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Publication date: 1 April 1955


When the editor kindly consulted me about an answer to my article on modern so‐called verse, I urged him to allow it in common fairness. Now, with both points of view stated, I…


When the editor kindly consulted me about an answer to my article on modern so‐called verse, I urged him to allow it in common fairness. Now, with both points of view stated, I had thought there was no need of more. But, on the editor suggesting a reply from me, I feel bound to follow his suggestion, since he was kind enough to follow mine.


Library Review, vol. 15 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0024-2535

Publication date: 1 June 1998

Alison Reid, Dawn Wood and David Kinney

The issues of microbial food poisoning are never far from the headlines. Of particular concern is the emergence of strains of increased virulence, for example Escherichia coli 0157



The issues of microbial food poisoning are never far from the headlines. Of particular concern is the emergence of strains of increased virulence, for example Escherichia coli 0157. As we are likely to be faced with a succession of food hygiene challenges in our kitchens, do consumers have access to the information they need and is it presented in such a way that it encourages and motivates towards good food handling and food hygiene practices? This paper concentrates on a range of food hygiene information provided by the Government, the Health Education Authority and the media. The information is examined with respect to availability, content and context. Observations are made from sociological, scientific and visual communications perspectives.


Nutrition & Food Science, vol. 98 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0034-6659


Book part
Publication date: 19 July 2022

Dawn Wood and Rosalind Latiner Raby

This study examines the Career and Technical Education (CTE)/Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) higher education sector by focusing on international education at a


This study examines the Career and Technical Education (CTE)/Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) higher education sector by focusing on international education at a US community college. The purpose is to examine how internationalization at CTE/TVET institutions engages students, many of whom are rural, poor, refugees, immigrants, and students of color and minoritized status. Employing a mixed methods research design, descriptive statistics sketch the CTE student profile and surveys and personal interviews detail the importance of international experiences to CTE students. Findings show that CTE students participate in internationalization activities at a higher rate than non-CTE students. The impact of international experiences is significant in the areas of career relevance, personal impact and understanding of diversity. This study substantiates the importance of CTE/TVET internationalization and shows that internationalization is an effective vehicle for impact and inclusivity of historically under-represented students in international education.


Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2021
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80382-618-9


Content available
Book part
Publication date: 19 July 2022



Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2021
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80382-618-9

Content available
Publication date: 2 November 2018

Lelys Maddock




Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, vol. 31 no. 8
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0951-3574

Publication date: 25 September 2007

Donald Hawes




Reference Reviews, vol. 21 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0950-4125


Book part
Publication date: 5 October 2017

Joanna Dobson

This chapter explores the role that birdwatching plays in The Archers. It demonstrates some significant similarities between the way that birdwatching is portrayed in present-day…


This chapter explores the role that birdwatching plays in The Archers. It demonstrates some significant similarities between the way that birdwatching is portrayed in present-day Ambridge, and the way it was presented in both fictional and non-fictional literature of the 1940s. These similarities suggest that birdwatching in Ambridge is an activity that tends to perpetuate traditional class and gender divisions. Particularly in terms of gender, this is a surprising discovery, given the many strong female characters in the show, and suggests that cultural assumptions about gender and birdwatching run deep in UK society today. The chapter warns that a failure to recognise these assumptions not only hampers the progress of women who aspire to be taken seriously as ornithologists, but also risks reinforcing dualistic thinking about humans and nature at a time when the environmental crisis makes it more important than ever to recognise the ecological interconnectedness of human and nonhuman worlds. However, the recent development of Kirsty Miller’s storyline, in which she is rediscovering her earlier love of the natural world, not only offers hope of a shift away from this traditional bias but also opens a space for a more nuanced examination of the importance of birds in human–nature relations.


Custard, Culverts and Cake
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78743-285-7


Publication date: 9 August 2013

Chris Riedy

The purpose of this paper is to explore metaphors of human awakening in four recent futures works and propose a research agenda on the nature and future trajectories of awakening.




The purpose of this paper is to explore metaphors of human awakening in four recent futures works and propose a research agenda on the nature and future trajectories of awakening.


The paper reviews metaphors of awakening in Slaughter's The Biggest Wake‐up Call in History, the Great Transition Initiative, Gilding's The Great Disruption and Inayatullah's “Waking up to a new future”. It identifies seven characteristics of awakening and uses these to create an environmental scanning framework. It reports on a preliminary application of the framework and proposes a future research agenda.


The paper identifies seven signals of awakening: futures literacy, shifting values, activism, collective agency, engaged dialogue, distributed leadership and inspiring visions. While evidence for most of these signals can be found, it is often weak and dominated by other trends.

Research limitations/implications

The environmental scanning framework needs to be expanded using additional literature and testing. The question of when confrontation with apocalyptic future images can deliver positive outcomes remains unresolved.

Practical implications

Perhaps the single most important thing that could be done to help rouse sleeping humanity is to begin to make connections between the diverse movements identified in the paper and to see them as pieces of the larger puzzle of how we wake up. Maybe an “awakening movement” could provide a common goal in the twenty‐first century.


The paper is an original exploration of the metaphor of awakening in four prominent works on sustainable futures. It will have value to foresight practitioners and change agents who are building movements for sustainable futures.

Book part
Publication date: 8 November 2019

Ioanna Ferra



Digital Media and the Greek Crisis
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78769-328-9

Book part
Publication date: 23 October 2003

Colleen Reid

The association between income distribution and measures of health has been well established such that societies with smaller income differences between rich and poor people have…


The association between income distribution and measures of health has been well established such that societies with smaller income differences between rich and poor people have increased longevity (Wilkinson, 1996). While more egalitarian societies tend to have better health, in most developed societies people lower down the social scale have death rates two to four times higher than those nearer the top. Inequities in income distribution and the consequent disparities in health status are particularly problematic for many women, including single mothers, older women, and women of colour. The feminization of poverty is the rapidly increasing proportion of women in the adult poverty population (Doyal, 1995; Fraser, 1987).


Gender Perspectives on Health and Medicine
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-84950-239-9

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