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Publication date: 24 November 2020

Ahmed Zakaria Abdullahi, Ebenezer Bugri Anarfo and Hod Anyigba

The study investigates the effect of autocratic, democratic and transformational leadership styles on employees' organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The study further…




The study investigates the effect of autocratic, democratic and transformational leadership styles on employees' organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The study further examines the moderating role of leaders' emotional intelligence between leadership styles and OCB.


Questionnaires were used to collect data from 618 small and medium-sized enterprises' (SMEs) employees in Ghana. For this study, both simple random and convenient sampling were adopted in selecting respondents. Regression was used to test the hypotheses in the research model using IBM–Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).


The results show that democratic and transformational leadership styles both positively predicted the OCB of SME employees, although transformational leadership has a more significant influence. On the contrary, autocratic leadership style was found to have an insignificant relationship with OCB of SME employees when the interactive effect of the various leadership styles and emotional intelligence were introduced into the model. The results also show that whereas leaders' emotional intelligence positively moderate the relationship between autocratic leadership style and OCB, the relationships between democratic leadership style and OCB and between transformational leadership style and OCB are not significantly moderated by leaders' emotional intelligence.

Research limitations/implications

An examination of other prominent leadership styles (for example, the transactional leadership style and the laissez faire leadership style) could be key areas for future research as it is a potential limitation of this study. Similarly, the use of a Western leadership instrument could also be a potential limitation in the Ghanaian context, although these instruments and scales may be applicable. Future studies could also consider a longitudinal approach to give a more holistic picture of the effect of the leadership styles on OCB.

Practical implications

In general, the findings of the study support the idea that the autocratic leadership style affects SME employees' OCB both directly and indirectly through leaders' emotional intelligence. This study recommends that leaders of SMEs should focus on leadership styles that combine both result-oriented and people-centric behaviors to encourage SMEs' employees to engage in OCB.


This study provides firsthand information on the impact of autocratic leadership style, democratic leadership style and transformational leadership style on an employee's OCB from the Ghanaian SME perspective.

Publication date: 16 March 2022

Frances Noble-Nkrumah, Hod Anyigba and Henry Kofi Mensah

The purpose of this paper is to explore the interactive effects of employee job autonomy and trust on the relationship between psychological contract fulfilment and work behaviour…




The purpose of this paper is to explore the interactive effects of employee job autonomy and trust on the relationship between psychological contract fulfilment and work behaviour in international non-governmental organisations.


Data were collected from 279 employees of international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) with over 10 years of working experience in the INGO industry in Ghana. A questionnaire comprising 27 items pertaining to the study constructs was administered. The reliability of the instrument was verified through item analyses. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted to establish the instrument’s construct validity. The study hypotheses were tested and competing models were compared using multiple hierarchical regression.


All scales were found to have acceptable reliability estimates. A confirmatory factor analysis established that the manifest variables met the required model fit thresholds and that the latter were empirically distinct. This established the scales' construct validity. The results of the multiple hierarchical regression procedures indicated that a significant number of the study hypotheses could be accepted as statistically significant. A number of moderators were also significant. Specifically, psychological contract fulfilment (PCF) was found to have a positive relationship with organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB). The results also showed a positive relationship between job autonomy and in-role employee performance (IRP) and OCB. There was a positive relationship between both the IRP and OCB. Interestingly, employee job autonomy moderated the positive relationship between PCF and OCB.


This research is among the first of its kind to examine the variables of PCF, work behaviour, employee job autonomy and trust towards the organisation among INGO employees in Ghana. Additionally, the study provides a novel lens to understand the underlying interaction mechanisms through which employee job autonomy moderates the positive relationship between PCF and in-role employee performance. To the best of our knowledge, this study will be the first to combine PCF, trust, employee job autonomy, in-role employee performance and organisational citizenship behaviour in one study. This study confirms and extends the work of Turnley et al. (2003) by including trust and employee job autonomy as key constructs in a social exchange relationship, drawing from the social exchange theory.

Publication date: 27 March 2019

Sule Ishola Omotosho and Hod Anyigba

The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize corporate entrepreneurial strategy using collaborative dynamics of contingency and agency theories, and to demonstrate how some…



The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize corporate entrepreneurial strategy using collaborative dynamics of contingency and agency theories, and to demonstrate how some constructs of these two theories are integrated to support long-term strategies of entrepreneurial firms in sustaining their competitive advantages and enhancing their performance.


