic management (SM) research in the hospitality and tourism field (H&T).




The main purpose of this study is to offer a critical review of studies of scientific progress of strategic management (SM) research in the hospitality and tourism field (H&T).


This study was conducted through a critical literature review based on three dimensions: intellectual, conceptual and social structures of SM research.


The boundaries of SM under the three dimensions (intellectual, conceptual and social structure) are addressed. Based on these three components, SM in hospitality and tourism realm shows a discursive structure. There are few studies assessing the evolution of SM research in the H&T industry. However, all of these studies are review papers that explored the boundaries of SM research in H&T by using limited keywords to find SM papers, and generally considered papers which are published in a few leading H&T journals.

Research limitations/implications

This study focused on only H&T journals to elaborate the boundaries of SM in H&T. The findings of this study can help researchers (re)design research agendas to contribute to both mainstream and H&T industry SM literature and to enhance the essential elements of theory development in SM research related to H&T industry.


This is one of the first studies assessing the development of SM research related to hospitality and tourism by considering the boundaries of SM in three issues: intellectual, conceptual and social structure.


Tourism Review, vol. 72 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1660-5373


Publication date: 13 March 2017

Murat Kizildag, Mehmet Altin, Ozgur Ozdemir and Ilhan Demirer

This paper aims to understand the emergence, the revolution and the relevant knowledge of academic research concentrating on social media (SM) and hospitality and tourism firms’…




This paper aims to understand the emergence, the revolution and the relevant knowledge of academic research concentrating on social media (SM) and hospitality and tourism firms’ financial performance. The authors not only identified the gaps and critical issues in research but also re-conceptualized profound directions for the future research in technology and finance in the hospitality and tourism field.


This study adopted an in-depth review analysis to investigate and review previous scholarly papers published in hospitality, tourism and hospitality and tourism journals from January 2011 to the present. The authors thoroughly analyzed and reviewed peer-reviewed/refereed, blind-reviewed, full-length published articles and working papers within SM and hospitality firms’ financial performance. Editor notes, prefaces, research notes, industry articles, internet publications, conference preceding, books and book chapters were excluded.


Having examined the empirical content of 26 peer-reviewed scholarly articles, the authors clearly observed that none of the papers went beyond analyzing the effect of SM on hotels’ revenue per available room, revenues, net profit, average daily rate, occupancy rates, net operating income, etc., and all papers ignored the analysis of many critical financial proxies.

Research limitations/implications

This critique and review paper is limited to the relationship between SM and firms’ financial performance within the hospitality and tourism context.

Practical implications

This review provides a blueprint to guide future research, facilitate knowledge accumulation and create a new understanding and awareness in practice as well as SM and financial performance research.

Social implications

This paper complements and adds to previous work by demonstrating various aspects, evidences, findings and inferences regarding the association between online SM platforms and firms’ financial performance and by proposing rigorous abstract and specific future extensions to both practice and discipline-specific knowledge.


There is an absence of the most updated review study of published papers on SM and hospitality and tourism firms’ financial performance. Although how SM contributes to firms’ financial performance is clear to academicians and industry professionals, no solid consensus or theoretical certainty about what the authors know and do not know has been achieved.


Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, vol. 8 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1757-9880


Publication date: 12 February 2018

Mehmet Altin, Mehmet Ali Koseoglu, Xiaojuan Yu and Arash Riasi

The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical review of the performance management literature in the hospitality and tourism (H/T) industry.




The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical review of the performance management literature in the hospitality and tourism (H/T) industry.


The study is conducted through a critical literature review based on three dimensions: progress on ontological and epistemological issues, on the purpose of performance measurement (PM) and on the emerging contexts.


The progress on the three topics, namely, ontological and epistemological, purpose and emerging context, is addressed. Based on these three issues, the performance management literature in the H/T industry has not had any concrete structure. Few studies have been conducted reviewing the progress on performance criteria in the hotel industry. A research agenda is recommended to build a concrete structure in the field.

Research limitations/implications

This study focused on only leading H/T journals to analyze the progress on the performance management literature in the H/T industry. The findings can help researchers (re)design research agendas to contribute to both mainstream performance management literature and literature related to the H/T industry.


This is one of the first studies highlighting the progress on the performance management literature in hospitality and tourism by considering ontological and epistemological issues, the purpose of PM and the emerging contexts.


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 30 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


Publication date: 30 September 2021

Timothy Webb, Zvi Schwartz, Zheng Xiang and Mehmet Altin

The pace of booking is a critical element in the accuracy of revenue management (RM) systems. Anecdotal evidence suggests that booking windows exhibit persistent shifts due to a…



The pace of booking is a critical element in the accuracy of revenue management (RM) systems. Anecdotal evidence suggests that booking windows exhibit persistent shifts due to a variety of macro and micro factors. The article outlines several causes and tests the impact of the shifts on forecasting accuracy.