Review of literature on strategic entrepreneurship, firm growth, contingency and agency theories were explored to support the conceptualized framework of the entrepreneurial strategy developed in this paper. The authors adopt a vignette approach to problematize theoretical gaps identified. The vignette was also used to embody the entrepreneurial strategy matrix developed.


This paper suggests that the effectiveness of corporate entrepreneurial strategies is influenced by the impacts of contingent environment and agency problem of goal conflicts. It provides some propositions for qualitative and empirical research that will extend the rigours of strategic entrepreneurship literature.

Practical implications

This paper highlights the implications of understanding and adopting diverse competitive and sustenance strategies. It provides avenues for entrepreneurial firms to take cognizance and use of the contingency and agency approaches to influence their long-term strategic directions to stay competitive. Institutional authorities will also benefit from having a conceptual reference and guide to further improve their entrepreneurship policies.


The authors took three novel steps to address the existing gap in the literature. First, the theories of entrepreneurship, contingency and agency were bound together and unified as a single framework to conceptualize entrepreneurial strategy. Second, the identified gaps were embodied in a vignette to problematize the theoretical issues and lastly, some testable propositions were put forward to explain different forms of entrepreneurial strategy. The authors also developed a corporate entrepreneurial strategy matrix based on the Covin and Miles (1999) forms of corporate entrepreneurship. It forms the basis for the propositions.


Journal of Strategy and Management, vol. 12 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1755-425X


Publication date: 28 August 2024

John Agyekum Addae, Kwabena Gyasi Boakye, George Oppong Appiagyei Ampong, Hod Anyigba, Mohammed Majeed, Aidatu Abubakari and Kwame Simpe Ofori

The study's goal is to assess the influence of multichannel integration quality on perceived value, service convenience and service experience in a multichannel banking context…



The study's goal is to assess the influence of multichannel integration quality on perceived value, service convenience and service experience in a multichannel banking context. Furthermore, the study investigated the impact of perceived value, service convenience and service experience on positive electronic word of mouth (e-WoM).


Data were collected from 527 respondents using online surveys distributed on various social media platforms in Ghana. The data were analysed using the partial least squares approach to structural equation modelling.


The results showed that multichannel integration quality influences consumers' perceptions of value and service experience favourably. It also showed that the two factors influencing service convenience were service experience and perceived value. Further, the research revealed a significant relationship between positive electronic word of mouth and perceived value, service convenience and service experience.

Practical implications

The study adds to the existing body of knowledge on multichannel integration by empirically testing the relationship between multichannel integration quality and consumer response in the context of multichannel banking.


The study is one of a few that provide important insights into the growing body of literature on multichannel integration quality from the consumers' perspective. The study further develops a model that explicates the relationship between multichannel integration quality, perceived value, service convenience and e-WoM.


International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0265-671X


Publication date: 9 May 2024

Hod Anyigba and Robert Kofi Lartey

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between leadership styles and organizational effectiveness in the oil and gas industry, with a particular focus on the…



The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between leadership styles and organizational effectiveness in the oil and gas industry, with a particular focus on the moderating role of knowledge acquisition capacity (KAC).


Using a survey research design, data was collected from 322 respondents comprising faculty employees in the upstream, midstream and downstream of the oil and gas sector in Ghana. The data were analyzed by using the ordinary least squares approach to structural equation modelling with the use of SPSS and Amos software.


The findings contribute to the existing body of knowledge by confirming the positive associations between transformational and transactional leadership styles and organizational effectiveness. Moreover, the study highlights the significant moderating role of KAC, shedding light on the interaction between leadership styles and the ability to acquire and integrate external knowledge.


By investigating the influence of KAC, which represents a company’s ability to acquire and integrate external knowledge, this study provides a deeper understanding of how leadership styles interact with knowledge acquisition to shape organizational effectiveness. The study makes a contribution to the upper-echelon theory and a practice-knowledge contribution for managers in the oil and gas industry in Ghana.


Journal of Management Development, vol. 43 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0262-1711


Publication date: 17 May 2023

Mercy Asaa Asiedu, Hod Anyigba and Jesse Kwaku Doe

The purpose of this paper is to theoretically broaden the knowledge-based view (KBV) by examining the significant intermediary role that inter-functional coordination (IFC) plays…



The purpose of this paper is to theoretically broaden the knowledge-based view (KBV) by examining the significant intermediary role that inter-functional coordination (IFC) plays in acquiring new knowledge and exploiting it throughout the entire higher education institution (HEI) community for innovation generation (INNG).


Data collected from a survey of 282 lecturers purposively selected from the business schools of 20 HEIs in the Greater Accra region of Ghana was analyzed using partial least squares structural equation model to test the hypotheses proposed for the study.


The results revealed that IFC significantly predicts teamwork and strong relationships across faculties, departments and units, and has a positive effect on the generation of innovations such as improved curricula, enhanced academic instruction and quality research output. Practically, the findings advise HEI managers to invest resources and efforts at building strong relationships that facilitate collaboration, trust and interactions among varying faculties, departments and units. This will enhance inter-functional knowledge sharing in academia to sustain a competitive advantage and continued relevance.

Research limitations/implications

There are limitations that must be considered when interpreting and generalizing the quantitative results of this study. Data were collected from faculty staff of 20 public and private HEIs in the Greater Accra region of Ghana. Although the majority of HEIs are clustered in this region, the results may still not be representative of all HEIs in Ghana.

Practical implications

Managers of HEIs are advised to commit to ensuring the management of IFC to promote knowledge sharing across faculties and departments. Managers are also advised to ensure that staff are made to be responsible for their cooperative and integrative teamwork. They are also advised to ensure that faculty and departmental goals are aligned with the overall goals of the university. Staff may also be encouraged to act as partners and not just employees through rewards, incentives and recognition packages.

Social implications

Attention should be focused on creating lateral relations among faculty and department members to achieve internal social capital. They are advised to invest resources and efforts in building a culture of teamwork and connectedness through strong informal networking that facilitate collaboration between faculties and departments while cultivating a shared vision throughout the university.


The main contribution of this paper is that it theoretically extends the KBV by empirically broadening the scope of absorptive capacity (ACAP) beyond its dimensions to include the “collaborative mechanism” (IFC) through which knowledge can be holistically exploited. The paper also contributes to existing literature by examining the intermediary role played by IFC in the relationship between ACAP and INNG in the HEIs domain which has been least discussed in the ACAP literature.


The Learning Organization, vol. 30 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0969-6474


Publication date: 25 August 2023

Hod Anyigba, Alexander Preko and William Kwesi Senayah

This study is to examine and develop sector skills strategies and action plans for the textile and apparel (T&A) sector.



This study is to examine and develop sector skills strategies and action plans for the textile and apparel (T&A) sector.


The paper used a participatory action qualitative method anchored on the Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED) framework, utilising the workshop-based approach with 24 key stakeholders of the sector. Content analysis was used with the help of Nvivo software.


The findings revealed that there are skills shortages, skills gaps, skills mismatches and skills diversification programmes available through higher education and work-based learning. Further, there are labour supply challenges such as national skills policy and strategy, government and stakeholder coordination, funding, relevance of curriculum and qualifications, access to practicals and the absence of a clear national vision for the sector.

Research limitations/implications

This study possesses an inherent limitation in terms of generalising the findings derived from qualitative research.


This research is among the first of its kind to assess skills needs and gaps through the lens of STED framework, which has been overlooked in previous literature. Importantly, this study provides vocational insights into skill needs in the sector.


Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, vol. 14 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2042-3896


Open Access
Publication date: 1 September 2020

Rexford Abaidoo and Hod Anyigba

This study seeks to examine the extent to which strands of inflationary related conditions (inflation expectations, inflation uncertainty and realized inflation); macroeconomic…




This study seeks to examine the extent to which strands of inflationary related conditions (inflation expectations, inflation uncertainty and realized inflation); macroeconomic uncertainty and the likelihood of recessionary conditions influence performance indicators in the US banking sector over a specified time period.


The study adopts seemingly unrelated regression model (SUR) advanced by Zellner (1962) in its examination of how specific strands of inflationary conditions, and other adverse macroeconomic conditions influence performance dynamics in the US banking sector.


Empirical evidence suggest that among various adverse macroeconomic conditions examined, inflation expectations and macroeconomic uncertainty tend to have significant constraining impact on key performance indicators in the US banking sector than other conditions examined. Comparatively, this study finds that inflation expectations and macroeconomic uncertainty tend to have much more constraining impact on return on equity, than on return on assets in the US banking sector. Results further suggest that among the three bank performance indicators examined, net interest margin is the least vulnerable bank performance indicator to various adverse macroeconomic conditions examined in the study.

Practical implications

Apart from the various empirical results noted above, this study's findings are projected to help inform strategic planning decisions among institutions in the banking sector. The various findings could, for instance, inform policies and operational strategies geared toward reducing vulnerability associated with specific performance indicators such as return on equity. This reduction could be achieved by critically examining how the various performance indicators react to individual adverse macroeconomic conditions examined in this study. The process could ultimately help in developing tailored measures/procedures aimed at reducing how susceptible key performance indicators are to the various adverse macroeconomic conditions. This study's findings could also provide the platform for more adaptive policies aimed at minimizing the effects of noted macroeconomic conditions on operational efficiency in the banking sector.