A novel methodological approach is utilized to empirically shift hotel reservation windows into smaller increments. Forecasts are then estimated and tested on the incremental shifts with popular RM techniques characteristic of advance booking data. A random effects model assesses the impact of the shifts on forecast accuracy.


The results show that shifts in booking behavior can cause the accuracy of forecasting models to deteriorate. The findings stress the importance of considering these shifts in model estimation and evaluation.

Practical implications

The results demonstrate that changes in booking behavior can be detrimental to the accuracy of RM forecasting algorithms. It is recommended that revenue managers monitor booking window shifts when forecasting with advanced booking data.


This study is the first to systematically assess the impact of booking window shifts on forecasting accuracy. The demonstrated approach can be implemented in future research to assess model accuracy as booking behavior changes.


Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, vol. 5 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2514-9792


Publication date: 16 October 2019

Murat Kizildag, Tarik Dogru, Tingting (Christina) Zhang, Makarand Amrish Mody, Mehmet Altin, Ahmet Bulent Ozturk and Ozgur Ozdemir

The purpose of this paper is to introduce and explore blockchain technology and its potential implementation to hospitality and tourism firms’ wide range of business operations…




The purpose of this paper is to introduce and explore blockchain technology and its potential implementation to hospitality and tourism firms’ wide range of business operations and transactions from a technological and functional point of view. This study’s central interest is to produce novel and rigorous in-depth-review analysis and foundations for a broad discussion and outlook on the potential applications of blockchain technology benefiting hospitality and tourism research, as well as the industry as a whole.


This study identifies and proposes several potential areas of the adoption and implementation of blockchain technology to the hospitality and tourism industry, including payment and cryptocurrencies, tracking and service customization, the disintermediation of hospitality and tourism, innovative loyalty programs, smart contracts, integrated property management systems, verified rating and review systems, collaborative initiatives and due diligence and smart tourism, each of which represents fertile avenues for future research.


This paper provides extensive critical discussions, reviews and answers to a fundamental question: “What critical functions of Blockchain mechanisms can be implemented to the existing core operational (i.e. booking and reservation systems, guest management, etc.) and business functions (i.e. loyalty/reward programs, agent transactions, etc.) of hospitality and tourism companies?”.

Research limitations/implications

Future studies should specifically delve further into various angles of this “BizTech” environment based not only on business operations and competition but also on vendor and customer collaboration.

Practical implications

This study intends to serve as a guidance for future research, facilitate knowledge accumulation and create a new understanding and awareness in both practice and academia. One of the most important applications of blockchain in this industry would be that pertaining to direct booking, online reservation systems (i.e. airlines and online travel agencies) and check-in/out with digital identities. With industry-wide blockchain adoption, guests’ personal information can be digitally validated, saved and secured as previously established cryptographically secured codes verify one’s identity without disclosing essential personal information.


It is obvious that the hospitality and tourism industry needs urgent technological transformation, industrial innovations and new growth avenues such as the adoption of blockchain technology and systems to maintain its global market share in the future. Therefore, the implementation of blockchain systems can promote the formation of multi-center (i.e. guest operations and customer service), weakly intermediated (i.e. loyalty programs and/or review and rating systems) areas in this industry.


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 32 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


Publication date: 8 February 2016

Zvi Schwartz, Muzaffer Uysal, Timothy Webb and Mehmet Altin

This paper aims to improve the accuracy of hotel daily occupancy forecasts – an essential element in the revenue management cycle – by proposing and testing a novel approach. The…




This paper aims to improve the accuracy of hotel daily occupancy forecasts – an essential element in the revenue management cycle – by proposing and testing a novel approach. The authors add the hotel competitive-set’s predicted occupancy as an input of the individual property forecast and, using a recursive approach, demonstrate that there is a potential for significant reduction in the forecasting error.


The paper outlines the theoretical justification and the mechanism for this new approach. It applies a simulation for exploring the potential to improve the accuracy of the hotel’s daily occupancy forecasts, as well as analysis of data from a field study of two hotel clusters’ daily forecasts to provide empirical support to the procedure’s viability.


The results provide strong support to the notion that the accuracy could be enhanced. Incorporating the competitive set prediction by using either a genetic algorithm or the simple linear regression model improves the accuracy of the forecast using either the absolute or the absolute percentage as the error measure.

Research limitations/implications

The proliferation of data sharing practices in the hotel industry reveals that the timely data sharing-aggregation-dissemination mechanism required for implementing this forecasting paradigm is feasible.


Given the crucial role of accurate forecasts in revenue management and recent changes in the hotels’ operating environment which made it harder to achieve or maintain high levels of accuracy, this study’s proposed novel approach has the potential to make a unique contribution in the realm of forecasting daily occupancies.


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 28 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


Content available
Publication date: 13 March 2017

Ahmet Bulent Ozturk




Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, vol. 8 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1757-9880

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