The uniqueness of this study, compared to related ones found in the literature, stems from its treatment of three variant of related strands of macroeconomic condition (different variant of inflationary conditions) in the same framework in its empirical analysis.


本研究旨在探討與通貨膨脹有關的狀況的組成部分(通脹預期 、通脹不確定性及體現了的通脹), 宏觀經濟不確定性及經濟衰退狀況的可能性、在一段特定時間內對美國銀行業的表現指數有何種程度的影響。


研究採用塞爾納 (Zellner) (1962) 提出的看似無關迴歸模型 (SUR),去探討通脹狀況的特定組成部分及其它不利的宏觀經濟狀況如何影響美國銀行業內的績效動態。


實證證據暗示在被研究的各個不利宏觀經濟狀況中,通脹預期及宏觀經濟不確定性,對美國銀行業內的主要業績指標的約束影響, 與其它被探討的狀況相比,往往會較重大。相對地、本研究結果顯示通脹預期及宏觀經濟不確定性,對美國銀行業資本回報率的約束影響、往往遠多於資產收益率。研究結果進一步顯示,在被探討的三個銀行業績指標中,就本研究所探討的各個不利的宏觀經濟狀況而言,淨息差是脆弱性最小的銀行業績指標。




與文獻中可見的相關研究比較,本研究的獨特性源於其實證分析,是涉及在同一個構架內處理宏觀經濟狀況相互有關的組成部分的三個變體 (通脹狀況的不同變體) 。


European Journal of Management and Business Economics, vol. 29 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2444-8451


Open Access
Publication date: 22 July 2022

Alexander Preko and Hod Anyigba

The aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive investigation into declining and emerging occupations and job titles and to develop a national career progression pathway for…




The aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive investigation into declining and emerging occupations and job titles and to develop a national career progression pathway for the tourism and hospitality (T&H) sector.


Anchored on the Social Cognitive Career Theory, this study used face to face in-depth interviews of 33 industry stakeholders: policymakers, trade association, training providers and beneficiaries (T&H).


The finding reveals that only the “watchman” occupation was identified as the declining job while majority of the emerging jobs were more related to information technology and environmental occupations (website designers, digital marketers, data analysts, hygienists, and safety and hazard experts).

Practical implications

The findings provide a valuable signal for the growing number of jobs in security services, hygiene and information technology-oriented occupations, which the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture including practitioners including HR directors and general managers should respond timely to and to these growing needs in order to remain competitive in the sector.


This is the first study in context that responded to a call by industry players to fill in a practical knowledge gap in examining declining and emerging jobs and job titles in the T&H sector. The study provides vocational insights into mapping the entry level requirements for the jobs allied with occupations in the national technical and vocational educational training qualifications framework of Ghana at the national level.


International Hospitality Review, vol. 38 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2516-8142


Publication date: 27 August 2021

Kwame Simpe Ofori, Hod Anyigba, Ogechi Adeola, Chai Junwu, Christian Nedu Osakwe and Olayinka David-West

Despite the perceived role of customer value in post-adoption behaviour in the context of ride-hailing apps such as Uber, there has been limited research on the subject. This…




Despite the perceived role of customer value in post-adoption behaviour in the context of ride-hailing apps such as Uber, there has been limited research on the subject. This paper seeks to enrich the understanding of the relationships between customer perceived value, particularly hedonic value and economic value, customer satisfaction and continued use intentions of ride-hailing apps.


This analysis is based on field data collected from 567 users of ride-hailing apps in Ghana. Data collected from the survey were analysed using the partial least square (PLS) approach to structural equation modelling (SEM).


The paper provides evidence that hedonic value, as well as economic value, positively predicts customer satisfaction and continued use intentions of ride-hailing apps. Further analysis reveals customer satisfaction directly predicts continued use intentions in addition to partially mediating the influence of customer perceived value on continued use intentions of ride-hailing apps. Finally, the findings suggest that hedonic value has a stronger impact on continued use intentions than economic value, while economic value has a greater impact on satisfaction than hedonic value.


The study contributes to post-adoption behaviour research by providing evidence on the relationships among the study constructs in a developing country context. Overall, the findings will stimulate future empirical debates on the subject and guide practitioners in decision-making concerning customers' usage of ride-hailing apps.


Information Technology & People, vol. 35 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-3845


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